Boletim Oficial

Boletim Oficial

'Goa, 12th September, 1963 SERIES II No. 37 All correspondencE' referring to announcements ELnd suoscription of Government Gazette must be addres:-Jcd SUBSCRIPTION RATES - ASSINATURA to lts administration office. Literary publications wIll be YEARLY HALF-YE.\RLY ()UARTERI,Y advertised free of charge provid(>d two copies are (Anua!) (Semestral) (TrimeSlral) offered. All 3 series \ B.s. 40/­ Rs. 24/­ B.s. 18/­ (As 3 senes) f 'fada a correspondencia relativa a anuncios c a assi na­ I Series Rs. 20/­ Rs. 12/­ Rs. 9/­ tura do Boleti.m Olicial deve ser dirigida a Admirlis­ II Senes Rs. 16/­ Rs. 10/­ Rs. 8/­ trw;:ao da Imprensa Nacional. As publica<;i'ies literarias III Series Hs. 20/- Rs. 12/- Rs. 9/- jc qUll se receberem dois exemplares anunciam-se gTatuitamente. Postage is to be added when delivered b1J maU - -~ Acresce 0 porte quando remetido pell' correio GOVERNMENT GAZETTE BOLETIM OFICIAL (Tradugao) GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN GOVERNO DE GOA, DAMAO AND DIU E DIO Secretariat Secretaria ORDER Portaria ES/EDN/TECH/ 4/3 ES/EDN/TECH/4/3 Read.: 1. Letter no. D'I'E/ A/,3/63 dated 4-6-1963 of the Ref: L N.ota n.'" D'DE/A/3/6'3, de 4-6-'63, do .dtr.eotor do Director of Techn-icaol Education, 'Panjim. IEnsino Tecnic'O, ,em P.a:n.g:im. 2. Government letter no. '13780 dated :22-6-1963. :2-. Nota n.'" IT.3780, de 22-6-63, do G.()Ivermo. 3. NOitifica.tion no. DTE/A/3/63 dated 128-6-1963. 4. Gov.ernment Order no. ES/EDN/TEOH/4,(2) 3. D""pacho n.' D'I'E/ A/3/63, de 2S-6-63. dated 30-S-(1963. 4. Portaria n.' ES/EDN/TECH/4('2), de 30-8-63. The under:mentioned candklates who had -ap.pli'ed for the Os candi,datos a se,gu:i:r mencionados, que requereram. para various J:),osts in the Government Polytechnic, Panjim and varios lugares na Escola P'Olirtecn1ca do GoVeNl'O, em Pangim, I were interviewed by the 'Selection Cornmi,ttee are tempo­ e for8;lU entrevistJados pela Comissao d,e S:elecQao, sao no­ rarily a.ppointed to the posts shown against their names mea{los, temporariamente, l!)aJra OS lugares mdicados 'em rela­ ! s:anctioned in GoV'e:mment Order :no. ES/EIDN/TECH/4(2) Qao aos Heus nomes e ,c.ria:dos p:e1a portaxia ill.O ES/EDN/ ! dated 30th August, 1963. /'DECH/4(2), de 30 de Agosto de 1963. 1 1) s.r. J. P.admanath Bhat, M. A. -.para «Lecturer (Ga­ 1) Shri J. Padmanath 'Bhat, M. A. -'as Lectm~er (Gazetted) zetted)>> de Matemakica, com vencim;ento mensal de Rps. 350/-, in Mathemati,C$ on a salary of Rs. 350/- p. m. in the scale na escala de Rps. 350-350-·380~3.g0-'30-590-'EB-30-770-40-850 of Rs. 350-350-3S00 3S0-30-590-EB-30-770-40-S50 (plus allow­ (acreseide de subsidi:os). ances). :2) Sr. ~ruju Bavatees Vaz, L. M. E. - para «Assistant Lec­ '2) Shri J'uju Bavatees Vaz, L. M. E. --:as assistant Lec­ turer» de Engenharia MecanLca, com venciment'O mensal de turer in Mechanical! Engineering on a sa:!ary of Rs. 260/- p. m. Rps. :260/·, acreseido de subsidi'Os·, na escala de Rps. 260-10- plus allowa.uces in the scale of Rs. 260-10-300-'20-450..:2'5/2-500. -300-20-450-25/2-500. 3) Shrl Jali'hal Linga,ppa Veel1~p,pa, D. M. E.--as Assistarut 3) Sr. Jalihal!Jingappa Veerappa, D. M. E. -:paiYla «Assis­ Lecturer in Mechanica1 ,Engineering on a salary of Rs. 260/­ bant Lecturer» ,de Engenharia Mecantca, com 'Vencimenrto p. ffi. !plus allowances in 'the scale of Rs. :260-'10-300-20-450- mensa! d~ Rps. 260/-, acrescido de subsidios, na ,escala de -25/2-500. R,ps. '260 C l0-300'20-450C25/2-500. 4) Sr. Mohan Rao P, L. C. E. --para «Assistanlt. Leecturer» 4) Shrt Mohan Rao P., L. C. E. - as Assistant in fi de Engen haria Civil, :com v,encimento mensal .de Rps. 260/-, Civil Engineering on a salary of Rs. 260/- p. m. plus allowan­ acrescido .de subsidios, na escala de Rps. 260.,10-300-20-450- ces in the s-cale of Rs. 260-10-'300-'20-4'50-25/2-'500. --25/2-500 . .5) Shr.i Seethiraju Narasimharao, L. C. E. --as Assistant 5) Sr. Bec-thiraju Narasimhra'O, L. C. E. --para «Assistant Lecturer in Ci,vil IDngineering on a salary of Hs. 260/- :p. m. Lecturer» de Engenharia Civil, com ven-cimento mensa'l de plus allowances in the scale of Rs. 260,",10~300...20-450-2'5/2-500. Rps. 260/ -, acresmdo de S'ubsidiOS, na escala de Rps. 2-60--10- 6) Shri Yeshwant Govtndrao Th:atte, D. E. E. Assistant -300-'20-41>0-25/2-500. Lecturer 'in Electrical Engineering on a sala>ry 'Of 'Rs. 260/­ 6) Sr. Yeshwant GoViindrao Thatte, D. :E. E. - pal'!a «Assis~ p. m. plus allowances in the scale of Rs. 260-10-300-'20-450- 'tant. Lectu·rer» de Engenharia Electrica, com vencimento men­ -25/2-500. sal de Rps. 260/-, acrescido de subsidios, na 'escala de 7) S'hTii. ~Sadanand Maru:Urao, M. Sc. --as Assistant iRl's. 260_10-300-'20-450-25/2~500. Lecturer in General Sci:ence & 'Geology, on a salary of 7) Sr. Sadanand M:a.J1utirao Sawant, M. Sc. -.para «Assis­ Rs. 260/- .p. m. plus 'allowances in the scale ,of Rs. 260-~O-300- tant Lecturer» de :Ciencias Naturais e Geologia, com venci~ -20-450-25/2-500. mento mensa:! de Rps. '260/-, acrescido de subsidios, na esca1a de Rps. 260-10-300';20-'450~25}2-500. 8) Shri D' .costa MitchaelRosario, as Instruct'Or in Carpentry 8) Sr. D' Costa Michael Rosario - para mestl1e de ear:pin­ on a sal·axy of Rs. '260/- ,po Iffi. plus allowances in the scale 'Of taria, com vencimento mensal de Rps. 260/-, a;cmescido de Rs. ,260-10-300-20-450-e5/2-500. 'Subsidios, na €Scala de Rps. 260-10-300-20-450-'.25/2-500. 9) Shri Shani.a.ram Venkatraman Katgi, :as Instruct'Or in 9) Sr. 'S'hantaram Venkaitrnman Katgi-para mestre de Fitting on a salary 'Of Rs. 260/- p. rn.. plus allowances in ,the electricid;l:de, ,com Y,enc4nento mensal :de Rps. '260/-, acrescido scale of Rs. 260"10-300-20-450c25/2-500. de su'!}sidi.os, na ·escala de Rps. 260-10-300-'20-450-2'5/2-500. 10) Shri Mohan Ramrao K!adeko'di, as Demonstrat'Or :in 10) Sr. Mohan Ramra'O Kadekodi-paoo. desmonstrador de Electrical Engineerin.g 'On a salaJry of Rs. 160/- p. m. plus Engenharia ,Electrica, com vencimento mensal de Rps. 160/-, allowances in the scale of Rs. '160-10'-300. aorescido de subsidios, na rescala de R,ps. 160-10-'300. 632 SERIES II No. 37 11) .shim Shimpukade :Shanker Sidgonda, as Demonstrator Ill) Sr. 'Shimpukade Shanker Sidgcnda - p8Jra demonstrador ;in Me'chanl.lca.1 Engineer:ing on a salary .of Rs. ,160/- p. m. plus de EJn,g,enharia Mecanica, 'cern vencimentc mensal de allowances in the scale of Rs. 160-10-300. Rps. 160/-, acresci'de de subsidies, na: escala de Rps. 160- '1'2) Shri Chi vate Manikchand Kalappa, as Demonstrator in 10-300. Civil Eng:Lneering on a saJ.a,ry of Rs, 160/- II, an. plus allowan­ 12) Sr. ChivaJte :Manikchand Kalappa-para demonstradcr 'ces in the scale of 'Rs. 160-10-300. de ,Engenharia Civil, ,caIll V'encim:ent.o mensal de Rps. il60/-, acr·escLdo de subsidi:os, na escala ,de Rps. 160-10-300. il'3) Shr·i Kolwalkar Premanand Jagannath, 138 [)emonstrator ,13) .sr. Kolwalkar Premana:nd Jagannath -(para demons­ in Sci-en:ce on a salary of Hs. 1160/- p. m,. ,plus allowmtces in trade,r de Ciencias, ,com 0 :v;enoimento mensal de Rps. 160/-, the scale of Rs. 160-1O~300. ac,rescWo de subsidios, illa .e.seala ide RiPs. 160-10--300. :14) Shrl Athalye Keshav Vd.nayak, as Instructor (Mecha­ il4) Sr. Athalye Keshav Vinayak -parra mestllle de meca­ ni'cal) on a salalry ,of Rs. 160/- p. m. plus allowances in the iIli'ca, com 0 v.encirmenfto mensal de RIps. 160/-, acrescide de scale of Rs. 160-10-300. subsidi:os, na lescala :de Rips. il60-10-300. By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Gov;ernQlI' Por ordem '€ 'eall nome de Gowernador-tenente de Goa,. of Goa, Daanan and .Diu. oDamao e Die. A. F. C()Uto, Dev:elopment Commissioner. A. F. Ooute, Cemissario de Fomento. Pan~im, 30th August, a.963. P=glm,3() de Agooto de '19&3. ORDER Portaria ·ES/EDN/'llECH/4(4) ,ES/EDN/'I1EOH/4(4) Read: 1. Letter no. DTE/A/3/63 dabed 4-6-63 of the Ref: 1. Nota n.O D'TIE/ A/3/63, de 4-6-63, do director do, Dir:ector of Teclmical EduC8Jtion, Planjim. Ensinc Tecnico, em Pl8.illgim. 2. 'Gove.rrunent Letter no. 13780 dated '22-6-6'3. :2. Nota n.O 13870, de 22-6-63, ,do Governo. 3. Nctific8Jticn nc. DTE/A/'3/63 dated :28-6-63. 3. IDespacho n.' DTE/A/3/63, de ,28-6-63. 4. G-ovemnment Order :nc. ES/EDN/'DECH/4(2) .dated 30-8-63.

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