• ' , " ... , ·,'_._, .."c_·~ .. _ "",-.. ~ ..".~ .. , " . -, Page Eleven THE JEWISH POST Thursday, October 2, 1969. Thursday, October 2, 1969 THE JEWISH POST Page Ten Santa Ana, Calif.; Annette Rosen­ M .. treat, ''The Holocaust - Its Effects," Manitoba and Bethany Biblichl berg, San Diego, Calif.; Sunny and David !Kaplan of Wmrupeg; Albert i' I which wil, lbe held on Sunday, Oct. Seminary in Chicago as' well as Obituaries i' SS Hillel Refreat ' Kapl,m, London, England, and her , ,, 19, at the Sheraton Carlton Motor Harvard University. He is presently CLARA KAPLAN GLOBERMAN Mrs. Globerman was predeceased' I'l husband, Morris Globerman of1l!0 ,,, Hotel from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prof. a Ph.D; candidate at Harvard Uni­ by her' husband, the late Louis ~,· ;.: Feature Speakers Clara Kaplan Globerman, wife of I , , Janzen was born in Russia and spent versity, specializing ·'m Ol.d Testa-, Morris Globerman of 120 Tait Ave., Kaplan in 1956 and is survived by Tail' Ave. 'BARNEY GLAZER Funeral services were held Tues­ the war years as a refugee in Poland ment and Near Eastern Language~ passed away at Princess Elizabeth her children: Bertha Rosenberg, day, Sept. 16, at Rosh Pina Syna­ and Germany. He emigrated to and Literatures. Author of nUIrier­ Hospital after a lengthy HIness on IN HOLLYWOOD Canada in 1948. He received his ous articles, Professor Janzen .. will gogue and Rabbi Rappaport offi­ j Sunday, Sept. 14, 1969. .' I .. education both in Canada and the discuss the effects of the Holocaust ciated. Interment was in Hebrew L, I United States, attending theUni,. on Christian Theology in the last The children of the late Sick Benefit Cemetery. t I versities of Western Ontario and quarter century. \- Andy Griffith has retired from retirement. He'll return to CBS for EDITH (IDA) KOfFMAN . BESSIE BURIiA t~e, '70,-'71 season in a 30,-minute series, .. " Rudy Vallee will be heard , . I (fonnerly of North BnttIcford, Sask.) soon on about 40,0, radio, stations doing three minutes 'daily on timely and l'equest their relatives and friends inter,esting subjects, ... That popular young star on a renewed TV'series, to attend the unveiling of, a LADY· ATTACKED headstone dedicated _to ' who currently is one of the tOp intcrview subjects for fan magazines; is I her memory on more infamous than famous for bum-rapping a veteran studio' public;st '"1.,)' I, ,), This· is becoming an all too common SUNDAY, OCT.. 12, 1969 ',j and g<:>tting ,him fired. ' , at 12 noon at the Guess who's the 'highest paid perform~r in 'the 'world today - Sinatra? , headline in recent months. New 'Executive for- \: : SHAAREY ZEDEK CEMETERY ~ ! 'i' 0 Belafonte? ,Jinimy Stewart? Frank Sinatra? Elizabeth Taylor? Nope. ~elnbers of the executive of the. West Kildonan - ~nple Leaf Tom Jones... , Linda Kaye Henning and her father-producer Paul Lodge No. 2031 B'nai B"'ith (left to l'ight): " vice-president, ,Lyle ! I I: , If Could Happen"o You! ' ~ ! '. , Henning celebr"ted their birthdays on 'the ,same day, Sept.' 17. I Smordin; president, Bob Floom; vice-president, Les Zevit. ~issing Apparently, Don Rickles had a few pickles left at the bottom of ,his insult LEARN KE'MPO, THE ANCIENT CHINESE ART are: vice-presidents ~nx Ueicb and Sam Sorokin. ' ( i I ! barrel. He'll do another TV series, so ,pucker 'up your ears. ~,: ; I, new member, and the meeting will \1 " , Bill Demarest soon ~elebrates his 78th birthday' but acts y~ung enough OF· SELF-DEFENCE WHERE "SKILL OVERCOMES The West Kildonan-Maple Leaf be addressed by Rabbi I, Glicltman; to change the'series titles to My Four Sons., ... Lou Rawls will star in Prof. Waldemar Janzen, associate Lodge No. 20,31,0 of B'nai B'rith has professor ·and ,academic dean at the SIZE AND. STRENGTH. elected the follOWing executive for ahd ,other officials representing the I, ' the first all-black western in 35 years. It will mcIude Raymo1)d St. r· the 1969-70. year:' president, Bob district board of governors. ; i I Jacques, who played the black cowboy in R,awhide, . Ernie Freeman, Mennonite Bible College, will be ; i' r ' one of the featured speakers at the Floom; vice-presidents, Lyle Smor­ Anyone interested in joining this II I musical director for the Ll'!slie Uggams Show, is the same EF. who wrote !: ! din, Les Zevit, !Max Re~ch, Sam lodge for the coming year is asked the arrangem",nts for 104 gold record ~ingles ~d ten albums. He also B'rith Hillel Foundation re- SPECIAL 3-MON'l'H WOMEN'S COURSE I' " to telephone· either Bob Floo';" at '. : won a Grammy for Sinatra's "That's Life." Sorokin; treasurer, Hy Geller; finan­ 1,,============== ONLY $25 339-8583· or Lyle Smordin at 338~8412. , Following-the marriage of her daughter, Patricia, to Robert Towers, !il cial secretary, Frank White; record­ , ' IN EDMONTPN ing secretary, Max Hochman; chap­ , , Kathryn Grayson will visit Ann Miller, l)er best friend, in N.Y. Kathryn Commencing 15 Oetober, 1969 . husband nnd children , als<;> will discuss 'a TV series with N.Y. producers, .. '.Marvi;' Miller is It's the of the late Library Semi'nar lain, Mort Dubovsky. the'first'Caucasian to be selected grand marshall of San Francisco's New I ENROLL NOW The Manitoba Association of School The committee chalrmen appomted Custo,dyof Child SARAH SOMMER Librarians is sponsoring a confer­ by, the executive for this year are Chincs,j" New Year's Parade. request their relatives and friends Given to Father' At", the. Donald O'Connor-Sidney Miller Cocoanut Grove opening, ence on school libraries· on Friday, as, follows: BBYO, Gordon Knelle~, , ' Learn to defend yourself ~nd trim your figure to attend the unveiling of a RO!lle (JTA), _. A Jewish father , ,I Jimmy Durante bypassed a half dozen young sex symbols to pose instead memorial plaque dedicated Oct. 24, 6:30 to \1:30 p:m., and Satur­ Saul Goorvich; health and welfare, at the sime time. ", Fred Toll; B'nai B'rith Hillel, Irv legally separated from his, Catholic \l with Eve Arden for photographer Nat Dallinger. Also at ,the opening: to her memory on . day, Oct. 25, 9:30a.m. to 3 p.m., at , , Wiseman, Ron Lazar; Anti-Defama­ wife has b~en given custody of their f! Eve's husband Brooks West, the Forrest TUckers, George Burns and his SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12) 1969 River Heights School, 1350 Gros-. " tion League, Dave Stitz; citizenShip son who is to' be brought up as a ',I.. constant compa11ion, young, blpnde Lisa Miller, ,md Durante's ~idekick, at 10,:30 a.m. at the venal' Ave. and civic affairs, Joe Goldstein; adult Jew, according to a ruling by the · producer Jackie Barnett. ROSH PINA MEMORIAL PARK The speakers will be: Mr. Jim Jewish education, 'Sam, Sorokiri; Italian High Court, The case was the . If you had fun at the Boston Tea Party, wait 'till you' attend the SllmURAI· Bowman, director of library service, SCHOOL OF KARATE UJA, Harry Israel, Rudy Terhoch; first of its kind to come before, the London Tea Party Nov, 24. Tennessee Ernie Ford will star in "Pea Picker The children and grandchildren Prince Albert Public Schools; !Mrs, 343 PORTAGE AVENUE PHONE 942·4829 Israel Bonds, Jack Olfman; telephone court. The court ruled that when in 'Piccadilly," taped in London. It could be the surprise hit'special of the· ~lt, of the late , Lois Sayles, chief librarian, Roose- itrmnrium committee chairman, Frank Bogachj a couple of different faiths is legally year.. '.. Bonanza's cast' and crew aren't superstitious;, They taped 13 veit High School, Portland, Ore.j Dr. service appeal, Av Katz; 'retention, separated" the children, assume the segments· and took off for' a brief hiatus. Toby (Taibel) Binder W. C. Lorimer, Deputy ,Minister of religion of their father and must be Bill Keko's' book, "From Birth to L~ugh-rn," is written as if Bill's request their relatives and friends Les Zevit, William Kagan; member- IN REGINA .-,- IT'S Education, Manitoba. raised accordingly. The you'ngster in wife, Ruth, authored it as an autobiography. Resembling a photo album, to attend the unveiling, of ship, Lyle Smordin, Larry Hurtig; a headstone dedicated Details 'of the conference . and the case was, already. baptized and · the book is filled ·with Ruth's pictures from infancy funilied up by to program, Max -Reich, Kurt Terhoch; her· memory on registration forms can be oQtained received communion at the mother's captions in her artistic handwriting.... Anissa (Buffy) Jones (That Family press & publicity ,George Heidinger. FCm·TH! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 from Dave Jenkinson, Box 5U, 'The inaugural meeting of the West request. The court decision will Affair) taped the monologue for the tape insid~ the new Mrs. Beaslay at 10:30 a.m, at the DJSClUMINATlNG Stonewall, Man. Kildonan-Maple Leaf Lodge' will be effect a number of Jews' separated doll that looks and talks 'is Buffy does every Thursday night in their SHAAREY ZEDEI{ CEMETERY held on, Thursday, Oct. 9, at 8:30 from non-Jewish wives. However, it new CBS-TV early-time '.slot. ' ~ DINI. a i . The Dead Sea, whose salt content amoun ts to' a reversal of Jewish We bought England's human calliope (Tom Jones) so ,England bought I .JaII'~"" ~ ;s'" Dr * p.m. at the Gerteral Monash Branch; , , I ' kills most forms of sea life, is being \ .' ell ., Mull CIIM 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.-Coffea . Canadian'. Legion, Main arid Atlantic. religious law which holds that a , ' our (Elvis Presley) .. Britons soon will shake, rattle and roll to the hound . I llluuriltug mined for life-giving' fertilizers ,by 11:30 a.m.
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