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RECEtVED ~(0!\998 r cffft. c~e~ ' ' C H I Dorm students Art exhibit showcases finally move to richness of black history Columbia dorm ganza with singing performed by Chicago Housing Authority police officers. Students label temporary housing 'a bad scene' When thinking about black Art Burton, director of history and the countless con- Student life and By Ani ta Hardwick tributions Africans and Development, said the events Ctlrre.tptmdent African-Americans have give students a wide array of made to this world, Columbia talent and artistry to delve Columbia College's surplus housing students, who lived in the recognizes this important into-something Columbia Essex Inn Hotel, located at 800 South Michigan Ave., for the fall month in an array of ways. students, no matter from what semester, were finally given the opportunity to move into the Even though the month began culture they originate, can Columbia College Residence Center. while we were away on break, appreciate. For the entire Fall Columbia organized several The Hokin Center had an 1997 semester, 33 events that touched on the exhibition of Mitchell Columbia College stu­ essence of what black history Melson's ''Tribal Images" dents were required to month is designed to high­ through Feb. 28. Melson is ~ At times when I would live on the sixth floor light- the achievements of artist-in-residence at of the Essex Inn Hotel. blacks in all areas. Timbuktu Art Colony and an walk down the hallway, I would Occupying an entire 15 Student life and instructor at Columbia. walk through clouds of weed." room floor, two people Development featurc:d a docu­ The art epitomizes the to a room, many stu- mentary entitled, "Color essence of black history at its -------------• dent felt the 17-week Adjustments," which showed roots. The masks Melson cre­ --Eboni Thomas, student stay at the hotel was the history of racism in ates are an extension of black unbearable. American television. culture. He maintains that New student Ian Hood, who only lived in the Essex for a month, Columbia is also showing "these decorative masks gives explained the ordeal as "a bad scene" that brought many inconve­ an exhibit of African body the purchaser a symbol of niences. arts, "visual Biographies their life." In some African "A major inconvenience was cooking," Hood said. "Sometimes I exhibition." This exhibit is traditions, masks were about would backpack some food and go over a fri ends apartment to cook ongoing and will continue t h e highes t level of a meal." through April II at the II th existence--your spirit. Other problems included lack of closet space and expensive tele­ street campus. The great detai l given to phone charges-75 cents per any outgoing telephone call. There was also a jazz per­ the sculpting of the masks formance/poetry reading, alone is a work of art. Melson See Essex, page 2 ''The Sutherland" featuring uses copper, brass and alu­ Malachi Thompson. The minum to create masks, much Sutherland is a hotel at 47th of which are recycled materi­ Street and King Drive with a als from everyday, functional jazz club inside. It recently utensils. Some of the pieces openc:d an artistic center that have very unique hardware is devoted to jazz performers and a gospel choir extrava- See History, page 3 Photo essay on ' Life at Columbia' Coming Next Week INSIDE Features Features Sports Analyzing Dating on cam­ Women 5· challenge on Jerry Springer pus: Can we be professio!Uli sports phenomenon friends? Page 10 Page 15 Back page 10 The Chronicle .i ••. of Columbia College Cl!icBso ·· '' ~'-"iit·.Ja~ ftip).)••s.. New·s Around The Nationr 62l S. Waba5h Ave., Suite 205 C hic.1go, Illinois 60605 Main Line (l12) 144-734 J Stanford students win bias suit Student convicted of sending threatening E-mail Ph otography (l 12) 144-7712 Cnlle11e Press Service College Press Service Adve rtising (l12) 144-7412 STANFORD. Calif. - Four fanner Stanford University siUdents SANTA ANA. Calif. - A federal jury convicted a fonner Features (112) 144-752 1 University of Californ ia at Irvine student of a civil-rights violation Fax (312) 427-1920 have won a $300,000 selllement from a couple who refused to let them rent a house because they were Asian. for sending threatening e-mail to 59 Asian students. The Feb. 10 \V.:h Addr<.·-.s An U.S. Di strict Court judge approved the setllement, one of the conviction is the first for hate mail sent lhrough cyberspace and now www5.i ntc r a<·c.:css.<.:om I largest stemming from allegations of housing discriminalion. serves as legal precedent that sels standards for conduct on the chro nidc Property owners Jack and Beverly Hybl , who have since sold the Internet, Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Gc~naco told Knight­ I. m,1il Add n·:-.!1> rental house, also have agreed to recei ve training in fair housing Riddern'ribunc News Service. Chron96(a; intcracccss.com laws. Its drawing a line in cyberspace and saying if you cross that line The siUdents alleged that Beverly Hybl took them on a tour of the and threaten people with their lives thai a jury of your peers is not Editor- in-Chief house, and commented thai she had good, white American appli­ going to tolerate it, he said. Richard Machado, 21. testified that he sent the lhreatening e-mail M(·rna Ayi cants, who also were hoping to rent it. The students claimed Beverly Hyhl cvenlually chased them from the house yelling We white peo­ in 1996 as a joke and never meant to hurt anyone. However, he admitted under cross-examination lhat he blamed his own poor Manag ing Editor ple need to stick togelher, and Go back to your country. A woman in the house at the time of lhe lour later told allorneys grades on Asian students, who he said had raised lhe grading curve. Midw ll c.· DuFour Hyhl apologized thai she had subjected her to the heated exchange Machado is scheduled fo r senlencing in coming weeks. but al so added: They're ruining our country. News Edito r s The students, who found out about the Hybls property from the University's admissions guidelines spark debate Rui K,liH'Y" uni versi ty's Community Housing Office, pushed school officials to College Press Service C huck Jordan drop the family's properti es from school lislings. Six months after ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Being an alh lete or member of an the 1996 incident. the university did j oslthat. underrepresented minority group could get studenls into the Opinion/Spo rts Editor Un iversity of Michigan faster than if they made a perfect score on Robnt Steven son Proposal to lower drinking age denied the SAT. Colle11e Press Service The schools recently revised evaluations of prospeclive sludeniS Features Editor Ff. COLLINS, Colo. - So close, and yet so far away. come at a lime when its faced with two lawsuits challenging ils use Ei lct·n La Va lll' Eightccn-ycar-olds in Colorado hoping 10 drink beer legally will of race in the admissions process. University offi cials say the have to wait a while longer. By a tight vote of 5-7,the Slate Veterans changes arc simpler, less complex versions of old guidelines, but Assistant Features Edito r and Mililary Affairs Commillee on Feb. 5 quashed a proposed bill critics say theyre more proof that race is still a very large factor in Mk hdlc Po<.:ock that would have lowered the drinking age for 3.2 beer from 2 1 to 18. the university's admissions. If the bill had been approved, the state would have forfeited $20 mil­ Its important for everyone to realize thai no one is guaranteed admission because of a particular score, said university spokes­ Photography Editor lion in federal highway fund ing. woman Lisa Baker. While test scores lell us somelhing about an lllai r h edrick To offset the loss, the bills sponsor, state Rep. Ron Tupa, pro­ posed thai 18- to 21-year-olds be required lo purchase an an nual applicant, they don't present a complete picture. The (grade-poinl drinking penn it for $ 100. Stale employment, residency or enroll­ average) is truly the most imporlanl faclor. Assistant Photography ment in a state school also would have been required for people to Students are admitted on a poinl system and can get as many as Ed itor be eligible for lhe penn it. I I 0 points for academic faclors - for example, a per feci 4.0 GPA is Man:Tohin Personally, I feel lhat when you arc 18, you are a legal adult and worth 80 points -and 40 points for non-academic ones. Non-acad­ should be able lo do whatever you want , Tupa Iold lhe Rocky emic factors increase a students chance of admission.
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