ened by the ariival of over £700,000 lo GeU. Siegel excite great indignation have reason to dread tlie approach The War. v Harper, King ; 2nd; Stephen Bennet,’ Extensive Swindling Operation specie from the West Indies and New Vaughan. in Buffalo—A Banker Loses Nearly foreign 3 lta through the army. Gen Siegel is held in of winter, is not larj;e. With ordi­ 7’wo Busnels Spring Wheat... 1st, William York. high esteem among our best officers. Although the season for fighting has Harper. King; 2ud, John1 Jackson, Chin­ $10,000.— We hear of a financial trans­ The drain of gold CohtinUes, but in a nary industry and economy, few nearly passed for this year, still “ the guacousy. action at Buffalo which has not yet appear­ Headquarters Right Grand Di­ ed in print, which exhibits an amount of ARRIVAL OF THE < ARABIA.’ modified lortn. The demand for discount 8th December, 10 a.m.—Owing can fail to procure a comfortable Two BusheU Barleyi. .-1st, Wm Lfnton, vision, great battle ofthe war,” which, according coolness which we have never known is moderate. to the greatly diminished length and Gore ; 2nd, Wm Henderson, Chinguacousy, livelihood. But in every commu­ to the oracles ot the North, was to break equalled. As the story goes, a rough look­ Halifax, Dec. 8.—The steamship LATEST VIA QUEENSTOWN. breadth of the growth of camp fires visible Two Bushels Peas.. .1st, William Harper, nity there will of necessity be some, ing man, dressed like a farmer, appeared a ‘ Arabia,’ from Liverpool, 29lli, via ihe night before last, the impression was ihe back bone of the Rebellion is yet un­ King ; 2nd, Samuel Wood, Etobicoke. London, Nov. 29th.—There U no few mommas since at a hanking office in Queenstown, 30th ]No»., anived here this prevalent that the trnemy had* fallen back who, through ill-health, old age or fought. The Confederates continue to Two Bushels Oats...1st, Samuel Wood. news of political importance. ® Etobicoke ; 2nd, John Gill, Chinguacousy, Buffalo, and sUttd that he had lately been forenoon' Her dates are one week later to a new position some distance to the fortify their position at Fredericksburg, The excitement in Greece in favour of misfortune, are destitute of the ne” Flax Seed... Wm Linton, Gore. over in Canada to purchase a lot of cattle, than those already received. rear of their former one. The immense placing Prince Allred of England on the cessaries of life. We could point and seem determined to dispute every inch Indian Corn,.. 1st, James Barber, Vaughan; but found I he prices so high that he con­ The * Glasgow,’ from New York, arriv­ volumes of smoke, however, that rose last throne continues. of ground with their enemies. “ Stonewall” 2nd, John Jackson, Chinguacousy. cluded not to purchase. Lie had a lot of ed at Queenstown, 27th Nov. evening on the opposite tide, above tne out more than one case of this kind P a r is , Nov..29th.—The bourse con­ FAUIT—HOOTS AND VEGETABLES. Canada currency, and he heard that there The • Hammonia,’ from New fork, ar- bille ovorlooking Fredericksburg, and in our own village and vicinity, Jackson, with something like 40,000 men, tinues flat at 70f. 10c. Judges- . .Messrs. Tayler, Book and Lock- was eight or ten per cent premium on rvied at Southampton on the 28ih Nov. is known to be somewhere within a certain Liverpool, Nov. 29.—The bread- north western direction, demonstrated lhat which should be looked after. Fa­ ardt Canada money in Buffalo. If such was The ‘Scotia,’ from New York, arrived the presumed retrogade m «vemeut, if made circuit, but his exact whereabouts it is Variety of Apples,.. 1st, Thompson Parke, at Queenstown on the 29th Nov. stulTs market is generally steady but quiet, milies in indigent circumstances Vaughan ; 2nd, David Johustdri, do, the case, lie would like lo dispose of what liichardson, Spence, & Co., Bigland, Ay- at all was made only to bring them under quite impossible to determine. By last he had by him. The banker said there The news by the • Arabia’ is meagre better shelter in the ravine between the without the means of procuring foo l Cooking Apples... 1st, James Barber,. tha & Co., and Wakefield, Nasli & Co., was a slight premium on Canada currency, and unimportant. lirst and second range, and the woods upon accounts he was said to be north of the Vaughan t 2nd, Samuel Wood, Etobicoke, report Hour quiet but steady ; American and fuel during the winter; the aged and he would twelve per cent, for Breads! u!Ts quiet but steady. the latter, from the piercing north-west Rappahannock. Although spies and Table Apples... 1 st,------- ; 2nd, Sam’l pay Provisions steady and unchanged. 23s to 29s. Wheat dull; red Western and infirm, to feeble to support Wood, Etobicoke. what the cattle buyer had. The farmer 9s to 9s 9d ; red Southern 9s 9d to 10s; winds prevailing since day before yester scouts are actively engaged, and Southern replied that he was biting rather sharp for Consols closed on Friday, for money day. The apparent fact of tne combined themselves by their own exertions, Pears. ..VVm Hartman. Vaughan. white Western 10s 6d to lls; white officers are reported to be constantly de­ his money, and he 4 guessed’ he had better 93J at 93J. presence of the great body ot ‘.lie Con­ Swede Turnips.. 1st, George Gowland, Souihern IH- 3d. Corn quiet: mixed are really objects of pity at this in­ serting to the Northern ranks, still the po­ go out ctnd see if fie could not sell his mo­ The excitement in Greece in favour of federate army in front of the right grand Vaughan ; 2nd, VV 11 Fraser, do. 29s 3d to 30s; white 31s 6d to 33s. — • clement season, aud should not be ney at better rates. The banker said, as acing Prince Alfred on the throne con­ division, can be bul gratifying to Geu. sition of this ubiquitous general cannot be White Globe Turnips... 1st. Archibald Ca­ Provisions—'I'he same authorities call the meron, Vaughan ; 2nd, J W Giles, Etobicoke. the man wa* going, that he might look tinues. Burnside for reasons that will be developed forgotten. Those who have suffi­ known for twenty lour hours together.— market steady, and quote beet quiet but Field Carrots .. 1st, Win Hartman, Vau­ around, but he wouid pay him a* much as The Arabia has 4-5 passengers and in a few days. steady. cient of this world’s goods, will Very liltle fighting has been done within ghan ; 2nd, John Mkyuard, do. any one, and the unsophisticated country­ 62,000 in specie for Halifax. No specie The range Confederate encamp­ Pork dull and unchanged. Bacon quiet of the greatly enhance the blessings they the past week, but some decisive action is Mangle Wurtzdl,. *1. t, James Summervi.ll, man departed, lie soon returned, and for Boston. ments is in a direction, having and steady. Lard active at 39s to 40s. western Vaughan; 2nd, James Harvey, do. stated that he had been offered fifteen per The Arabia arrived hero at half past evidently extended within tiie possess by„shar,ing them with such. daily expected. The * Brokers Circular’ reported ashes been last, Blood BeetfO,. /Maynard, Vaughan f •ent pienvum on his pile of $S,00Q/ seven o’clock this morning, and sailed again tew days. It is presumed that Stonewall 2nd, Wm Grey, do, steady ; pots 33s ; pearls 34s. Sugar very VVe hive many reasons for thank­ but as he had offered it to them first, he for Boston at ten oV.ock. ■Jackson with his force has taken a position fulness at the present time. We Vaughan Agricultural Society. Unions... 1st, Wm. Irvin, Weston ; 2nd, 'i’he steamship Bohemian, from Quebec dull. Coffee steady. Rice steady. John Jackson, Chiiiguacousy. had brought It back. 4 Well, said the on the extreme left. banker, 4 L*wiH give you sixteen per cent arrived on tht? 28ih ult. NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. have had a good harvest, we are The following is the Prize List of the Cabbage... 1st. John Abo, Vaughan; 2nd. The great prize fight for the Champion­ free Irom the civil commotion which John Maynard, dot advance for your money/ '[he bargain THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, In the North Carolina House of Com­ Yraugiian Agricultural Society’s FaW Potatoes... I st, George Longhouse, Vau­ was concluded, and the hawker counted out ship ol England, between Jem Mace and rages among our neighbours, and ghan ; 2nd, Alfred Jaffary, do. Tom King, took place on the 26 of Nov­ FUENCH MEDIATION. mons on Monday last the following resolu­ Show, held at Burwick on Thursday, Oc\ Firkin of Butter... 1st Jacob Burkholder, i$>9-,280 for the $3,000, which appeared1 ember. After figuting 21 rounds, most ol The Paris correspondent ot the N. Y. tions were unanimously passed :— from the distress that prevails in 30, 1862 :—- Vaughan ; 2nd, Thos Smith, do. to be a new ks>ue on an interior Canadian which were in favour of Mace, King put Times, writing Nov. IS says:— 4Resolved,— That the Confederate States England. Our taxes are light and PRIZE LIST, Fresh Butter,.. 1st. Mrs S Wood, Etobi­ bank. The pretended drover, who was a in one of his sledge hammer blows, and have the means and the will to sustain and .“harper iu disguise, left with his 4 pile,’and We begin to see more clearly into the we pay no “ poor rates.” Let us HORS* S. coke; 2nd, Jacob Burkholder, Vaughan. tlie unfortunate banker soon found that he ■knocked Mace insensible.
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