• "The South's Best " By the Students, College Newspaper" t For the Students" Z-'7'79 Washington and Lee Univenity Semi-Weekly VOL. XLII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1938 NUMBER 13 Town Seeks Louisvilfe Offers Night spots, Neafby Girls' High School Journalists Cooperation Movtes, Football and Hot Dogs Schools Help • Of Students N•w•papercorrespondentDiscov•••BigCityHasManr ~Ladies Dav' Descend On Lextngton Attractions, But Drawbacks too; Warns Against Valentine, Chamber of Gir;o Commerce Head, Asks ... E.!:~~:~::~~i~::~::~:::.~.~~.ndten F;;;mP::,ts~~~ For SIP A Convention Louisville in old Kentucky boasts has the best hot dogs <we can For Assistance very few night llfe attractions at guarantee it>. Game, Dance 1 this time of year, especlallY for To eet to all these wonderful -----------------------------· those who are accustomed to the spots 1s very very easy. You Just Welcomes S.I. P. A. Students and Merchants On gayety of Mike's. However, the look around. The entire heart of Monogram Club Obtains Three Hundred Plan To Attend R'o.td To Better Under­ colonels, Centre and Kentucky, the town 1s confined to about five Joe Hart's Orchestra For will try to do their feeble beat. or six square blocks, and you can standing Night spots open to the way- find everything to Interest you Saturday Night Affair Meeting Here Friday, Saturday Earl L. Valentine, president or tarer include the Bluegrass Room there. Girls from the four neighboring the Lexington chamber of com­ at the Brown Hotel, probably the Louisville has a very gOOd club, women's colleges wUl be permitted merce. in an interview Monday swankiest spot In the burg. The which some of the students may to attend Washington and Lee's Riegel Announces Speakers To Include Jimmy Jones, stated that cooperation between Madrid welcomes visitors for a like to Joln. It Is called the "9-19 Monogram club dance on Novem­ Cecile Goodall, Mrs. Ogden Reid and Raymond w-L and local merchants was the prloe to eat and dance. and the Club". and Is composed of people ber 12, Birnie Harper, president of necessary factor in malntalnlng Crystal Terrace looks and costs who are convicted of driving while the club. announced today. Bottom; Banquet and Dance Friday Night friendly relations between the two, like a movie set. drunk. The nine stands for days, Olrls from Hollins. Sweet Briar, and added that the chamber was You don't want to go to the the nineteen dollars. And the Mary Baldwin, and Randolph-Ma- Professor 0. W. Riegel, head of the School of Journalism, always glad to assist In solving any movles while you're 1n Loulsvllle. judge means It, boys. con will be allowed to attend the announced today that with the addition of two new speakers, dimcultles. It you do. why don't you Just stay dance. which wllJ follow the Wll- "There bas been a general mis­ ln Lexington? However, If you are As you have probably heard40 the Uam and Mary football game here. Jimmy Jones, Richmond Times-Dispatch sports editor, and understanding ln the recent dis­ so obstinate as to pay no attention Louisville alumni will give a lunch- Music wll be furnished by Joe Hart Miss Cecile Ggodall, plans had been completed for the open­ cussions concemlng advertising In to us, "The Birth of a Baby" Is eon Saturday tor all those attend- and his orchestra. ing session of the 14th annual Southern Intercollegiate Press playing. All the rest of the shows ing the game from W-L and who Perrnisslon for the girls to at­ the school publlcatloDB by local association convention Friday evening at 9 :3 0 in Lee Chapel. business houses," Valentine said. are double features <ugh!) and travel on the chartered bus leav- tend was obtained by the Mono­ "However." he added, "I think we take four hours to see. Some thea- 1ng here Friday night and Louis- gram club, which wrote to each of Two hundred delegates have indicated already they will at­ are on the roaa to a better under­ tres even show three features, ville on Saturday night. Mrs. Bur- the respective schools. Whether the tend the meetings, and Riegel expects three hundred will have standing now." which 1s too horrible to even con- llngame at the 00 house Is arrang- dates will be allowed to spend Sat- --------------•registered by Friday. Jones will Valentine asserted that Allen T. template. 1ng the trip. urday night here and the time lim- speak at the Quill and Scroll ban­ Snyder. business manaeer of the There are many good eating There 1s no truth to the report it after the dance bas not been as- W-L and VPA Plan quet Friday night and Miss Good­ R.l.nr-Uull PbJ, bad talked with him places, some of which allow you to that hot water and soda crackers certalned yet. all, who is director of the South­ about the failure of several mer­ take your shirt out with you. Jutt's will be served at the Woodward Tickets for the dance will cost News Photography eastern region of the National As­ chants, ~specially the chain stores, has a bar and an eating place manalon In Louisville. Just an $1.50. with the price of the foot­ sociation o! Journalism directors. to carry advertising In the school which 1s very good and very cheap. Idle rumor. And also, we don't ball game being Sl for all ladles. Conference in 1939 Is to address the delegates in the paper In return for student patron­ Next 1n price come tbe cafeterias, want to see any of you guys hang- a special reduced rate sponsored Journall.sm lecture room. Friday age. most of which are conveniently ing around a certain young lady by Omicron Delta Kappa in an ef­ The Lee Journalism foundation aft-ernoon at 3:30. Iuuecl BuUeiln located. The hotels are all very who lives on Spring Drive. This fort to make the dance more of a in connection with the Virginia Other prominent speakers In­ Press association will hold a news Following this conference, Val­ high, but serve good food <so we meaDB you I success. The dance, as usual, will clude Mrs. Ogden Reid, who Is ~--------------------------------------------- bel~onnal. 0 . W. RIEGEL photography contest here January scheduled to speak on "A Woman entine issued a bulletin to the ef­ Fielden Woodward, president of 6, 6, and 7 of next year, under the feet that the Public Relations com-. Looks at Journalism"; Gilbert P. M 1 d T lk Sunday Hikers, Le d Omicron Delta Kappa. and Cecil direction or Professor 0. w. Riegel. Farrar, New York newspaper styl­ mlttee of the chamber of com- ore an a s • • Taylor were instrumental In se- The conference will present new merce would hold a meeting, at Ist; and Major Raymond Bottom, which time the committee would By Souther, Climb curing the coDBent of the schools. Forensic Union and Improved techniques in all the president of the Virginia Press as­ They personally visited the student steps of photo-Journalism. Ita pro­ be willing to consider any matters On Legal Ethics sociation and the Virglnla State ToTop of Hogback authorities 1n the colleges. IJl'am will include discussions and Chamber of Commerce. of public Interest placed before lt. Harper has not yet indicated demonstratloDB by leadlna experts "The meeting, therefore," em­ Opposes Chain OpeD MeetlDp scott Smither was the first of a what decoratiollJI would be used on photography and eniP'&Vina.• phasized Valentine, "was not call­ ''A large number of the meet­ Dean Adviaa Law Students IJl'OUP of 23 W-L students to reach for the hop which w1ll be informal Other special features of the ed specifically to dlscuu the pub­ ings wUl be open to the public," the top of Hoeback mountain SUn- as In past years. Store Systems co~erence will be equipment ex­ lications advertising problem." Re­ Against Temptation To Riegel stated. " All Interested stu­ ferring to a prevlou.s news article, day on the Christian Council's Hart and his 12-plece orchestra. hlbltlons, dark room instructions, and special tralnlni for beeinners. dents are cordially invited to at­ he asserted that the issue was not Goln Debt bike. which has played at Tantllla gar- Society Will Divide Into Three competitions in news pho­ tend these sessions." Five activi­ "side-stepped" by the chamber as Sponsored by Charles Hobson dens in Richmond and fumlshed ties including the banquet and Declaring "one of the greatest of the Christian Council, the bike music tor the University of Rich­ Liberals and Conserva- tography will offer f25 for the best. claimed. evils that face the young lawyer photo submitted by a Southern dance Friday night are closed to These bulletins were sent to Included a vlew of the neighbor- mond opening dances last Friday non-delegates. today Ia hia opportunity to go 1ng countryside from a forest and Saturday, has been met with tives on Future Issues news photo~rapher, and oth.er publications omcers. fraternity Registration or dele&ates gets managers, and houae mothers. "We heavily in debt for boolta and of­ ranaer ftre tower on top or the much favor throughout the state. prizes tor winners In contests be­ flee equipment," Dean Moreland The liberal party of the Foren­ tween dally and weekly newspaper underway Thursday night in Payne expected few. U any, to be pres­ mountain. Competition tor the Washington and Lee students sic union agreed last night upon of the law school counaeled h1a ChrlaUan Council's ftve dollar pic- who attended the Richmond open­ pbotorraphers from Vlrilnla.
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