/- t- MADHYA PRADESH POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD \\zz Paryawaran Parisar, E-5, Arera Colony , Bhopal-462016 == Phone (0755)-2466191, 2464428, Fax (07 55)-2463742,website-mppcb.nic.in No. /Ho/MsWMPPcBlzoLg Bhopal, Date: | | To, The Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, CBD cum office Complex, East Arjun Nagar Delhi - 110032 Sub: Annual Report for the year 2OL8-2OL9 under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2015. As per the provision of the Rule - 24 (3) of Solid Waste Management Rules, 20L5,Please find enclosed herewith Annual Report for the year 2Ot8-2019 under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in from (V) for your information & necessary action please. Encl: As above (R.S ori) Member Secretary Endt.No.:- No. 6(Q /Ho/MsWMPPcBl2otg Bhopal,Date:4/ 7/ t7 Copy to :- 1,. PrincipalSecretary, Urban Development & Housing Deptt. Govt. of M.P. Mantralaya, Bhopal for information please. lT M.P. Pollution Control Board Bhopal for upload the same on Web Site of MPPCB I Encl: As above {\M-<att* (R.s.Ko;i) , Member Secretary h lL I Form-V [See rulc 24(3)] Format ofAnnual Report to be submittcd by the Statc Pollution Control Board to the Central Pollution Control Board Year - 2018-19 PART A To, The Chairman Central Pollution Control Board Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar DELIII- 11OOO32 l. Name of the Staten:lnion territory Madhya Pradesh ) Name & address ofthe State Pollution Control M.P. Pollution Control Board, Paryawaran Parisar E-5 Arera Coiony Bhopal - 462016 3. Number of local bodies responsible for management of solid waste in the State under these Urban Local Bodies - 378 rules Cantonment Board - 5 (List enclosed as Annex-I) ll No. of authorization appliiation Received 01 5- A Summary Statement on progress made by local The Action plan of Madhya Pradesh body in respect of solid rvaste management prepared by Urban Development & Hor.rsing Department is enclose<i as Anncxure-II. 6. A Summary Statement on progress made by local bodies in respect of waste collection, segregation, Attached as Annexurc-III. transportation and disposal ,7 A summary statement on progress made by local bodies in respect of irnplementation of Schedule II As per Anncx-II Date:. 27107 /2019 Place : Bhopal \t^f6S.r Member Secretary Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board P PART B Torvns/Citics Total number of Towns/Cities 383 Total number ofULBs Urban Local Bodies -378 Cantonment Board -5 Number of class I & class II Class I Cities -34 Cities/Towns Class II Cities - 29 Towns - 317 Cantonment Board-05 Authorization Status (Names,4',lumber) Number of application received 0 1 [Jabalpur MSW P.ltc{,Jabalpurl Number of authorizations granted Nil Authorizations under scrutinY As above 01 SOLID WASTE Generation Status 8000 Approximately Solid waste generation in the state (TPD) 7500 Collected I Treated 6100 Landfilled 14 00 Compliance to Schcdule I of SW Rules umbcr/Na lncs of Towns/Canaci No of Remark Activities Citics/Torvns practices in Good t94 Indore has been declared the cleanest city of the cities/towns country for the last 3 years; Bhopal has been I-Iouse-to-house 364 declared cleanest capital in Swachh Survekshan collection 2019 and second cleanest city in India in 2017 Segregation 249 and 2018. Storage 276 Among the Top 100 cleanest cities in India, Covered Madhya Pradesh has 20 Cities in Swachh transportatlon 364 Survekshan 2019. Madhya Pradesh is declared as 100% Open Defecation Free (ODF) in urban areas with third party inspection by Quality Council of India. 44 cities of the State have been declared as ODF+ and 14 cities are declared as ODF++ by Government of India. ;\- Proccssing of SW (Number/names of towns/capacity) Solid Waste Proccssing facilities setup: Processin g facility Operational: Sl. No. Composting Yermi-compos ting Biogas RDFlPclletization (No of Torvns) (No of Ton'ns) (No of Torvns) 36 16 0l -[under trial] RDF-01 ,MRI-i7 Processing facilit-y under Installationlplanned: Sl. No Composting Vermi-compos ting Biogas RDF/Pelletisation I t9 Gwalior RDF - 0l 1. Katni 2. Sagar 3. Dewas 4. Hoshangabad 5. Balaghat 6. Badwani 7. Betul 8. Bhind 9. Khandwa 10. Chhatarpur I 1. Chhindwara 12. Damoh 13. Guna 14. Shahdol 15. Shajapur 16. Shivpuri 17. Singrouli 18. Vidhisa 19. Jabalpur Cluster Waste-to-Enerry Plants: (Numbcr/i.{ames of Towns/Capacity) Sl. No. Plant Location Status of operation Power generation Remarks (MW) Jabalpur Operational 11.5 MW lOO TPD Disposal of solid ivastb (Numbcr/Narncs of Torvns/Capacity): ActiYitics No of Citics/Torvns Nancs of ULBs Landfill sitcs identified 378 Landfill constructed 04 1. Gwalior 2. Indore 3. Jabalpur 4. Katni Landfill under 14 1. Bhopal, construc on 2. Itrasi, 3. Biaora , 4. Shivpuri, 5. Narshinggarh 6. Ashoknagar, 7. Mungaoli, a Pachor , 9. Sagar, 10. Katni , 11. Dabra, 12. Lahar, 13. Grvalior, 14. Joura Landfill in operation 04 1. Jabalpur 2. Indore 3. Bhopal 4. Katni Landfill exhausted 0 Land filled capped 0 SoIid Wastc Durnpsites (Number/Names of Torvns/Capacity): Activitics No.of Ton'ns Remark Total number of existins dumosites 318 Reclaimed - 10 Dump sites reclaimed/capped Reclaimed - l0 (Saitana , Nagada, Rampur Naikin , Indore, Panna , DumDsites converted to sanitarv landfill 01 (Ujjain) Hatod, Rau , Khand , Umariya Gautampura) Monitoring at Waste proccssing/Landfrlls sitcs : sl. Name of facilitics Ambient air Groundwater Leachate Compost VOCs No. quality quality l. List Enclosed at 315 369 Amexure -V Status of Action Plan preparcd by Municipalities: Total number of municipalities: 378+05(CB) Number of Action Plan submitted: Please refer Annex-II R' (, Annexure - 1 List of ULBs of Madhya Pradesh S.No Name of ULBs L Bhopal 2 Gwalior 3 Indore 4 Jabalpur 5 Ujjain 6 Sehore 7 H osha nga ba d 8 Ita rsi 9 Vidisha 10 Betul 11 unar 72 Chhindwara Dewas 't4 Shivpuri 15 Guna Datia L7 Morena 18 bntno 19 Burhanpur 20 Khandwa 27 Kha rgone 22 Seoni 23 Katni(Mu rwara) 24 Pitham p ur 75 Rewa 26 Sagar 27 Damoh 28 Panna 29 Ch hata rp u r 30 Satna 5l Singra uli 32 Nagda 33 Neemuch 34 Ratlam 35 Mandsaur 36 Ashta -(, Mandideep 38 Harda 39 Pipa riya 40 Ganj Basoda 47 Sironj 42 Sarni 43 Shajapur 44 Shujalpur A< Biao ra 46 As h okn aga r 47 Raghogarh-Vijaypur 48 Dabra 49 Ambah 50 Gohad 51 Sheo pur kalan 52 Barwani 53 Sendhwa Gadarwara 55 Na rsinghpur 56 Ba laghat Mandla 58 sidhi 59 Khurai 60 Bina-Etawa 61 Tikamgarh 62 Shadol 63 JAVTA 64 B e rasia 65 Nasrullaganj bb Seoni-Malwa 67 Sohagpur 68 Ba ra ily b9 Begamganj 70 Raisen 77 Amla 72 Multai 73 Damua 74 Donger Pa rasia 75 Pandh urna 76 Sausa r 77 Khategaon 78 Alirajpur 79 Dhamnod (Dhar) uffi* (, 80 Kuks hi a1r Manawar 82 Jhabua 83 Rajgarh 84 Narsinghgarh 85 Pachore 86 Rajga rh 87 Sarangpur 88 Ka rera 89 Aron 90 Cha nde ri 91 Mungaoli 92 Bhander 93 Bamor 94 JOUra 95 Kailras 96 Sabalgarh 97 Lahar 98 Porsa 99 Mhowgaon 100 Rau 101 Nepanagar 1,O2 Sanawad IU.1 Anjad L04 Badwa ha 1U) Maheshwar 106 Sihora 707 Gotegaon 108 Ka reli 109 Panagar 110 Malajkhand 1r1 Nainpur 1,12 Waraseoni .L I5 Mauganj 71,4 Banda 115 Deori rto Garhakota 717 Ra hatga rh 118 Kentl 779 Chitrakoot r20 Hatta rzl Khaj u ra ho I2Z Ma harajp ur f.- I 123 Niwari L24 N owgong Prithvipur Maihar r27 Biju ri 'J.28 beonan 729 Dhanpuri 130 Kotma 13r Pasan L52 Umaria 133 Khach rodpop 734 Ma hid pur 135 Ba dn aga r r50 Agar r37 Manasa 138 A lot 139 lchhawar 140 Koth ri t4t Timarni 1.42 Obedullaganj 1,43 6ADAI 744 buonl 145 Khirkiya 746 Rehti L47 Bankhedi 748 baol 1,49 Ga iratga nj 150 Kurwai 151 Lateri Shamshabad r)5 ) Wanl 754 Sultanpur 155 U da ip ura TJO Ath ner L57 Betul-Bazar 158 Bhainsdehi 159 Lntcnotl 160 Amarwara IbI Badkuhi 'J.62 Chand Chandameta Butaria 1,64 Cha urai Khas 165 Ha rra i t ( 166 ev Jamai ro/ kheda 168 gaon 169 hikhliKalan L70 cli 77L 172 i nlwr 773 nod 174 nhnrl awao KSI 777 awan 778 wa5 L79 atch 180 dia 181 kalan t82 wra 183 mpuri 184 at 1.85 dav 186 nagar L87 wad 188 pur 189 ndla 190 awar 1.91 192 pur 193 rpur 794 'ne r 1qq war 196 arpur 1,97 Iyo 198 199 Bada 200 ' Kol 207 Nar 202 P ich 203 Chachau. 204 205 Kum 206 5na 207 Antari 208 Badoni ( 209 Bhita rwa r 2IO Brlaua 2]-'J" Indergarh 772 Pich hore LL3 Jhund pu ra 2L4 Akoda Alampur Daboh 217 Gormi 278 Mau 279 Mehgaon 220 Mihona 227 Phuphkalan 722 Sewda Badoda Vijaypur 225 Betma 226 Depalpur 227 Hatod 228 Runji-Gautampura 229 Sawer 230 B h ika nga on Chha nera Mundi 233 Omkareshwar 234 Pandhana 235 Shahpur 236 Kasrawad 237 Khetia 238 Mandleshwar 239 Palsud 740 Pansemal 241 Rajp u r 242 Barela 243 Lnrcnatl 244 Katangi 245 Ma.iholi 246 Patan 247 Sa ikhe d a 248 Sa lichauka 249 Sha hpura 250 Tendukheda Baihar 252 hani 253 hiya 254 angi 255 nji 256 hat 257 adon 258 rhi 259 Kymore 260 Cha kghat Baikunthpur 262 Churhat 263 Govindgarh 264 Gurh 265 Hanumana 266 267 a^ 268 269 270 Sem 277 5ir 272 Teo 273 Shah 274 Shahpur 275 Mackronia 276 Hindoria 277 278 P ath a ria 279 Buxwaha 280 Tendukheda 281 Bada Malhera 282 Badagaon 283 war 284 arh 285 ganJ 286 ra nagar 287 Pawai 288 . Chandla 289 Ga rhi-Malhe ra 290 Dhu 29L 292 Jat 293 Jero n 294 K r t 295 Kha rga pur 296 Laundi(tavlkush Nagar) 297 Lidhora Khas 298 Orchha 299 Pale ra 300 Rajnagar 301 Satai 302 Amarpatan 303 Birshinghpur 304 Jaitwara 305 Nagod 306 New Ramnagar 307 Rampur Eaghelan 308 Unchahara 309 Dindori 310 Shahpura 311, Anuppur 312.
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