4. V«to tor the Party Abolish the Capi• uC Your CUM MONTANA NEWS. talist System OWNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF MONTANA VOL V. HKLKNA MONTANA. THURSDAY, MARCH 28 1907. NO. 20. Court at Butte Caldwell Campaign Judge Grants ]hange of Venue Argue for Change of Venue—Richard• Socialists Showing Great Strength— son Gives Prosecution Sledge —Trial Will Take Place in Prospects Bright for Election of Hammer Blows Boise—Date Will Be Set on Mayor and Aldermen V The election of a socialist mayor of long to the Amalgamated to nominate been present dariag the week are Haw- Caldwell, Ida., March 21. the city ef Butte now appears to be a a candidate and declared brutally in ley, Stone and Vaa Day a, proeeeuting The U|UMDU by counsel oa the April First foregone conclusion. The registration reepense to their protests "the busi- aeestioa of removing the trial of attorney for Oanyoa voeaty, for the is about 7,700, of this it is safe to say aeee ef thia convention is to vudorse Muyer, Haywood and l'ettibone to prosecution, and Biehardaon, Nugent, that not more than 6,700 will vote, Henry Mueller for mayor." MM other -county beeidee that of Fred Miller, aad Walter and Henry Special ho the Montana Ifews. They returned in twenty-five minutes indifferent and the illegal registered. A Servile Tool. Canyon, where the erime was commit• Oriffith of UaldrweU, for the defenae, CaldweJJ, Idaho, March 20, 1M7 and Mr. Nugent atatcd that since they In times past illegal voting was suc• George M. Iiourquin, now judge, was ted, cloaed In Judge Wood'a court this L. O. Whiteell of Wardner, Ida., who Moyer, Haywead ard Pettiboae were had beer given no alternative and has been employed by the defenae on cessfully carried on against the social one ef those who refused to be muzzled afternoon about 3 P. M., and the judge all in court hie seeming to hear Jadge since it was dangerous to go to trial tok tha motion under adviaement until the caae, was sJao preeent. Fred Miller ists for the reason that the party never and took the platform in spite of Wood's deeiaiea ea the ehange of in Canyon county they would abide by Monday morning next. Thia motion did the first of the reading of the clip• took the trouble to place checkers ia Corby and delivered an impassioned venue motion. The eenrt roem waa the judge's decision, and go to Ads the different wards. This time ener- speech denouncing the action of the •a a chaaga of venue haa coniumed 4 pings, but aboat the middle of the af• getie steps are being taken to weed out chairman. day*. Tha aourt room haa bean crowd- ternoon Tuesday Henry Oriffith took crowded. The jadge said it was not county. He called attention to the his place. the fraululent vote and the scoundrels The convention was however packed ad at every aaaaion. It is a remark- necessary te rehearee the facte con• advantage* of Washington oounty and bid fair to go to jail when they try to by the Amalgamated and Mueller was agle fact that the onlookers are com- Class Struggle Evident nected with the caae, that he had eosse to the faet that Mr. Steunenberg had caat their ballots. endorsed with the result that tha re- poeed ,'ilp ott entirely of the working Nothing coald have more plainly to the decision that the trial should resided for four years in Boise. The Witb a vote of 6,700 which will be publicans revolted and Mueller, who elaae. Tiny have nn expreaaion on brought the great economic class strug• go to Ada ceawha. With the concent judge replied that Wasbirgton county divided between three candidates, was himself a popular man and capable their as though to aay, "Here is where gle involved in this social war than the of the defendants er to over rule the was in no wise fitted for the trial. Mr. Gardner does not count for the reason of putting up a good race as a straight wa have an intereat. Our class ia on reading of theee clippings. Th capi- that he is campaigning for the repub- democrat, was badly snowed under be• trial. Here ia where we become a so- motion. There were certain eorditiona Hawlt-y then asked the judge if it was list sees only the plausible reasuns for ll cans in the hope of being appointed cause of the dirty methods of the Am aial factor.'' The jury venire sum• existing at Calwvll that were differ• understood that the prisoners were its own attitude and acts, and knows to a soft snap. algamated republicans. moned for Monday morning, March 18, naught of a great counter formative ent from thoae elesrwhere but a large forced to remain at Boise no matter Accepting three, then, as a divisor, Union Record. haa been present nt the opening of force arauud it. This was brought out part of the showing would pertain what the conditions were. The judge it will be seen that less than 2,250 will each session but dismissed by the Corby registered another black mark in the bitter deouciatory terms used equally to all other eountiec in this replied that he did not intend to take elect. The socialists cast a larger vote jadga. W. .1. Scott of Cripple Creek, concerning the activities of the work• against bis name in the engineers' portion of the state, that there was a any rights away from the prisoners than these figures at last fall's elec W. T. Bradley of Boise, and Easterly . ,• , MS. .L- union at a time when the Amalgamated ing class. The Ooldfleld miners were tion and the socialist vote, unlike the auwigamarak a/ Bilver City, Ida., have been present large portion ef the county outside ef that the law allowed them. The mo• was seeking to disrupt the Wecter> called "wild savages of the desert." democrats and republicans, was prac• aa proletarian representatives at the Caldwell where a jury could be ob•tion was allowed and the oaee changed Federation of Miners. When the The same accaaatione seemed to be tically all inside the city limits. ami The prisoners have all three time for the election of delegates from | made against the socialists as against tained. Attorney Nugent for the de•to Boise. In addition Is the regular socialist boon in court. The exercise and change the engineers' union arrived Corby Christ—that tbey were stirrers-up of fense asked if providing the caae vote the party will poll a big dis• a/ scene they are getting seems to be Next Monday in Boise court a spec• found tbnt his crowd was not in the strife; und the muef atrocious misre• changed to Ada, whether they were gruntled republican ami democratic doing them all good, and they all aeeni ific time will be set, Mr. Nugert said majority and to prevent the election presentations were continually set vote Independent republicans will m excellent spirits. Tbey are brought suppoced to stay there ro matter what they would like special trials for each ot independent mer he adjourned the forth by these venal sheets, tools of not stand for the Amalgamated < audi down on the "pony" every morning condition might be revealed. Oa get• meeting in the face of the majority. the administration. In one place they defendant which he was told would be ilate Corby. Old line democrats will from Boise in charge of the sheriff and ting a reply in the affirmative he aaid His1 labor and political record is a swere claesified as professional social granted, and he would be informed not stand for Mahoney. The labor three guards. At noon they take their record of subserviency to the Amal• ists, tool socialists, ami anarchists. thai would have to have time for de• which would be tried first. The trial party men do not take Gardner serious dinner at a boarding house just auross ly ami most of them will vote the so•gamated. If elected he will continue Kven in Oermany. after all these years liberation. The judge aaid they should will he about the first of May. the street from the court house, airs. cialist ticket. AintI trus t democrats te serve its interests. In the lcgis of public prominence, the same idiotic have all the time they wished, and a Moyer and Mra. 1'ettibone also come Mrs. Mover was not in the court have been trying to swallow Mahoney latare he trained with Seallon, the thing «•!- heard, where it was laughed half hour waa earned as sufficient.. down on the train every morning. room having been taken to the hospi• but he has insulted them by hie brag• man who at* president of the Anaconda at openly in the Reichstag the other They are with their husbands in the Prisoners aad attorneys then retii->d. gadocio and tliey are freely admitting blacklisted over fit MI men in Anaconda day. tal for an operation. intervals of the court sessions in a the election of the socialist ticket. because they were Socialists. Mince his nomination he has been small side room where the men are The «uue thing occurred in the Ida The prejudice against socialism is fendants were implicated, acd that the , . , . .. , called oa to explaiy n to republican »• kept. While a guard is with each ho court room. The crowd frequently them; that he haa been a reeident of being down rapidly in the present cam- irj.uoi.-u *•> ti utbfulness of said Orchard's confes loon keepers, cigar dealers and others prisoner wherever he goes .there is no laughed openly at the ridiculous state• Canyon county, Idaho, for more than paign.
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