http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 19 ) GENERAL INDEX. col, crouched burial, xxxiii. Bixe, Richard, 3. .disham, open fields at, 54. Black Prince, 49; death, 50; tomb, 51; .ddington Manor, open fields at, 55. chantry of, 50, 53. .ebba, Abbess, 25. Blackheath, 61, 62; common at, 61. .elfstan, Thanet landowner, 25; Blean Common, 61. minister, 25, 26. Blean Wood, medimval pottery found, .griculture, Surveys of Board of, 60. modi. Lgrimensores, 56. Blome, Richard, 59. dnesford, Boleyn, Anne, 71. Lldington, 71; Freight or Frith, Bolton, Arthur T., Memoir of Chilham, enclosure at, 64. 12. LIk.ham, enclosure at, 65. Bombed sites, clearance and disclosures L11 Souls' College, 58. of, xxxii. dlen, J. Romilly, 6, 10. Bostal ( ?) Heath, 62. Llteram, 55. Boughton, Air Marshal Sir C., xxxi. Lndrews, Drury and Herbert's map, 68. Boughton Aluph, 65. Lppledore, 77; Church, 77. Boughton Monchelsea, 64. krohmology, Council for British, 78. Boulogne, 58. Lubrey, John, 59. Bourne Park, 69. Lusten, Jane, 11. Box, John, 50. Lylesford, 69; enclosure, 65. Boxley Heath, 61. Lymers, Lynsted, 76. Boxley Park, enclosed, 57. Boys, John, 60. laddlesmere Lees, common, 61. Brabourne, open fields at, 54 ; enclosure 3adlesmete, open fields at, 54. at, 64. 3adlesmere, Bartholomew de, and Brade-Birks, Dr. S. Graham, 68. Chilham, 16. Brasted Chart, enclosure, 65. 3altrusaitis, Dr. Jurgis, 7, 8, 10. Bridge Hill, 69. 3arfreston, open fields at, 54. Brinson, J. G. S., Lt., R.E., Two Burial 3arham Downs, 69. Groups of Belgic Age, Hothfleld 3arham Mill, 69. Common, near Ashford, 41-47. 3arming, 65. Brise, 2. 3arming Heath, 61 ; enclosure, 65. Bromley, enclosure at, 64; Common, 3arton, Elizabeth, Note on, 71. 61. 3aston. Manor, 62. Brown, Prof. G. Baldwin, 9, 10. 3ayley, engraver, 17. Brown, Lancelot (" Capability "), work 3eakers, Belgic, 41, 44. at Chilham, 15, 16, 18. 3ecket, John, xxxii. Browne, Sir Thomas, Hydriotaphia, 38. 3e1g1e Age, Two Burial Groups of, Broxham, enclosure, 65. Hothlleld Common, near Ashford, by Brummeisen (buzzing iron), 36. J. G. S. Brinson, Lt., R.E., 41-47. Bruton.'s Roman Manchester, 39. 3e1gic circles, 70. Burham, enclosure at, 64. 3elle Isle, 25. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, 59. Berctauld, Archbishop, one time Abbot of Reculver, 24. Calvert, Giles, 71. Betts, George, 71. Canterbury, 58, 60, 69, 71; Castle, 52; Bexley, enclosure at, 64. Cathedral, rebuilding of nave, 51, 52; Bilsington, open fields at, 54; Nether, Chapter House, 52, 53; Cloisters, 52, enclosure of, 58. 53; Archbishop of, xxxi ; bailiffs Bingleys Island, 20, of, 51. Binnewith, Island of, 20. Cantewarbyri, 57. Biquores estate, enclosure, 65. Canute, Charter of 1023, 25. Bircholt, enclosure at, 60. Cave, A. J. E., M.D., Report on the Birling, enclosure at, 64. Human Remains at Cherry Garden Bishopsbomme, 69. Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, 29-33. 40 GENERAL INDEX. Dave, Prof. A. J. E., 73. Cray, St. Mary, open fields at, 55. Celtic" settlement, 54. Crayford, enclosure at, 64. Ohallock Lees, 61. Crayle family, bibliographer of, 11. Chang (harp), 37. Crembalem, 37. Charing, 65; enclosure, 65. Crundale, 52. Charing Heath, 61. Curie's Roman Frontier Post, 39. Charlton Park, 69. Curtler, Mr., 57, 60. Chart Leacon, 61. Curwen, Dr. Eliot, F.S.A., 78. Charterhouse, London, Yevele's work, Cuthred, King of Kent, 19. 49. Cutte, Sir John, 57. Chartham, 68. Cymbalum orals, 37. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 52. Cherry Garden Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, Report on the Human Remains, by Dale, or Court Ashe Manor, open fields A. J. E. Cave, M.D., 29-33. at, 55. Cherry Garden Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, Darenth Font, Iconography of, by Rev. A. H. Collins, M.A.' F.S.A., 6-10. by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., Dartford, 65; Brinks, 61; commons 28-33. Chiddingstone, 65. at, 60; Heath, 61, 62; Mill estate, Chilham, 68; open fields at, 55; old map, xxxii. Castle, plans, 12; staff and wages, Davis, Sir Edmund, 12, 16. 17. Deal, 60. Chillenden, Prior, 51, 53. Denge Wood, 68. Chislehurst Common, 62. Deane, Edmund, surgeon, 3, 4. Chislet, open fields at, 55. Derville, Major Teichman, xxxi. Cinque Ports, Lord Warden of, d'Estaing, Admiral, 13. enclosure by, 58. D'Estaire, Mons., 13. Clarke, Major Eric, xxxi. Discourse, 57. Cliffe, 64. Ditton, 65; Common, enclosure, 65. Cobb, Thomas, 71. Dola, 55, 56. Cobham, John, Lord, 48, 49, 51. Dorset, Earl of, 14. Cock, Dr. Frederick, 77; Dr. F. Dover, 60, 69; excavation of St. William, Obituary, 77 ; William, Martin-le-Grand Church, xxxifi ; 77; William and Ann, 77. plaster freize, xxxiii. Cockes, Mary, née Mylls, 3; Roger Druce, G. C., 8, 10. • and Thomas, 3, 4.. Dunstan, St., in-the-East, church of, Cockes, Thomas, the Diarist, by Dorothy 48, 51. Gardiner, 1-5. Dunton Green, bronze palstave from, Coenulf, King of Mercia, 19. xxxii. Colchester, bronze objects from, 38, 39. Durer's Triumph of Maximilian, 37. Colebrooke Mausoleum, 16; trustees, owners of Chilham estate, 13. East Farleigh, 64. Coles, widowe, 2. East Kent, enclosure in 61; open Colfe, Joseph, 5. land, 60; enclosed land, 60. Collins, Rev. A. H., M.A., F.S.A., East Mailing, enclosure at, 64; Heath, Iconography of Darenth Font, 6-10. 61. Common Saltings, Wouldham, enclo- East Stour Farm, 68. sure, 65. Eastry, or Eastrey, 72; open fields at, Commons Preservation Society, 62. 55. Cook, Norman, 35, 38. Edburga, Abbess of Minster, 20. Cope, Mr., 2. Eden, Sir F. M., 62. Councer, C. R., xxxi. Edenbridge 65. Court Ashe Manor, open fields at, 55. Edward III, tomb of, 49. Court Lodge, Appledore, 77. Elfstan, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 20 Courtenay, Archbishop, 51. Elham, 65. Cowling Castle, 51. Elliston-Erwood, F.C., F.S.A., Notes or Cowper, J. Meadows, editor of Cockes' Bronze Objects from Shooter's Hill Diary, 3. Kent, and elsewhere, and on thf Cox Heath, 61; enclosure of, 64. antiquity of " Jew's Harps," 34-40. Cranbrook, neolithin finds, ; Elmham, Thomas of, 25. enclosure at, 58. Eltham, open lands at, 66; enclosur( Crawford, 0. G. S., 69. at, 58. GENERAL INDEX. 81 English Enclosure Acts and Awards, Ham, 55. Hand-List of. Part 17. Open Fields, Harbledown, 70. Commons and Enclosures in Kent, by Hardman, Dr. F. W., 26. W. E. Tate, F.R.Hist.S., 54-67. Hardy, Charles, of Chilham, 18; Erith, enclosure at, 64. Edward, owner of Chilham Castle, Este Kent, 57. 12. Evans, Alfred, 77 ; Frances, 77. Harrietsharn, 65. Eversley, Lord, 62. Harrison, 58; Sir Edward, 65. Ewel Minis, 61. Harvey, John H., Henry Yevele, Architect, and his works in Kent, Fair, Mary, D.Sc., 10. 48-53. Fairbourne Heath, enclosure, 65. Haste& 68. Fallowing in Kent, 56. Hawk Hill Saxon Cemetery, bronze Farningham, enclosure of, 59. object from, 39. Faussett, 69. Hawkhurst, enclosure at, 58. Faussett, Bryan, Inventoriurn, Sepul- Hayes Common, 61, 62. ehrole, 38. Hempspots, at Mountain Street, 15. Faversham, open field at, 59. Henhurst, open fields at, 60. Ferthing, 56. Henry VIII, 71. Field Notes in East Kent, by R. F. Herland, Hugh, 49. Jessup, F.S.A., 68-70. Heron, armorial bearings, 18; John, Fiennes, Celia, 60. 11; Richard, letters of, 13 ; Sir Folkestone, 57 ; enclosure at, 64. Richard, Secretary to Lord Lieu- Ford Street, 23. tenant of Ireland, 13; Thomas, help Fordwich, remission of dues, 24. towards raising Militia, 14. Fraser, D. M. M., 72. Heron, Thomas, of Chilham, by R. F. Frere, S. S., 78. Jessup, F.S.A., 11-18. Frith Manor, enclosure of, 59. Hertesdowne, open fields at, 55. Fuller, Thomas, 59. Hever, 65. Hevisede, Sir Henry, vicar of St. Gardiner' Dorothy, Thomas Coates the Paul's, Canterbury, 1, 2. Diarist, 1-5, High Minnis, enclosure, 65. Gaunt, John of, 49. Hog's Back, 60. Gavelkind, 54, 56, 57. Hoo St. Mary's, open lands at, 55. Gearing, R. J., 44, 47. Horsey Hill, enclosure, 65. Genlade, river, 24. Horsham Manor, open lands at, 55. George's, St., Church, Canterbury, 22; Horton Kirby, token found, xxxii. Hill, Surrey, 70. Hotfield Heath, 61. Gilbert's Act, 61. Hothfield, Belgic burials, xxxiii, 41-47; Gill, 1VIrs., of Canterbury, brawn Common, 62; open fields at, 55. maker, 17. Humphry, Godfrey, 77. Gillingham, open fields at, 55. Hunton, 64. Goddard's Castle, 57. Hypples Fleote, location of, 26. Godhurste, 57. Godmersham Park, 11. Ickham, open fields at, 55. Godwin, 57; Earl, fleet at Sandwich, Icklingham, Jew's harp from, 40. 27. Ightham, enclosure at, 64; Heath, 61. Gonner, Prof. E. K. C., 59, 61. Ingpin, L., xxxii. Goudhurst, enclosure at, 58; token Ireland, constitutional difficulties in from, 71. Heron's day, 13. Gray, Prof. H. L., 54-58, 60. Irish situation, 1779, 14. Great Court Town, 68. Iugum, 55, 56. Great Mead, enclosure, 64. Iwade, open fields at, 55. Greaves, Christopher, Steward of Chilham Manor and writer of The Jenkins, Canon, 19. Antiquities of Ohilham, 12, 16, 18. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Thomas Heron of Greenwich Marshes, 63. Chilham, 11.18. " Gremiales ", meaning, 22. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Field Notes in Guest, Dr. L. Haden, 65. East Kent, 68-70. Guildown Saxon cemetery, bronze Jeudy Tromp, 37. object from, 39. Jew's Harps, Antiquity of, 34. Guston, enclosure at, 55, 59. Jones, G. P., 48; William, 70. 82 GENERAL INDEX. Judenharpe, 37. Marshall, William, Rural Economy; 60. Julliberrie's grave, 17, 68. Martin's, St., Church, Canterbury, 22. Mary, St., Cray, open fields at, 55. Keble, John, 2. Mary's, St., Church, Canterbury, 19, Kennington, 65. 22. Kennington Lees, enclosure, 65. Mason, King's Master, 49, 50, 52. Kent Feet of Fines, xxxi. Maultrornmel (mouth drum), 36. Kent Records Society, 75. Meager, Leonard, 60. Kidd, John, Curate of Chartham, 3.
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