L-1373 CONTROLLING COCKROACHES WITHOUT SYNTHETIC ORGANIC INSECTICIDES G. L. Piper, R. R. Fleet, G. W. Frankie and R. E. Frisbie* Cockroaches rank high on the homeowner's list Cockroach Species of in ect problem. The mo t widespread grievance Before starting control procedures, the home­ against the roach is its mere presence in the home, owner should determine which cockroach species a well as the implication of uncleanliness which are present. accompanies a roach infestation. Roaches contami­ The most common is the large American cock.­ nate food with excrement and salivary secretions roach (Figure I). It is reddish-brown ·to brm\'n in and lea e an unpleasant odor. They are capable color, has a tan or light yellow band around the of carrying disease organisms, but the role roaches shield behind the head, and is 1'l'2 inches long play in transmitting these organisms to man is when mature. Outdoors it is found under the bark unknown. of trees, in leaf litter, rubbish piles, sewage systems, Many homeo\vners do not want to use synthetic and in barns or other out-buildings. Inside the organic in ecticides to control cockroaches. Because home, this roach commonly is found around th of thi, eyeral method of controlling cockroaches furnace and associated heating ducts. Egg cases are that do not invoh'e synthetic insecticides have been deposi ted in sheltercd areas on or near the floor, devised. usually close to a food source, and are concealed wi th debris. Cockroach Description and Biology The smokybrown is the other common large Cockroache generally have a flattened, oval roach (Figure 2). It is 1'l'2 inches long and shape, spiny legs and long, filamentous antennae. the color is uniformly dark brown to black. It is Color, depending on age and species, ranges from primarily an outdoor species, and is most abundant dark brown to reddish-brown, and from tan to in heavily wooded areas with substantial ground black. Adults of some species are fully winged, cover. It also can be found in firewood, lumber, while the wings of other species may be short, trash piles and sewers. In the home this roach e peci ally on the females. frequently is found in the attic or near fireplaces. Immature forms of all cockroaches resemble the Females prefer to attach their egg cases to cracks, adults except that they are smaller and have unde­ depressions or corners of rough-textured surfaces veloped wings. Young roaches develop rather slowly like brick, concrete or wood. Egg cases also are and are found in the same places as the adults. deposited around window casements or behind 11 cockroaches are nocturnal; they hide in dark, draperies. Cases may be concealed or exposed and damp place during the day and search for food at can be found anywhere from floor to ceiling. night. If disturbed, they run rapidly for shelter. The German cockroach is the most common Roaches are omnivorous and eat practically all small roach. The adult (Figure 3) is about Y2 foods consumed by man and domestic animals, as inch long and light brown in color with two black, well a their wa te products. lengthwise stripes on the shield behind the head. Roach eggs are deposited in groups of 12 or This roach lives indoors and usually is brought in more in a bean-shaped, leathery capsule or egg case. with laundry, groceries or cartons. It also may Egg case color ranges from dark brown to reddish­ immigrate from nearby infested dwellings. The brown. In some species the female drops or glues German roach is a pest in kitchens, bathrooms and the ca e in out-of-the-way places soon after it is other areas where there are food, warmth and mois­ formed. The female German roach carries the case ture. The female carries the egg capsule protrud­ until the eggs are ready to hatch. ing from her abdomen for about a month, then drops it a day or two before the eggs are ready to ·Respectively, post-doctoral fellows, Department of Entomol­ hatch. ogy, Texas A&M University; Associate professor, Department The brown-banded cockroach (Figure 4) varies of Entomology, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, The Tcxa A& r ni\'crsity ystem; and Extension entomologist, in color from light tan to glossy dark brown, and Thc Tcxas AR:M nivcr ity System. when fully grown may be % inch long. The adult's The Texas A&M University System • Texas Agricultural Extension Service • Texas Agricultural Experiment Station wings are marked with two light yellow, horizontal walls and ceilings should be repaired, and openings bands, one at the base of the wings and another around plumbing fixtures, furnace flue, electrical near the middle of the body. This roach prefers outlets, between window sills and walls and along starchy foods, and as a result of a low moisture baseboards or ceiling molding should be sealed with requirement it is not restricted to the kitchen or appropriate materials. Areas where egg cases might bathroom but occurs throughout the home. This be deposited should be inspected regularly. Any species prefers to hide in warm, elevated areas near cases found should be removed and crushed or the ceiling, behind wall decorations, shelving and burned. electrical appliances. The female glues the egg Good housekeeping and thorough cleaning are capsule to ceilings, beneath furniture, and in closets essential in controlling cockroache. Unwashed or other dark places. dishes and kitchen utensils and uncovered food The oriental cockroach (Figure 5) is glossy should not be left overnight. All spilled liquids black, 1 to I Y2 inches long when mature and flight­ should be mopped up. Cupboards, shelves and bins Ie s. It feeds on a wide range of decaying organic where small amounts of food can accumulate hould matter and is considered the filthiest of domestic be cleaned periodically. Dry pet food should be roaches. ear the home, this insect lives in cool, kept in roach-proof containers and never stored ill moist areas such as beneath. leaves and yard debris, or near the kitchen. The pet's feeding di hand in plant composting materials, or beneath porches area should be washed daily. without foundations. This roach readily invades TmJ)ping. Cockroaches can be trapped both in­ households through sewer and drain pipes, cracked side and outside the home. Outdoor trapping near foundations, ventilators and under doors. Once in­ areas where roaches are found can reduce roach side, oriental roaches are found most often under populations and limit the number of roaches enter­ refrigerator, washing machines and sinks. The ing the home. Indoor trapping can hold in check female u ually deposits the egg capsule in debris indoor-breeding species such as the German and or food in a sheltered place. brown-banded cockroaches, and may practically The brown cockroach (Figure 6) is 1 to I Y4 eliminate outdoor species such a the American inche long and glossy reddish-brown. It resembles and smokybrown from the home. the American roach somewhat. This roach is found A properly prepared and positioned trap may outdoors in trees, piles of firewood or beneath gar­ catch up to 50 adult or nymphal roaches per day, bage cans. It commonly invades homes near woody although the number trapped will vary according areas, and inside is most often found in the kitchen. to the total roach population and the eason. For Egg cases are attached to walls and ceilings. example, primarily outdoor specie are much Ie s active during winter, and the number trapped dur­ Cockroach Control Measures ing this time will be reduced. Sanitation. Sanitary measures are very impor­ Experiments show that trapping can be an tant in cockroach control. Proper sanitation, both effective method of roach control. In one case, 20 indoors and outdoors, effectively limits roach smokybrown and about 50 German roaches were populations. removed from the kitchen of a home in a week Roache can be discouraged from entering the using only'three traps. During the sub equent year home by sealing cracks in foundations and outside no other smokybrown roaches were een, and while walls. The eal or caulking around air condition­ German roaches were seen, their numbers were ing units, windows, doors and other openings into kept low by continued trapping. the home should be checked to insure there are In a second home, more than 250 smokybrown no cracks through which roaches might enter. roaches were captured in IS traps over a 4-week Garbage should be stored in tightly covered period. Trap catches were high during the first containers kept on easily cleaned racks, platforms ]0 days, and then steadily declined as the roaches or slab, and should be disposed of frequently. were trapped out. Prior to the trapping roaches Excess refuse should be stored in roach-proof boxes ,,'ere seen every day, but the homeowner reported or bag and disposed of as soon as possible. eeing only two roache within 4 month after Paper, cardboard, lumber, stacks of firewood trapping ended. and other debris near the home provide excellent Cockroach trap construction is a simple matter, refuges for several roach species. Elimination of and the materials are readily available in the home. yard trash and storage of firewood in areas not Smear a thin layer of petroleum jelly around the adjacent to the home or garage will minimize the inside lip of a pint jar to a width of about 2 inches. chance of roach invasion from these potential hid- . Place the trap upright, with appropriate bait in­ ing places. side, in an area frequented by roache. Apple and Indoor, all possible hiding and breeding areas potato are excellent bait for American, moky­ should be eliminated.
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