----------- 25¢ This• IS the Time Volume 1, Number 3 July 1980 South Africa in Revolt At least fifty people were killed and 200 militant activity in South Africa. A powerful injured in an uprising marking the June 16 blow against the South African regime was anniversary of the 1976 Soweto riots. the June 1 bombing of three huge SASOL Schoolchildren protesting racially segre­ co al-to-oil gasification plants. The ex­ gated and low-quality education took to the plosions and fires caused at least $10 million streets, frustrated by their inability to damage to the fuel conversion projects. The peacefully change these conditions. The African National Congress (ANC), the police attacked them with teargas arid guns. banned South African liberation movement, Riots broke out in Capetown, Johannes­ took responsibility for this action. burg, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, and The South African people have also taken other parts of the country. up a campaign to free Nelson Mandela, Workers have gone on massive general leader of the ANC who is imprisoned for life strikes, bringing many of the major on Robben Island, South Africa's prison industries to a grinding halt. The VW, Ford, island for revolutionaries. and GM factories in Capetown were all shut South Africa has reached that point where down and the closing of an auto parts factory the rulers can no longer rule and the people threatens to close down all the auto will no longer be ruled. The liberation victory industries in South Africa. in Zimbabwe was a great inspiration to the Throughout this sweeping unrest, police South African people, and they are now have banned reporters from entering taking the situation into their own hands. "trouble spots" and all meetings of more While the liberation struggle still faces many than 10 people are illegal. difficulties, the days of apartheid are The current unrest follows two months of numbered. 0 ~ 148 2 What is Apartheid? By Teresa Stern carry a special permit. Schools, laws, and jobs, as well as recreational, medical, and Apartheid (A-PART-HATE) is the bureaucratic . facilities are all classified system of legalized racism in South Africa in according to race. This system, comparable which people of color are denied equal rights to Nazi Germany, has been condemned by and even citizenship. People are categorized most nations in the world. and divided by the white government The ruling white regime in South Africa according to their racial and ethnic did not create the apartheid system simply background. People in each of the four because they wanted to tyrannize black official race categories-White, African, people. The key to apartheid is that it Asian, and Coloured (people of mixed black creates huge profits for the few white people and white ancestry)-are forced to carryon who rule the country. Without apartheid, the their lives separately. They live in separate white owners of industry would not be able communities and are not allowed to enter an to rake in huge profits by paying subhuman area designated for another race unless they wages to black people. This system is designed with the intent of maintaining and extending racist rule in South Africa. According to this plan, the future South Africa will be entirely divided by race. No black person will be a citizen of South Africa. Instead, "tribal homelands" are being established by the white government, and eventually all Blacks will be forced to become "citizens" of their "homeland", which will include only people of the same ethnic group. Black people are 83 % of the population, and the homelands total 13 % ofthe land mass. The other 87% of the land belongs to the whites, who are 17% Pu blished every six weeks by the of the population. The homelands (also Southern Africa Organizing Committee P.O. Box 11376, S.F., CA 94101 called "bantustans") have been located on (415) 824-2864 the most infertile, unproductive land in the SAOC Newsletter Coll ective: Bunny Olsen, ,Jeanne country, and the Africans forced into these Raisler, and Teresa Stern. areas suffer from extreme poverty, mal­ Special thanks to Grady Jenkins, Jr. and Ann nutrition, severely inadequate health care, Schwartz. and poor education. 3 Editor's Note This issue of the newsletter is wholly deuoted to South A fri ca, and much of the content is historical rather than current euents. In light of the important new deuelopments unfolding at this moment in South Africa, we belieue it is crucial that peop le aquaint themselues with the back­ gro und leading up to the current situation. We haue therefore chosen to prouide material explaining the basic nature of the apartheid system and the role of the US in sustaining the South A frican regime. Blacks are permitted to come to the cities South African women demand release of ANC leader only if they have ID's proving that they are Nelson Mandela. employed. They are allowed to work only on a temporary contract basis, and their unions publications. A banned organization cannot are not legally recognized. Strikes are illegal. legally exist in South Africa, and it is illegal If black people work in the cities, they must to own or distribute banned publications. live in townships which are designated for There are over 20,000 publications banned their racial classification. African townships, in South Africa. like the homelands, are extremely poor and The people of South Africa have bravely do not adequately provide basic facilities resisted the apartheid system since the like water, plumbing, electricity, food stores, beginning of the century. For decades they roads, schools, or health care. used peaceful means of protest like Black people in South Africa are not demonstrations and boycotts. But their allowed to vote or own land. nonviolence was met with gunfire by the This system is enforced by a brutal and South African police, and the people learned powerful police force and army. People who through experience that they could not try to resist this system (whether black or peacefully change the regime. Several white) are imprisoned, killed, or banned. organizations recognized this and called for Banned individuals can only live and move armed struggle to defeat the regime. The around in a very restricted area-one bloody Soweto uprisings of 1976 in which at neighborhood or town. They are not allowed least six hundred Africans died marked a to meet with more than one or two people or new stage in the struggle. The overthrow of speak in public, and cannot teach, write for apartheid will undoubtedly cost many more publication, or be quoted by the press. lives, but the people of South Africa cannot Banning is also applied to organizations and be held down much longer. 0 4 US Public Opinion: Can South Africa Buy It? By Bunny Olsen South African and European press reports, tapes made by Rhoodie, and-the findings of a Ed.'s Note: This article is based on the South African board of inquiry known as the research of Karen Rothmyer which first Erasmus Commission show that Rhoodie appeared in an article published in The was able to work his way with ease into some Nation, April 19, 1980. of the most powerful offices in America. One day in February 1974, six white South US operations ranged from Africans gathered in the office of Prime wining and dining Congress­ Minister John Vorster to secretly discuss persons to secretly bankrolling how to fight their country's growing the purchase of American international isolation. newspapers, underwriting phony Eschel Rhoodie, Secretary of Informa­ academic conferences and spon­ tion, pushed for more than a public relations soring golfing junkets for US offensive. He told the group, "I want you to business leaders. approve not an information asset but a propaganda war in which no rules or regulations would count." The plan, inspired Michigan Man Acts as Agent by CIA contacts in the US, was settled and For South Africa secret funds were allocated. Rhoodie along John McGoff, a frustrated would-be with General Hendrik Van den Bergh, head tycoon from Michigan, was a vital connection of South Africa's Bureau of State Security between the South African Information (BOSS) then orchestrated between 160 and Agency and the US. The following are some 180 secret projects through 1978 costing of the dirty tricks played by McGoff $100 million. operating as a South African agent. US operations ranged from wining and • South Africa gave McGoff $10 million to dining Congresspersons to secretly bank­ buy the Sacramento Union and weeklies in rolling the purchase of American news­ Texas and California after attempts failed to papers, underwriting phony academic buy The Washington Star. conferences and sponsoring golfing junkets • In 1975 McGoff used $1.7 million of for US business leaders. South African money to buy a half interest in The scheme was uncovered in a UPITN, the second largest news-film Watergate-like scandal late last year and in producer and distributor in the world. the end all the participants were driven out of • In 1977 McGoff sold half of his office or retired. Rhoodie is now appealing a California interests to Richard Mellon fraud conviction. Scaife who also owns Forum World Independent interviews, together with Features, a known CIA front in London. 5 • Former executives of McGoff news­ violating federal law by acting as an un­ papers admit they were occasionally ordered registered foreign agent for South Africa and to run pro-South Africa articles and were using secret South African money to gain supplied with magazines and other materials control of US companies. McGoff denies the extolling South Africa. They deny any charges.
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