IMPRIMATUR POUR LA THÈSE Limoniidae, squs-familie des Limoniinae, une contribution à la connaissance de la faune diptérologique helvétique de M pns.ieur Wi 1 Iy Geiger UNIVERSITÉ DE NEUCHATEL FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES La Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Neuchâtel, sur le rapport des membres du jury, Messieurs; W. Matthey, A. Aeschlimann, W. Sauter (EPF-ZuriÇh.L^ Leeuwen (Amsterdam) autorise l'impression de la présente thèse. Neuchâtel, le .1.6...mars..1987 Le doyen: François Sigrist L Thèse Willy GEIGER: Limoniidae sous-famille Limoniinae de Suisse. Une contribution à la connaissance de la faune diptérologique helvétique0 Liste des publications déposées 1. Geiger, W. 1983. Dicranomyia (Salebriella) pauli sp. n. from western Europe. Rev. Suisse Zool. 90:639-642 2. Geiger, W. 1985 a. Two new species of Dicranomyia Stephens, 1829, with notes on related species. Bull. zool. Mus. Uni. Amsterdam, 10(10): 53-60 3. Geiger, W. 1985 b. Limoniidae sous-famille Limoniinae de Suisse. Synonymies nouvelles. Mitt. schw. ent. Ges. 58:69-76 4. Geiger, W. 1986 a. Bibliographie raisonnée des Limoniidae de la zone paléarctique ouest (Publications 1900-1982). I. Sous-famille Limoniinae. Bull. rom. entomol. 4:3-121 5. Geiger, W. 1986 b. Diptera Limoniidae 1: Limoniinae. Insecta Helvetica Catalogus, vol. 5, 160 pages 6. Geiger, W. 1986 e. Diptera Limoniidae 1: Limoniinae. Insecta Helvetica Fauna, vol. 8, 131 pages 7. Dufour, C, Geiger, W., Haenni, J.-P. 1983. Les méthodes mises en oeuvre par la Diptérologie helvétique. Bull. soc. ent. France, 88:98-109 8. Stary, J., Geiger, W. 1985. A new Dicranomyia (Salebriella) from the Alps. Ann. zool. bot. 166:1-6 Le texte complet de la thèse est déposé à la bibliothèque de l'Institut de Zoologie et à la bibliothèque centrale de l'Université BULLETIN ZOOLOGISCH MUSEUM [g|NIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Vol. 10 No. 10 1985 TWO NEW SPECIES OF DICRANOMYIA STEPHENS, 1829, WITH NOTES ON RELATED SPECIES (DIPTERA, LIMONIIDAE) i) Willy GEIGER ABSTRACT Dicranomyia (D.) lorettae sp.n. and Dicranomyia (D.) mattheyi sp.n. are described. Comments are given on the relationship of the new species and the chorea group sensu Lackschewitz & Pagast, 1941. The synonymy of Dicranomyia hygropetrica Vaillant, 1952, and Dicranomyia mit is (Meigen, 1830) is established. INTRODUCTION The species mentioned by Lackschewitz (1928) are the following: livornica Lackschewitz, 1928, In his basic work on the Limoniidae, Lacksche­ mitis (Meigen, 1830), conchifera Strobl, 1901, witz (1928) regrouped the species of the genus luteipennis Goetghebuer, 1920, chorea (Meigen, Dicranomyia into categories named after a cha­ 1818), incisurata Lackschewitz, 1928, and zernyi racteristic representative. These groups, defin­ Lackschewitz, 1928. The latter specie-s was sub­ ed by the general aspect of the species and the sequently referred to the hyalinata group by structure of the male genitalia, are no longer Lackschewitz & Pagast (1941). In their publica­ used in the present-day taxonomy of the genus. tion they add to this list strobli Pagast, They have been replaced by genera or subgenera, 1941., madarensis (Wollaston, 1858) , micronychia which have been created or reinstated since. Loew/Pagast, 1941, and signata Lackschewitz, Lackschewitz's "chorea group", however, still 1941. Also Dicranomyia (D.) michaeli Theowald, constitutes a remarkable unit. All the species 1977, can be considered part of this group, as included in it by Lackschewitz (1928) and subse­ well as two new species, Dicranomyia (D.) loret­ quently added by Lackschewitz & Pagast (1941) tae sp.n. and Dicranomyia (D.) mattheyi sp.n. have been referred- to the nominate subgenus, Eight species of this group inhabit Central and form a natural group. and Western Europe: chorea, mitis, conchife­ ra, luteipennis, lorettae, mattheyi, strobli and incisurata. Some species occur only in southern ') This paper is part of the author's doctor- work. Europe: madarensis (Madeira), signata (Corsica, 54 Yugoslavia, Italy), michaeli (Azores, Madeira, corresponding segments; flagellum yellow tend­ Canary Is.) and livornica (Italy). D. microny- ing to greyish-brown, scape and pedicel more chia is only known from two unlabelled speci­ definitely yellow (only the right antenna is mens cited by Lackschewitz S Pagast, 1941, as complete, of the left one only the scape and "micronychia Loew". the pedicel remain); rostrum and palpi greyish- In Central Europe two species, strobli and yellow. All the thoracic tergites yellow, with incisurata, are easily identified, their male a grey pollinosity, silky; praescutum with a genitalia being very characteristic. The other not very clear central stripe, slightly darker species are very similar: a comparative study than the rest of the thorax; what can be seen is necessary, especially in view of the descrip­ of the pleurae, pierced by the pin, yellow with tion of the two new Central European species. grey pollinosity, though less than the ter­ gites; coxae yellow; wings transparent, iridis- Dicranomyia (D.) chorea (Meigen, 1818) cent, stigma practically invisible, no spots on Figs. 1, 3. the front margin of the wing, Sc ending in C level at the Rs-base, Sc about half way be­ Limonia chorea Meigen, 1818: 134. tween the base of the wing and Sc , no hairs on Limonia lutea Meigen, 1804: 55 (nomèn oblitum). Sc, distal cell closed, m-cu at its base; Limnobia quadra Meigen, 1838: 29. Dicranomyia flavicollis Becker, 1908: 82. length of wing 6.4 mm. Dicranomyia vidua Santos, 1923: 19. Dicranomyia chorea f. lutescens and the Dicranomyia longipes Santos, 1923: 38. Dicranomyia modesta; Santos, 1923: 18; Lacksche­ very light-coloured small forms of D. mitis are witz, in Frey, 1937: 7. much alike: without the help of the characteris­ Dicranomyia chorea f. lutescens Lackschewitz, 1928: 211. tics of the legs and, more important, without Dicranomyia chorea f. grisescens Lackschewitz, an examination of the structure of the male 1928: 211. genitalia, it is impossible to classify a speci­ Non: Limnobia modesta Wiedemann in Meigen, 1818: 134. men with certainty. Two details, however, en­ able us to decide that the specimen of lutea in Notes on synonymy.- the Meigen collection is probably identical Mendl (1979) gave a chronological account of with chorea. First the Sc of mitis has hairs lutea Meigen, the status of which for a long (Edwards, 1938; Mendl, 1979), while that of time had not been clear. It has been regarded chorea is smooth and hairless like lutea . It either as. a species in itself, as a variety of must, however, be noted, that this criterion mitis or as a synonym of chorea. Mendl settles does not seem to be constant for mitis, or at for this last hypothesis on the basis of the least it is not always clearly visible. Further­ original drawings by Meigen, reproduced by more the antennae of mitis are entirely brown, Morge (1976). Lackschewitz (1928) had already while those of chorea, and also of lutea, are come to the same conclusion, establishing the greyish-yellow, at least in the first segments. synonymy of Limonia lutea Meigen with Dicranomy­ Probably therefore lutea Meigen is' identical ia chorea f. lutescens Lackschewitz. with chorea Meigen and not with mitis Meigen, Examination of the only specimen of Limonia as already suggested by Lackschewitz (1928) and lutea in the Meigen collection in the Museum Mendl (1979). National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, leads us to confirm Lackschewitz's and Mendl's state­ Descriptive remarks.- ments. The male specimen is lacking the abdomen A species of variable coloration and size, and legs and the apex of the right wing. There presenting a seasonal dimorphism: a spring are two labels: one dark grey, bearing the form, large (7-8 mm) , grey, with spotted wings number 440 40, and another one reddish with the (f. grisescens), and an autumnal form, smaller indication "lutea 6". (5-6 mm) , yellow, with no clear spots on the Description of L. lutea: Head yellow, with wings (f. lutescens) • a grey pollinosity; antennal segments spherical Genitalia i: 9th tergite with slight indenta­ to oblong, verticils slightly longer than the tion,- cylindrical basistyle, with an oval basal 55 lobe,- od two times larger than the basistyle, Description.- spherical to oblong, with a relatively slender General appearance as D. luteipennis Goetghe­ rostrum with two very short, parallel spines in buer; body brown, with a light brownish-grey the middle. pollinosity; wings transparent, a little brown infuscated, with a well visible stigma and Distribution.- transverse veins with dark spots. From North Africa to Scandinavia, eastwards Head dark brown, with a grey pollinosity; as far as the Urals,- Canary Islands; North rostrum and palpi brownish; antennae 14-segment- America. ed; scape brown, pedicel and flagellum yellow- brown; antennal segments spherical to oval, the Dioranomyia (D. ) luteipennis Goetghebuer, 1920 last seven being spindle-shaped; verticils lon­ Figs. 2, 4. ger than the corresponding segments. Thorax dark brown; praescutum dark brown, with a grey Dioranomyia luteipennis Goetghebuer, 1920: 108, pollinosity and without any line or stripe; figs. 1, 4 (wing, genitalia d). pronotum, scutum, scutellum and postscutellum brown; pleurae brownish; coxae, trochanter and Descriptive remarks. - legs yellowish; femora without dark ring; wings A reddish-yellow species; size 7 mm; wings transparent, with a yellow-brown infuscation, with well-marked stigma and with three brown veins yellowish-brown, Sc ending in front at spots, transverse veins clearly infuscated with Rs-base, Sc half-way along Sc, discal cell brown. closed, with m-cu at its base, stigma rectangu­ Genitalia d: 9th tergite with slight indenta­ lar, brown and well visible, a brown spot over tion; cylindrical basistyle with oval basal Sc and Rs-base and another at the bifurcation lobe; od almost spherical, 1.5 times as long as R of Rs in R,,, and ,+ c-, this last spot is the basistyle, with a very short rostrum, bear­ blended with the stigma, transverse veins of ing two straight spines at its base, spines discal cell and m-cu have a vertical brown almost parallel and 1.5 times as long as the spot, forming two dark vertical strokes on api­ rostrum.
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