University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Res Gestae Law School History and Publications 2003 Vol. 53, No. 9, March 18, 2003 University of Michigan Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 53, No. 9, March 18, 2003" (2003). Res Gestae. Paper 141. http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae/141 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Res Gestae by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e1)tae STuDENT NEWSPAPER oF 1HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAw ScHooL March 18, 2003 �-- $>ince 1950 Vol. 53 No.9 Dean Lehman Reflects on Time At Michigan, Looks Forward to New Role By John Fedynsky and Andy Daly As he announced last semester, Law Court will have affirmed the Sixth Cir­ an important continuing effort for the School Dean Jeffrey Lehman will be leav­ cuit decision before I actually leave. I ex­ School. ing his post at UMLS at the end of the pect that that will not be an issue at all school year to take the helm as President for my successor. Do you have any pet projects that you of Cornell University. This past week The building plan is another story. But are remiss to be leaving now - the sorts Dean Lehman sat down with the RG's it is the case that a building project like of things that you think you'll follow John Fedynsky and Andy Daly to dis­ cuss his prestigious new position and to provide some final thoughts on the one < ;� he is leaving. t r1 So what's it like now, wrapping things up in these last few months before you'll be gone? It's overwhelming, it's bittersweet. It's been nine years as dean, sixteen years on the faculty. My entire academic career has been here. I'm very excited obviously to be going to Cornell to serve as president. But it's hard to disengage from an insti­ tution that I love. Would you say it's been good or bad timing with the litigation and the con­ struction plans going right into phase now? It seems like your leaving at about this is invariably an 8, 9, 10-year project. throughout your career just to see how the most interesting point. It usually involves the work of many they're going even ifyour not any longer people and more than one dean. I'd like personally involved? I know there is never a good time to do to be a year farther along on the something like this. I don't feel like this fundraising than I am. But at the same There are a lot of things that thisschool is a particularly good time. But I don't feel time I do feel as though we made a lot of does that are wonderful, special and it's a particularly bad time. The litigation progressin the last few years on the build­ will have been completed. The Supreme ing. It's a very exciting project. It will be Continued on Page 10 I! 2 � 3Res �estae lSiMardJ2003 11 �---------- �==���==�============�� March Musings 3Res <l9estae By Andy Daly a campus experiencing an outbreak of the Editor in Chief Maize Rage this year, for 65 other cam­ As we enter our last full month of puses, the month will bring with it col­ Andy Daly classes before a desperately anticipated lege hoops-inspired insanity. For puck summer, allow me to offer the following fans, the college game kicks into playoff Managing Editor: observations with respect to this first fervor while the pros race to fill the last Nick Janiga month of spring. few playoff spots for a run at Lord As a word, March is peculiarly versa­ Stanley's Cup. Let the goalies be sepa­ Executive Editor: tile. It is a month, a common noun as well rated from the sieves! John Fedynsky as a verb. A sentence such as: "I marched On a more serious note, world events while playing a march during March" continue to be dominated by the debate Contributing Editors: doesn't work with any other word. over the march to war. In light of the D.C. Lee, Jessie Grodstein, To Julius Caesar, while July bears his President's recent prime time remarks Marc Edelman, Steve Boender. name, March presented his final curtain and overseas summit, it looks increas­ Andrew Cattell, Sharon Ceresnie, call. "Beware the Ides of March" the ingly like this March will largely be re­ Sara Klettke soothsayer said. Is it a coincidence that membered by the echoes of soldiers my rent is due that day? "Et tu, land­ marching in quickstep through a distant Web Site Editor: lord?" desert; a desert that lies in a region, or In terms of numbers, March is uniquely march, that borders, or marches, with Jacob Teidt associated with "three-ness." Not only is three continents. In an etymological Artist: it the third month of the year, but also, sense, at least, it is fitting. After all, the for Irish Catholics such as myself, it brings month was named after Mars, the ancient Philip Weintraub with it the most celebrated of days: St. god of war. Patrick's Day. And as the legend goes, St. I must curtail my musings, however, Cartoonist: Patrick used the three-leafed clover to because this March sees me launching Marshall Seese, Jr. explain the Trinityto the pagan ancestors into another late semester flurry of activ­ Res Gestae is published biweekly during the of the kingly O'Neil, the rebellious ity. As Winter '03 marches on, I must force school year by students of the University of Collins, and, lest we forget, the most myself to fall in, shape up, suck inthe gut, Michigan Law School. Opinions expressed in musical of lines, the Daly's. stand up straight and march those last bylined articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Although past transgressions have en­ few clicks through the end of another se- editorial staff. Articles may be reprinted with­ sured that March Madness will not infect mester. out permission, provided that the author and Res * Gestae are credited and notified. Res Gestae welcomes submissions. Please place all articles, columns, or opinion pieces in the Res Gestae pendaflex located on the third floor of Hutchins Hall across from the faculty mailroom. Submissions may be made on 3.5" disk or via email (preferably as a MS Word at­ tachment). Res Gestae reserves the right to edit all submissions in the interest of space. Mailino address· Res Gestae University of Michigan Law School 625 South State St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Phone: (734) 936-2574 Web Site Address: http://www.law.umich.edu/ JoumalsandOrgs/rg/ Office: 116 Legal Research (near the Law School Student Senate office) [email protected] WLSA MEMBERS SARA fA ULMAN AND DIANA SwiSHER STAFFBAKE SALE FUNDRAISER OUTSIDE RM 100 ------------�11 l\.es <@e.stae lS;ifl!lardJ2003 �.._ 3 II A 3L's Advice: Hello Hawaii! By Joel Andersen adherent to this philosophy I can assure call Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas: you that the adjustment can be made. "Is that Kapaia, or Kapaiafa?!?") No doubt many Michigan law students Along this clothes line (pun intended), relish their big law prospects of seventy­ you must also be able to trust that on Once these onerous requirements are hour weeks. Putting aside the money, "aloha Fridays," even though your ad­ met, you will discover that life as an Ha­ certain students seem to define them­ ministrative assistant might be dressed in waii attorney holds many benefits, some selves by how many hours they can bill a loud tloral print mui mui, one can still less obvious than others. Of course, the in a given month. No doubt other stu­ trust her to efficiently proof a document. quality of life in terms of weather and dents relish their public interest prospects activities is amazing. It is difficult to find of $3 0, 000 before taxes. Putting aside another city in which to practice where it their good works, certain students seem is 80 degrees year round and you can take to gain some sense of meaning out of in an ocean swim after work (in daylight, claiming they "aren't in it for the money." no less). Then, on your days off you can Though obviously different, each group hike up Diamond Head or check out the seems to be motivated by some weird big wave surfers on the North Shore. sense of masochism. Plus, with no wasted weekends at the office (remember that 34 billables per Alas, I write not to attempt to decipher week expectation), you have plenty of these two unique groups; rather, I write time to enjoy the islands. The local in the spirit of Tony Blair to offer a "third puddle-jumper airlines offer many way." Far from masochism, this way leans kamaiaina (local) specials which make it as far to hedonism as law firm life allows. even easier and cheaper to get away from This way is the firmjob in Hawaii. the city for the weekend. To pursue this career possibility, the In addition to the already mentioned law student must embrace several con­ work-related benefits, therelatively small cepts often foreign to the typical Michi­ legal market in Honolulu often makes gan student.
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