Patented Feb. 23, 1937 2,071,901 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,071,901 SHOEMAKER's STITCHING AWL James R. Ricketts, Oakland, Calif. Application January 11, 1935, serial No. 1,391 2 Claims. (C. 223-104) This invention relates to new and useful im bobbin for carrying the thread, which bobbin is provements in Stitching awls and has particular handily arranged in the handle of the device to reference to a shoemaker's stitching awl for pro feed the thread while the awl is in use in produc ducing a lock stitch in the Welt, upper and insole ing the desired lock-stitch. of a shoe and is especially useful in repair WOrk Referring to Figures 2 and 3, my improved awl 5 Wherein it is desired to Securely Stitch these parts Consists of a handle section 6 having a recess of the shoe together by hand. formed therein, said recess being open at One side The principal object of the invention is to pro as indicated by the numeral 8. A slot 9 is formed Wide a compact awl for the purpose of producing in a portion of the handle and accommodates 10 a lock Stitch in shoes which embodies a bobbin the looped end of the bobbin f, which bobbin O and a needle So arranged as to enable the shoe may be formed of Wire and may be swung on its maker to quickly and easily stitch the Welt, upper pivot 2 out of the recess 7 by means of a handle and insole of the shoe together in a most effective f3. It will be noted that the enlarged or looped 3. Section of the handle 3 serves to retain the 5. Another object of the invention is to produce a thread on the bobbin and to normally keep Stitching aWI of the class designated that is ex Said thread from unwinding therefrom except tremely simple in construction and that is most When an additional section of the thread is re effective in operation, and one that saves time quired in the Stitching operation of the awl. In and labor for the shoemaker in hand repair work. the Operation of repairing shoes the thread 4 20 A further object of the invention is to produce is threaded through a perforation 5 in the end 20 a stitching awl of this character that includes a Of the handle and a section thereof is wound bobbin which folds into the handle of the device about the bobbin, said bobbin being swung out When the awl is in operation and that may be Of the recess for this purpose. An elongated neck readily SWung out of the handle for rethreading Section 6 extends from the handle and is pro 25 purpOSeS. Wided With a needle socket f into Which the 25 Other objects and advantages will be apparent Shank of the needle 8 is fitted which needle is during the course of the following description. Securely held in place by means of a Small set In the accompanying drawing forming a part ScreW 9 tapped into the section 6. The needle of this specification and in which like numerals 8 is comparatively sharp at its Outer end and is are employed to designate like parts throughout provided With a hook 20 for the purpose of draw 30 the same, ing the thread through the shoe parts as herein Fig. is a botton plan View of a shoe With the after more fully set forth. Sole removed and illustrates the method of start In the art of repairing shoe soles the worn sec ing the lock stitch through the welt, upper and tions are first stripped away, and as indicated in 35 insole of the shoe, Figure 1, the welt 2 is then applied to the edge 35 Fig. 2 is a plan view of the stitching awl show of the upper 22 and to the insole 23. The aw ing the hollow handle section, bobbin and needle needle 8 is then forced through these parts and Set into the end of the awl, a looped section 24 of the thread is placed in Fig. 3 is a side VieW of the same partly in Sec the hook 20 of the needle and the awl is then 40 tion and illustrates the bobbin recess with the drawn out through the shoe, carrying with it the 40 bobbin in operative position therein and further looped thread, as clearly shown in Fig. 1. illustrating the hooked needle of the device, The awl is then inserted through this loop car Fig. 4 is a sectional view of the Welt, upper and rying with it the continuous thread from the insole of a shoe and illustrates the method of bobbin and the loose or slack section of the 45 using the awl in producing the lock stitch, and 45 Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic view showing the com thread is then drawn taut to draw the loop pleted lock stitch through the various parts of against the welt which Operation forms a Sec the shoe. tion of the lock stitch. This operation is repeat In the shoe repairing trade it is often desirable ed by inserting the needle through the shoe and 50 to repair the soles of shoes by hand in that shoe drawing the thread through the various parts machines are not always available for this pur thereof, the spacing of the stitches about the shoe pose and, besides, handwork of this character is, being accomplished by Virtue of the trained eye in some cases, preferable to machine Work, there of the operator. fore, I have produced a practical awl for repair It will be noted that the section 6 is provided 55 ing shoes that combines a Stitching needle and a with an extension 9'. This particular extension 55 2 2,071,901 performs a dual function. It not only Serves aS Having thus described my invention, I claim:- an indicator to designate the barbed side of the 1. In a device of the class described, means for needle, to thus prevent accidental injury to the producing a lock stitch in shoes, comprising a operator during the sewing action, but also serves handle section having a recess formed therein, as a means for pulling the thread tight after a pivoted bobbin arranged to swing into and out the loop has been formed (see Fig. 3). of said recess, and a hooked needle arranged in In Fig. 4 I have illustrated diagrammatically one end of said handle and adapted to produce the operation of the awl in forming the lock the looped section of said lock stitch. Stitch and in Figure 5 the completed lock Stitch 2. A device of the class described for produc 10 has been shown. ing a lock-stitch through the Welt, upper and 0 It is to be understood that the form of my in insole of shoes comprising a handle having a re Vention hereWith ShoWr and described is to be cess formed therein, a pivoted bobbin adapted taken as a preferred example of the same and to swing into and out of said recess for carrying that various changes relative to the material, the stitching thread, said bobbin having a looped 15 size, shape and arrangement of parts may be end, and a stitching needle embodying a thread 15 resorted to Without departing from the spirit engaging hook for producing the loop sections of of the invention or the scope of the subjoined said lock stitch. claims. JAMES R. RICKETTS, .
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