Complete lis t of : i Fair Awards .... m o a t s CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 12 Pages This Week SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 PER YEAR 0iipla,.; Apple, E .ra H a ln ln ^ r, Albert Pieleraeieri Sit) aim1 j . V. Berg, Music Program Committees Named jW ,£ S R. Grace, 1st. All School C hildren . : ^ ’-- Ezra Hoininger received To Be Started for for Annual Kiwanis i ^ V. a m AUa / a IU u t. Names Four of 6 in the follow- u*rfet^eB, Northern Spy> Bald- Grade Students Halloween Party S j g eG‘reening,-King, Snow, New Directors in C ounty R eceiving M s Jonathan, Wagner, 2Q*oz. —A-basic^muslc-program is being Committees have been appointed for the annual" Kiwanis Halloween I f i s and also on a plate of 12 instituted in the fourth and fifth grades, of theOhelsea Agricultural party for the youngsters of the Action Taken at School, fallowing its approval at community, to b.o ^ held. Friday, Tbeffpielemeier won firsts on Oct. 81. ^ « iffevers, Winter Bananas and Annual Meeting the meeting of the Boar' of* “Edu- ‘ cation Tuesday evening. Tho committees are as follows:- fiffes, and second'on W ^ e rj. Don Alber, general chairman; C. WRoy Gore won second on North- ■ Hold Here Saturday In the fourt.:h graderrade 'thetl instru- ,12.000 children in the schools of mental medium will be the tonette, S. Cameron, Paul F. Niehaus, Lo­ Washtenaw county are to be given [tfiiSpy apPle8‘ The annual meeting of the whilo fifth graders will study the well Davisson,-program;-Dr. TP, U.of M. Professor- a hearing test during the next 1 f a r m c r o p s ashtenaw county Farm Bureau iano by means of cardboard key- Kv Sharrard, Malcolm Bruce, A. D. three months^ according, to an an­ oards and muBic hooks. Pupils Mayer, T. E. Fai*t, parade. Vaiiflw Dent - -CJorn • , Norman was held Saturday evening in tho E To Present Lecture nouncement made by tne Washte­ Stoffer, gymnasium at Chelsea High school. will be instructed by means of rec- NoisemakerB, William J. Rade- naw County HealthDepartment . J K 1st;, William Roll call of the townships showed The regular, instrumental pro- mocher, C. Lancaster, JameB Dan­ and the Washtenaw County Society [5! Billy ords. iels, James LlebeckVoider and Monday Evening la t^ L o r- that Lima township had the larg­ for Crippled Children. est-representation present. Ap­ gram begins in the sixth grade. All doughnuts, Anton Nielsen, John The program began yesterday ffier’ 2nd; ’Elide?Window, 3rd. proximately 225 men and women three grades also have the regular Alber, R. Foster, J. P. Keusch, J. with the Chelsea schooLas the test­ ffW w ; Harley Haft, letj front all over the county attended. vocal music program. Hough, W. Grossman, W. P. Leon­ ing center for the school itself and- |^oren Heller, 2nd) Elmer Eindow, The ham supper, prepared by A school facilities'program sur­ ard, R. McLaughlin; M. W. Mc­ for the schools of the surrounding vey will bo made in the local Clure, P, G. Schalble, Dr. E. J. mothers of the seniors nt Chelsea Pvt. William E, Petsch, son area. The first groups tested were lucorn Display: Marilyn Lie- High school, was served by the school area as a part of th* total Sutter, Dr. G. Hass, C. D. Schnei­ the third graders who attend ijkf lst; Curl Heller, 2nd; C. of Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Petsch state School facilities survey to de­ der. , classes' at Pumpkin College and- senior boys. Tho tables were cen­ of Old l’S.12, is home on fur­ Hqnfire, H. T. Mpore, L. R. Hoyd- tered with hollowed-out pumpkins termine what facilities will be GOV. G. MENNEN WILLIAMS Riemenschneider schools.1 The two h f f g j . Broesamle, 1st; Fred lough before reporting to camp needed through 1959-1960. At the lauff, Col. P. S, Holmes; police, G, groups were tested at 8:30 a.m., filled with arrangements n f dowers -Kilmer,-N.J.^fromwhere-he-wlll W. Doe, H. A. J ones, Karl Koen- Kink. 2nd; Lloyd Grauv 3rd. and leaves flanked by candles stuck meeting Tuesdays it-was-proposed before being transported to their Seat:. .David Wolfgang^ 1st; be. sent to Europe. Pvt. Petsch that a lay advisory group should ge’ter, K. C7HuncTman, Max Sweet. respective schools. into apples to 'hold thorn upright. has just completed basic train­ Roy liroesumle, 2nd; Allen Broes- Susan Nixon of Dexter, played work with the school officials in Gov. Williams - Judges will be Chandler Rogers, At 10 a.m. pupils from the ing at Camp Funston,, F5rt making the survey. The project' T. C. Smith and W. R. Daniels. i Beach, Canfield and Everett schools accordion music during the dinner Riley, Knn„ with the ' 1 Oth' In­ ^Bean^Dftplayi^amoa Gr% f®6, is sopnsored by the State Depart­ Plans for the party will follow were brought herej and at 10:30, hour. The after-dinner program fantry Division, ment of Public Instruction. Freer, Jerusalem "and Jewett" Stone-“ Leeume Seed Display: Walter opened with vocal- selections 'by Will Attend the pattern of previous years, with | BaS 1st; David Wdlfgang, 2nd. Trior t-o his enlistment in Plans were discussed for a a parade, refreshments around a ’ls were tested. Lima Center, Audrey Coy of Dexter, accom­ •Washtenaw county, Pvt. Petsch change in the school bus schedules bonfire on the school grounds, and aren and North Lake (pupils Potatoes: (late) Norman Loeff- panied on the piano by Bea Myers was employed by the Army at' H her, 1st; early, M en Broesamle, on the two. southern routes. The Dinner Here entertainmont in the gymnasium came ,fn at 11 a.m., and in the of Ann Arbor. SenecaOrdnance Depot, in New schedule will be announced as soon afterwards. /afternoon, beginning at 12:80, lit;7. Roy Broesamle,,Broesamj 2nd; plate Nancy and Judy Arnold gave York state. His wife! the former, as arrangements are completed. grades four through six of the o i-late.•late, Marlene H._—,Kuhl, 1st;— Edna several tap dances, with their Shirley Williams, of Chelsea, has Chamber of Commerce officials Additional fun is planned for The 30-passenger bus, now used received confirmation yesterday after the football game that is to Chelsea school underwent the te st Kuhl, 2nd; Lee Weiss, 3rd; plate of mother, Mrs. Ray Arnold, playing made her home in Junction City, This morning the program be­ 5 early, Frank Winter, 1st; principally for transporting kin­ that Gov. G. Mennen Williams will be played that night. This will the accompaniment. Kan,, the past three months, to dergarteners, will be jjut into .use gan at 9:30 a.m. when pupils of Carles Stapish, 2 nd; George Seitz,- During, the business session the be nejir her husband. " attend a special dinner meeting of include dancing, refreshments and on the two routes. The new ar­ the group to be held Tuesday, Oct. entertainment. < St. Mary’s and Rogers Corners M' Potato display; Richard Stark, by-laws- of the Farm "-Bureau -were schools were to come in for their let; Dougtiis~Stark, 2nd. — - rangement will cut down the tim e:28, in St. Mary’B hall, broughtm p—to-date—and"-several- children w il| be on the-bus- on- - AJthough ihe Chamber of Cotrr-- test. Beginning _at 10:80 a.m. the" VEGETABLES resolutions were presented to be test Ib being given students from- taken to. the state meeting.-*- HigK School these routes^ merce is sponsoring the affair,. PROF. JOSEPH KALLENBACH The. Board, in action at the ticket sale is open to the. public the seventh grade, up. If it is Display : : 'Lewis Hatt, 1st; LaVerne Coy, ehainmm of the * A. * impossible to .complete the test I Carles Stapish, 2nd; Harold. meeting, approved Supt. Charles and "anyone may ^attend by making Washtenaw county Farm Bureau, Gridders Lose S. Cameron's attendance at the reservations with William J. Rade- “National Politics to Election today, the program will be con­ 1 Moore, 3rd. ... - presided and. called on several American Association of. School Beef Sold at Years” is the topic of the lecture tinued tomorrow morning. Cabbage: V. Walker, 1st; Madge: people for a few remarks. Among' macher or any other Chamber of scheduled for next Monday, Oct. Dexter schools' tests are sched­ ' Schultz, 2nd; Harold. Moore, 3rd. Administrators to be held in At­ Commerce official. these were Mi’s. Bess .TefTt, editor lantic City, N. J., Feb. 14.through 20, as the second ip the Chelsea uled to begin D ot.. 20 and Man- . Tomatoes: Marlene Kuhl, 1st; of the Washtenaw county Farm to Flat Rock .Ticket sale for the dinner must Public Library series of four to 19. • be limited to 120 persons, so those Fair Auction chesters’ on, Oct. 27; James'Gran, 2 nd; Marilyn Wenk, Bureau paper, and Herman How- be given this year. Joseph Kallen- The testing program will be car* Chelsea . played . hosts to Flat desiring to attend are urged to ! 5rd; ■ ...- — . eisen, Farm Bureau District No, make reservations immediately. Earl Heller, 11-year-old 4-H bach, associate professor of po­ ried out under the direction of the Pumpkins: Paul Ballatd, 1st; HI supervisor. , Rock hist Friday night only to be litical science at the University of county Health Department in co­ defeated 21-2. Chelsea’s lone ttvo The governor’s visit will neces­ club worker, received the grand Mimi Guinan, 2nd; Harold .Moore, ...Ray Arnold of Dexter town&ip, champion aftd reserve champion Michigan, is to be the ' speaker.
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