Words of Life September 2012~December 2014 Words of Life from True Mother September 2012~December 2014 A collection of True Mother’s Words to members since True Father’s Assension to the spirit world 3 Contents 7 LetusInherittheRealmofTrueParents’VictoryandBegin a Future Filled with Hope 25 BeingwithTrueFatherBeforeandAfterHisAscension 31 WomenastheTurningPointforPeace 40 MotherSpeaksofFather’sForty-DayTransition 43 TrueMotherGuidestheMovementOn 58 AFoundationofOneness 60 TrueMotherReflectsontheJointService 61 IndemnityandReturningGlorytoHeaven 65 TrueMotherSpeakstoSermonContestParticipants 67 LookingtowardVictoryonFoundationDay:AMessage from True Mother 74 TrueMother’sGuidanceattheChristmasEnglishSpeech Exhibition 77 NewYear’sBenedictionbyTrueMother 4 79 TrueMother’sMessagefortheNewYear 80 TrueMother’sSpeechatHeavenlyParent’sDay2013 88 TrueMotherSetstheCoursefortheFuture 91 TrueMotherattheWFWPAssemblyinLasVegas,U.S.A 92 TrueMotherwithMembersmeetinginNewYork 97 TrueMotherSpeakstoChurchElders 100 TrueMother’sBenedictionattheCosmicHolyBlessing Ceremony 101 ProclamationoftheCosmicBlessing 101 1.8(February17,2013) 102 ProclamationofCheonIlGuk 102 1.8(February17,2013) 102 ProclamationoftheRegistrationBlessing 103 TrueMother’sspeechtoRegionalandNationalLeaders 107 TrueMotherAddressesChurchLeaders 112 TrueMotherSpeakstoMembersaroundtheWorld 115 TrueMotherspoketoKoreanLeadersattheCheongJeong PeacePalaceOnMay8,2013 117 WordsofLifefromTrueMother 132 OurCourseandTrueParents’TrueLove 134 OurWayForward 138 OntheReunificationoftheKoreas 140 MyHusband’sLife,HisPresenceandHisVision 147 TrueFatherisStillInteractingwithUs 149 TheWordMustBreathewithinUsAll 153 BeConfident,BeFruitful 157 PreparingfortheSecondAnniversary 161 IlluminateTrueParents’Dreams 163 ThePathtoUnityforthePeopleoftheWorld 165 LoveandRestoration 171 DoNotBeLiketheTenForgottenOnes 175 UniteandBeVictorious 179 RevivalRallies,TrueMother’sSpeakingTour2013 184 ResponsibilitiesRemain 188 PreparefortheFuture 5 193 TrueParentsGiveHopetotheWorld 199 SpiritualHeritageandSalvificMission 205 Father’sLifeintheSpiritualWorldandOurLivesofFaith 208 UnityWillCome 211 Let’sPutThingsinOrder 216 ImplementingTrueFather’sMottoGlobally 221 WhatMakesOne’sExistenceValuable? 228 UnitedAmidsttheWhirlwind 232 God’sProvidenceintheWesternHemisphere 238 TrueHeavenlyParent’sDay2014 240 CheonIlGukAbsoluteMatching2014 243 WonmoPyeongaeFoundationScholarshipPresentation Ceremony 246 InternationalLeadershipConference2014:ANew ParadigmforPeace,Partnership,andDevelopment 251 TrueMother’sMessagetotheSegyeTimesontheir25TH Anniversary 254 CelebratingtheVictoryoftheFoundationDayAnniversaryand theInaugurationCeremonyofthePromotionCommitteefor TrueParents’LifeMuseum 257 TheOpeningCeremonyfortheFFWPUWorldNationalLeaders Assembly2014 261 TheBedrockbeneathTrueParents 267 Let’sPreparefortheCourseto2020 269 BuildingaWorldofLastingPeaceintheAmericasandtheWorld 282 Let’sWorktowardaHugeandBeautifulHarvest 286 TheMissionofSpecialEmissaries 289 AMessageofHopeforHumankindasWeWelcomeSpring 291 IHaveHighExpectationsforYou 295 TrueParents:Humanity’sHope 300 WithoutTrueMotherWeCannotBeReborn 307 BecomeLikethePureWatertheWorldNeeds 311 TrueFather,theMessiahatHisSecondComing 314 TrueParents’“Flu” 317 HarvestCallsforHardWork 6 320 TheMonthofHarvestandLiberation 325 GlobalSundayWorshipSermon:TheNewTribalMessiah, ALamptoGuidetheWorld 328 TowardanUpsurgeinTribalMessiahSuccesses 331 e W AreOneinAttendingTrueParents 342 IHopeYouSucceedasTribalMessiahs 344 ASpecialGifttoGutureLeaders 346 Ifyouwanttoliveuptoyourfaith,youhavetomoveyour bodies. 349 Messageattheluncheon 351 Let’sShareBlessingswithAllOurBrothersandSisters 355 TrueMother’sMessageatAmericanClergyLeadership Conference 361 TrueMother’sAddress 7 Let us Inherit the Realm of True Parents’ Victory and Begin a Future Filled with Hope September 17, 2012, Cheongshim Peace World Center Before my speech, I would first like to say a word in greeting. My beloved members! Blessed families from all parts of the world! And distinguished leaders! I am truly grateful to all of you for returning love and devotion to True Father. I love you all. [Applause] And I would also like to express my gratitude to the members of the Executive Committee and the Organizing Committee, as well as our church members who have all worked hard for the Seonghwa Ceremony. At this time, I would like to call forward the following four people: Chiefs Bu-tae Kim, Sang-su Lee, Jong-ho Lee and Tae-san Kim. Please stand in front. Please greet True Parents with a bow and then face the audience. [After they bow] Turn around. [Applause] These men attended True Father night and day during his lifetime. We have successfully concluded True Father’s Wonjeon Ceremony. Henceforth they will continue to attend him as his Special Internal 9 Security Guard, twenty-four hours a day, regardless of rain, snow, or seasonal change, embodying the devotion and love you have given. Please congratulate them. [Applause] Bow once before returning to your seats. [They bow to the mem- bers] [Applause] Before we begin... A little while ago, I received a sudden and unex- pected shock. I am being well taken care of, so don’t worry about me. This being the case, Rev. Hyo-yul Kim will give the speech instead of me. [Applause] The following script was read by Rev. Hyo-yul Kim Distinguished guests from home and abroad, and blessed families around the world! Today, we come to an exceedingly important turning point in God’s governance of His providence. It is unprecedented, historic and revo- lutionary. My husband, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord, Messiah, Savior and True Parent who came as the root of the lineage of original goodness, has departed for the spirit world. Consequently, we now stand at a providential starting point from which we must inherit True Parents’ realm of victory and build the ideal kingdom of peace, one family under God. True Father’s ascension brings me, after being with him my whole life, unfathomable pain and sorrow. It is the same for all of you. More- over, we cannot begin to fathom the sorrowful heart of God, who is the original substance of eternal love and the True Parent of human- kind. From another perspective, this is also a time of hope. True Father 10 worked in accordance with the heavenly laws—which God estab- lished at the time of the creation of heaven and earth—to conclude, complete and perfect all the providential tasks on earth that no one in history had been able to fulfill. He is now making his transition to the spirit world to exercise dominion over both the spiritual and physical worlds and to initiate a new dimension of God’s providence. No spo- ken or written language known to human beings can possibly express the flood of emotions we experience as we stand at this juncture in the providence. The advent of the True Parents As you are well aware, I was led by Heaven to meet True Father in the pure and pristine years of my adolescence. By the providence Heaven had prepared, I received the grace of the True Parents’ Holy Wedding, which is of historic significance throughout heaven and earth, in the flower of my youth at the age of seventeen. I became True Father’s companion on the providential path, attended him throughout my life, and worked with him as we followed the way of the providence, which is governed by heavenly law. Although I was young when I set out on this path of the providence, I invested my entire being in ful- filling two primary missions. The first was to bring an end, within my lifetime, to God’s providence of restoration through indemnity, which was rife with bitter sorrow. The second was to complete the realiza- tion of the ideal world of God’s will while attending Father during his lifetime. God’s providential history of salvation has been progressing contin- uously since the Fall of Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors. No one, however, could complete the providential course of restoration through indemnity, and we could only wait for the True Parents to come. True Parents’ course began under desperate circumstances in 11 God’s providence at a time when Satan exercised sovereignty over the spiritual and physical worlds and reigned with full authority. Satan, the progenitor of evil, who had maintained dominion for six-thou- sand years, feared most the emergence of the True Parents, who would become the progenitors of goodness. You can imagine how Satan would fiercely oppose this and frantically employ all manner of brutality in an effort to prevent it. True Father passed through a providential course of immeasurable indemnity prior to establishing his position as a True Parent through our Holy Wedding in 1960. Humankind can receive the True Parents only once. The True Parents that emerged are the True Parents for all eternity. True Father began his providential public life course at the con- clusion of the Second World War in 1945. Heaven had prepared Christianity, especially Korean Christian spiritualist movements, on a foundation of two thousand years of conditions that Christians had established. It was to have fulfilled the mission of the providen- tial bride by attending and upholding the returning Messiah, who was sent by Heaven to open the providence of attending the bride in substance. Christianity failed to complete this providential responsi- bility, however. As a result, Father lost the entire providential founda- tion—both the spiritual foundation,
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