UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 35 Date 07/06/2006 Time 11:35:56 AM S-0905-0003-05-00001 Expanded Number S-0905-0003-05-00001 Title items-in-Disarmament - chronological files - general Date Created 01/11/1979 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0905-0003: Political matters - disarmament 1972-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit MJS/AKU/MS cc bf: RA/AR/MKP/CCF/AF cc: Mr. Akashi File: UNA Australia Ms. Lehmann xRef: Disarm.Week 13 October 1930 Dear Dr. Suter, On behalf of the Secretary-General, I should like to thank you for your letter of 17 September 1980 concerning the national disarmament conference to be held by the United Nations Association of Australia on 25 October 1980. The Secretary-General appreciated, your kindness in informing him of this commendable initiative. With regard to your request for a message, perhaps I could suggest that the message issued by the Secretary-General for UN Disarmament Week might be appropriate for this occasion. We will arrange for you to receive the text of this message, which is only released on the first day of Disarmament Week, 24 October, from the United Nations Information Centre in Sydney. The Secretary-General has asked me to convey to pou and to the United nations Association of Australia his best wishes for the success of your disarmament conference. Yours sincerely, Georg Mautner-Markhof Special Assistant to the Secretary-General Dr. Keith D. Suter Vice-President United Nations Association of Australia GPO Box 9820 Sydney 2001 UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA 11 \Mk\5£iK^i£D/ /M <v»& •* - " MtMBU, WORLD ftUfRATtON OF UNITtO NATIONS ASSOCIATIONS, GINCVA. ^^<^rvw^yJ ^ __ iS;??T-'tjJff-* >^ i <_,-' i »^f ~ pvruoN n F^|||T|^S;2!ll121 wM' . )W : Slit Oil MAN COWEN. A K . G C M G . K S\ J.. Q C. jiK^1. ' GOVERNOR GENERAL OF AUSTRALIA SE^4l980 '^W* ' PKESIDENT •'#y-S.^' CECILE STOREY (Vic ) ACTION TO: ip:' IMMEDIATE PA.ST PRESIDENT Mjfir^t \,i\-\/Sirs HICHANL1 ALSTON (Vie ) : fiu1 71U ^l-. 1 vj U ' "^ — *»/ mHI.-'-.-^*: • VICE PRESIDENTS v/:, •.'.:V4 C.I HOSKYNS IS. A ) KEIIH SIJTI.H INSW) KXtFUNDEKS STREET, MELBOIVRNE. VICTORIA', 3000' ' * ' &-,m JANINE WALKER (Qld.) M- TELEPHONE: (03) 6M 3627 ••$%*& HAROLD WILKINSON (A C.T.) POSTAL' ADDKES^1 fil HOiN 5ECSETAHV p o 3Ox i irv '• • \ ,' \ f KEITH DOU/DING iW.A.) i * EAST MECBpLWNE, VIC.. 3002 »1 HON TREASURER ^K IMli IAf S .... -Sgjijfv^il* WARREN ARKELL (N S.W ) -Sfep MEDIA PEACE PVIIZE CONVENOR ' afeTl "E^O/ b /iceD R: W AR D iSl STELUA COK.NELIL'S QBE Adminis tr ol^ / / ...;. G.P.O. Bok^8g£/" '-- -- m MONTH m •' 'His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim, SYDNEY NSWj-o- 2001 2Ms5 United Nations, Australiaj^-;-^~;XT' ^** New York N.Y. 10017 •D £\<L -M m U.S.A. 17th September, " 1980"" ?®Stef i! Dear Dr. Waldheim, The United Nations Association is organising a national disarmament conference to take place on October 25th. The conference has . attracted wide support from all sections of the Australian community and we are confident that the conference will make a significant m contribution to increasing Australian's awareness bf the dangers p of the arms race and the need for positive alternatives. ' m A brochure giving more information is enclosed. It would be a great honour for the Association if you could write a short message of goodwill which would be read out at the beginning of the conference. This would remind the 200 or so participants and media representatives that this conference is but part of a vast international movement to- save humanity from the arms race. Thank you for your co-operation. "V,-U!ri; >- •telfc Yours sincerely, -•iWt.-7ij •Pf :-^5S.i Keith D. Suter (Dr.) Federal Disarmament Officer ^OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE j CONTROL no. o j/ti my and Delegate Non-Sponsoring Form Delegates: (1) Name Address Postcode (2) Name • Address Postcode Sponsorship Fees: $20 large organisations (2 delegates $10 small organisations (1 delegate) Non-Sponsoring organisations: $10 (1 delegate) Individual delegates — $5 Concessions — $2 Enclosed $ for sponsorship and'or delegate fees PLEASE RETURN TO: United Nations Association of Australia, N.S.W. Administrative Office, GPO Box 9820, SYDNEY 2000 Ph 290-3030 SPONSORING ORGANISATIONS to date Bathurst City Council Australian Conservation Foundation Printing & Kindred Industries Union Baulkham Hills Shire Australian Peace Committee Religious Society of Friends Blacktown Council Amalgamated Metal Workers & Si. Joan's International Alliance Municipality of Concord Shipwrights' Union Union of Australian Women Municipality of Ku-Ring-Gai Australian Glassworkers' Union Uniting Church Fellowship Council of the City of Lismore Association for Internationa! United Trades & Labor Council of S,A, Shire of Mittagong Co-operation & Disarmamem United Association of Women Port Stephens Shire Building Workers Industrial Union Waterside Workers' Federation of Warnngah Shire Council ot Australia (NSW) Australia. Sydney Branch Windouran Shire Council Electrical Trades Union — National Women's International League for Wingacarnbee Shire Electrical Trades Union of NSW Peace & Freedom City of Wollongong Federation of Australian University Women's International Zionist Hurstville Municipal Council Staff Associations Organisation of NSW IC' Municipality of Marrickville R'd. Miscellaneous Workers Union — NSV\ Assn. of Heads of Independent Shire of Homsby Young Women's Christian Association Girls' Schools of Australia N.S W. Teachers Federation Australian Bank Employees Union N.S W. Fire Brigade Employees Union N.S.W. Humanist Society Public Service .Association of N.S.W Australian Council of Churches (NSW) N.S.W. Chiidrens Week Committee Aust. Labor Party — N.S.W Australian Council of Trade Unions Labor Council of N.S W UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA NATIONAL CONFERENCE MEREWETHER LECTURE THEATRE SYDNEY UNIVERSITY (OFF CITY ROAD) SATURDAY 25th October 1980 — 9.00 am - 5.30 pm "Every gun that \s made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in a final sense, a THEFT from those who hunger and arc not tfri. "mm fho^r u'hn ,irc rold and are not ARE YOU CONCERNED? RESEARCH The world is spending $1,000,000 per minute on the arms race. Of 125 million children born in the world in 1977, 13 million died of disease and malnutrition before their first birthday. On a world scale annual expenditure on health is 544 per head as against $81 for military P'JS fii1 S expenditure. The Hiroshima bomb killed 140,000 people uiumw instantly. Today the stock pile of nuclear weapons is sufficient to kill every individual on earth several times over. Two fifths of the world's scientific research and development Recently the world stood only six minutes away Irom nuclear war after a computer malfunction is now devoted to military purposes put the U.S. nuclear forces on standby for attack. THE ARMS RACE OR THE HUMAN RACE GENERAL AND The Conference will also adopt a Plan ot Action COMPLETE to mobilise Australian opinion during the DISARMAMENT period leading up to the 1982 U.N. Special Session on Disarmament. General and complete disarmament under effective international control was the basic "The Arms Race and the Human Race" was the theme of the first international disarmament topic of a special N.G.O. Conference held by conference since 1932 held in New York in the United Nations in New York in June this 1978. year. The Final Document from this United Nations "The Arms Race or the Human Race", the Special Session of the General Assembly on national conference to be held in the Disarmament is the basis of an international Merewether Lecture Theatre, Sydney Univer- campaign to mobilise support lor disarmament. sity on Saturday, 25th October is our response It declared the week commencing 24th to the U.N. call to mobilise support for dis- October — the day of the foundation of the armament. The United Nations Association of United Nations as United Nations Disarma- Australia believes it has a special responsibility ment Week. to focus attention on peace, disarmament and development. The second U.N. Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament is to be The following topics will be discussed: held in 1982. Australia's Foreign Policy Non-Governmental Organisations throughout Australia and the New International the world are responding to ;he U.N call to Economic Order mobilise support for disarmament. Australia and the Arms Race Children and the Culture of War SHOW YOUR CONCERN HEALTH If an organisation: Become a sponsor and appoint delegates [f an individual: Become a delegate "The world now stands on the drink ol ihc final abyss. Lei us all ivsokv tn Like .ill possilA1 [ifIf practical steps k> ensure, th.il we du no!, through our own lolly, yo ovc't I hi; t'dqt.1." Farl Miiunihaiten (M.u. 197<->) Five million children, many of them weakened by malnutrition, die each year from diseases which immunisation could prevunt CONFIDENTIAL UNITED NATIONS WSKffl NATIONS UNIES Px? INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR jfM*. TO: The Secretary-OpuyggT^ DATE: 8 October 198^^ A: REFERENCE: THROUGH: S/C DE: Jan Martenson DE?M: Assistant SeSecretary-Generc a Centre for Disarmament PT: Advisory Board on Disarmament Studies Before the reception for the Advisory Board on 8 October, I should briefly apprise you of the main topics on which its attention is at present focussed. 1. Proposals for Disarmament Studies At the last two meetings, proposals for ten new studies were tabled, covering a wide range of subjects. None of these seem capable of receiving unanimous support. The trend now seems to be to submit all proposals to vo.u at the end of this session (one "Hair been withdrawn), possibly with an indication that several received more support than others.
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