272 LONGTON. STAFFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY's Haynes Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Midland Dairy Co. (The) (Harry Shaw John, farmer, Highfields 49 Uttoxeter road Brownswood, mgr.), 26 Spring road Shelbourne Thomas, greengrocer, r2t Heath Charles, grocer, & post office, Mills Harry,grocer,r5 &r7 Uttoxeter rd Uttoxeter road r6r Uttoxder road Myatt Edgar, tobcnst.223 Uttoxeter rd Shenton Wm.shpkpr.zo8 Uttoxeter rd Hilton Benjamin, sand merchant, Myatt Edwin,hair drsr.23 Uttoxeter rd Skellern James, shopkpr.29 Victoria rd Lightwood Gravel pits Newman Martha (Mrs.), draper, 33 Smith Charles, ironmonger, 14 Ut- Hollinson Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, Uttoxeter road toxeter road 123 Utto:xeter road Owles Oscar W. L.R.C.P.Lond., Smith Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 210 Ireson Joseph,shopkpr.322Uttoxeter rd M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgoon, Uttoxeter road Irving Fredk. farmer, Lower Grange ro8 Uttoxeter road Sutton Harriett (Mrs.), draper, 257 Irving Robert, farmer, Upper Grange Parfitt Geo.fried fish dlr.3rUttoxeter rd Uttoxeter road Jnckson Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper, rg ParkerThomas,grocer,227 Uttoxeter rd Thayer Margretta (Mrs.), milliner; Meir road PenlingtonJas.shpkpr.rgsUttoxeter rd 173 Uttoxeter road Jackson John, shpkpr. 76 Victoria rd PerryAaron,hair drssr.r4rUttoxeter rd ThompsonWm.shpkpr.26zUttoxeter rd J"ohnson Jn. confctnr.37 Utto:xeter rd Phelps John, shopkeeper, r6 Upper Till Annie (Mrs.),drpr.r67Uttoxeter rd Jones Edwin White M.B., C.M. sur- Normacot road Till Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Vie· geon, Chaplin road Plant John, Saracen's Head P.H toria road Juckes Benjn. undertkr. 39 Spring rd Potteries Amalgamated Mineral Water Tooth Clara (Miss), dress maker, r65 Kettle William James, shopkeeper, 31 Co. Ltd. mineral water manufrs. Uttoxeter road Upper Normacot road Upper Normaoot road Tunstall James, grocer, 36 Furnace rd !Lester Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Ratcliffe John, butcher, 37 Upper Walchester Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 131 Uttoxeter road Normacot road & 19 Uttoxeter road 20 Eversley road Longton Cottage Hospital (Joseph Ratcliffe John, tailor, 71 Uttoxeter rd Warren Thos.florist,353 Uttoxeter rd William Dawes, 0. W. Owles Reaney Mary Jane (Miss),dress maker, Wayte Philip Henry, draper & pawn· M.R.C.S.Eng., G. L. Lefevre M.B., 297 Uttoxeter road broker, I & 3 Uttoxeter road Edwin White Jones M.B., Alfred Redman Frederick William, grocer, Whilock Jsph.butcher,r35Uttoxeter rd .Parkes L.R.G.P.Edin. & Charles 181 Uttoxeter road Whitebrook Samuel, shopkeeper, ro McArthur Allan M.B. medical Reeves Hannah (Mrs.), stationer, 53 Upper Normacot road officers; Albert Edward Emery, Uttoxeter road Whitehouse Hugh, shopkeeper, 231 hon.dental surgeon; Miss Holloway, Rigoy Annie (Miss), hardware dealer, Uttoxeter road matr<Jn), Mount Pleasant 148 Uttoxeter road Williams Charles, french polisher, 50 Lymer Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 89 R,iley Fredk. butcher, 163 Uttoxeter rd Meir road Uttoxeter road Robins•on Morgan, shopkeeper, 125 Wilson Geo. butcher, 187 Uttoxeter rd Malkin Edward, shopkeeper, 4 Upper Uttoxeter road \Vilson Herbt.butchr.187 Uttoxeter rd Normacot road Russell Chas. shoe ma. 2 Reservoir rd Wilson JosephW.grocer,4Uttoxeter rd Nanley Bros. grocers, gr Uttoxeter rd Salt Richard, florist & seedsman, 1 Wood George, shopkeeper,R<Jthesay rd Martin James A. news agent, 7 Belgrave road , Wood James A.grocer,r33Uttoxeter rd Uttoxeter road Sanitary Laundry Co. Uttoxeter road Wood John, grocer, 323 Uttoxeter rd Mart~n Ja~. _G. butcher,5 Uttoxeter rd Scarratt W;m. plmbr.47 Uttoxeter rd Wright Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 27 Martin W1lliam, draper, r2 Furnace rd SelbyThs.fned fish dlr.145Uttoxeter rd Upper Normacot road LOXL~Y is a hamle.t,_ ~ miles south-west from Ut- Sneyd Kynnersley esq. of Highfields,_ -vyoodlands, Ut­ t<Jxeter, m the Burton dlVISIOn of the county, hundred of toxeter is lord df the manor and prme1pal landowner. Snuth Totmonslow;. un~on, petty sessional divi~ion, I?arish The soil is rich loam ; subsoil, chiefly clay. The land and county court d1stnct of Uttoxete~. The mhab1tants is principally devoted to grazing for dairy purposes, but .at~end the churches a~ B:r;amshall, . Kmgstone and Grat- I about one-fourth is arable, growing wheat and clover. w1ch. Lo:xley Hall, w1th Its beautiful pleasure grounds, The area is r 735 acres · the population is returned with is the property of the Kynnersley family, into whose hands Utto:xeter. ' ' •it came on the marriage, in 1327, of John de Kynar~esleye Letters through Uttoxeter R.S.O. which is also the to Jo?anna, daughter of Thomas Ferrars, and IS now nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at . occupied by Stephen Blount esq. J.P. The horn pre- 7 30 served here, known as "Robin Hood's horn," and for- a. m . merly belonging to the Ferrars family, bears their cog· Letter Box cleared at Kmgstone, or per mall cart at nizance, a shield with three horse shoes, and the initials 6 p.m "R.H." Loxley, if not the birth-place of Robin, was at i The children of this place attend Kingstone & Bramshall !least the scene of many of his bold exploits. Clement ' schools Blount Stephen J.P. Loxley hall Fisher Charles, farmer Martin William, blacksmith oOoxon Emma (Mrs.), !rmr.Poppinjay Fisher Joseph,miller & farmer (water), Richardson Henry, farmer Deaville Thomas, fanner Burndhurst Sargeant William, farmer Durose Jn.farmer, Poolfields,Caverswll Heath William, farmer, Poppinjay Swetman Jesse, farmer, Loxley bank Durose Philip John, farmer Martin John, blaclo:smith Titterton Richard, farmer MADELEY is a parish, comprising Great and Little and held since 1879 by the Rev. Thomas William Daltry and Middle Madeley, Onneley and Leycett, in the North M.A. of 'frinity College, Cambridge and F.L.S. The Western division of the county, Pirehill North hundred vicarage house was erected in r882, from designs by Mr• .and petty sessional division, Newcastle union and county C. Lynam, of Stoke, at a cost of £4,000. There are rourt district, and in the rural deanery of Trentham, arch- Wesleyan Methodist, Reformed Wesleyan, and Primitive deaconry of 1Stoke-on-Trent, and diocese of Lichfield. Methodist chapels. The interest of £roo, arising from 'Great Madeley is a township on the river Lea, which various bequests, is distributed in bread in the township runs through the village from Lea Head and falls into the of Great Madeley. The poor's land romprises 26 acres Wever; there is a station here on the London and North at Onneley, supposed to have been purchased with £200 Western railway, and another station (Madeley Road) on bequeathed by Ralph Horton and various other benevolent the Newcastle and Market Drayton line of the North pbrsons, the proceeds of which, about £6o, half of which Staffordshire railway, 17 miles from Stafford, 46! from is given &way on St. Thomas' day in clothing and half Bi1·mingham, 6 west from Newcastle-under-Lyme and 149~ to the schools. Almshouses were founded by Sir John from London. The church of All Saints is an ancient Offler for ten poor persons of both sexes, to whom he -edifice, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, the north arcade left the yearly sum of £45: he also bequeathed to Madeley 'being Transition Norman; it consists of chancel with parish £2o yearly for the officiating clergyman to preach ·ohapel (now used as a vestry), nave, aisles, transepts, a sermon in the church, every Tuesday, but which is -south porch and an embattled western tower with pin- now preached on Sunday evening. About r! miles south· nades, containing a clock and 6 bells; there is a beautiful east are the ruins of the Manor House, rendered famous ·adtar tomb to Randolph and Isabella Egerton, and brasses by the visits· to it of Izaak Walton, who dedicated his ro John Egerton esq. rsrB, and Ellen his wife: the church well-known treatise on angling to John Offiey esq. who 'Was restored and redecorated, the chancel rebuilt in the formerly resided here. 'fhe Earl of Crewe, who is lord Decorated style, and an ol'lgan transept added in 1872, at of tha manor, and the Earl of Wilton are the principal the expense of Lord Crewe: there are fourteen stained landowners. The soil and subsoil is gravel, sand and windows, one of which, recently added in r89r, is a memo- clay; the area is 5,864 acres, of which 27 are water, r,302 rial to Izaak Walton, the "patriarch of anglers," and the arable, 3·799 meadow and pasture and 736 woodland and friend of John Offley esq. of MadeleyManor: there are 500 plantation; rateable value, £20,202; the population in sittings. The register dates from the year r678. The rgo r was 2,gog. living is a. vicarage, net yearly value £I53• with 12 acres Po:;t, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. & of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl of Crewe, I. 0. Great Madeley.-Miss Sar.ah Wright, sub-post-.
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