■mfi^ n O B T W E L V B flattrirratcr Etintfno VnraO) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1«,198T »*“ Margaret Hood Q r d a .King's EBnCROENCT DOCTINUI Plans are being formed for a T. ^ O rou p 6 o f Center church xnim- Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor ot A maetlng o f tha membara of the Daughters of Uberty officers and Daughters will meet tomorrow U. C. A. Boys’ club which la ex­ AVERAGE DAILY OIRUULATIOM WKATHER en, Mias Jessamine Smith, leader, the Center Congregational church, ter and paper hangers local baa a’’ who have a part In tha Installa­ ABOUTTOWN night at the home of Ruth Peter­ pected to be formed In the near far the Month ot Oetohes, 1887 Fareeoat M U. 8. Weather Doctors o f the Manchester will meet with her at 18 Park street will be Jhs-speaker on tha Thanks­ called for Saturday afternoon. tion this evening, are requested to son, 189 School street niturs. tonight at 8 o’clock. Harttoffi ABd«non4Sliea amilUry, VJ.W. Medical Aaaodatlon on emer­ giving program to ba presented by Tha meeting will be held In Orange creet In Orange hall at 7 o’clock for gency can tomorrow afternoon the Luther League of the Emanuel Hall and at Jiat time there will be rebearsaL M n conduct naotlier Mtbnck party Second Lieutenant Walter O. Light rain this afternoea; gaa- tomorrow evening at 8:18 in tha V. The Women’s League of the Sec­ wUI be Dr. D^eiT. Moore, 4887 Lieutenant Eunice Walker of Lutheran church tonight at 8 a general discussion of the wage 6,014 ond Congregational church will and Dr. QA.JB. Lundherg, 8829. Cowles o f Company ”K ” , 169th In­ Hartford will be the special guest o'clock. Mias Astrid Benson xviu The King’s Heralds will meet to­ Member of tha Andtt •nnlly fair and colder taalght and P.W . dubbouae at Uancheater fantry, Connecticut National Guard Tharaday. | <^een. A turkey will be awarded omit its meeting which would ordin­ at the meeting tonighc of the Girl lea 1 tha devotional period preceding morrow t^ernoon at 4 o’clock ot Bareaa ot UiealattoBs al Uy take place tomorrow after­ has bMn assigned as Instructor at Guards at the Salvation Army. The Men’s 809 Club will meet to­ the South Methodist church. Mrs. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM fOr the first prise. the 169th Infantry Recruit School the business meetl^. Robert Me- noon. Insteml the members will at­ The leaders of the American Le­ Comb and his publicity committee la night at the home o f Ralph Roc-i- Clarence Barlow and Mra, George tend the meeting at S o’clock Thurs­ gion troop of Boy Scouts will hold held each Friday night lieuten­ wen, 82 Starkweatner street. McKinney xrill be the bosteases. .The committee of Boy Scout ant Charles Bycholski of the How­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. House of Dem- In charge of the program. Refresh­ V O L. L v n , NO. 41 leaders on the coming district hike day at the First Congregational a meetihg tonight at aeven o’clock. Ing street and Mij.-Jeniile '” racy ot ments will be aerved. (CfaMBlfied AdvertM ag aa Faga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) church In Clastonbury, nith th* itzer Company Is also assigned to win meet tomorrow night at seven the school. No. Elm atreet,were guests of Mrs. ddock at the home o f Richard women of the Hartford Bast Asso­ The locM district o f the Charter J. M. Jepaen of Ellxabeth, N. J., on ciation. The speakers will be M n. Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Smith on Bast Middle Tiimpike. Oak OouBcU, Boy Scouts of America Sunday. Mrs. Jepaen la a sister ot IHIS HUNTINO STORY Francis D. Fails, president of the A certificate of trade name xras will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at The hike la sdiedided for Saturday. tra” eled to Connecticut State Col­ Mrs. Tracy, tha Hotel Sheridan. BAS A REVERSE TWIST Three O'Connell Kidnapers Break Jail Dee. 4. Connecticut Council of Congrega­ lege Saturday afternoon to witness filed this morning with Town Clerk FRESH CHINESE tional Women, and Mrs! Julius a football game despite the rain. Samuel J. Turklngton by Joseph DownsviUe, Md., Nov. 17.— i Auger, the new chairman of the Nearly all of the local troops bad a Braunfleld of Bridgeport and Th€ CORR (AP) — Fourteen well-armed Hartford district. representation of b03ra present who Maurice Wool witch of New York J W . H A U hunters aren’t bragging about SENATE FILIBUSTER, city. The name "Braunfleld Mil­ ARMIES AHACK needed more than rain to keep them MAMCHISTiR CONM* this story— but they admit It'a linery Co.” la recorded for a conces­ The monthly meeting of Hose away from the event. Scoutmasters If you never haveiiad an Oil Burner or true. Bridge—Whist Company No. 2 of the Manchester formed their troops at one o'clock sion In the J. W. Hale Company store. A ll converged simultaneously fire department will be held In the and proceeded to Storra. The game are in the market fo r'a replacement do JAP INVADERS on a lone rab'jit In a field near firehouse. Main and Hilliard streets, proved to be exciting as both Ooa- Wednesday Morning Specials ben and blazed away with both Setback Thursday evening. necticut State and the Coast Guard Mary Buslmell Cheney Auxiliary, HOUSE WAGE BATTLE, the job right with single and double barreled shot­ were held scoreless. The hoys re­ U.S.W.V., will hold a social meet­ -S t Bridgret’s guns. They fired about 30 shots. turned home In the late afteynoon ing at the State Armory tomorrow In The Self Serve And Huge Reinforceinents Horry Parish Hall In the company of their troop lead­ evening at 8 o'clock. Bingo and The rabbit was klUed by n boy *8- WEDNESDAY EVE’G ers who were personally responsible L&rde will be played and refreeh- Health Market To Nanking As Grilians November 17,8 P. M. Walter N. Leclerc for their safety. menta served. The comrades of BRANFORD HOLD UP CONGRESS Ward Cheney tent will be welcome ValnaMe Frizes’ . to attend. Refreahmeats! Funeral Director George C. Hunt, tax collector of AUTOMATIC store Closes At Noon On Wednesda3rs. And Goyemment Depart; Tickets 88 cents. WIFE HID CASH, 289 No. Main St. Phone 8289 the South Manchester Fire District ' O IL H E A T Talk Takes Up Most Time will be at the School street recrea* Japs Harassed In North. tion building Thuraday and Satur­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. FDR Says Washington day evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock un­ HUSBAND FREED Of Special Session Today; til further notice for the collection NOTICE Fresh Roasted of district taxes, with the exception My ollloe Is open every mornlag, Shanghai, Nov. 17.— (A P )— Wednesday Is here again, with a half-bollday for Plnehnrst of Thanksgiving Day, November 28. afternoon and evening Inclnding Heavily reinforced C^hlneae armies OF o m n o N Would Have Favored Anti-Lynching BQI Boie and many other Manchester stereo. Please buy your “ Good A t all other times he may be reach­ Wedneeday. (Sundays excepted.) L T . WOOD Co P E A N U T S 2 Qts. struck back at Japanese Invaders Things to Eat” at Pinehont Wedneaday morning. Thanluglv- ed at his home, 21 West street lag thlaga are coming In---- Crosse * BlackweU's Plum Pudding DR A. R MORAN Phone 4496 today In a counter-attack along the Of Contention In Senate; ....Drom edary Fririt Cake M ix. Currants, Ralsina, CItroo Beardsley's “ Hlndenburg” line defending Nan­ Highest Coort Reverses Sup­ Federal Farm Help ^ ether fm it cake peela. Onr Meat Department iuw nice king, some 125 miles away. Tbou- inute M et and meat for making^ mlnoe mcot* TURKEY FOR 1ST PRIZE Farm BiDs Not Y et R ea% . aanda of freab troops from the In­ A t the ^ Peanut Butter 29e port Verdict For Woman Three of eight convicted kidnapers of John J. O'Connell. Jr., of Albany, N. Y., escaped from the Moimt Vernon, Va., Nov. 17 —^Washington’s • belief in a national PUBI.IC SETBACK terior marched eastward to bolster SPECIAL W e d n e s d a y m o r n i n g FREE CHANCE Chinese forces southeast o f the cap­ Onondaga county penitentiary at Jamesville, after overpowering six guards in a delivery plot and kid­ (A P )—President Roosevelt said to­ government strong enough to cope ta rg e lin k Wed„ Nov. 17, 8:15 P. M. To Win A ital. A t the same time, civilians naping one of the guards.* The felons, who immediately became objects of search by 350 state troop­ day that Geroge Waahington’a xrith the problems of his time, and Washington, Nov. 17.— (A P) Whose Money Was Held ct.reer made It "almoat certain" the V. F. W. Home, Manchester Green fled from Nanking to the west and ers and Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, are (left to right) Percy Geary, who sawed hla jail SAUSAGE ....... ...................... lb. 33c Bingo—^Bingo—^Bingo first President would have favored hla perception of the Importance of — The House Labor cominittei V. F. W. AnxIlUry S p k g s . the evacuaUon of government of­ bars, John Oley and Harold Crowley. Rewards of 82,000 each were offered by the Federal Department Cracker Jacks 10c of Justice for apprehension of the tria preaent-day "government action to agriculture aa the foundation of our renewed ita effort to force co^ We eairy a Very eomplete line of quality Sausage___ Sperry Admission 28c, TURKEY fices was under way.
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