D Attorn Eys Insurance Mu1ual

D Attorn Eys Insurance Mu1ual

One malpractice insurer is dedicated to continually serving only Alabama Attorneys and remaining in the Alabama marketplace! AIM: For the Difference! Attorn eys Insurance Mu1u al of Alabama , Inc .• 22 lnvemess Canter Parkway Telephone (205) 980 · 0009 Suite 525 Toll Free (800) 526 - 1246 D Birmlngliem. Alabama 3524 2· 4889 FAX (205) 980 -9009 'CHARTER MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAR-RELATED INSURANCE COMPANIES. OfficialCode, AlabamaCases, And The Only AlabamaAdministrative Code OnCD--ROM. A Comprehensive,1ntegrared System. Everychin g You NeedFerr Your Alabama Research. When it comest0 hulltling your prac1icc,Alaba,M l.nwDesk' is the foundationfo r succc.o;;;.Wi th Al~bamaCases, OfficinlSra rutory Code,n nd Aclmlni.strntiveCode on CO,ROM,l.nw/Jesk br ini:..,s,rot~·o(,the,an 1ech nology10 Alnb:unaprimary law, Crt:1 1ing 1hemoo comprehensive,au1horimrive legal resoun:e a,~iilab lc in AL1bama.And wi1h a simplekeystroke or 11\0llSCclick. this powerfulS)=m linb 1,1 Alabama~ ALR: USCS:"Am Jur 1d and more. See,c foryourself . Fermore mformarion, or to arr.Jngt a !¥Kli>l,gationdemoa<tnmon , call I.S00.762-52n . 1111 l11,,ve1~Cooper1 t\l Publishing . ' hnpif/www.lcp.com IN BRIEF May 1996 Volume 57. Number 3 Publi&hDdsovon times a year (the June Issue ls a bar ON THE COVER: cirec:1oryedition) by the Alaben,a Smto Sar. The Coosa!liver nowing through Elmore County, Alabama.Alabama's rivers have playedan P.O. Box.4156, Montgomery, Alabama 36101-41$6 important role in the history of the stale, providing an inexpensil'e form of transportntion for PhOM (334) 269•1515 coal, stone, iron. steel, cotton. lumber. clay. and limestone. Yearsago, the bed or lhe CoosaRiver AOOOrlA. Huffako, ...- ,-- .......- ..... ,-- Chair & Edilor Susan Shlrock OoPe.ola.. "" , .........Vloo-Chalt & wasdug deeperso that boatscould travel all lhe way from U1eGulf or Mexicolo Rome, Georgia, a Associo1e Edl!Ot distanceor over 550 miles. Richard F. Allen ,,__ ............--- Vice·Cha!r. Finance The be.iutirul Spanish moss found In the deep South is technically not a moss. but a 00\\'ering Susar\H Andrcs ..................... ,___ ,_,,Slalt Liaison & plant lhal belongslo the pineapplefamily. l l absorbswaler and nutrients directlyfrom the air. CommunicationsOlmc:10, Margaret Murphy••••••• &all Liaison& Managlllg Editor - Photoby Paul Crawford,JD, CLU Bo en;I ot Edl10t'S w • M J Unde!Wooct.Tu,c;uidJIB • ~ 8 M,,VJ,Jt., Bc,n,ingharn• Nell L ~On:l. JI., Montl)Ot!Mlry• AIM T RQg,e,... 8lmw,gtiam • Jomes G. Stevens, M~ • INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Rober! W. Dtadbd, Jt..,~ery • DelbornfiAlllty Srn!lt!. Birmingham.• N oncy L Frankin, B1ITIWIQ'1,lm• John 0 . Interview with the Pnsident: ~. Blmwlgham • MikeOn.lh.an , Mobile• Aobet1Se0- e,s Smlih.Hl#'f!Wlle • Ctlatfel Cte11eland, Ekn'lin{lhA,rn• Glen­ John Owens on Firms, Fees and Tas k Forces .............................................................132 cL.iCochran , Slrmn;Jl\lm• LisaHtlgglns. 811mringham• tton . D«lra. H. G~ Bl~m . PamellaL Motlll. Mon!• Dedication of Seyboum H. Lynne Federal Courthouse .................................................150 go,M,Y • ShtmT. Mlfll'Nn, 81rmiinghem• W\Ulaffl G . Gant!, Birmingham • Mlcl\Q.i A. Kiri.ind. MQntigomofy• Jona:lhan C!'O&S.TuscelOosa • P Lelgtl O'Doll , Mol'llgomery• t.lnd;I G. Parham H. WiUiams, Jr.: Showing the Way to What is Best in Our Profession Fl.,po, 13itml1'1111.n• L.RJlfiaN Oavi5. M ontgomefy • V«:M)tiaJ By Howard P. WalUiall...... ....................................................................................... 153 Ftanklin,Sssoft. Borm11~ • t.1, OonAldO,tvif. Ji .. Mobil! • Ar; 0 . Noofln,Jt .. Birmingham• t.ym llObottSM Jnddlcn , Law Practice: A Place for Moral Values Cln:flon• Hon WitlilmA , GooJo,\ MonlQOl!WY Board 0, Commi ssioners By Karon 0. BOl\'dre ................................................................................................................158 Ll.llt:on --·-·---· ..Samuel A . Rumora,.J1 .. 01rm.iQl\ll"I OfflCMt Fraud: Recent Development s in Alabama .Johtl A. Owers, Tu~ ·--,- .. ,,__ ,.... Pr0Pden1 Worroo B. Ugh11oot. Bllff'll"IQhllln_ .._ ,,__ ptff.:ienf.elocl By P. Leigh O'Dell. ..................................................................................................................1 65 WilliamO MollOn, EV91Vteen.._ ......, __ Vlce-pre:slde11 Ke!1h 8. HOl'n·u1n, Mon1goniery.. -·- ....... ... Sec;rot.lly Injuries and Loss of Eanlings 80..-d 04 CommJNloflitrt ByJam es B. Smith. Jr. and Jack A. Taylor..... .........................................................................I 76 \ti Ottud , E..MAI\ £lot. (M:or • ~Cl~ Jolin A. Nid!ola. l.&IY9me• 3rd Ciro.ii.L yM Aobe!t5onJackson , CIA)too • 41h C.,. 0-. Rillptl H Hol:t>I.SCllme • 51hOrcuil , Jahn PereyOwer , U. OldeWllt• 6th~PIACll!INo..1 , Wnll•P . ~ ,T~ Executive Director'slleport ...................... 135 Legislative Wrap,Up.. ................................ 155 loo5!I• GlhClscull,Ptac& Uo.. 2.. J . DouglasMeEIYy, TutcalOosa • .,., Cifwc. Arh.- F f't1•, na.AIYll&loo • 81h Otcuil. JoM s Koy, Profiles.... ...................................................13 6 CLEOpportu nities .................................... 157 Of!cart"• 91hClrcUit.W . N. Wll$)0,. FL Pnyrae• 10tt Ci'cul.Plaicie Bar Briers. ................................................. 138 Disciplinary Report ...................................180 No I, SamuelH . f'tat*II\ S".nnltlQtla!n• 1am Ciiolil, P\aoe No, AboutM embers. AmongF irms ................ 140 Recent Decisions.. .....................................185 2, Jam• W a.win · H)lh Ci!Wit.Place, No. 3, J. Mart. Whlla, f.ltmln(IIWn • IOltlC.CUll, 11'*- No 4, S.muol A, Rwnoce.Jr Letter to the Editor ...................................144 Memorials .................................................. 188 • 10tl Qra.&. Place No. 5, Ftedetlek T ~. 111, i31rmin9- BuildingA labama's Courthouses.. ............145 ClassifiedNotices ... ....................................19 t l'i;;!m• IOIi, Ciftut. Pl.It@No , G.Mac B, Gree\/91,Olrrningtlem • 100,Cia.d_ PlaoeNo. 7, J MMon o.vis,, ~m • 10lh C,.. Opinions of the Ceneral Counsel.. ............151 a,11. Pface Ho, 8, Max C, Pq)e . Jr , Bi~m • 1~ Clnmi1. PIiot ~ 9, ~ltly $ , WngN, 9ffl1Wlghilm• 1001CltccAL Bes&e­ ALABAMASTATE BAR HEADQUARTERSSTAFF me, ru-on, George Hlgglri>oll,am. Bossamor • 1111'1Cu'Cl,lll. Rot,e,1 M. Ma.JI .. Aorono&• 121hCfCIA. M. oa1o Marsti, e,-.. 415 DexterAvenue. Mon[J!omel)'. Al, 36 104 1334)21i!l-1515 • FAX(334) 26J.63JO pda,e• 13th Cm:uil,PIAc:o No , 1, V~or H. I.'*, Jr.. Moote• 13'1 CmA, f'lalcf No, 2. Bly Bedsole, M«* • 13th Ci!QJI, ~ ExKUlh~ Oil'fCtor ..-· ·-···--···- ·····--- -Keith8 . Nonnan J\dmiuioru., \ssisb.nl .......· -···-- ··········..Eliubeth Shwirl.J: c. 0 No. 3. ~ O'Roaf, u•, Mobi1o• 131nQclA, Aace No. .-. een­ Ex«utl\'C! ~ir,t:iru ............... - ...........- ....MJ.l'gartt Boant Alnb~ I.Awl- t1Vndll1ion.Inc.. Oir«tor ........Trxy o ..ni<'I ja,,,erl T Fb\-e, Mobile • 141\ Cifwil. Tom~ Jaapo, • Director o(PTogrami- ······- ·······-.l~dw:inlM . f'llUtnOn Al.I-'A.\iistant ... .....- ,.·--···--···· ·-·····-···-··· ..Oawn ll~·ird S51JlCIIOlllt.. Place No.I, Robert 0. segd , MotltgOrnary• 15th Admlnistrntivt,\mstMt for 1~rvgnm,_....... Obnt \\'ddon Votuntur l..lW)Tl1 l·'tolltamOlrcctor ...... .........tCrm 011\-cr Circuit.Ptnee No '2. wanooO 0.Yentill.&I, Monli,om~ • 15clt ProgramsStoetuy ·--,., ................................. Htldi Al\'CI \'LPP"'1,gaL. - ..· --···--- ·---· ········-C,.... a..mbie,, Cltcul. Place No. 3. JamesE . w.ruam,, MontgOmqry • 15e,­ Ci!M Pl10a No. 4 , t-1.ichan:Ia Garrflt • i6Ctl arc...a.RC)y o Oirtttor r,( Communlc:ttJotU& RookJ<ttpe,............ .... --.··-"'"'"' __ ,... Cale Skinnr:r Mc:Ccrd.G4dt0on • 111tiCiR:"IM.. ~ro s Manloy, ~ Publicl nfonrot10n- ...•, .. ..- ...............$U1<ln 11. Andru CraphicsAl'UOirKtor ····-···- ·· ..···- ,···.. -1- IJIQgitStull~r • to.ti c.cA. COt'WodM. Fowlet, Jr• • COlumblano• i9th Ci~ Publlalfons Olr«:tor. ...... - ...............Ma~l L Murphy Cmph IC$ Arl t ,\ui tta:nt.. ......................_, Rodcrit k P1Imtr Jotv1Holll5 .l;lc;kw\, Jr.. Ctan100 • 20lhQocul. w~ tl Badey , Publicalioru/CommunlcatlonJs«reta,y ..., ........ R1t11C:f'il)' Law)-rr Rrkrral Sccrd.U)'-,.· - ·-··Kath,-tlnc: C. Crc;imer C>oNr1• 21111ClrcUC. Ect,w:ard T 1-fnos..Srvwton • 22nd Clrouit. Mtml>trsh1pSel'Vteics Oirtctor ........... Christi~ T. Frttn'IJ,n Rtctpllo,,bt ,._ ..........................- ............. .Ant,?itCrow~ Aooel'I\ Powell,Il l. AndnlSia • 23rd Orcull,. PlllOONQ. 1 , 0oma Mrmbtu hip As.sis:IMl ,.,__ , .......... ,.,_.. ........Mym.i Mcllcnry AfobilmlCentu for· DUJMJte S. Pal@. ~1$vff,e • 23rd~ PlaceNo. 2, P9!rd( H. G,-.wes_ Jr,,~• • 2Mll Circi,.la,JaM A. A..11..-. 11&.~ • 25Ctl Olrtctor of Admiss:ioM..... ......- ··-·--Doroth)· D. Johnsen Rc;olutionOfrcctor _ .. , . ..._ ,.,Judy K«g:in (269-0409J CiroA.OINef" Freclltld. V.'Ood,H4rNllon • 2$tl Cin:uil, 8owtinH Br-'l PhonixCity • 271hCkuil , John C. Gullahorr\MetMle ALABAMASTATE BAR CENTERFOR rnOFE SSIONJ\L RESP0NSlB1Ll1Y STAFF • 281hCl'clA. E.. e. w. Blly Minatto• ~ c~ TornA. Og&to 415 Dexw Avonue,M ontgomel)',AL36 104 (334)26!1-1515 • FAX(334) 261·63 11 ltM. SylKaU$1il • 300'!CIICUII. A. Owlghl 81ait. Pell City • 31t1 Circuit.waam k Hciw1o~,.TWQJlflbll • 32nd Circuit.B11y w . Cetlit!nl Couiut-1... .............. ,- ,. ..- ........J. AnlhonyMcLain Ctltnt Sttu.rity f"unt.1,CSF ti JGCb:ln,.aa,,a,a • 33td c.wii. Rtb:w1.H. 0todg,on, Ol~ • 341h Aooiant Gcncnl Counst"l .•.- ........ ,_..L CilbertKtndnck CLECoord iNtor ...· - ·-·--·····-· ..-- ...H Uonnft M.ainar 0 ......... E"¥Ctt91eon~J<nyc.-...-•

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