Senator Maria Elena Durazo Endorses Heather Hutt in Ad-54

Senator Maria Elena Durazo Endorses Heather Hutt in Ad-54

The Life and Legacy of DMX SoCal Legends: Donald Penn (See page D-1) (See page D-2) VOL. LXXXVII NO. 15, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 Tishaura Jones, cheered by Leading Generational Transformation in Local Transportation California relatives, elected as city’s first Black woman mayor. BY BETTI HALSELL Contributing Writer The Los Angeles Coun- ty Metropolitan Transporta- tion Authority Board of Di- rectors gathered to discuss Stephanie Wiggins’ new role as CEO of the compa- ny, leading L.A. Metro. On April 8, Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti announced the final tally in Wiggins’ favor, succeed- ing the role of retiring CEO Phillip Washington. Wiggins is currently seated at the helm, as the CEO of Metrolink; various leaders of the Los Ange- les community have been St. Louis Mayor-elect Tishaura Jones COURTESY PHOTO celebrating her continual growth. Mayor Garcetti BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT mined professional, Jones stated, “Metro is in the Staff Writer was voted in on April 7, midst of a generational by an overwhelming ma- transformation that will The election of Tishau- jority of the St. Louis mean more jobs for local ra Jones as the first Black populace. Her swearing-in workers, more growth for woman mayor of St. Louis ceremony takes place on our economy, and more drew loud cheers from peo- April 20, and as the city ways for Angelenos to Stephanie Wiggins FILE PHOTO ple in California. That’s eagerly awaits her tenure, move around our region because Jones boasts deep Jones’ West Coast family — and nobody is better makes her ideally suited to transportation history, and his retirement in February, ties throughout the Golden expressed delight over her prepared to carry the torch lead this agency at this mo- she is the perfect candidate after serving roughly six State despite her impres- of progress than Stephanie ment: she’s experienced, to carry Metro into its next years in Metro leadership. sive career in Missouri. {See JONES A-10} Wiggins,” determined, committed to chapter,” Said Garcetti. A dynamic and deter- {See WIGGINS A-11} “Stephanie’s career equity, and steeped in L.A.’s Washington announced New walking path highlights South LA community as the cultural, social and com- mercial center of Black life in Los Angeles SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE On April 13, City Coun- cilmember Curren Price joined community leaders and partner organizations to cut the ribbon on An- gels Walk Central Avenue, highlighting the people and places that helped to distin- guish this South L.A. com- munity as the cultural, so- cial and commercial center of Black life in Los Angeles in the first half of the 20th Century. Angels Walk Central Avenue serves as a creative learning tool to educate Angelenos about this vi- tal artery that runs through L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn LA City Councilmember Curren Price and Partners Celebrate the Legacy, Cut the Rib- TWITTER VIA MARGARET CARRERO @KNXMARGARET {See PRICE A-11} bon on Angels Walk Central Avenue FILE PHOTO {See FULL STORY A-8} SENATOR MARIA ELENA DURAZO ENDORSES HEATHER HUTT IN AD-54 CA State Senator, Latino Legislative Caucus Chair, and Labor Cham- pion Maria Elena Durazo becomes the latest prominent leader to back Heather Hutt’s Assembly Campaign Heather Hutt FILE PHOTO {See FULL STORY A-10} {See FULL STORY B-1} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY,APRIL 15, 2021 +RZ WR VDYH ZDWHU Kedren Health and PRQH\ DQG WKH (DUWK FAME Sponsor Mobile RU DUHD UHVLGHQWV ORRNLQJ IRU ZD\V WR UHGXFH WKHLU FRVW RI OLYLQJ DQG ) LQFUHDVH WKHLU TXDOLW\ RI OLIH GXULQJ WKHVH FKDOOHQJLQJ WLPHV VXVWDLQDEOH KRPH LPSURYHPHQW SURMHFWV FDQ VDYH ZDWHU DQG PRQH\ Vaccination Clinic 2QH XVHIXO UHVRXUFH IRU EXGJHWIULHQGO\ DQG HFRIULHQGOLHU ZD\V WR LPSURYH ZDWHU XVH HIILFLHQF\ DW KRPH LV \RXU ORFDO ZDWHU GLVWULFW DQGRU XWLOLW\ +DUROG & :LOOLDPV 06&( 3( 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH :HVW %DVLQ 0XQLFLSDO :DWHU 'LVWULFW ZKLFK SURYLGHV GULQNLQJ ZDWHU WR FLWLHV DQG FRXQW\ DUHDV LQ WKH FRDVWDO /RV $QJHOHV DUHD QRWHV KRZ ZDWHU VDYLQJ SURJUDPV DYDLODEOH WR UHVLGHQWV SURYLGH DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR EHFRPH HQYLURQPHQWDO VWHZDUGV ³%\ VDYLQJ ZDWHU QRW RQO\ DUH \RX VDYLQJ PRQH\ EXW \RX DUH SURWHFWLQJ \RXU FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKH (DUWK´ KH VDLG ³8VLQJ OHVV ZDWHU WDNHV SUDFWLFH XQWLO FRQVHUYDWLRQ EHFRPHV D KDELW 6RPHWLPHV \RX MXVW QHHG D OLWWOH KHOS WR NHHS JRLQJ ZKLFK LV ZKHUH ZH FRPH LQ´ +HUH DUH D IHZ WLSV WR KHOS \RX NLFN RII DQG NHHS XS HIIRUWV WRWDNH EHWWHU FDUH COURTESY PHOTO RI RXU HDUWK¶V ZDWHU UHVRXUFHV Event organizers and volunteers united for the FAME Mobile Clinic on April 10. )LUVW EHFRPH PRUH IDPLOLDU ZLWK \RXU ZDWHU SURYLGHUV <RX SUREDEO\ NQRZ BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT staff in co-hosting vaccina- Historic Park,” Abraham ZKR VHQGV \RX \RXU ZDWHU ELOO EXW GR \RX NQRZ ZKHUH WKH\ JHW WKHLU ZDWHU" Staff Writer tion clinics for SEIU mem- said. As for the future, he 7KHUH DUH PXQLFLSDO DQG UHJLRQDO ZDWHU HQWLWLHV OLNH :HVW %DVLQ WKDW RIIHU bers, in the Ethiopian and added, “We will be deploy- WKHLU RZQ UHEDWH SURJUDPV DQG SDUWQHU ZLWK RWKHU XWLOLWLHV WR SURYLGH Vaccinations are in store Eritrean communities and ing our mobile fleet to the FRQVHUYDWLRQ UHVRXUFHV IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\ for the entire South L.A. for laundry service essential Jordan Downs, Nickerson population if the staff of frontline staff in Burbank. Gardens, and Imperial 6HFRQG UHPHPEHU WKDW EXVLQHVVHV DUH FRPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV WRR (YHQ WKRXJK Kedren Health Center has their way. The organization RXWGRRU UHVLGHQWLDO ZDWHU XVH LV D PDMRU DUHD RI IRFXV WKHUH DUH DOVR vaccinated more than 500 SURJUDPV WR KHOS UHGXFH ZDWHU XVDJH LQ WKH FRPPHUFLDO DQG LQGXVWULDO VHFWRU people on April 10, at a mobile clinic stationed at 7KLUG WDNH DFWLRQ WRGD\ )RU H[DPSOH YLVLW WKH :HVW %DVLQ ZHEVLWH YLHZ D First AME Church of Los OLVW RI ZDWHUVDYLQJ GHYLFHV TXDOLILHG IRU UHEDWHV FKHFN LI \RX DUH HOLJLEOH Angeles. IRU IUHH GHYLFHV RU UHEDWHV E\ WDNLQJ D VXUYH\ VLJQ XS IRU D FODVV RU HPDLO That successful event is D UHSUHVHQWDWLYH WR DVN D TXHVWLRQ *HWWLQJ VWDUWHG ZLWK RQH RI WKHVH DFWLRQV just one of many – both past FRXOG OHDG WR KXQGUHGV RI GROODUV RI VDYLQJV RQ D KLJKHIILFLHQF\ ZDVKLQJ and future – that will help PDFKLQH D IUHH UDLQ EDUUHO YDOXHG DW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ LQFHQWLYHV WR Kedren fulfill its goal of UHSODFH JUDVV DQG LQYDOXDEOH HGXFDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV meeting people where they are at, according to Dr. Jerry Abraham, director of Kedren Vaccines. 7KH :HVW %DVLQ 0XQLFLSDO :DWHU 'LVWULFW Abraham’s deep dedica- tion was confirmed during :HVW %DVLQ LV JRYHUQHG E\ DQ HOHFWHG %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV ZKR RYHUVHH the FAME event as commu- WKH 'LVWULFW DQG WKH SURJUDPV WKDW SURYLGH VDIH UHOLDEOH ZDWHU nity members of all ages COURTESY PHOTO received the Moderna, Pfiz- Attorney Capri Maddox receives a vaccination shot from er and Johnson & Johnson Dr. Jerry Abraham of Kedren Health Center. vaccines. The clinic’s team, led by Abraham, included On April 17, his team plans Housing Developments.” Sonny Tran, Kedren’s chief special vaccinations for the Several faith-based vac- operations and information Sri Lankan, Indian, and cination events are sched- +DUROG & *ORULD ' 'HVL 6FRWW 'RQDOG / officer. Pharmacist Tsega Pakistani communities at uled as well in partnership :LOOLDPV *UD\ $OYDUH] +RXVWRQ 'HDU Habte served as the liaison the Kedren facility in South with the Roman Catholic President Immediate Secretary Treasurer Vice President Past President between FAME and L.A. Archdiocese of Los Ange- Kedren. Representing the Two clinics will be held les, the Episcopal Diocese :KLFK :HVW %DVLQ SURJUDPV FDQ VDYH \RX PRQH\" 5HVLGHQWLDO )UHH 5DLQ %DUUHOV 5HGXFH \RXU ZDWHU ELOO E\ UHXVLQJ FDSWXUHG UDLQ ZDWHU WR LUULJDWH \RXU ODQGVFDSH DQGRU JDUGHQ ZLWK D IUHH UDLQ EDUUHO GHOLYHUHG GLUHFWO\ WR \RXU KRPH 0RQH\ DQG :DWHU6DYLQJ 5HEDWHV 5HVLGHQWV PD\ TXDOLI\ WR UHFHLYH D UHEDWH WR UHSODFH $ JUDVV ODZQV ZLWK EHDXWLIXO QDWLYH ODQGVFDSHV $OVR DYDLODEOH D UHEDWH IRU D KLJKHIILFLHQF\ FORWKHV ZDVKHU COURTESY PHOTO From left are FAME Pastor J. Edgar Boyd, First Lady Florence Boyd and Dr. Abraham. )UHH :RUNVKRSV 9LUWXDO ZRUNVKRSV DERXW JUDVV UHPRYDO JDUGHQ church were Pastor J. Edgar for underserved groups on of Los Angeles, King Fahad GHVLJQ ILUHVFDSLQJ UHF\FOHG ZDWHU WRXUV DQG PRUH DUH Boyd, First Lady Florence April 24. The Latinx/Span- Mosque and the Islamic DYDLODEOH DW QR FRVW Boyd and Vickie Franklin, ish-speaking community Foundation. Also, clinics chair of FAME’s Commis- will be the focus of an event will be staged in L.A.’s gar- sion on Health and Fitness. co-sponsored with Heart of ment district and at a num- L.A. Mayor Eric Los Angeles (HOLA) at the ber of food service and food Garcetti also supported the Lafayette Recreation Cen- processing plants. &RPPHUFLDO %XVLQHVV effort through his initiative ter and St. John’s Cathedral Vowing that he’ll stay to “vaccinate people where will be the site of a clinic the course when it comes to they live, work, worship, aimed at vaccinating trans- vaccinations, Abraham )UHH .LWFKHQ $SSOLDQFHV DQG 5HEDWHV and play,” noted Abraham. sexual and non-binary indi- insisted, “We’re committed The mayor’s office, along viduals. to taking the time to 5HVWDXUDQWV KRWHOV VFKRROV DQG RWKHU FRPPHUFLDO with Capri Maddox, execu- “We are also helping to engage, educate, and vacci- NLWFKHQV FDQ VDYH PRQH\ E\ VDYLQJ ZDWHU ZLWK tive director of the city’s vaccinate the American nate — and then we acti- DSSOLDQFH UHEDWHV RI XS WR Civil and Human Rights Indian and Alaskan Native vate the community to help Department and a member communities on Saturday, get more people vaccinat- of FAME, distributed bot- May 1, at Los Angeles State ed!” :DWHU %RWWOH )LOOLQJ 6WDWLRQ *UDQWV tled water, hand sanitizers and masks to all attendees.

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