.0 (1otoZ, C t3L:ii -gllI l~·,ll, (YI- i . rWu -·- W., -,* -· 5 .- 4k ' 0 _ _ e ffb !, ,, .* ' ' tNI'v Moor- · a·CR& ,- -L,',- --.~~i;jc~j·C-7~pp~;.r -,i ;, i- -91~4 Founded as A Remord of the Official News Organ Continuous News Service of Technology for 36 Years I _ I .. I , c - , , - c. _ - -·---II -' I I I ii · I Price Three Cents Vol. 38. No. 26 L- CAMBRIDGE, MASS., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918 ·--- I NWAVY SUBSCRIBES HEAVILY ARRaY AVIATORS BEING TRAINED IN TIE TO THIRD LIBERTY LOAN w I w CROIXDE GUERRE MIEN USE OF GAS-3IAS:S AT TECHNOLOGY I IWATER CARNIYAL ON w More Than 18 Million Dollars Invested KILLED INACTIOI in Liberty Bonds. LCHIRLES RIYER BASIN The Navy subscribed more than eigh- teen and a half million dollars to the Various Aquatic Contests to Be Lieut. C. M. Angell Killed in Third Liberty Loan. Aeroplane Accident When Final reports, just compiled, from na- Held Between the Differentt val units in all parts of the world inal- Naval Stations in This Dis- Machine Suddenly Falls From cated that the first estimates of the Height of 5oo Feet Navy's Liberty Loan triumph were ex- trict tremely conservative. The Navy's total in the Third Loan SURPRISES FROM NAVY YARD CAUSE OF ACCIDENT UNKNOWN exceeds by more than four and a half I million dollars the combined Navy totalI Tllree airplanes, two-seaters, passed for the first and second loans. On Saturday afternoon, June 29, a Navy Day will be held on the Charles over this little ruined village at not a Tos date, the bluejackets, officers, and I civilian employees of the Navy have ill front of the Institute. The Harv- very great height. It was mid-after- mobilized for the nation's cause more ard Radio School will have a crew, and noon and just turning sunny after a than thirty-two and a half million fight- contests with other Navy Stations drizzle in the early morning. ing dollars. in this district as ill be held. Lieutenant Cobmmander Nathaniel Planes, as near the front as we are "Let us thrill the world again by our I inspiring response." ur-aed Secretarv Dan- F. Ayer, in charge of the school, has just asi present, hb. e ccased to be a iels at the outset of the campalign on given the crew members as much lib- treat, so this afternoon nobody paid any "" I April 6. erty for practice as is consistent with particular attention to these planes. *fe 2· brZ. The answer that came back to this their school work, with the resuls "i;'gltaerLI*siiWsle"·ji`a" Ther plunged into a low hanging cloud. I ":.·· -` rW ;'*··PIXC62LhPlt(rS'";'* EldB69iPiP-· ' appeal, the answver that came back to that the swift cutter which the men Then suddenly one of them came diving : '.-piiYSEPs ,.,· Sims and Mayo and t o the American will use can be seen plowing alone out of its.lower surface at a steep angle, izj;`*i -·.·., ..*· fighting men on the far-flung, battlefields.- the river as the men limber y:·. :.:t·"·· "·" :F' · .·., up for ;1. and hardly more than 500 feet above the ';··.:- .Ztr: : ;i·x··-,- ii· .\·: ,;""" was not only inspiring, it was over- the big race. ground. At least a dozen C' = . :·· ·: .:· officers saw it wvhelming. It proveed again that for the The entire Rerson*l of the Radio come. Two of them insisted that it was American Navy "our all is not too much, ' falling tail first, but the rest agreed that School is baeking the boat, and when and by its superb example, it helped the the race takes placee-on it made a straight dive. I embattled nation attain a third glorious Navy Day a Dovn it plunged and everybody waited victory for Liberty. big cheering section from that 8chool breathless, to see the aviator right him- Copyright Boston Photo News Oo. is expected to line the railings of the esplanade. self with the little upward flip to which GAS IS SIGNALLED AND MEN START TO PUT ON MASKRS wre have all become accustomed. But Meanwhile, other stations of aie the direction never changed, the plane First Naval District are practisilg The war is brought more closely home to us when we see the men equally hard so that some remarkable dove straight into a soft field, striking performing the gas-mask drill. The gas-mask with a terrible crash, and burying its is one of the most essen- rowing is promised. nose four feet in the ground. tial defensive weapons in modern warfare. Poisonous gases are used Herbert Goldsmith 'i8 Tells of Admiral Wood is personally keenly Pilot and observer were instantly kill- by both the Allies and the Huns, although the idea originated with the interested in the success of the carni- Fine Spirit of Troops val and his enthusiasm is being re- ed, if indeed the pilot wvas not dead be- latter. The use of gas is increasing weekly in offensive movements. I I fore he began to fall. He was Second It has been said that the recent Tueton drive owed its success to favor- layed all along down the line. The 1ift Lieutenant Cyril Matthew Angell, whose The following is a letter from Herbert Naval District is out to make Nanr address on his identification card was able winds which blew the gas over the Allied lines. Goldsmth, '18, telling of his experiences Day one which will take its place given as Chicago, but who is said to have At the U. S. Army School of Mlilitary Aeronautics, as well as in in France. Through the courtesy of his with the biggest holidays in Boston's mother we are able been_.&astudent-at_-Tschnologgy-and.- a to print it in the history. the Army-cantonments,-in-struction in the use of the gas-mask is being TECH. resident of Brookline. The observer was given. The aim of the drill is to enable the men to don the mask as ex- Over at the Navy Yard Lieutenant George K. W. Emerson of New York, a I enjoyed reading your inteesting let- A. A. Gathemann, who has been da- Second Lieutenant of Artillery. Both peditlonlsly and efficiently as possible. The soldiers must learn to breathe ters from California, the outstanding tailed by Captain William R. Rush, men wvore the Crois de Guerre, won in a through the mask, and to feel at home in it. At the signal the men put facts of which are that you are feeling so Cammandant, to furnish the yard's cou- recent action in the air. on and adiust the masks. Then follows drill including marching at well and having such a good time, which tribution to the program, is going Only two explanations was so good to read that they in them- about the yard distributing enthusiaim of the accident double time. The work is necessarily uncomfortable, but the lives of selves were worth an immediate seem at all plausible. One is that in reply. until all the people there are worked the shelling, a fewr minutes before, dam- man! may depend on its application in the trenches. After these pre- The reason for the delay, however, has up about the carnival. age * as done to the steering apparatus, liminary operations the men are subjected to gas in the gas-chamber. been due to the big German drive of As several of the surprises- March 21, I of the and failed suddenly, while the airplane which you no doubt have Aviators are not exempt from the use of masks, owing to the employ- read about. The drive was so disastrous day are to come out of the Navy Yard, wvas in the clouds. A more probable ment of gas shells in bombing bases, hangars, etc. to the Allied Armies at first that it this fact augurs well for the success 9e11ss is that the aliator himself was Continued on page 3 looked for a while as though we might of the program. wounde~d and either fainted or died at be compelled to evacuate this hospital. One of the activities of Lieutenant the wvheel. Gathemann has consisted in getting I Duringr the last couple of days however, r it looks as though our armies are not out of storage the wherries which are INCREASE OF PIG IRON SUPPLY COMPTOIR NATIONAL only holding fast, but actually retaking to be rowed by Yeowomen in the wom- SHOWN BY SPRING STATISTICS WAR TIME CHANCES ground previously lost. Of course, oulr en's bpat raqe-s. These boats are The following circular was re- losses have been great, but having been now being scraped and varnished and The .tatisties of pig iron production cently received by the TECH con- of well prepared, wve inflicted losses of the made ready. When they take the tell ain amazing story of recovery frZnk Amendments to Constitution cerning the economical reconstruc- water some snappy practice tion of Belgium. Mail should be ad- attacking Huns in mass formation that by the the partial paralysis with which the Technology Club of N. Y. .I are at least three times as great. crews of young women will be held at basic industry was afflicted as -a result dressed to Ithe Comptoir National, the Navy Yard. I 15 rue Louis-le-Grand, Paris. Convoys of wounded are continually of the fuel .crisis and transportation In issuing the present call for a spe- coming in day and night, and as fast Rear Admiral Spencer S. Wood, U. So shortaze last wvinlter.
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