Copyright ©ERS Journals Ltd 1998 Eur Respir J 1998; 12: 517–518 European Respiratory Journal DOI: 10.1183/09031936.98.12030517 ISSN 0903 - 1936 Printed in UK - all rights reserved EDITORIAL Immunoglobulin A in asthma: friend or foe? P. S . H i e m s t r a In this issue of the Journal, NAHM et al. [1] describe the present on neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and mac- results of an analysis of the levels of immunoglobulin rophages (reviewed by MORTON et al. [7]). CD89 is a heavily (Ig)G and IgA directed against allergens and bacterial anti- glycosylated transmembrane protein with a 32 kDa pro- gens in induced sputum that was obtained from patients tein core, that is a member of the immunoglobulin gene with atopic asthma. Sputum induction was performed by superfamily and closely related to human Fc receptors for inhalation of hypertonic saline, a technique that has gain- IgG and IgE. Binding of IgA or sIgA to FcαRI leads to ed much attention because it is relatively noninvasive and activation of a variety of effector functions, in-cluding allows the study of airways inflammation [2]. The authors phagocytosis, production of reactive oxygen in-termedi- demonstrate that IgA levels against both Dermatophagoi- ates, degranulation and production of cytokines. Various des farinae extracts and Streptococcus pneumoniae cap- studies have demonstrated IgA-binding and IgA-mediated sular polysaccharide are higher in induced sputum from activation of eosinophils, but IgA binding molecules on atopic asthmatics as compared with the levels found eosinophils have been incompletely characterized. As indi- in sputum from healthy controls. In addition, IgG levels cated, eosinophils express FcαRI [7]. It has been shown against D. farinae are also higher in asthmatics; in con- that the degree of glycosylation of FcαRI on eo-sinophils trast, IgG levels against S. pneumoniae do not differ bet- is higher than that on neutrophils [8], but the functional ween the two groups. Interestingly, the authors describe consequences of this difference are not clear. Alternative that specific IgA levels in sputum correlate with levels of splice variants of FcαRI messenger ribonucleic acid eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), a marker for eosinophil (mRNA) have also been reported in eosinophils [9], but degranulation. These results suggest an involvement of their role in mediating the eosinophil response to IgA trig- IgA in eosinophil degranulation in the patients with atopic gering remains to be established. A receptor for the secre- asthma. tory component on eosinophils that may be in-volved in IgA is the predominant immunoglobulin isotype pro- sIgA-mediated eosinophil activation was descri-bed by duced in the human body. Most IgA present in mucosal LAMKHIOUED et al. [10]. Whereas the full pattern of IgA bind- secretions, such as those collected by bronchoalveolar ing structures on the eosinophil awaits further characteri- lavage (BAL), is present in a polymeric form bound to a zation, it is clear that IgA has marked effects on secretory component (secretory IgA (sIgA)) [3]. Data eosinophils. These effects include induction of degranula- presently available indicate that IgA plays a role both in tion [11] and cytokine production [12]. There is also evi- host defence against infections and in inflammatory pro- dence that eosinophils from patients with atopic asthma cesses [4–6]. In the lung, its host defence function is achie- are more prone to the stimulatory effects of IgA, since eo- ved in part by the ability of IgA to inhibit the adherence sinophils from allergic individuals express more FcαR [8]. of micro-organisms or viruses to the mucosal surface. In In line with this observation, it was recently reported that addition, IgA may facilitate the removal of antigens from the T-helper (Th)2-derived cytokines interleukin (IL)-4 the submucosa by transporting it through the epithelial and IL-5 increase the binding of IgA-coated beads to eosi- layer [6]. Furthermore, binding of IgA to particles faci- nophils [13]. litates their phagocytosis due to the presence of specific In support of these data from in vitro studies, several IgA Fc receptors on the surface of phagocytes [7]. studies including the study by NAHM et al. [1] indicate that In addition to playing a role in host defence against in- IgA is involved in degranulation of eosinophils in vivo. fection, IgA may also contribute to tissue injury. The role Firstly, the levels of IgA in BAL fluid from patients with of IgA in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy has been asthma are higher than those in controls [3, 14]. Secondly, extensively studied, and deposits of IgA together with a marked correlation between total IgA or sIgA levels and complement components are observed in the mesangial eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) exists in BAL fluid and area of the kidney [5]. IgA may also cause lung injury, as sputum from asthmatic patients [3, 15]. The results des- shown by studies on IgA immune complex-mediated acute cribed by NAHM et al. [1] on the role of allergen-specific lung injury in the rat [4]. The capacity of IgA to trigger the IgA are in line with those reported recently by PEEBLES et al. release of mediators from inflammatory cells and to acti- [15] describing a marked correlation between ECP levels vate the complement system is involved in its role in in BAL fluid and the levels of ragweed-specific IgA in inflammation [7]. BAL fluid and serum following segmental allergen chal- Various cell types have been found to bind IgA. The lenge. In addition, complexes of IgA and IL-8 have been prototype Fc receptor for IgA is FcαRI (CD89), which is detected in induced sputum, and the levels of these com- plexes were higher in atopic asthmatics compared with Correspondence: P.S. Hiemstra, Dept of Pulmonology, Building 1 C3-P, Leiden University Hospital, Albinusdreef 2, P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC healthy nonatopic control subjects [16]. In atopic asth- Leiden, The Netherlands. Fax: 31 715248118. matics, the levels of IgA-IL-8 complexes correlated with 518 P.S. HIEMSTRA sputum ECP levels. 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Ragweed-specific antibodies in bron- van Kooten (Dept of Nephrology, LUMC) for his critical choalveolar lavage fluids and serum before and after seg- review of the manuscript. mental lung challenge: IgE and IgA associated with eosinophil degranulation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; References 101 (2 Pt 1): 265–273.
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