I ' ■/ AyerSge Daily Net Run The Weather Fo^ The WeeIc.Ehded' Clear tonight, lows to the ’up; May 89, 1971 ' per 50s. Sunny Tuesday, with 15,550 •s ; higrhs 80 to 86. Manchester— A City of VUlag'e Charm PRICE F IF T ^ N CRNTa VOL. LXXXX, NO. 239 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 12, 197L (Classlflcid Advertlainf on Page 17) \ ' Steele Hits Nixon Scheduled to Sign Laotian In Emergency Bill on Jobs Plot’ s ers Drug W a r By FBANK CORMIER construction projects were In Associated Press Writer the planning stage. By that NEW YORK (AP) — Rep.' SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) he predicted, the economy RoBert H. Steele, R-Ctann., who — President Nixon, heading Into would not need stimulation, last week accused a ^uth Viet- a Busy week of foreign policy <nie chief executive argued ring namese major general of Being and budget conferences,, ar- that his program would have all a narcotics trafficker, now has ranged a formal signing cere- immediate Impact and would RABAT, Morocco (AP) INN, descriBed a Royal Laotian mony today for a $2.28 billion train temporary joBholders for -/ Army general of Being "one of emergency employment Bill regular employment later In the —^The principal ringleader.s the chief traffickers In Sk>uth- aimed at helping the economy, private sector. in the attempt to over­ ‘ . ^ measure authorizes a Nixon Interrupted a c(u»et Sun- throw King Hassan 11 were l e n s a Broadcast Interview Sun- two-year program to create day at hU oceaaifrorit villa to executed By a firing squad 200,000 temporary joBs In state visit his Western White House early today, official sources ►A.’ r governments in such office and sign a record 46.15 reported. sanitation, environ- Billion appropriaUon act for the They said tee names of the of­ itarted on , mental quality, health care, ed- office of Education and related ur drama ficers executed after a sum­ teet onfiim P"hllc safety, transpor- agencies. The total Is $39® mll- mary court-martial would be an­ I the NBC reflnerier^ ft. tatlOn and economic develop- Uon more than the President re- Sept. 17. reflnerles along the Mekong ment. , auested nounced later. true incl' River and provide transporta- _ . j .u ...o'* The executions are-- contin­ The cost during the next 12 Nixon said early enactment of proceaeed tlon for heroin In Royal Laotian uing, they added, and It was not months would Be billion. the measure, covering the fiscal es district military aircraft. , $1 Immediately clear whether all "This is an incredible situa­ Just last month, Nixon vetioed year that Began July 1, "Is ah tee six leading- conspirators re­ a $6.7 billion puBlic works Bill accomplishment of which Both [arry Mor­ tion," Steele said. "Here’s ported under arrest had been government that would collapse Incorporated a $2 Bll- the Congress and the Executive es Ooiihty shot. In 21 hours if It weren’t for our lion plan to subsidize state and Branch can be proud.’ \ King Has-san told a news m ey Paul local employment of workers In ity H. M. support- and yet somehow In the past, his statement not- cl^erence Sunday that the offi- ipectlvely. can't get their help In cracking ed, “ careful planning for the cere who led tee attempted coup 2 down on the opium trade.” argued the pro- educational in- SatuV:^y would all be dead By of tiee J. Laat week Steele said South would have an eventual gtitutions . has too frequently sundoW tonight. He named IS Deputy Vietnam's Maj. Gen. Ngo Dzu is Because most made impossiBle as a re- M l eight principal plotters Includ­ srine Ben- hiring would Be delayed as ing four generals and three coio- tars In the a major heroin trafficker. \ (Be® Page Ten) nels.. let attom- in an open letter to Steele, '^*^*® P“ “ ‘® Dzu said Sunday; "You are an ______ __________________________ , In Washington, it was an­ amlrez. authorized and respectaBle per­ nounced President Nixon sent a s the first son of the United States, But you message to King Hassan con­ ed, “The are being lured By a numBer of gratulating him for having es­ i,” Vietnamese people who are giv­ caped when Army reBels at­ t Unlvers- U.S. Phantom Jets Destroy ing you unfounded Information. tacked his summer palace on 7ebb M'urk Those people are jealous about ^ u rd a y . usoclatloii my title as 2nd Corps command­ Enemy Antiaircraft Guns Nixon’s message was dis­ er.” patched on Sunday. Officials Dzu’s letter, printed In Vlet- SAIGON (AP) — A pair of tialrcraft gun, one 67mm and said It expressed tee relief of namese newspapers, also said U.S. Phantom jets streaked two 37mm. He said one 67mm i \ tee admimlstration teat tee "I challenge you or anyone else from Laos' into North Vietnam gun and two 37mm guns were monarch’s life was saved and to show all-data to justify my in- Sunday and made the biggest damaged. order had Been restored. ’ITiere - volvement In jhe heroin traffic, kill of antiaircraft guns reported The 85mm is the second larg­ Gen. Mohamed Medbouh, leader of coup against King Hassan, is shown at were no American casualties. HER I Believe that an accusation of a in more than two months. ■' est gun In North Vietnam’s an­ right, accompanying the king to the grave oi Gen. Charles de Gaulle in this Ulster Blasts Hassan said Gen. Mohamed man elected By the people must ’The U.S. Command said the tiaircraft arsenal with a range picture taken last November at the cemetery of Colombey-des-Deux-Eglises. Medbouh, tee head of his per­ BOAD be weighed carefully.” . FH flgfliter-Bom-Bers destroyed of 10 miles. ’Ihe 67mm has a sonal military staff, and three Dzu and his senior American four antiaircraft guns and dam- range of eigd^t miles and the Fail to Deter other generals named Musta- IM adviser,'John Paul Vann, said It aged three others near the Mu 37mm can reach five miles, \ MBl^ER pha, Bougrine and Hambou is possible Steele’s accusation Gia pass 80 miles northwest of ’The command also disclosed In Morocco used 1,400 Ignorant, drug-crazed was based on anonymous lettera the demilitarized zone. ’They that another Phantom equipped Celebrants cadets In an aBortive attempt to circulated By Dzu’s personal en- pulled out of their BomB runs for photo reconnaissance was liquidate him and the entire emles. ’The State Department unscathed. hit By enemy ground fire while BELFAST, Northern Ireland leadership of his regime. says both the United States and it was the most successful on a mission Saturday over Nightmare Scene Described (AP) — Ten BomBs exploded in Medbouh was accidentally South Vietnam are investigating strike inside North Vietnam re- Stung ’Treng province in north- Northern Ireland during the killed By his own men during the charge against D*u. ported since May 10, when five em CamBodia. ’The two pilots VIENNA, Austria (AP) — “ ’Then, all of a sudden. It hap- 'heads and were driven Back. night apparently set By Irish tee attack at the king’s summer ^teele and Rep. Morgan Mur- u .S . pilots reported they de- managed to fly Back to Saigon, Guests at King Hassan II’s pened. At first I heard a lOTd "Then I saw B y , what in>- ®^®*®f' palace oh tee Atlantic Ocean 16 phy, D-Ill., visited South t^et- stroyed 13 antiaircraft guns But while making a pass over birthday party during Satur­ bang. Uien a contlnuaUon. I said mense luck 1 was saved: The tents d«ied the Roman Cateollc miles south of RaBat. At least 30 nam In April for the House For- about a mile from the batteries Tan Sot Nhut air Base the con- J day’s attemptedttticiiiptw revolt In Mor­ to my Saudi Arabian neighbor, three French physicians, with terrorists and at d a y ^ e ^ B^ of the _guests at tee king’s- ^ 42nd, elgn Affairs Committee. They hit Sunday. trol tower told them the plane FER occoJ were made By soldiers to . ‘It’s strange to have fireworks whom I previously was standing marching In celeBraUon^ birthday party, were killed, hr- reported South Vietnamese offl- The two Phantoms were dl- for two hours In a Blazing In tee middle of day’ and the together, were dead, tee king victory over tee eluding tee country’s only eld NTER clals were Involved In drug traf- verted from BomBing runs over (See Page Ten) / lie nchester sun with arms raised and any- Saudi Arafclan replied it must wat missing. Everywhere were Catholics 281 years ago marshal, three general^, tee flc and that heroin addiction the neighBoring Ho Chi Mlnh one who lowered them was shot, be some birthday noise makers, dead and everywhere Injured ’The British and provlnci^ minister of tourlsn^-dhe presi­ among American troops had trail In Laos after the guns fired j One of those guests. Prof. ‘"Then something was thrown were moaning. governments deployed 20,000 po- dent of tee .supreme court, Beh reached epidemic proportions. across the Border on another-F4 glan Ambass^dbr Marcel Du- p e c ia lty Kari Felllnger, a specialist in over our heads and I knew It "We were herded out on to the Hep^'and troops across Northern Steele, speaking on the WABC attacking the enemy supply net- Internal medicine, told of this was a hand gfrenade. EveryBody lawn and were ordered to lie Ireland’s six counties as tee prat and otB^ officers and offi­ Clous Radlo Press Conference Sun- work, the command said, Arm y Mui^ toady In an interview with tee started to run from the seaside down, with the hands above our bowler-hatted memBers of tee cials.
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