Vol. 15, Issue 18 - one section Wednesday, April 29, 2020 FSCC extends Senior Information Services to Douglas County residents By Kendra Hennis Douglas County. We appre- rector of the Senior Resource relief funds and community During this difficult ciate everyone’s patience as Center at Family Service resources. Caseworkers are time, Senior Service provid- they get to know us, and we says, “Stay tuned for upcom- checking in weekly on cli- ers are thinking outside the feel honored that our clients ing events at our office once ents. Feeling lonely or iso- box in order to ensure that trust us to work alongside it is safe to resume group ac- seniors are still receiving the them to meet their needs. We tivities. We look forward to lated? Caseworkers can con- assistance they need. Fam- are excited to get to know working with you and getting nect you to a volunteer that ily Service, a new provider you all!” Becki, the full time to know you!” For general can call you more frequently of Senior Services in Doug- Caseworker in Tuscola, says, assistance or COVID-19 re- to chat. Out of groceries or las County, is no exception. “I’m looking forward to lief, give the Senior Resource supplies? Need a mask? We With face-to-face contacts meeting the Douglas County Center at Family Service a can help you brainstorm a so- suspended temporarily by the seniors and helping them find call at (217) 352-5100. Illinois Department on Ag- resources.” One of Becki’s In reference to COV- lution. ing, assistance from a case- goals is to help develop more ID-19: About Family Service: worker is still available over social activities for Douglas We are following guid- Family Service of Cham- the phone. Family Service of County seniors and coordi- ance from the Illinois De- paign County is a private, Champaign County recently nate a monthly calendar of partment on Aging and East non-governmental, not-for- became the Senior Informa- activities. You may be famil- Central Illinois Area Agency profit organization. Founded tion Services provider for iar with getting assistance ap- on Aging regarding how to Douglas County. The Tuscola plying for discounted license safely support older adults in 1911, we are the oldest pri- office is located in the same plate stickers, but Becki is during this pandemic. All vate social service agency in office as the previous provid- available to help with a wide face-to-face visits have been Champaign County and have er at 107 West South Central variety of needs. Becki says, halted until further notice. provided continuous service in Tuscola. They have been “Just give me a call.” Caseworkers are providing to families and individuals slowly building the program Qualifications include assistance over the phone for more than 100 years. Our and making connections in Tuscola Caseworker, Becki being 60+ and living inde- and utilizing the mail or se- the County. There is a new pendently (i.e. home, apart- cure drop-offs of paperwork mission is supporting people telephone number for the source Center main line, and noted, “We apologize for ment, family member’s and other essential materi- across the generations by office, 217-352-5100: The the process may differ from any confusion this transition home) in Douglas County. als. Caseworkers are keeping providing quality human ser- Family Service Senior Re- previous providers. They has caused for older adults in Julie Schubach, the Di- up-to-date with COVID-19 vices. Douglas County Farm Bureau President’s Agriculture April update By Larry W. Dallas water is cold, it has been Planting and other field- shown to harm or even kill work started right at the the new plant. With lows beginning of April in Doug- near freezing, that water is las County and many other sure to be pretty cold. Or parts of the state. A lot of in light of the way last year ground has been worked, turned out, do you go full fertilizer applied and herbi- blast to plant as much as cide sprayed. The memory possible while the ground of last year’s delayed plant- conditions are good. ing is fresh and we all want Research has shown to work when it is fit. His- soybeans may stand cold torically no one would have planting conditions better planted this early but there than corn. That is the op- are several acres of corn and posite of long time practice beans in the ground. that said corn goes in first, There has been a lot of then soybeans. The seed weighing the options since treatments we apply to our it got fit to work. The weath- seed helps both corn and er around Easter was quite beans survive in the cold cold. Would it be better to soil. The longer a seed is go ahead and plant while the in the ground, the more op- ground is in good shape or portunity there is for dis- wait for warmer conditions? ease or insects to get to it. Most of us have tillage and I do not recall that we ever fertilization or spraying planted untreated seed corn to do to fill the time. Corn but it has been only the last needs to take up about one- few years that treating seed Last year we were plant- ing in the mud we had to going into. It was a month May 14 in 2019. This year I third of the kernel’s weight beans became common ing corn and soybeans si- contend with. If a field was later last year since the first in water to germinate. If that practice. multaneously to keep mov- fit we planted the crop it was corn we planted was on See DCFB page 6 Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources to reopen select sites for limited activities Campgrounds, playgrounds and other amenities will remain closed To allow Illinois resi- Michigan Canal State Trail, lecting. Site visitor centers, dents to engage in some out- Kankakee River State Park, campgrounds, playgrounds, door activities, the Illinois Moraine Hills State Park, beaches and concessions will Department of Natural Re- North Point Marina. remain closed. There will sources (IDNR) will reopen Region 3 (East Cen- be no shelter reservations, select state parks, recreation tral Illinois): Clinton Lake interpretive educational pro- areas fish and wildlife areas State Recreation Area, Eagle grams, or special events until and trails beginning May 1. Creek State Park, Kickapoo further notice. Visitors to the reopened sites State Recreation Area, Wolf To ensure the safety of will be required to comply Creek State Park. all visitors, hunting includ- with social distancing guide- Region 4 (West Central ing spring turkey hunting re- lines and other COVID-19 Illinois): Eldon Hazlet State mains suspended at all IDNR best practices. Recreation Area, Jim Edgar sites. The IDNR sites that will Panther Creek State Fish IDNR sites are monitored reopen May 1are listed be- and Wildlife Area, Sang- by site staff and IDNR Con- low. All other IDNR sites, chris Lake State Park, Siloam servation Police. For assis- including state historic sites, Springs State Park, Washing- tance or to report violations, will remain closed until fur- ton County State Recreation visitors can call the IDNR ther notice. Area. Visitors to reopened Region 5 (Southern Il- Office of Law Enforcement IDNR sites should bring al- linois): Fort Massac State at 217-785-0075 or contact cohol-based hand sanitizer Park, Giant City State Park, Conservation Police in the re- (containing at least 60 per- Stephen A. Forbes State Rec- gion. Contact information is cent alcohol) and face cover- reation Area, Wayne Fitzger- available on the IDNR web- ings. Additional health and or other flu-like symptoms; visit; linois): Argyle Lake State rell State Recreation Area. site: https://www2.illinois. safety guidelines include: • Visit alone or with • Cover your cough or Park, Jubilee College State The reopened sites will gov/dnr/LawEnforcement/ • Practice social dis- members of your household; sneeze with a tissue, then Park, Lowden State Park, be open daily from sunrise Documents/DistrictCPO- tancing by keeping at least • Stay local; visit parks throw the tissue in the trash. Morrison-Rockwood State until sunset beginning May PhonesAndEmails.pdf six feet of distance between that are closest to where you If you don’t have a tissue, Park, Rock Island Trail, 1. Visitors will be allowed to For health questions yourself and others; live; cough or sneeze into your up- Shabbona Lake State Recre- engage in activities such as about COVID-19, call the Il- • Please stay home if you • If you arrive at a park per arm/elbow. ation Area. wildlife observation, hiking, linois Department of Public are sick or feeling any symp- and crowds are forming, IDNR Sites Reopening Region 2 (Northeastern biking, equestrian use, fish- Health hotline at 1-800-889- toms, such as fever, cough- please move to another area Beginning May 1: Illinois): Chain O’ Lakes ing (both from the bank and 3931 or email dph.sick@il- ing, troubled breathing, and/ or return another time/day to Region 1 (Northwest Il- State Park, Illinois and boats) and mushroom col- linois.gov..
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