NEW BOATS & GEAR 2020 SAIL’s New Boats & Gear is the only publication of its kind. A boat show in print, New Boats & Gear is the guide to all things sail. It provides the only comprehensive listing of gear and services in the industry, plus all the latest boats reviewed by the editors of SAIL. All gear and services information is also available online in our searchable e-directory. Gear & Services advertisers can buy display ads or run showcase ads adjacent to their listings. This annual print magazine distributes 20,000 copies to key newsstands, as well as the 2019 Newport and Annapolis boat shows, and the 2020 Miami boat show. DISPLAY RATES: FULL PAGE: $3,500 / HALF PAGE: $2,100 THIRD PAGE: $1,750 / SHOWCASE AD RATES: $500* *Buy 6 Showcase ads and earn 1 FREE 1/2 page Display ad Buy 12 showcase ads and earn a Full page Display ad AD CLOSE & MATERIALS DEADLINE JULY 19, 2019 ON NEWSSTANDS (FOR 3 MONTHS) AUGUST 27, 2019 Nautical Jewelry Guy cotten u.S.a.–800-444-6050 www.guycottenusa.com “Nor’easter” chart works–207-221-6807; chartmetalworks.com Capri 14.2 National Association–858-569-6947 Canadian Yachting Association–613-545-3044 Sailboat Winter Cover Henri lloyd North america–800-661-5696 www.capri14.org www.sailing.ca Nelson/Marek Yacht design–619-224-6347 David Virtue Jewelry–800-735-2058 www.henrilloydonline.com www.socalsail.com/bg/co/nelson-marek-yacht-design www.davidvirtue.com Catalina 22 National Sailing Association– RACINg MARkS & gEAR High Sierra Sport–800-323-9590; www.hssc.com 770-887-9728; www.catalina22.org Newport R&d–401-683-9450; www.garryhoyt.com Galleon Jewelers–800-446-5314; www.galleonjewelers.com APS–800-729-9767; www.apsltd.com Early Season Discount Musto–44 (0) 1268 495 824; www.musto.com Catalina 36 International Association–860-659-3880 Parker Marine Enterprises–www.parker-marine.com lemon & line– http://www.lemonandlime.com www.c36ia.com Rolyan Buoys–262-387-8728; www.rolyanbuoys.com $500 OFF Sebago–866-699-7367; www.sebago.com Pedrick Yacht designs–401-846-8481; www.pedrickyacht.com your winter cover purchase Maggie lee Designs–717-569-6500 Colgate 26 Class Association–866-842-4355 RATINg, CLASSIFICATION & STANdARdS www.maggieleedesigns.com Slam–+39 010 8420; www.slam.com www.colgate26.com/class.htm ORgANIzATIONS Persak & Wurmfeld–718-222-4401 SERVICE BOAT www.persakwurmfeld.com 800-247-6575; www.sperrytopsider.com Comet Class Yacht Racing Association–410-758-4952 ABYC (American Boat & Yacht Council)–410-990-4460 Nature craft Jewelry–201-704-6555 Sperry top-Sider– Reichel/Pugh Yacht design–619-223-2299 www.cometclass.com www.abycinc.org naturecraftstore.com www.reichel-pugh.com Gill North america–800-822-6504; www.gillna.com El Toro International YRA–415-332-726 Bureau Veritas North America–954-236-8100 Nautical Jewelry Originals–800-545-8135 Robert H. Perry Yacht designers–360-652-7771 www.eltoroyra.org www.bureauveritas.com www.nauticaljewelry.net SuNGlaSSeS & eye PrOtectiON www.perryboat.com Elliott 770 Class Assn.–404-771-4979 Lloyd’s Register Americas–281-675-3100; www.lr.org The Nor’easter Premium Winter Cover System a.G.a. correa & Son–800-341-0788 Barz Optics–61-7-55-347500; www.barzoptics.com Rodger Martin design–401-849-9850 S was designed and developed specifically to www.agacorrea.com Ensign Spars–727-738-8273; www.ensignspars.com Canadian Yachting Association–613-545-3044 www.rodgermartindesign.com Bei Polar clips–866-765-2740; www.polarizedclipons.com withstand the brutal winters of the northeast www.sailing.ca cape Fear Sportswear–888-796-9655 Farr 395 Class Association–410-268-1001; www.farr395.org Roger Marshall, Yacht designers–401-423-1400 and midwest. Made with Top Gun®, an www.capefearsportsware.com costa Del Mar–800-447-3700; www.costadelmar.com Cordage Institute–610-971-4854; www.ropecord.com extremely durable, UV and mildew-resistant Farr 40 Class Assn.–410-268-1001; www.farr40.org Sail Spars design–860-429-9866; woven polyester fabric that provides long- railriders adventure clothing–800-437-3794 Fitovers eyewear/Jonathan Paul eyewear– NMEA/National Marine Electronics Association– www.sailspars.com Flying Scot Sailing Association–800-445-8629; www.fssa.com lasting durability. All of our covers are built www.railriders.com 888-834-8872; www.fitovers.com 800-808-6632, www.nmea.org ® Scarano Boat Building–518-463-3401 using Tenara , a completely UV-resistant Herreshoff Marine Museum–401-253-5000; www.herreshoff.org thread that will not stain, discolor, or Sportif uSa–888-260-7676; www.waterfrontsclothing.com Floats eyewear–305-326-9800 US Sailing–800-877-2451; www.ussailing.org www.scaranoboat.com www.floatsinc.com deteriorate. Holder 20 Class Asociation–www.holder20.com Sponberg Yacht design–904-460-9494 800-323-7327; www.stormyseas.com SAILINg YACHT dESIgNERS Stormy Seas– www.sponbergyachtdesign.com • Rig up system to allow easy installation H3O–800-750-7060; www.H30polarized.com Ideal 18 Class Assn.–800-433-2518 Alan A. gilbert–516-944-9211 • Sealed boots with zippers and tie line at Sun Precautions–800-882-7860 www.shumwaymarine.com Stephens Waring Yacht design–207-338-6636 all stanchions, shrouds, etc. www.sunprecautions.com Maui Jim–888 628-4546; www.mauijim.com www.stephenswaring.com International & U.S. Sunfish Class As- Alan Andrews Yacht design–562-594-9189 • Tenara® Thread guaranteed to outlast tilley endurables–800-363-8737; www.tilley.com Native eyewear–888-776-2848; www.nativeyewear.com sns.–248-673-2750; www.sunfishclass.org www.andrewsyacht.com any fabric it’s sewn to Steve killing Yacht design–705-835-6295 Antrim Associates, Naval Architects–510-223-9680 www.stevekilling.com ultimate Products–800-477-4287; www.ultimatehat.com Polaroid eyeware (StyleMark)–800-282-7696 International Blue Jay Class Association– • Fitted overhang of 10” beyond toe rail www.antrimdesign.com www.polaroideyewear.com 860-434-5125; www.sailbluejay.org Tripp design–203-838-2215; www.trippdesign.net • All measurements are taken from your windlyn-the adjustable wind line For your Hat– Benford design group–410-770-9347; www.benford.us boat, a true custom fit 800-833-2300; www.Windlyn.com uvex Sports–800-682-0839; www.uvexsports.com International Contender Class Association– Wylie design group–925-376-7338; www.wyliecat.com 650-327-4977; www.contenderworld.de/usa/index.html Brewer Yacht design–604-796-3732; www.tedbrewer.com • Access from transom and vessel sides zurn Yacht design–781-639-0678 camet international–619-224-6737; www.camet.com Zurich Sunglasses–800-533-5665 International Lightning Class Assn.–727-942-7969 • Can be used in and out of the water www.zurichsunglasses.com Chris White designs–508-636-6111; www.chriswhitedesigns.com www.zurnyachts.com www.lightningclass.org Grundens–360-779-4439; www.grundens.com • Inside stanchion version available to Chuck Burns, Naval Architect–603-531-9103 Sparkman & Stephens–203-687-4700 uNDerGarMeNtS & Fleeceware International NACRA Class Association– significantly reduce cost and still provide http://www.chuckburnsyachts.com www.sparkmanstephens.com adequate coverage during the winter Patagonia Mail Order–800-638-6464 www.nacrasailing.com months www.patagonia.com alpaca international, inc.–410-216-9898 Cook Yacht design–508-771-8911; www.cookyacht.com Barefoot Performance Sailing–410-507-5505 USA www.thegoldoftheandes.com International Star Class YRA–443-458-5733 http://bpsailing.com Sea Fever Gear–866-409-6653; www.seafevergear.com www.starclass.org devlin Boat Co.–360-866-0164; www.devlinboat.com We measure First watch–800-728-0704; www.1stwatch.com STARTINg & SIgNALINg CANNONS Anywhere Stohlquist waterwear–800-535-3565 International Thunderbird Class Assn.–425-430-7290 dieter Empacher designs–781-631-7467; www.dieterempacher.com www.stohlquist.com imhoff–31713313366; www.on-deck.nl www.thunderbirdsailing.org RBg Cannons–860-873-3857; www.rbgcannons.com Nationwide! Farr Yacht design–410-267-0780; www.farrdesign.com Guy cotten u.S.a.–800-444-6050 Kokatat–800-225-9749; www.kokatat.com International Twelve Meter Class–401-855-3889 www.guycottenusa.com www.12mrclass.com Farrier Marine–425-443-1694; www.f-boat.com Magic Marine–+071 4034411; www.magicmarine.com Kokatat–800-225-9749; www.kokatat.com Jet 14 Class Association–440-716-1859; www.jet14.com Fontaine design group–401-682-9101 www.fontainedesigngroup.com Patagonia Mail Order–800-638-6464 JY 15 Class Association–www.jyca.org Sailing angles–305-283-1958 www.patagonia.com george Buehler Yacht designs–360-331-5866 www.sailingangles.com Lido 14 International Class Assn.–714-437-1370; www.lido14.org Sailing angles–305-283-1958; www.sailingangles.com www.georgebuehler.com Slam–+39 010 8420; www.slam.com Megabyte Class Association–514-363-5050 gerr Marine–212-864-7030; www.gerrmarine.com Stohlquist waterwear–800-535-3565; www.stohlquist.com www.megabyteclass.org commodore uniform & Nautical Supplies– Henderson Yacht designs–+971 4 324-1828 800-438-8643; www.commodoreuniform.com Henri lloyd North america–800-661-5696 Metal Boat Society–425-485-2100 www.hendersongroup.org www.henrilloydonline.com www.metalboatsociety.org High Sierra Sport–800-323-9590; www.hssc.com Horstman/Tri-Star Multihulls–406-837-0768 High Sierra Sport–800-323-9590; www.hssc.com NBOA/National Boat Owners Assn.–800-248-3512 www.edhorstmanmultihulldesigns.com l.l. Bean–800-441-5713; www.llbean.com www.nboat.com Musto–44 (0) 1268 495 824; www.musto.com Jim Taylor Yacht design–781-631-6235 Rebel Class Association–517-787-5920 SailiNG GlOVeS & HaND PrOtectiON www.tayloryachtdesigns.com Gill North america–800-822-6504; www.gillna.com www.rebelsailor.com crazy creek Products–800-331-0304 Judel/Vrolijk–www.judel-vrolijk.com Seven Seas Cruising Association–954-771-5660 www.crazycreek.com wetSuitS & DrySuitS www.ssca.org kaufman design–410-263-8900 RBG Cannons — is the maker of the fi nest Gill North america–800-822-6504; www.gillna.com O’Neill wetsuits uSa–831-475-7500; www.oneill.com www.kaufmandesign.com signal cannons in the world.
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