K.- H. WHITE. - umow ‘SUIT. ' APPLICATION FILED FEB; 4, I914. 1,147,349» Patentéd' July 20, ‘1915, ll ill l?dyllidhl T @FFEQE KZEZ E. WITE, Qli‘ OSWEGO, NEW YORK, ASSIGINOR 0F ONE-HALF '1‘0 MARSHALL S. ' ELY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. ' UNION SUIT. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. ‘Patented July 20, 1915. Application ?led February 4, 1914. Serial No. 816,410. To all whom it may concern: - ‘ tudinal section with the garter attachment Be it known that I, KIRK H. WHITE, a in elevation taken on the line 9—9 of Fig. citizen of the -United States, residing at 8; Fig. 10 1s a view similarto Fig. 8, but . Oswego, county of Oswego, and State of illustrating a further modi?cation; and Fig. New York, have invented certain new and 11 is a longitudinal section partly in eleva 60 useful Improvements in Union Suits, fully tion on the line ll——1l of Fig. 10. described and represented in the following Referring more particularly to the draw speci?cation and the accompanying draw ing, a union suit of the athletic type is indi~ ings, forming apart of the same. .cated by the reference numeral 1, provided This invention has reference to improve with a waist-band 2 of webbing, which 65 .inents in union suits and is directed par unites the shirt portion 3 and the drawers ticularly to means torconibining a union portion ll. Secured to the side of the suit with a hose supporter. drawers leg 5 is a tape 6 extending longi The general object of this invention is tudinally along the leg and with its lower iii the provision of an improved combined end preferably near or adjacent to the lower union suit and hose supporter, in which the end of the garment, with rows of transverse hose supporter may be readily attached to stitching spaced at intervals to form a plu a portion or" the union suit and preferably rality of superimposed loops 7, indicating with the garter adjustable to di?erent posi a similar number of predeterminedpoints 20 tions at the point of attachment, so that the at which the hose supporter may be applied, 75 hose-engaging clasp may be caused to de— the manner of application of which will be pend therefrom at di?'erent distances, and hereinafter described. To lessen the strain' which shall be comfortable to wear, attrac at the loop in use and prevent tearing of - tive in appearance, and convenient for the the garment, particularly when of knit fab: laundry. ' i ric, it is desirable that a reinforcement be A further object of the'invention is to' provided. This may be accomplished by decrease the strain on the garment, in order any suitable reinforcement, but preferably to avoid unnecessary wear and tear at the a ?at reinforcing member 8 formed of sub point of attachment of the hose supporter stantially inextensible material such as tape and the change in position of the hose sup~ is employed. The tape 8 is stitched to the at’ porter from! stretch of the garment, when inner side of the garment directly beneath the latter is of knit goods and the strain will the tape (5, and preferably extends longitudi be so distributed that the hose is, in e?iect, nally along the garment to the top edge of supported from the shoulders of the wearer. the waist-band 2, so that the strain is dis 35. In the accompanying drawings is illus tributed equally along the garment, and, the 90 ‘ ‘trated a structural embodiment of this in upper extremity of the reinforcing member vention in a preferred form, in which: being above the waist-line of the wearer, Figure 1 is a front elevation of a union the hose is, in effect, supported from the suit of the athletic type having knee drawers, shoulder, so that an exceedingly secure sup illustrating the improved method of attach port and ?xed position of the hose sup 95 ing the garter to a union suit and of distrib porter are obtained. This method of rein uting the strain; Fig. 2 is a side elevatlon of forcement is particularly ,desirable‘ when a union suit on a wearer showing the at the garment is of knit fabric, because the tached garter supporting the hose; Fig. 3 elastic quality and liability to. tear of the‘ @355 is a longitudinal section with the garter at~ material does not afford the proper support 100 taohment in elevation taken on the line 3—3 for the hose. It will be noted, however, of Fig. 2; Fig. 4 is a transverse section that it is not desired to limitv the applicae taken on the line H of Fig. 2; Fig. 5 is a tion of the invention, considered broadly, to detailed plan View of a preferred Jr'orm of a union suit, of knit fabric, as it‘will be 5% clip carried by the garter attachment; Fig._ found useful also in suits of other fabrics. 105 6 is a side elevation of the same; Fig. 7 is Referring now to the hose supporter, it a top‘l’ elevation '7 0 l'F'vti'F'1D. , 1g._ 8'18 a f ton t will be found preferable to use the'general elevation oi’ a portion 01‘ a union suit and type indicated at 9, having at its lower ex its appendages, showing a ou?'erent method tremity a form of clip 10 for holding ‘the of realizing my invention; Fig. 9 is a longi hose,’ .‘Means for adjusting the supporter is 110 are: provided by the sliding buckle 11, although Figs. 10 and 11 show a further modifies.“ this is not essential, because of the adjust tion in which the loops are formed by fold ment afforded at the point of application to ing a piece of tape and stitching the ends ‘to the garment. The preferred form of clip the garment, as at 20. [The'hanging loop used for securing the supporter to any one portion is provided with ajbuttonhole 21,‘ to of the loops 7 on the garment can best be receive the T-shaped €Il(i.__0f_th8 clip understood by reference to Figs. 5. to 7, in These loops 20 are shown as Lforriied of ‘sepag ‘ elusive. Fastened to the upper extremity Tate pieces of tape, but theyniay be formed): of the supporter by means of the loop 12, or otherwise. -. 10 in any convenient manner, is a spring clip It will be understood that the invention 13, consisting of a loop of bent wire with is not to be limited to the speci?c'construc overlapping ends 14 o?'set slightly from the tion and arrangement of parts shown and plane of the clip. As shown, the clip has described, but many modi?cations may be the general outline of a trapezoid with the made within the invention as de?ned by the 15 longer of the two parallel sides extending claims. _ . ; through the loop, although the shape of the What is claimed is :—~ clip is immaterial. For convenience in sepa 1. A. union suithaving a. hose-supporting ' rating the sides or slipping the clip over the member secured to the lower portion of the - loop, the extremities of the ends 14; are. bent drawers and adapted for. the attachment of 20 slightly outward as at 15. a hose supporter, and a relnforcing member 35 From the foregoing, the operation of my secured throughout its length to said suit v improved supporter will be readily under and extending in the line of strain from the stood. Having selected the proper loop on lower portion of the drawers to a point the garment, the garter is applied simply by above the waist line‘ and sustaining the 25 passing the tape between the separated ends strain on said, hose supporting member, - of the clip. ‘The clip and the depending whereby the hose are supported from the garter then hang from the garment as shown shoulders of the wearer. ‘ . in Figs. 1 and 2. There is thus provided a 2. A union suit having a ?attape secured positive locking of the supporter. to the to [the lower portion of the drawers and 30 garment in any one of the positions'ide?ned adapted to receive a hose supporter, and a by the series‘ of superimposed loops In ?at substantially inextensible reinforcing this way, adjustment todiiferent heights on tape secured throughout its length to the in the garment is secured. It will be under side ,of said garment and extendingi‘n the stood, however, that the plurality of loops line of strain from the lower portion er the 35 or other adjustment is not essential to the drawers to a point above the Waist line and 80. invention. ' . ' sustaining the strain on said ?rst mentioned In Figs. 8 and 9 is illustrated a modi?ca tape, whereby the hose are supported from tion. The tape 16 is secured to the garment‘ the shoulders of the wearer. v _ in the same manner as the tape 6 in Fig. 1, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set to form the loops. In this form, however, my hand, in the presence of two subscribing ~ each loop is provided with a buttonhole 17, witnesses. “ > 1, v . for the reception of the button 18 carried ' . ' KERR H. ‘WHITE. - at the end of the garter clip 19. The opera Witnesses: ‘ ‘ tion of this form will be obvious, so that. no WILLIAMv SGEIREIBER,i \ 45 detailed description is deemed necessary here; F» A= NEAIA ell?- ' .
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