Federal Nominations the National Conference of State His­ be obtained from SHPOs (see list of ad­ example, under the Federal Property and Center, University of South Dakota, Alumni House, Vermillion, SD 57069 SHPOs and Federal Representatives Tennessee: Executive Director, Tennessee Historical Commission, 170 toric Preservation Officers, the Chair­ dresses at end of leaflet) or by writing Administrative Act of 1949, Federal Second Ave., N, Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37219 Texas: Executive Director, Nominations for Federal properties are SHPOs The Texas State Historical Commission, P.O. Box 12276, Capitol Station, Aus­ man of the National Trust for Historic to Tax Reform Act, Heritage Conserva­ agencies may transfer historic proper­ Alabama: Director, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Chair­ submitted through Federal representa­ tin, TX 78711 Trust Territory of The Pacific Islands: Historic Preservation man, Alabama Historical Commission, Archives and History Building, Preservation, the Secretary of the Smith­ tion and Recreation Service, US Depart­ Officer, Land Resources Branch, Department of Resources & Develop­ tives appointed by the agency heads to ties under their jurisdiction to State or Montgomery, AL 36104 Alaska: Chief oi History and Archeology, Division ment, TTPI, Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 Utah: Executive Director, De­ sonian Institution, and 12 nonfederal ment of the Interior, Washington, DC local governments without charge. A 1972 ot Parks, Department ol Natural Resources, 613 Warehouse Ave., Suite National carry out their responsibilities under Ex­ partment of Development Services, Room 104, State Capitol, Salt Lake 210, Anchorage, AK 99501 American Samoa: Territorial Historic Preserva­ members appointed by the President. 20243. City, UT 84114 Vermont: Director, Vermont Division for Historic Preserva­ ecutive Order 11593. In addition, the amendment to this act permits these tion Officer, Department oi Public Works, Government oi American Sa­ tion, Pavilion Office Building, Montpelier, VT 05602 Virginia: Virginia His­ moa, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 Arizona: Chiei, Natural and Secretary of the Interior is directed by properties to be used for revenue pro­ toric Landmarks Commission, 221 Governor St, Richmond, VA 23219 Cultural Resource Conservation Section, Arizona State Parks, 1688 West Register of Publications Virgin Islands: Planning Director, Virgin Islands Planning Board, Char­ the order to encourage SHPOs to evalu­ ducing activities. For further informa­ Adams, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Arkansas: Director, Arkansas Historic Preser­ lotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00801 Washington: State Historic Preserva­ vation Program, Suite 500, Continental Building, Markham and Main Sts, ate, survey, and nominate, when appro­ tion write to the Historic Preservation tion Officer, 111 West 21st Ave., KL-11, Olympia, WA 98504 West Virginia: Little Rock, AR 72201 California: Ofiice of Historic Preservation, California The latest illustrated hardcover vol­ State Historic Preservation Officer, Historic Preservation Unit, Department priate, federally owned properties within Officer, General Services Administra­ Department of Parks & Recreation, P.O. Box 2390, Sacramento, CA 95811 Historic Places of Culture and History, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305 umes of The National Register of His­ Colorado: State Historic Preservation Officer, Colorado Heritage Center, their jurisdictions for Register listing. tion, Washington, DC 20405. Wisconsin: Director, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State St, 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 Connecticut: Director, Connecticut His­ toric Places (1976, Volume I and II) Madison, WI 53706 Wyoming: Director, Wyoming Recreation Commission, Under Executive Order 11593, Federal The Department of Housing and Ur­ torical Commission, 59 South Prospect St., Hartford, CT 06106 Delaware: 604 East 25th St, Box 309, Cheyenne, WY 82001 National Trust for Historic describe properties registered through Director, Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, Hall of Records, agencies are required to provide for the ban Development administers several Preservation: President, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 740 Jack­ Dover, DE 19901 District of Columbia: Director, Department oi Housing December 1976. A cumulative list of son PL, NW., Washington, DC 20006 preservation, rehabilitation or restora­ programs that provide funds for the re­ and Community Development, 1325 G St, NW., Washington, DC 20005 tion of federally owned and registered properties in the National Register is habilitation and preservation of proper­ Florida: Deputy Secretary of State, The Capitol, 401 East Gaines St., Tal­ In the following lists, all agencies are located in Washington, DC, with published annually in the Federal Reg­ lahassee, FL 32304 Georgia: Chief, Historic Preservation Section, Depart­ the exception of the last two. properties. They are also required to ties listed in the National Register or ment of Natural Resources, 270 Washington St, SW., Room 703- C, Atlanta, FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENCY HEADS ister on the first Tuesday in February, eligible for listing. They are the Com­ GA 30334 Guam: Director of Parks and Recreation, Government of Guam, Director, Recreation Management, Forest Service, P.O. Box 2417, Depart consult with the Secretary of the Interior P.O. Box 682, Agana, Guam 98910 Hawaii: State Historic Preservation Of­ ment of Agriculture 20013 Deputy Director for Program Development, Of Wells Fargo and Company Express Building, Silver Reel, UT (HABS, P. and additions are published monthly. munity Development Block Grant pro­ ficer, Department of Land and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, fice of Administrative Services, Department of Commerce 20230 Director, and the Advisory Council on Historic Kent Fairbanks). Preservation regarding proposals for New nominations are published weekly gram, the Historic Preservation Loan HI 96809 Idaho: Historic Preservation Coordinator, Idaho Historical Soci­ Real Property and Natural Resources Division, Office of the Assistant Sec in the Federal Register for comment. ety, 610 North Julia Davis Dr., Boise, ID 83706 Illinois: Director, Depart­ retary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics) 20301 DAEN- Federal or federally assisted undertak­ Tax Reform Act Program, and the Comprehensive Plan­ ment of Conservation, 602 State Office Building, 400 South Spring St, CWP-P, Plan Formulation and Evaluation Branch, Planning Division, Di­ ings involving the transfer, sale, demo­ These listings and the hardcover vol­ ning Assistance Program. For more in­ Springfield, IL 62706 Indiana: Director, Department of Natural Resources, rectorate of Civil Works, Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army umes are available from the Superin­ 608 State Office Building, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Iowa: Director, Iowa 20314 Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of lition or substantial alteration of both The provisions of Section 2124 of the formation consult your HUD area or State Historical Department, Division of Historic Preservation, 26 East Health, Education, and Welfare, Room 425 F2, 200 Independence Ave., Federal and nonfederal properties listed Tax Reform Act of 1976 (Public Law 94- tendent of Documents, US Government regional office or write to the Secretary Market St, Iowa City, IA 52240 Kansas: Executive Director, Kansas State SW. 20201 Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Historical Society, 120 West 10th St, Topeka, KS 66612 Kentucky: Director, Room 7100, Department of Housing and Urban Development 20410 Deputy or eligible for listing in the National 455) that encourage the rehabilitation of of Housing and Urban Development, Kentucky Heritage Commission, 104 Bridge St, Frankfort, KY 40601 Louisi­ Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Department of the In­ certified historic structures and discour­ Washington, DC 20410. For general in­ ana: Assistant Secretary, Ofiice of Program Development, P.O. Box 44247, terior 20240 Chief, Cultural Resource Management, National Park Service, Register. Baton Rouge, LA 70804 Maine: Director, Maine Historic Preservation Com­ Department of the Interior 20240 Space and Real Property Unit, Adminis­ age their demolition apply to income- Related Federal Programs formation about sources of preservation mission, 31 Western Ave., Augusta, ME 04330 Maryland: State Historic trative Programs Staff, Office of Management and Finance, Department of Advisory Council on Historic producing historic structures which are funding, write to the National Register Preservation Officer, John Shaw House, 21 State Circle, Annapolis, MD Justice 20530 Director of Administrative Programs, Department of the Other historic preservation programs 21401 Massachusetts: Executive Director, Massachusetts Historical Com­ Treasury 20220 Assistant Director (Environmental Programs), Office of Ad­ Preservation either (1) listed in the National Register; of Historic Places, Heritage Conserva­ mission, 294 Washington St, Boston, MA 02108 Michigan: Director, Michi­ ministrative Programs, Department of the Treasury 20220 (2) included within a Registered Historic within HCRS include the Historic Ameri­ tion and Recreation Service, US Depart­ gan History Division, Department of State, Lansing, Ml 48918 Minnesota: INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Director, Minnesota Historical Society, 690 Cedar St, St. Paul, MN 55101 Acting Director for Publications, Appalachian
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