CdbY^W 6YWebU 2YR\Y_WbQ`Xi #bT5TYdY_^ 9^dUb^QdY_^Q\ CdbY^W 6YWebU 1cc_SYQdY_^ CdbY^W 6YWebU 2YR\Y_WbQ`Xi Third edition 1`eR\YSQdY_^_VdXU 9^dUb^QdY_^Q\CdbY^W6YWebU1cc_SYQdY_^ IFSA ISFA Press, Pasadena, California Copyright © 2000 by the International String Figure Association. Photocopying of this document for personal use is permitted and encouraged. Published by ISFA Press, P.O. Box 5134, Pasadena, California, 91117, USA. Phone/FAX: (626) 398-1057 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.isfa.org First Edition: December, 1985 (Bulletin of String Figures Association No. 12, Tokyo) Second Edition: May, 1996 Third Edition: January, 2000 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00-102809 ISBN 0-9651467-5-8 $19.95 Foreword It is with great pleasure that I introduce the third edition of String Figure Bibliography, compiled by Dr. Tom Storer. Over 500 new entries have been added since the second edition appeared in 1996. Of the 1862 total entries, 341 include illustrations of string figures and instructions for making them, 372 include illustrations only, and 19 include instructions only (no illustrations). The remaining entries document other aspects of string figures as described below. Each entry is prefaced by a symbol that identifies the type of information it contains: ⇒ An arrow indicates that the cited work includes both string figure illustra- tions and instructions.These are, of course, the classic source documents of the string figure literature, highly sought after by anyone wishing to pursue comparative studies or augment their personal repertoire of figures. A square indicates that the cited work includes instructions for making string figures, but lacks illustrations. Fortunately, these are relatively rare! ∗ An asterisk indicates that the cited work includes illustrations of string fig- ures, but lacks instructions describing how to make them. Unfortunately, some of the most interesting string figure collections ever published belong to this category (e.g., Roth, 1902, or Campbell, 1971). • In most cases, a filled circle indicates that the cited work includes informa- tion on string figures but lacks illustrations and instructions for making them. The quality and extent of information varies considerably. Some of the cited works merely mention string figures in passing or feature them in a unique way (novels, paintings, calendars, cartoons). Others include sup- plemental data of great interest such as: names given to string figures at specific locations, beliefs associated with their manufacture, information on who makes them and why, and so forth. Although few in number, works that the Dr. Storer has been unable to examine personally are also included in this category. Some of these may indeed include string figure illustrations and/or instructions, but cannot be classified as such until located. As in previous editions, the entries in this edition are sorted by author. A searchable electronic version is available from the publisher upon request (diskette or e-mail attach- ment). An abridged version, with entries sorted by geographic region, is available on the World-Wide-Web (www.isfa.org/biblio.htm). Mark A. Sherman, ISFA Press Additions and corrections Additions, corrections, completion of reference citations, comments and inquiries are cordially invited. Please send them to: Dr. Tom Storer Editor, String Figure Bibliography 317 S. Division St. PMB #86 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-2203 USA iv Abercrombie, S. ∗ COMMON THREAD. Ann Arbor News; Ann Arbor, Michigan (7/28/97). pp. A1, B1, B2. Abraham, A.J. ⇒ STRING FIGURES, PARTS I-IV. The Sisal Review and Industrial Fibres Survey, Vol. 2, London (1938). STRING FIGURES, PART I. Vol. 2, No. 3 (Sept., 1938). pp. 79-83. STRING FIGURES, PART II. Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct., 1938). pp. 134-138. STRING FIGURES, PART III. Vol. 2, No. 5 (Nov., 1938). pp. 175-176. STRING FIGURES, PART IV. Vol. 2, No. 6 (Dec., 1938). pp. 216-218. ⇒ STRING FIGURES. Reference Publications, Inc., Algonac, Michigan (1988). pp. 154. • CORRESPONDENCE ON THE HISTORY OF STRING FIGURES. Bulletin of String Figures Association, No. 16, Tokyo (1989). pp. 50-51. ∗ STRING FIGURES: THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS. Physiotherapy, Vol. 75, No. 2; Char- tered Society of Physiotherapy, London (Feb., 1989). p. 88. • LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: STRING FIGURE THERAPY. Bulletin of the Interna- tional String Figure Association Vol. 2; Pasadena, California (1995). pp. 192-193. ⇒ STRING FIGURES AND TRICKS FROM THE ASSAM-BURMA BORDER. Bulletin of the International String Figure Association, Vol. 6; Pasadena, California (1999). pp. 133-144. Abraham, R.M. ⇒ WINTER NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS. Constable and Company, London (1932). pp. 71-101. ⇒ DIVERSIONS AND PASTIMES WITH COINS, CARDS, STRING, PAPER AND MATCHES. Constable and Company, London (1933). pp. 58-80. [Also: E.P. Dutton and Co., New York (1935). pp. 105-113.] [Also titled: TRICKS AND AMUSEMENTS WITH COINS, CARDS, STRING, PA- PER, AND MATCHES. Dover, New York (1964). pp. 58-80.] ⇒ EASY TO DO ENTERTAINMENTS AND DIVERSIONS WITH COINS, CARDS, STRING, PAPER AND MATCHES. Dover, New York (1961). pp. 71-101. [Also titled: WINTER NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS. (1932)]. Accoutrements for Science ∗ SUPER STRING. Accoutrements, Seattle (1997). p. 1 (unpaginated). Aciman, A. • CAT’S CRADLE. The New Yorker; The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., New York (Nov. 3, 1977). pp. 96, 98. (short story). Adler, C. • POLAR ESKIMO (NORDGRÖNLAND, THULE-DISTRIKT) — FADENSPIELE. Publikationen zu Wissenschaftlichen Filmen. Sektion Ethnologie, Serie 9, Nummer 47, Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Göttingen (1979). pp. 12. 1 Adorjan, A. and A. Shinozaki ∗ LYRICAL MELODIES OF JAPAN. Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd., Japan (1982). p. jacket (Compact disc). Adriani, N. • BARE’E-NEDERLANDSCH WOORDENBOEK MET NEDERLANDSCH-BARE’E REGISTER. E.J. Brill, Leiden (1928). pp. 41, 925. Adriani, N. and A.C. Kruyt • DE BARE’E SPREKENDE TORADJAS VAN MIDDEN-CELEBES (de Oost- Toradjas). Vol. 3, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen. Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks, Vol. 56, No. 1, Amsterdam (1951). p. 413. Afon’kina, E. Yu • MARK SHERMAN. Origami, No. 3(13), Akim, Moscow (1998). p. 53. (in Russian) ⇒ TWIN PEAKS. Origami, No. 3(13), Akim, Moscow (1998). pp. 54-55. (in Russian) Afon’kina, E. Yu. and A.S. ⇒ GAMES WITH CAT’S CRADLE. Kristall, St. Petersburg (1997). pp. 216. (In Russian) Ager, L.P. • THE REFLECTION OF CULTURAL VALUES IN ESKIMO CHILDREN’S GAMES. The Study of Play, Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play; Leisure Press, West Point (1977). pp. 94, 95, 97. Aginsky, B. • CULTURE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTIONS, XXIV: CENTRAL SIERRA. Anthropologi- cal Records, Vol. 8, No. 4, University of California Press, Berkeley (1943). p. 424. Agostini, F. • MATH AND LOGIC GAMES. Harper and Row, New York (1986). (Cover) Aitken, R.T. • ETHNOLOGY OF TUBUAI. B.P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin No. 70, Honolulu (1930). p. 94. Akerman, H. ⇒ CAT’S CRADLE. Strand Magazine, Vol. 115, No. 693, London (Sept. 1948). pp. 54-57. Alcalay, R. • THE COMPLETE ENGLISH-HEBREW DICTIONARY. The Prayer Book Press, Bridgeport (1965). p. 575. Alexander, B. and C. ∗ WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE INUIT? Peter Bedrick Books, New York (1995). p. 26. 2 Ali, A.Y. • THE MEANING OF THE HOLY QUR’AN. Amana Publications; Beltsville, Maryland (1997). p. 1716 (Note # 6305). Aliaga, J.M.R. ∗ CULTURA RAPANUI. Serie Patrimonio Cultural Chileno. Coleccion Culturas Abori- genas, Santiago (1988). Plate 18. Aliki ∗ MARIANTHE’S STORY, Part 2; Spoken Memories. Greenwillow Books, New York (1998). unpaginated. Alleau, R. and R. Matignon ⇒ DICTIONNAIRE DES JEUX. Realites de L’imaginaire, Paris (1964). pp. 198-202. Alpers, A. • LEGENDS OF THE SOUTH SEAS. T.Y. Crowell Co., New York (1970). p. 7. Amado, R.D.H. (Huapaya) ⇒ EL JUEGO DE LA PITA. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima (1996). pp. 39 + Plates 1-52. (217 total one- and two-sided pages in eccentric pagination). Amae, T. • DOGI. DOKA. Miyagi-ken Shi, Vol. 20, Minzoku, Part II; Miyagi-ken Kankokai, Japan (1960). p. 255. Amano, M. ⇒ YASASHII AYATORI I NEN-SEI (Easy Ayatori for the First Grade). Japan Bungei- Sha, Japan (1992). pp. 159. American Bookseller • PICK OF THE LISTS: ACTIVITY [Review of C. Gryski: SUPER STRING GAMES.] Vol. XI, No. 7, Booksellers Publishing, Inc., New York (March, 1988). p. 56. Amir-Moez, A.R. ⇒ MATHEMATICS AND STRING FIGURES. Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1965). pp. 35. ⇒ CLASSES RESIDUES ET FIGURES AVEC FICELLE. Lafayette Printing Company; Lafayette, Indiana (1968). pp. 36. ⇒ STRING FIGURES; A Symbolic Approach. Western Printing Company; Lubbock, Texas (1979). pp. 32. [Also published in Spanish and Persian]. ⇒ MATHEMATICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF INDIAN STRING FIGURES.The Toth- Maatian Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, Lubbock, Texas. (October, 1984). pp. 1391-1407. ⇒ STRING FIGURES AND CONCENTRATION, IN MY LIFE. Texas Tech University (n.d.) pp 5. (personal communication) 3 Amir-Moez, A.R. and J.D. Hamilton ⇒ ART AND MATHEMATICS OF STRING FIGURES. Journal of Recreational Mathe- matics, Vol. 7, No. 1; Greenwood Periodicals, New York (Winter, 1974). pp. 23-34. ⇒ ROTATION OF A STRING FIGURE. Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 3; Greenwood Periodicals, New York (1975-1976). pp. 177-181. Anchorage Daily News ∗ STORYTELLER SHARES TALES FROM THE ROAD. Alaska (January 31, 1998). p. Metro. Andersen, J.C • MAORI LIFE IN AO-TEA. Whitcomb and Tombs, Inc., London (1907). p. 269. ⇒ MAORI STRING GAMES. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. Welling- ton. Vol. III, 2-4 (1920). pp. 81-92, 139-147, 197-208. Vol. IV, 4-5 (1921). pp. 145-154, 232-247. Vol. VI, 5-6 (1924). pp. 289-309 Vol. VIII, 3 (1926). pp. 175-188, 243-253. ⇒ MAORI STRING FIGURES. Board of Maori Ethnological Research, Memoirs, Vol. II, Wellington (1927). pp.171. ∗ MYTHS AND LEGENDS OF THE POLYNESIANS. Dover, New York (1995). pp. 92, 96, 228-231, 428, 502, 511. [Reprint of 1928 edition published by George G. Harrap and Company, Ltd; London] Anderson, W.
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