Ellen + Janis Building Community Together #1 Team in Jamaica Plain and Roslindale in 2020* Real Estate Team 617.256.8455 ellenandjanis.com * Source: MLS-PIN EGLESTON SQUARE LIBRARY REDESIGN, PAGE 10 Vol. 30 No. 8 28 Pages • Free Delivery Our offices will be 25 Cents at Stores closed Monday, May Jamaica Plain 31 in observance of Memorial Day Advertising deadline Printed on is Friday @ 4pm Recycled Paper AZETTE 617-524-2626 G MAY 28, 2021 WWW.JAMAICAPLAINGAZETTE.COM ESAC awarded Complaints filed against $100,000 Cummings grant project on Washington St. BY LAUREN BENNETT project. STAF REPORT The brewery was not party to Monty Gold, the owner of the the lawsuit against the project at Ecumenical Social Action building at 3377 Washington St., 3368 Washington St. Committee is one of 140 local home to Turtle Swamp Brewing, The project at 3371 Washing- nonprofits to receive grants has filed another suit against the ton St., proposed by the Jamai- through Cummings Foundation›s Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) ca Plain Neighborhood Devel- $25 Million Grant program. decision to approve the afford- opment Corporation (JPNDC), The Boston-based organization able senior housing project at along with New Atlantic Devel- was chosen from a total of 590 3371-3375 Washington St. This opment, is to build a five story, applicants during a competitive lawsuit comes a little over a week 38 unit affordable senior hous- review process. It will receive after settling a suit regarding ing development on the site, as $100,000 over 4 years. the affordable housing project at well as create a new commercial Since 1965, Ecumenical Ecumenical Social Action Committee Executive Director, Dr. 3368 Washington St. space for El Embajador restau- Social Action Committee has Peg Drisko, and Associate Business Manager, Kim Gibson, This time, Turtle Swamp rant, which currently occupies addressed the unmet needs of celebrating the news of their recent award from Cummings Brewing has also filed its own Foundation. suit against the decision, and is Continued on page 14 a direct abutter to the proposed Continued on page 7 E-13 Officer William El oficial de E-13 BPDA public meeting held “Billy” Jones to retire William “Billy” for Doyle’s Cafe proposal BY LAURA PLUMMER Jones se jubila BY LAUREN BENNETT be added during the 69 Williams District E-13 of the Boston BY LAURA PLUMMER St. phase. Police Department (BPD) is bid- The Boston Planning and De- Including both phases of the ding farewell at the end of the El Distrito E-13 del Depar- velopment Agency (BPDA) held a project, there are a total of four month to one of its long-time tamento de Policía de Boston public meeting on May 20, where units proposed under the city’s officers, Officer William “Billy” (BPD) se despide de uno de sus developer Lee Goodman and ar- Inclusionary Development Policy Jones, who has served at the oficiales de mucho tiempo, el ofi- chitect Elaine Scales presented (IDP), he said. For the housing location since its opening nearly cial William “Billy” Jones, quien the most recent iteration of the above the market, there are four three decades ago. ha servido en el lugar desde su proposal to revive Doyle’s Cafe condo units per floor, for a total In 1995, following military apertura hace casi tres décadas. and add housing and a grocery of 16 units. service, Officer Jones began his PHOTO COURTESY OF BPD En 1995, después del servicio market to the site. For parking, there are 56 total tenure with BPD at District E-18 Officer Jones receiving a militar, el oficial Jones comenzó Goodman explained that spaces proposed, Goodman said. special commissioner’s there are two proposed phases The restaurant will be oper- Continued on page 4 commendation Continued on page 4 to the project, the first including ated by Brassica Kitchen + Cafe, the restaurant, the market, 1 headed by Jay Kean. Gartland St., and 60 Williams He then talked about compli- St., and the second including 69 ance with PLAN: JP/Rox, saying “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time Williams St. that there are stepbacks pro- The housing proposed above posed for the fifth floor, and “we that men have died to win them.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt the market (1 Gartland) will be did not build to the property line.” Celebrate Safely this Memorial Day! a total of four stories and 16 PLAN:JP/Rox allows or a units, four on each floor, and at height of 55 feet, and the pro- 60 Williams St., seven units are proposed. Another six units will Continued on page 3 2 • JAMAICA PLAIN GAZETTE • MAY 28, 2021 JP OBSERVER Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk: JP Historical Society Does Both—and More BY SANDRA STOREY / SPECIAL TO THE GAZETTE Riddle: What’s a special sign ment Square, Stony Brook (area table sound systems so everyone prominent merchant and real mation about how to sign up to it’s spring in Jamaica Plain? near the T station), Sumner Hill could social distance in their estate developer from Jamaica see it. Answer: You start seeing and Woodbourne. Two years ago, masks. Plain. The double-frame house, JPHS has also collected ar- groups of people touring parts Spanish-speaking guides started For a map of JP showing its located at the corner of Washing- chives which are now housed at of the neighborhood on Saturday leading additional tours of Hyde sub-neighborhoods, see the Ja- ton and Gartland Streets, is built the UMass/Boston. The Jamaica mornings. You might even be one Square and Stony Brook in Span- maica Plain Gazette home page. in the Gothic Revival style…,” Plain Gazette, one of many par- of tourists. ish. That will bring up a double rid- according to author Jenny Na- ties to contribute, has donated The Jamaica Plain Historical JPHS even managed to do dle: Why are two areas of JP thans. The property is part of old photos and history articles, Society (JPHS) is in its 26th tours starting in July last sum- called “Stony Brook” and “Stony- a proposed mixed-use develop- many collected and written by year of conducting free histori- mer when covid guidelines were brook,” and where are they locat- ment under Small Project Re- the late Walter Marx, to the ar- cal walking tours, usually from strict, President Gretchen Gro- ed? Which one has the tour? view at the Boston Planning & chives in the early 2000s. mid-May through mid-Sep- zier said in an interview earlier JPHS, voted Best Neighbor- Development Agency. JP is definitely lucky to have tember on Saturday mornings. this month. Typical of group’s hood Group by Gazette readers The website is entertaining such a terrific organization to This year, almost 30 tours are creativity and resourcefulness, in 2017, is “one of the most ac- and educational at the same meticulously keep and share planned, including walks in oth- they used more guides than usu- tive” historical societies around, time. A lot of people know this. neighborhood memories for us. ese areas: Green Street, Hyde al, divided into smaller groups, Grozier confirmed. Founded JPHS.org had 124,000 impres- The group has 350 members at Square, Jamaica Pond, Monu- and the guides had small, por- in 1987, its incredibly helpful sions [looks at specific items on the moment and dozens of vol- website was created by Charlie its pages] last year, Grozier said. unteers, but it has no desk, no Rosenburg in 1997 and is still History articles are grouped ac- phone, no office. managed by him, with Grozier cording to three eras, people, Grozier, president since 2008, and others contributing. The locales, transportation and latest said she is inspired by the “rich- noted website, JPHS.org, offers items. ness of the history, the huge array detailed information about JPHS In addition to its other activ- walks and events and how to ities, JPHS sends out a monthly of people and the historic build- Affordable Homeownership Opportunity ings” in JP. She added she likes Fieldstone Way Condominiums – Phase 2 attend them as well as how to newsletter and sponsors historic Affordable Homeownership Opportunity submit historic photos and arti- talks and films. that it is “continually changing” FieldstoneWellesley, Way Condominiums MA 02482 – Phase 2 cles about JP. A film screening of “Bor- and has a “history of activism.” www.FieldstoneWayLottery.comWellesley, MA 02482 The amazing site contains derland—The Life & Times of Asked if there is anything she www.FieldstoneWayLottery.com 300 articles, 1,700 historic im- Blanche Ames Ames” will be would like to know more about ages carefully gathered and or- next on the plentiful docket of in JP, she said “the indigenous 2 Available2 Available Income Income Restricted Restricted Condominiums Condominiums Affordable Homeownership Opportunity ganized as well as some original programs of JPHS on June 5. people who lived here.” Available UnitsFieldstone WayUnit Condominiums Size – PhaseSales 2 Price resources, like maps, for histori- The “artist, activist, builder, in- Everyone who is interested in Available Units Wellesley,Unit SizeMA 02482 Sales Price 2 3 Bedroom $339,500 cal information about JP. ventor, birth control maverick the JP community today and con- 2 www.FieldstoneWayLottery.com3 Bedroom $339,500 One of the most recent ar- and a leader within the wom- cerned about its future should Maximum2 Available Income Income Restricted per Household Condominiums Size ticles is about 3474 Washing- an suffrage movement in Mas- know about its history. Joining Available Units Unit Size Sales Price Household ton Street next to Doyle’s “built sachusetts” has an “intriguing JPHS is an inexpensive good MaximumSize2 Income380% Bedroom per AMI Household Low$339 Income,500 Size sometime between 1874 and connection to JP,” according to idea.
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