1 .',DocumissT RESUME ED 254 425 SE 045 445 . .TITLE. Status onU.S.Marine. Research. Hearing before the Subcommitteeon Oceanography of tlie,Committee on sf . Merchant Marine and Fisheries, grouse. of Representativesi.Ifinetyalighth Coigress,Second, . ;- Session'On U.S, Marine Scientific Research Capabili0000:nprsigth (September 26,1984).: INSTITUTI -Congres404 .,00U.S., Washington,. D.C. BoUse I .. Committee-Ontlepchant'farine and-Fisheries. , ac: 85 : L ... PUB DATE-, . .. l y. 6 MOTE 110,207p. PUB TYPE Legal /Legislative /Regulatory Materials'(090). .... , .. EDRS PRICE' . 11F01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS. *--*Aptuaries; .*Federal Progriuns; Financial Support; - '*Futuree (of Society); Government Role; Hearings; Nigher %Education; International .dooperationp *Marine... Biology;' :*Oceanography; Research Needs; Science A . Equipment;'\*Scientific Research; Technology- IVENTITIERS National Science Foundation v ., . ABSTRACT . -1* These hearings focused on the major problems and Opportunities in marine research and on the roe of; both the government and the scientific comdunity inresipondfng to future' needs. Included are statements by: James Bahr; Donald Boesch; Robert CorellvTudor"Davies; Gradt Gross; G. Ross Heath; Joel Pritchard; David Ross; J. R. Schubelk Gerty Studds; the United States Geo4ogical Survey; Ferris Mobster; Robert Winokur; Paul Wolff; and Larry Mortxel. Alecs included ildlep applicable). is supporting documentation provided by these individuals an well as Communications submitted for the record. This documentation includes: information on ocean and . marine resources and research priorities and initiatives; information on significant challenges in ocean science through the next decade; a . brief history (1964-present) of the ALVIN program And thq.navir-owned deep,submersible research vessel' DSRV-ALYIN); an article.by Robert Wall entitled "The Oceanography ReportOcean Sciences leer Review in the NSF" (National Science Foundation)r articles by David Ross and John Xnausi entitled "How the 'Law of .the See will Affect U.S. Marine Scienceiand by David Ross and Michael Neiley entitled "International Marine Science: kn'Opparttulity for'the Future"; a discussion of estuarine research priorities; and answers to various questions' considered -during the hearings. (JN) **#******************************************************************** *. Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made - * * . from:the:Original document.. *********************************************************************** STATUS OF U.S. MARINE RESEARCH ....-.-. I .. U.& DEPARTMENT or asuomots :in NATTOSIAL INSTITUTE Of EDUCATION EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMA TION (\I -4, CENTER IMO" 04 .P ji-twetioeurnOnt h.s been reproduced as rectsve (Ism the person or or tenon Rift lingmanny ,t gaiN Mwiot changes hour! been mode to improve reproduction quaint, 0 , ___ _ t ,NI p,.... ofVIM* tH OpriNfilicrated inMie dear HEARING rent do not necessarav represik officteINIE c3 0,floc v IlAll I =MU 1141 P-. *SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEAitopRAPHY OF I= COMMITTEE ON .11EiRCHANT MARINE AND.FISIIERIES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-EIGIME CONGRESS _ SECOND SESSION ow U.S. MARINE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CAPABILITIES OVERSIGHT SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 Serial No. 98-54 *4-, rofif jn Printed for the use of the Committee on Merchant Amine and Fisheries u.s.siovistanorr rairrritra opines WAINTINOIDN : 119A L.P** ... s. ,....-.. ., - . COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT. MARINE AND IiISHERIES . =1re1\ WALTER IL JONES, North Carolina. alairwROS . , . t, .47 MAIM BIAGGI, New York JOEL 1PRITCHARD. Washington GLENN It ANDERSON, California GENE SNYDER, Kentucky . ctiN JOHN a BREAUX, Louisiana DON YOUNG, Alaska GERRY & STUDDS. Massachusatts NORMAN F. LENT..New York 1.11.4 CARROLL- HUBBARD, Jo... Kentarky Roma W. DAYS, Michigan DON HONKER, Washington a WILIJAWCARNEY. New York. NORMAN B. D'AMOURS. New Hassfabire NORMAN D. SHUMWAY. California JAMES L. OBERSTAIL Misname& JACK MELDS, Terms WILLIAM J. HUGHES. New. Jermai CIAUINNE SCHMID*: Mamie bliand BARBARA A. IIMULSKI, Maryland HAROLD S. SAWYER. Michigan EARL HUTTO, Florida HERBERT H.,BATEMAN, Virginia W.I. (IULLY TAUZIN, Lambdas* JOHN R. NAN. in, ialaa TIMM IL -POGILIIITTA. Pennsylvania WEIR FRANKLIN, Itississ1/40 IWO LF. American Simms 1110MAS F. HARTNBTT. South Cardinal DENNIS M. Michigan . ROY DYSON. Maryland WILLIAM O. uravou. Miriade % ROBERT A. BORMU. Fenn* bank THOMAS R. CARPER, Damara DOUGLAS H. 14611900. Calihrida ROSIN TALLON. South Carolina. ROBERT UNDSAY TIMMS. Georgia 'BARBARA BOXER, Cabrillo SOLOMON P. own. Teems CHARLEfi K Bomar, norms . arestiND a Warm. Mier Omens, . Osnaun J. MAMMA, Jr., mod` Minority Coallset Sunmesserrresi s OCEANOMAPIIT NORMAN E. D'AMOURS, New Hampshire, Chsirmaa FOFO I.F. SUNIA, American Samoa WILLIAM CARNilY, New York ROBIN TALLON, South Carolina NORMAN D. SHUMWAY. BARBARA BOXER. California CLAUCSNE SCHNEDMIL Rhode GERRY & STUTOM, Massachusetti mow H. BATEmmt Virginia WILLIAM J. HUGHES, Now Jamey JOEL PMTCHARD, Washington BARBARA A. SIIKULSKL Maryland Ofx Official W.I. (BILLY) TAUZIN. Louisiana WILLIAM 0. LIPINSIG, Illinois WALTER B. JOIIFS, North Cirolina (Es Oinclo) HOWARD GAMS, Staff Di:taw Dom= lisows, Praireitional Staff . Tenn fLumescon. Prulitaional Staff CURS fatoasseas. Maar* Pmfassiatial Staff (U) * Mt 44 .CONTENTS . t Pose Hearing held Septeinber, 26, 1984 1 Statement of: Baker, Dr. James, president. Joint OcesnogniOhk lintitutione, Inc 2 Prensired statement 4 Dr. Donald, director. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium 5. statement ;. Corell, . Robert W.. directfir of niarine.anij sea grant prqgrammi, Univer. siof Npw Hampshhe 1 ' 21. statement ... 24 'Davies. br. Tudor, Special Assistant to the Aseittant Administrator for Water, Envirenmental Protection Agency . 145 Prepared statement t .....-- . 138. Gross. Dr. St Grant, Director, Ocean Sciences Division, National Science Foundation - f45 statement 12g fleatiTreCcii.Row dean, college of acme and fishery sciences, University of Washington . 38 Prepared statement. 40 Pritchard,V- HMU.S. Joel, a U Representative from the State of W 161 Ross, Dr. Dinfid A., director, Marine Policy and OceanManage:LTC- gram, Woods Hale Oceanographic Institution 41. Prepared statement 44 flichubel, Dr. J.R.: dean and director. Marine Sciences Research Center State Unhrslt y of New York at Stony Brook, NY:%. 69 statement . 72 Studds, Han. Gerry E.. a U.S. Representative from the State of Massachu- S. setts .1 U.S. GeologicalSurvey i statement i 188 ., Webster, Dr. Ferris. of oceanography, University of Delaware 145 Prepared statement . 132 Winokur. Robert S., Associate Technical Director for Ocean Science, and International Programs, Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy 145 Wolff, Paul M., Assistant Administrator, NOAA, Department of Cam- 145 . mePrrce7paredstatement 110 Wortzel, Capt. Larry, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy - 156 Additional material supplied: e. Baker, DZ. et al.: Ocean and marine resources research priorities and initiatives 193 Boesch, Donald F.: Significant challenges in ocean science through the / . next decade 198 Cerell, Dr. Robert W.: A brief history of the ALVIN 32 A description of the DSRVAPLialltindits support vessel R/V AT- LA II 31 Environmental Protection Agency: Questions submitted by lir'. Pritchard and the responses - 178 Natiohall Science Foundation: . Article: "The Oceanography ReportOcean Sciences Peer Review in NSF," by 'Robert E. Mall, from HOS. December, 7, 1982 128 lin I 4' IV Additional material suppliedContinued I National Science FoundationContintred Par . Connentstm specific questions raffled by Congressman. Pritchard in his letter of October 12. 1984 .. 165 Navy Department: Additional questions of jdrs. Schneider and the an- swers 1e2 NOAA: Memorandinn of understanding between the Environmental Pinner- . tion Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration . , r. 170 Responpe to questions of Mr. Pritchard 166 Office of Nivel Research: Quotients of Mr. Pritchard and the replies 171 Pritchard, Hon. Joel: Questions for National Science Foundation 163 Ross, Dr. Oland A.:. Article: "How the Law of the Sea Treaty Will Affect U.'S. Marine . , Science," by David A. Ross and John A. Knauss, from Science, September 10, 1982 ...1 56 Article: "Interniitional Marine Science: An Opportunity for the, Future," by David A. Roes and Michael C. , from Oceanus,' Winter 1982/. , 62 . Schubel, Dr. J.R.: Estuarine research priorities 201 &gunnery of Mures research strategies needed to manage the Na- tion's estuaries. 91 Webster, Dr. Ferris: Questions submitted by Mr. Pritchard and the re-i sponses.. c 179 Communications submitted: Baker. James D.. and Robert W. Corell: Letter of October 23, 1984. to Hon. Claudine Schneifier 192, Baker, D. James:I ' Letter of November 3, 1984, to Hon. Joel Pritchard 181 Letter of November 13, 1984, to Hon.. Claudine Schneider with an attachment, ,,,,i, 193 Boesch, Donald F.: Letter of October 29,1984, to Hon. Joel Pritchard ...... 187 Gross, . M. Grant: Letter of November 15, 1984. to Hon. Joel Pritclgord with an attachment. - 164 Heath. C. Ross:"Letter of October 18, 1984, to Hon. Joel ititchard 1146 Pritchard, Joel: Letter of 'October 12. 1984, to Dr. Grant Gross with an attachment . 163 Ross, David A.: Letter- of October 19; 1984, tp Hon. Joel Pritchard .184 5 ( . - ) STATUS OF U.S. MARINE RESEARCH . 4.. / . WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. I984 4" HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITITE ON NOGRArHY, COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MA E AND FISHERIES, a Washington,
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