1373 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY, 1895. SAl st. Goorge's (Hanover square)Public Library (Frank Pacy,librarian St. James' Governess School & Domestic Institute (Mrs. CecH & clerk to the commissioners), Buckingham palace road SW Young, sec.), 16gPiccadilly W SL Goorge's (Hanover Square) Workmen's Dwellings Association St. James' Hall Co. Limited (George Wragge, sec.); offices, 28 Picca­ {R. H. Burden, sec.), 333 Oxford street W dilly W & 73 Regent street W ~ George's East Vestry Office (Horatio Thompson, clerk: George St. James LaundryCo.(HenryThompson,manager),19St.Agnes piS E A. Wilson, surveyor ; Brougham R. Rygate, M. B. medical officer of St. James' & Pall MWl Electric Light Co. Limited (Frederic J. he&l.th; Wm. Chas. Young, analyst; Jas. Geo. Parker, assistant Walker, manager & sec.); offices, Carnaby street, Golden square clerk; JIID!es Wocnton, A.ndrew W. Willey & George Emest W (T A "Licensable"; T N 35o82); .central stations, Carnaby Corill, sanitary inspectors; Alfred Collins, street inspector; H. street, Golden square W & Ma.son's yard, Duke st. St. James' SW Newlyn, messenger), Cable street E St. James' Property Co. Limited, 25 Jermyn street SW St George's German & Engli.eh School, 33 Little Alie street E St. James' Public Baths & Washhouses (William Ross, supt.), 14 St. George's Girls' Friendly Society Lodge and Club (Miss Lucy to 18 Marshal! st W & Dufour's place, ~road st. Golden square W Cotes, secretary), 5 Bourdon street W St. James' Residential Chambers Co. Lim. (Thomas F. Woo<lhouse, m, George's Hall, 4 Langham place, Regent street W sec.), 42 Duke street, St. Ja.mes' SW-TA "Jambers" Bt. George's (Hanover Square) School, 6J South street, Park lane W St. Ja.mes' Restaurant & Tavern (Jeremiah Robcrts), 6gto 7S Regent Bt.George's Home for CatholicWorking Boys (Thos. Berna.rd Yates, street W & 24, 25, 26 & 28 Piccadilly W-T N 3g72 D'IIUia.ger), 81 Blackfriar!1 road S E St.James' Theatre, King street, St. James' SW Bt. George's Hospital (Charles L. Todd, sec.), Hyde park cornerS W St. James' Westminster Vestry Office (Thomas Hensman Mumsey. Bt. !korge's Hotel, see Ford J. J. & Sons vestry clerk; Henry Monson, surveyor; Ja.mes Edmunds, M. D. Bt. George's Institute (C. Ma.isey, sec.), Little Grosvenor street W medical officer), Vestry hall, Piccadilly W St. George's Iron Works Limited,lateOrmerod,Grierson&Co.Limited, St. James' & Soho Working Men's Club, 3g Gerrard street, Soho W engineers & millwrights, makers of cement & other machinery, St. James' Young Men's Club (Charles Da.vies, hon. sec.), 5 Crescent. railway turntables &c. St. George's iron works, Manchester street, Netting hill W St. George the Martyr (Southwark) Vestry Hall (.Alexander St. James' Youths' Institute, 9 Craven terrace, Bayswater W Millar, clerk), 81 Borough road SE-T N 4906 St. John Ambulance A.c'!Sociation (Colonel Sir H. C. Perrott, bart. St. George's Mutual Benefit Investment Society Limited (C. E. sec.), head office, St. John's gate, ClerkenwellE C (TA'' Firstaid "); Wells, sec.), 32 Sackville street W No. 2 district (U • .A.la.n Palmer, sec.); district office, 11 Ludgate st. George's Public Baths & Washhouses (Louis C. Mountstephen, hill E C; No. 3 dist. (T. F. H. Briscoe B.A. sec.), 70 The Grove, clerk tc commissioners; Alfred Machin, superintendent),8 Davies Hammersmith W; No. 5 dist. (0. J. Lam be Eames, sec.), dist. street, Berkeley square W ; 88 Buckingham palace road SW & office, 28 Rockley road W; No. 6 district (F. Harold Sully, ban. (znd class), Eccleston street east SW sec.), 18 Trebovir road SW St. George's Residential & General Building Company Limited (R. St. John the Baptist Hospice for Children(address Lady in charge). Lawrence Spicer, sec.), 26 Budge row E C-T N 1g6S 32 Hamilton gardens NW St. George's (Hanover Squa.re) Ratepayers'Defence League (Charles St. John the Baptist Mission House & Industrial School (The Sister Greenwood, hon. sec.), So Buckingham palace road SW Superior), 9 Rose street, Soho W st. George's (Hanover Square) Shelter (sister in charge), 8 Bourdon St. John the Baptist Rescue Home for Mothers & Babies (Mrs. M. E. street, Berkeley square W - Corrie, lady supt. & sec.), 16 Ranelagh road, Pimlico SW Bt. George's (Hanover Square) Tax Office (Sydney W. Knox, clerk St. John d'el Rey Mining Co. Limited (M. A. M'Ciill, sec.), Finsbury to the commis.~ioners), 5 Hanover street W house, Blomficld street E C -T A "Profnndis" St. George's & St. James's Dispensary (St. Leger Bunnett, sec.), 6o St. John the Evangelist Mission House, Fisher st. Red lion sq WC King street, Golden square W St. John of Jerusalem Grand Priory of the (order of the Ho~pital of} St. George's Students' Union, 21 Westminster bridge road SE see Gmnd Priory &c. Order of St.• John of Jerusalem in England st. George's Union (Thos. Badcock, master; Mrs. M. Badcock, St. John's Church Institute (.Alexander MacEachan, keeper), S4 matron), Fulha.m rdSW (T N 8S76); offices, Vestry hall,Mount stW Blantyre street, Chelsea SW Bt. George's Union Infirmary, Fulham road SW St. John's .Foundation School for Sons of Poor Clergy (Rev. Button Bt. George's Union Relief Office, A district (John Wray, relieving Patterson, M.A. sec.); 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster Abbey SW; oftlcer; William Thrnves, assistant resident relieving officer), z8 school, Leatherhead, Surrey - Market street, Mayfair W St. John's Girls' Club (Miss Emily Bonsor, hon. sec.), 1 The Terrace. Bt. George's Union Relief Stations (Henry Spencer Bennett, B. dis­ Old Ford road E trict & George John Tamkin, C district relieving officers), 181 St. John's Gymnasium & Institute (Rev. Jonathan Beaver, presi­ BuckinghiiDI palace road SW (E. J. Badderley & Robert Boston dent), Holloway road N Hannant, relieving officers), 74 James street SW St. John's llospital for Diseases of the Skin, Founded A.D. 1863; Bt. George's Union Southern Dispensary (Arthur Campbell Stark, (St. Vincent Mercier, sec.), 49 Leicester square WC (29 beds) out­ K.P .s. dispenser), 1 z8 Victoria street SW patients treated daily at 2 p.m. every night (except sa.t.) from 6.~ St. George's Union Workhouse (Frank Edmund Elkerton, master), to 8 ; also thursday 10 to 11 a.m-T A "Dermatology" W&llis's yard, Buckingham palace road SW-T N 3209 St. John's House (address the SiHter Superior), 7 & 8 Norfolk Bt. George's in the East Workhouse, Raine street, Old Gravel lane E street, Stmnd WC-TA" Private Nurses" Bt. George's & Wapping Conservative & Unionist Association (J. J. St. John's Men's Club (S. E. Winbolt, sec.), 136 York road N Hudson, hon. sec.), 1S4 St. George L>treet E St. Jolm's Mission House, 32 St. John's road, Hoxton N Bt. George's & Wapping Constitutional Club (.T. Tonsley & J. St. John's School (umler the care of the Sisters of St. John Baptist. Fnmces, hon. secs.), Z15 Cable street E . Clewer), 33 Hamilton terrace, St. John's wood NW Bt. George's & Wapping Liberal & Radical Association (Charles St. John's Training College of the National Society (Rev. Evlill Barratt, hon. sec.), 2o3 Cable street E Daniel, M...l. principal), Lombard road, Battersea SW Bt. George's & Westminster Committee of the Charity Organization St. John's Training School for Girls (Lord Kinna.ird, treasurer; Society (Brigade Surg. Lieut.-Col. A. B. Myers, chairman; Capt. Miss McEwen, matron), Great Western road, Westbourne park W J. G. Le Marchant, sec.), 48 Buckingham palace road SW St. John's Wharf & Bonded Wareholliles (R. G. Hall & Co.), 78 ck Bt.George's Working Men's Club{ Jas. Tolley,sec.),Lit. Grosvenor st W King Henry's & Trinity wharves, u8 & 120 Wapping High street Bt. Giles' Christian Mission, head quarters, Mission chapel, Little E : city office, 24 Mark lane E C Wild st. Drury la WC ; Branch Mission halls, N eal st. Long acre St • .John's Wood Athenreum (J. T. Musgrave, esq. treasurer), 4' WC; & z8 & 29 Brocke street, Holborn E C (William Wheatley, Blenheim ulace N W mpt. 4 ~pton street, Gray's inn road WC) St. John's Wood Barracks (Sergeant Frankham, barrack sergeant). Bt. Giles' Christian Mission (work among discharged prisoners) Ordnance road, St. John's wood NW Home for Discharged Prisoners, 28 & zg Brooke street, Holborn St. John's Wood Club (J. C. Monsell, hon. sec.), 4 Blenhcim pl NW E C; branches (Pentonville), 43<> Caledonian rd N ; (Holloway), St. John's Wood Estate Office (J. T. White, esq.), 3 Alpha road NW Parkhun;t rd. Holloway N ; Wands worth common SW ; 20 Drnry St. John's Wkng. Men'slnst.&Home(Wm. Green, man.), 29Percy stW lane WC ; boys' homes, 15 & 16 Brooke street E C; 11 & z Greville Bt. Joseph's Academy (Catholic) (Rev. B. Mark, principal), 164 .V. street, Hattcn garden E C & 11 Beanchamp street, Brooke street 166 Kennington road SE E C ; homes for destitute woiPen, 2S Drury lane WC & 26 Gt. Ea.rl St. Joseph's Catholic Club (Daniel Riordan, hon. sec.), 24S Evelyn Bt. Seven Dials WC (general superintendent, Mr. W. Wheatley) street, Deptford S E St. Giles' District Board of Works (Henry C. Jones, solicitor, Bt. Joseph's Convent, Cadoga.n street, Chelsea. SW clerk; Gcorgc Wallacc, engineer & surveyor; Samuel Robcrt Lovctt, St. Joseph's Homo for Training Catholic Boys (Thomas Bernard L.R.C.P. medical officer ot health); office, 197 High Holborn WC Yates, manager), 83 Blackfriars road SE -T N 2940 St. Joseph's House Home for Aged Poor, Por..obello rd. Notting hl W Bt. Giles' in the Fields & St. George, Bloomsbury, Offices of the St. Josepb's Lending Library, 48 South street, Park lane W Guardians of the Poor & Vestry (James Appleton, clerk to the St.
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