A is for Asimov Annotated index of the 22 Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction anthology collections. Prepared by Caroline Minuscule for The Isaac Asimov Project The Thunder Child SF & Fantasy Webzine To be used for research, reference and review First edition: October 29, 2008 The twenty two books in the F & SF series indexed here: Title Code Version 1. Fact and Fancy (1962) FF PB 2. View from a Height (1963) VH HB 3. Adding a Dimension (1964) AD PB 4. Of Time, Space & Other Things (1965) TS PB 5. From Earth to Heaven (1966) EH PB 6. Science, Numbers and I (1968) SN PB 7. The Solar System and Back (1970) SS PB 8. The Stars in Their Courses (1971) SC PB 9. Left Hand of the Electron (1972) LE PB 10. The Tragedy of the Moon (1973) TM PB 11. Of Matters Great & Small (1975) GS PB 12. The Planet That Wasn't (1976) PW HB 13. Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright (1977) QQ HB 14. The Road to Infinity (1979) RI PB 15. The Sun Shines Bright (1981) SB HB 16. Counting the Eons (1983) CE HB 17. X Stands for Unknown (1984) XU HB 18. The Subatomic Monster (1985) SM PB 19. Far as Human Eye Could See (1987) HE HB 20. The Relativity of Wrong (1988) RW HB 21. Out of The Everywhere (1990) OE PB 22. The Secret of The Universe (1990) SU HB Repackaging: Asimov on Astronomy Asimov on Chemistry Asimov on Physics Asimov on Numbers Asimov on Science These are compiled from essays previously published in the above books. Therefore, we do not index them here. A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Caveats Edition We have compiled this index from a mixture of paperbacks and hardbacks (Code, PB or HB). If you do not have the same version that we used in the index, you are not out of luck, because our index lists the essay in which the name occurs, as well as the page number. Thus, the first two listings for Brahe, Tycho are: FF: 8-97; 13-158 SC: 3-38 FF = Fact and Fancy. 8-97 means he appears in the 8 th essay (which will remain the same regardless of edition) and 97 is the page number. He is also mentioned by Asimov in the 13 th essay (regardless of edition) on page 158. SC = The Stars in Their Courses, and Asimov mentions Brahe in the third essay in that book (regardless of edition), on page 38. Therefore, even if you don't have the same edition, a quick browsing through the essay in question will find the name. Family Asimov's mentions of his family in various essays are not included in this index. Friends of his, such as science fiction writers, are included. (In a couple of essays where Asimov discusses names from the Bible, these also aren't mentioned.) Alphabetizing Conventions Because of the vast number of people whose names end in De, we've placed their names under the patronym. Thus, you'll find Hernan de Soto under Soto, Hernan de. L. Sprague de Camp is under Camp, L. Sprague de. However, other, less numerous names, like "del" are filed under del. Thus, Lester del Rey is under "del Rey, Lester." Birth and death dates: Where possible, birth and death dates are given. (1924 – ): Means the person is still alive at the time of publication of this index (1924 – ?) or (? - 1924): means that one of two chronological numbers isn't known. (? – ?): Means: who knows? (If you know, send us an email!) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Name – A Annotation Books Aaronson, Marc American astronomer CE: 13-131 (1950 – 1987) Abd ar-Rahman III Moorish king SS: 12-179 (889 – 961) Abelson, Philip Hauge American physicist SB: 11-155 (1913 – 2004) Abplanalp, Robert Henry Swiss-American Inventor of the PW: 10-118 aerosol valve (1922 – 2003) Abraham, F. Murray Actor, Amadeus RW: 10-123 (1939 – ?) Acheson, Edward Goodrich American inventor XU: 5-66 (1856 – 1931) Adams, John Couch English scientist FF: 7-87 (1819 – 1892) TS: 5-72 PW: 1-6 QQ: 11-157, 158, 163 Adams, Walter Sydney American astronomer QQ: 14-197-202 (1876 – 1956) SM: 4-64 SU: 11-148 Addison, Thomas British physician HE: 7-88 (1793 – 1860) Adolphus, Gustavus King of Sweden TS: 16-203 (1594 – 1632) Adrian, Edgar Douglas British electrophysiologist EH: 6-94 (1889 – 1977) Agamemnon ruler OE: 17-262 Agricola, George German minerologist EH: 8-118 (1494 – 1555) Airy, George Biddell English mathematician and SC: 15-184 astronomer QQ: 11-159 (1801 – 1892) Akhenaton Egyptian pharaoh SU: 7-87 (1372 – 1362 BC) al-Nafis, Ibn Arabic scholar SM: 12-189 (1210 – 1288) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com al-Tus, Nasir Eddin Arabian mathematician LE: 11-156 (1201 – 1274) Albategnius al-Battani SC: 3-40 12 th century Arabic astronomer (c. 858 – 929) Alberti, Friedrich August von German geologist SN: 8-100 (1795 – 1878) Alder, Kurt German chemist EH: 6-92 (1902 – 1958) Alexander I Tsar of Russia RI: 7-93 (1801 – 1825) Alexander the Great King of Macedon TS: 1-35 (356 BC – 323 BC) QQ: 4-70 XU:10-123 Alfonso X King of Castile SC: 3-41 (1221 – 1284) RI: 3-35 Alfven, Hannes (1908 - ) OE: 1-9 Allison, Fred American chemist SU: 13-184 Alvarez, Walter University of California SB: 3-35 (1940 – ) Amagat, Emile Hilaire French physicist CE-3-23 (1841 – 1915) Amontons, Guillaume French physicist EH: 9-135 (1663 – 1705) SM: 15-237 Ampere, Andre Marie French physicist EH: 8-120 (1775 – 1836) QQ: 5-78 SM: 2-40 HE: 4-45 Amundsen, Roald Norwegian explorer RI: 8-106 (1872 – 1928) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Greek philosopher SU: 6-74, 78 (500 – 428 BC) Anderson, Thomas David Scottish clergyman and amateur RW: 12-153 astronomy (1853 – 1932) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Anderson, Carl David American physicist EH: 6-89; 11-167, 168 (1905 – 1991) SN: 1-5 CE: 10-99 RW: 15-190, 191 OE: 3-40 Andrews, Thomas Irish chemist RI:3-40 (1813 – 1885) Andrews, Dana Actor GS: 15-262 (1909 – 1992) Ångstrom, Anders Jonas Swedish physicist CE: 10-94 (1814 – 1874) XU: 1-19 SU: 8-109 Antiochus XIII ruler of Seleucid empire LE: 14-207 (? – 64 BC) Antoniadi, Eugenios Marie French astronomer PW: 2-20 (1870 – 1944) Antonius Pius Roman caesar XU:10-125 (86 – 161) Antropoff, Andreas von coiner of word "neutronium" TS: 15-197 (? – ?) Apian, Peter German humanist XU: 9-111 (1495 – 1552) Appleton, Edward Victor British physicist FF: 3-44 (1892 – 1965) EH: 6-89 Arago, Dominique F. J. French physicist SM: 2-40 (1786 – 1853) HE: 4-47 Archimedes of Syracuse Greek philosopher FF: 11-131; 17-197 (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) AD: 1-13; 4-50; 17-196 EH: 17-240, 241, 242, 246 LE: 10-141; 13-187, 188-189 SM: 15-232 SU: 6-74 Arfwedson, Johan August Swedish chemist PW: 6-67 (1792 – 1841) Argand, Aimé Swiss physicist OE: 13-214 (1755 – 1803 Arhennius, Carl Axel Lieutenant, Swedish army SC: 11-133 (? – ?) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Aristarchus of Samos Greek philosopher FF: 9-114 (310 BC – c. 230 BC) AD: 15-178 SN: 16-201 SC: 3-41, 42 TM: 1-18, 19 XU: 13-158 SU: 1-7; 6-74, 85 Aristotle Greek philosopher FF: 3-34, 35; 9.115 (384 BC – 322 BC) VH: 8-113, 114 AD: 8-91; 15-173, 17-197 SS: 12-176 SC: 9-106 TM: 1-23; 2-32, 33 GS: 9-140, 142 PW: 5-54; 14-165 CE: 10-93 XU: 15-201 SM: 2-33; 12-183; 15-231 RW: 11-139, 146, 147; 17-220 SU: 6-74; 7-88, 89 Arkwright, Richard American inventor, barber and QQ: 4-62, 64 wigmaker (1733 – 1792) Armstrong, Louis jazz musician PW: 15-175 (1901 – 1971) Arnon, Daniel Israel Polish-American plant physiologist SM: 10-160 Arrhenius, Svante August Swedish chemist FF: 16-186-188 (1859 – 1927) AD: 17-197 TS: 16-209 EH: 6-90 Arthur, August de la Rive Swiss physicist PW: 8-88 (? – ? ) Arzachel Ibn al-Zarqala SC: 3-43 Moslem astronomer (1028 – 1087) Ashmead, Larry Editor, Doubleday QQ: 14-192 (? – ?) Asimov, Daniel American mathematician, nephew GS: 17-279 of Isaac Asimov (? – ?) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Aston, Francis William English physicist VH: 7-97 one-time assistant of Joseph EH: 6-91 Thomson RW: 1-9 (1877 – 1945) Atkins, Thomas Co-author, The Fire Came By , QQ: 14-191 1976 (? – ?) Attila ruler of the Huns XU:10-126 (406 – 453) Auer, Karl Baron von Welsbach SC: 11-140 (1858 – 1929) Avery, Oswald Theodore American biochemist TM: 11-145, 147 (1877 – 1955) Avogadro, Amedeo Italian chemist VH: 6-81-82 (1776 – 1856) EH: 9-131 A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Name – B Annotation Books Baade, Walter German-American astronomer FF: 12-149-150 (1893 – 1960) TS: 5-75 GS: 7-114 QQ: 15-206 RI: 12-158 CE: 13-129, 130 XU: 12-150 RW: 11-168; 13-169 Backer, Donnelly American astronomer SM: 8-125, 126 (? – ?) Bacon, Roger English philosopher TS: 1-22 (c. 1214 – 1294) SC: 15-188 Bacon, Francis English politician LE: 15-224, 225, 226 (1561 – 1626) GS: 3-36, 47 SU: 6-78 Baer, Karl Ernst von Russian scientist TS: 16-204 (1792 – 1876) Baeyer, Adolf von (? – ?) EH: 6-90 Bailly, Jean Sylvain French scholar SC: 3-43, 44 (1736 – 1793) Balard, Antoine Jerome French chemist PW: 6-64 (1802 – 1876) SU: 13-179, 180 Balboa, Vasco Nunez de Spanish explorer RI: 6-83 (1475 – 1519) Balch, Clayton teacher of SF courses at El Paso GS: 2-19, 20 Community College (? – ?) Banting, Frederick Grant Canadian medical scientist, co- EH: 6-93 discover of insulin (1891 – 1941) Barany, Robert Hungarian physician EH: 6-93 (1876 – 1936) Barberini, Maffeo Cardinal, later pope Urban VIII PW: 5-56 See Urban VIII Bardeen, John American physicist and electrical EH: 6-89 engineer (1908 – 1991) A is for Asimov: Part of the Asimov Project thethunderchild.com Barghoorn, Elso Sterrenberg American paleontologist SU: 14-193 (1915 - 1984) Barkla, Charles Glover English physicist EH: 6-88 (1877 – 1944) SC: 13-159 Barnard, Edward Emerson American astronomer AD: 16-191 (1857 – 1923) TS: 5-74 RI: 11-144; 13-167 CE: 7-72, 73 XU: 14-173 HE: 13-151 Barrett, Peter J.
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