18 » THE NE:w YORK IV OCTOBER 1C>, 1921. HERALD, 10NDAY, m in ..» BOARD OF TRADE WORKS REAL ESTATE.OUT OF CITY. APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED. HOUSES TO LET, UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. JiSITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE. Above to 29tli St. Wot Side. DRESSMAKER. Carl tan. W<*t> REAL TO IMPROVE 34TH ST. Westchester.Sole or Bent. Soroush of Brooklyn. Connecticut. 14th St. (Inclusive). til l. lull r»~ ESTATE drroel. r»rl«ktv« »t» NEWS, East Blver to North Klver. > niodHllnic, mbrwMrr> imH * «n»H«. BETHEL, Conn..Choice ten room home; nt- 80*1 II, 118 West..Barge burl; parlor, kitcben- Jn.i.n ilVt l. |,«' The Thirty-fourth Street Board of PROSPECT PARK PLAZA tentlon brokere. SHEPABD. large- front, single. elect tic light*. 402 Madison av..Living room, bedroom, Lltl..-KMAi<kl;, ttl.;oiMaty *. * which as one of bath, kitchenette; living room has five 81ST ST.. Columbus av. (Hotel Colonial).. .jg**.* NOTES AND GOSSIP Trade, recently secured ELEVATOR APARTMENTS ku: vvt-ninf >« '. iKiitM' Ittiia mm, . 1 ---3 outside HOME SITES I windows. open fireplace. DOORMAN. Newly decorated, furnished. i-efervnrva. Mill inn l« VM Wk. its directors to Wall Street or I'l Robert E. Simon, the op- 15 Minutes by U. R. T. APARTMENTS.FURNISHE1J. rooms, bath; elevated, surfarv tars. »ubw»» fcliu>l«i 1TM jVI. ^ Brae" I. K. T. Subway Above 08tb St Av. to East Klver. tilt room, hath: full hotel service; restsurant. _ orator ar.d owner of the Herald Square "Sunny 7 rooms and 2 baths A ooiivenlent and beautifully furnished 10 Dltl3S*MAKKK v uhV. Ilk room apartment, located West Bnd at. and 82D. .11 West..Double or stugle rooms, run- will .l.i pattytmTv Hotel and other in the Thlr- White Plains Road and Parquet floors, all modern Improvements AMBASSADOR. near hntli. i|*:n Haiy NfMtaHt Wadnick Corporation properties rath at.; large drawing room, dining room. nliut water. electricity. «. Building: Jlent .<175 Monthly 3 master bed- 13111 MADISON AV. Klblty, 1:1 Moruliicoida t'tli Mooiat ty-fourth street district. Is engaged at Ponheld Avenue o.i MB 1 servants' rooms, kitchen, one 8 room elevator S4TH. 11 \V'iBl -Atirai tlve side room; ground Tu.-mlay, Apply premises, Union St., looms, 3 master baths, large closet space; High class, apartment, Plans 5 >r J. H. PENNOCK A CO.. 18tl Kemaen St. 2 baths. Inquire Supt. on floor; phono; electricity; reasonable. i '' Story Apartment present in putting through a number of! Mt. * tranri Information, premises. ikmi. « Vernon.Bronxville. ;' Phone Main S371 piano; private telephone. r. W.-i Utfa. projects which will result In the im- telephone Schuyler 3789. j MADISON *v., 1211 (cor. 87th at).Second KgBR. _ *~uiiabia. AnwtrM4|, for Plot on ti floor, north. 0 rooms, 3 bathe; second floor, 81TI1. 41 West..Boautlfttl room, ball), A.i'Ubon 1Kb10. Heights. provement of realty and business condi- Apply A light, airy and attractively furnished 'J 2 hatha. medium, rooms; business two- room Hudson: largo Houth, rooma, Inquire single electricity;'111:>SM \Ki;i: , > >. tions in that crosstown J. CLARENCE apartment overlooking on Pie. busy shopping DAVIES ]MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED <irawlng room, dining room, complete kitchen, premises. superintendent ftti.ll!> 11|, Mibul r»f and hotel lone. Office on property, or jervants' room. 1 master bath, J master til ST STREET. 2f>2 EAST. 84TH. S5 W -Beautiful unity rooms; con- r 51 . »«'.IAAKttn.1 Plans have been filed for a five story The beautifying of Herald Square and ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. Information, tel. Schuyler 3781). bedrooms.Three room* ami bath; all tmprovemeuts. vcnlont iio'.cay, "D"; r-feiviica* exchange!. AKKu ArUttil. a»M a tti. 4 at 601 and is con- 149th St. and 3rd Avenue. 2345. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; *85. S.'.TII, wT- Two room suite, piano and tyltt, . upm uu. AruiiMMy. apartment bouse, ITSxSS, Greeley Square parks receiving FOR mortgage money apply GEOROB C. BROADWAY, 2 THE WM. S. ANDERSON CO. fulunibutt loimu siderable attention, as is also the relief 1B5 55BS Exquisitely furnished 8 room apartment, kitchen privileges, $20 week: also single 603 West 192d street, for tho Wadnick PONTER. INC.. Broadway. Cort. servants' reduction to fl.M I.e;;lngtcin nv. Hlilnelander 037.". room. S1U. Ant. 8. I i !: ..-.-M A K I Nil of vehicular and street car congestion baths, quarters; big «m4 MMbHa S**4. sAttk House & tenants Inking possession on or before 02D, 227 East..Modern duplex. 2-4 rooms; I'O'.'lf, 311 West, near Drive..Newly reno- woikcr; "-aioi.aM* |.n. .. Hum Building Corporation. at Thirty-fourth street. Broadway and i 1 linen, sliver, well equipped kitchen. hongekeeplrts. bachelors. \ati<l references. ncrlda' 4000 estimate '.he cost at MAMARONECK 11 CITY REAL ESTATE. October rooms; $18->23; select; architects, Sixth recon- 31. coldstone. avenue, which Includes the Monroe and Delancey Avenues. Apply Apt. 1>2D. 7it W..Attractive outside room; con- bKKgHMAKKH. Mb I l^lfliku ha» nf $200,000. structlon of the elevated from Thirty- Above G9th St..5th At. to North Hirer.. 'BUSINESS couple-or small family; 4 7,'TH ST-315 PARK AV. vetilent subway. "It"; telephone; rea;«on- ervnc*; $4M dally. I.yix-b. *n third to Thirty-fifth street and the re- Residential section. Two new houses, housekeeping rooms, large apartment;destrable 7 ft 8 Rooms. Rents Reasonable. able. HARRIS. i »v. Ma.uactan with for 8 after 7, on Candidate* to Diacn** Taxation. nioval of garages, ready occupancy; Independent; reasonable. Evenings Immediate possession. Agent premises. Hi>> >. \ K 'll. n*. n.tttt# the elevated stairs at Sixth rooms, 2 baths, rttra lavatory, electric DESIRABLE INVESTMENTS. Academy ">1V OTTH, 111" W..Ileautiful rooms, with private «o> ataytt avenue street. Convenient to Broadway and 103d St.. ele- __ bath, phone, electricity, mal service; fur*, flitaM n«k, nu-wakM.rantodvllvd, United Real Kstate Owners and Thirty-third light, parquet flooring throughout, mod- st. tnt K .1^1. The of Trade has taken the ern heating, decorated. Convenient to eaior apartment lioimc, I and 5 rooms. Rents BEAUTIFUL suites of 2 or 3 rooms and 145-7 East 80th Lexington nv.)..Two people preferred. Plume Rlvcr-lde business'Sfilt. 11;! Board up station. Corner (37,500. Price $210,000, very easy terms. outside rooms and bath. 81.200 to *1,400. will hold a meeting, openAssociationto all of the re- plot T-'xlOO, price (17.330. bath: hotel service: high ceilings; lolST ST..Two comfortable unjoining rooms, K1TTRII.Bvvnintf iMtw, R>m< draa***. ordinance 0 st. - redrafting pedler Adjoining plot, 30x1MO, price (10,000. Convenient to Broadway anil 137th at., light; rates most reasonable. HOTEL CHEL- VOUG1IT & CO.. E. 40th HARRIS. luvulory; .rent separately; bualiuss man. all.Tnttofia, r. mod. Illaa ). «l Ii» my realty owners, at the Hotel Astor, lattng to prohibited streets and also the Owner, FRANK J. SIXNOTT, 7 12. 42d si. j story apartment house, 4 arid 5 rooms. SEA. 222 West Md st. Phone Walltlns <200. 31. VanderblltniMl.ltle l-U.-y sp".-|nlty; by flay. ru*a»nabt M viaiwn. Rents Price " street and this redrafting of the taxicab ordinance in L- $11,000. $03,000, very easy EIGHT room 174 East Tint lit..Six rooms and bath. 11ITH two >,arollto* H**». Broadway, eveningFortyfifth terms. apartment, expensively A 0 E. 4Uth ST.. 231 IV..Nice room, suitable order to relieve vehicular congestion and Convenient to and elevator, phone, lease, steam; furnished, HARRIS. VOUGHT CO., $1,200.gentlemen: all conveniences. PU.LON CrlRLM, two, yuuiig. wish «>mm1 at 9 o'clock, at which the candidates for Broadway 137th at., large ti no dealers; st. Vanderbllt 31. rid the streets of dilapidated taxicabs. apartment house, 4, 3 and 6 rooms (no 12 and l1. M.: between lirtTH ST.. 110 furnished ©u# n« ><iiiili«rin>i<i MT. N. Y. MYERS. .'122 West 57th St. West..Neatly r maid A4NM «t *l'»i lection to the Board of Estimate will It is not in favor of a rate VERNON, Rents $21,000, very low. Price superintendent.001-603-005 Madison av.~Bachelor rooms; shower, IDKl, ofh* an <ii»i«ib*i aitil standard WILL RENT 10 ROOM HOUSE WITH elevator). service; 2 rooms and to electricity, telephone. on for. $120,000. Desirable terms. elegantLy furnished APARTMENTS" bath, $1,200apartment;A YBR1.1SB. Mowing. 590 Park »v, appear and give their views taxis excepting the maintenance of OARAGE FOR TWO CARS. BEST SECTION II. T. WOOL). 220 BROADWAY. 2 to 12 rooms; outside, SPACIOUS. $1,400. HARRIS. VOUGHT A CO.. 0 E. ' 113TH, 4 19 student oFKC 5SBf53C wS55 iw*iii«mi a*if iS55i tax- i nruximum rate. OF MT. VERNON. $3,300 A YEAR. telephone 5702 schuyler. 40th st. Vanderbllt 31. West..Single, suitable *>' of vital interest to realty questions ON WEST 77TH ST. or business man. I.KMA1RE. apt. 3. f.-i« i. .IV >V» i»f «>"tti 711 Madison av. " JAMES E. Between Columbus and Amsterdam avs.. FURNISHED studio apartment; year's lease. (corner of 03d st.)..All co!«»i r* f - K payers. BARRY, 8933 Chelsea. rooms, 2 rooms and bath. to 122D, M2 W..Neatly furnlsheu single and (ilHL, 390 N. E. Corner 181st St.4 St. Nicholas Ave. (beautiful dwelling block) for sale.A four Inquire caretaker. $1,400outsidedouble room?; elevator, shower. NU'HOLH. work. Walters. 214 W 13»th at. WOODHAVEN LOTS I'ho-a Wadsworth 2100. story, basement and cellar, high stoop, stone $2,000. HARRIS. VOUGHT & CO., 6 E. front 11) feet, private dwelling with HIGH CLASS FURNISHED APARTMENTS 4(lth st. Vanderbllt 31. 122P ST.. 112 West..Newly furnished, clean, GOViiltNlflM. Frefh. >wla». i.
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