January 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E61 HONORING THE LIFE OF SER- I have long supported trade ties between Otherwise, they would still be eligible for GEANT MAJOR RAY V. WILBURN the United States and sub-Saharan Africa, as lower middle income assistance. (RET.) I believe this trade relationship would be mutu- The formula under current law is not based ally advantageous for both parties involved. on an income ranking. In 2016, 39 of the 48 countries in sub-Saha- HON. PAUL COOK If changes in a country’s income caused it ran Africa were designated as AGOA-eligible, OF CALIFORNIA to move between categories, its assistance according to the House Foreign Affairs Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES level would change after two subsequent fiscal mittee’s report on the bill. years. Thursday, January 18, 2018 Top imports to the U.S. under AGOA in- Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- clude energy products, transportation equip- H.R. 3445 would also require countries to ognize the life of retired United States Marine ment, and textiles, according to the Inter- demonstrate a commitment to supporting civil Corps Sergeant Major Ray V. Wilburn, who national Trade Administration. society to be eligible for participation. passed away on January 2, 2018 at the age The Millennium Challenge Corporation Before being selected for participation, the of 98. Born in Wolf City, Texas in 1919, Sgt. (MCC) is a foreign aid agency that provides MCC would have to report to its governing Maj. Wilburn hitchhiked 75 miles to enlist in grants to lower-income countries for specific board on the country’s treatment of civil soci- the Marine Corps in 1939. Following the out- projects to promote economic growth. ety and any laws it has that regulate the free- break of World War II, he was assigned to 3rd It invests in countries through compacts— dom of expression, peaceful assembly, and Artillery Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment in the which have ranged from $66 million in Cape internet use. Solomon Islands. His unit eventually saw com- Verde to almost $700 million in Morocco and The reports would be required before the bat on the islands of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Tanzania—as well as smaller ‘‘threshold board approved compacts for the next seven and Tulagi. agreements’’ that help countries become eligi- years. At the beginning of the Korean War, Sgt. ble for a compact, according to the committee A country’s improvement on criteria that Maj. Wilburn was an artillery instructor at report. were relevant to its initial compact would be Camp Del Mar, California, but in 1951 he re- It has distributed $10.8 billion through com- considered when determining eligibility for a ceived orders to serve with the 2nd Battalion, pacts and $583.6 million through threshold subsequent, non-concurrent compact. 11th Marine Regiment in Korea. His unit was agreements. We should support the efforts of the AGOA assigned to Artillery Valley where they en- With Africa’s consumer spending expected program as it provides assistance to sub-Sa- dured constant barrages of enemy fire from to reach one trillion dollars, now is the time to haran African countries, improves these coun- 122mm rounds. accelerate this important trade relationship. tries’ economies, and helps to facilitate trade In 1967, Sgt. Maj. Wilburn was sent to Viet- The AGOA program and the MCC would between these countries and the U.S. nam with the 1st Medical Battalion where he have new responsibilities and reporting re- was lauded by his superiors for his leadership quirements under an amended version of H.R. I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting and mettle. Nightly Viet Cong mortar attacks 3445. H.R. 3445. forced he and his fellow Marines to perform Under H.R. 3445, the president would have their duties in flak vests and helmets. to establish a website for AGOA that includes f The Marine Corps granted Sgt. Maj. information about technical assistance pro- HONORING THE LIFE OF WORLD Wilburn’s request to serve more than 30 vided by the U.S. Agency for International De- WAR II VETERAN JOSEPH A. years, however in 1971 he was forced to velopment’s regional trade hubs and links to BRUNO medically retire after 31 years of service. If U.S. embassies in AGOA countries. given the opportunity, I have no doubt that After each U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Sgt. Maj. Wilburn would have served his be- and Economic Cooperation Forum, H.R. 3445 HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK loved Marine Corps another 31 years. I would would require the president to publish the out- OF NEW YORK like to pass along my condolences to his fam- comes and an assessment of progress made ily and friends, and I thank God everyday for by members and the private sector toward IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meeting previous commitments. men like Sgt. Maj. Wilburn. Semper Fi. Thursday, January 18, 2018 f Under H.R. 3445, the State Department would have to direct U.S. embassies in sub- Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to PERSONAL EXPLANATION Saharan Africa to promote AGOA and link to honor the life of Joseph A. Bruno, a World the AGOA website on their websites. War II Veteran who passed away on Decem- HON. TIM RYAN The president would be directed to: ber 20, 2017. OF OHIO Develop policies and encourage the provi- Originally from Willsboro, New York, Joe en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion of technical assistance to facilitate trade listed in the United States Army in the Fall of cooperation among AGOA countries; 1942, where he served his country as a mem- Thursday, January 18, 2018 Train businesses and government officials ber of the Signal Corps. After completing sig- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I was un- on how to access AGOA benefits; and nals training at Plattsburgh State Teachers able to cast my vote for roll call vote 18 on Provide capacity building for African entre- College in June of 1942 and receiving follow- January 16, 2018. Had I been present, I would preneurs and trade associations. on training, Joe deployed to England with his have voted Yea on Roll Call No. 18. H.R. 3445 would set new requirements for unit. On July 22, 1944, Joe’s unit landed in AGOA’s website and outreach work. f France, where he worked to establish a trans- H.R. 3445 would modify country eligibility Atlantic communications capability. Later, dur- AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPOR- criteria for MCC compacts and allow countries ing the Battle of the Bulge, Joe and his unit TUNITY ACT AND MILLENNIUM to enter into concurrent compacts. were rushed to the front lines to hold the line CHALLENGE ACT MODERNIZA- According to a committee summary, H.R. against a German advance. Following the TION ACT 3445 would redefine and stabilize movement German surrender in 1945, Joe was slated to between the low income and lower middle in- SPEECH OF be shipped to the Pacific theater. His unit re- come candidate country pools, consistent with ceived word of Japan’s surrender while at sea, authorizing language that has been carried in HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE and his ship was diverted to Boston. OF TEXAS annual appropriations bills since FY 2012. In October of 1945, Joe was discharged IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES According to the committee report, countries would be eligible for assistance if their per from the Army at the rank of Technician Fifth Wednesday, January 17, 2018 capita income does not exceed the lower mid- Grade and returned to his hometown in Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in dle income country threshold established by Willsboro, where he worked with the railroad strong support of H.R. 3445, African Growth the World Bank’s International Bank for Re- until his retirement in 1979. and Opportunity Act and Millennium Challenge construction and Development, which is On behalf of New York’s 21st District, I Act (‘‘AGOA and MCA Modernization Act’’), $4,035. would like to offer my deepest condolences to because it provides assistance to certain sub- Countries would be eligible for low income Joe’s family and friends. Joe was an exem- Saharan African countries to improve their assistance if their per capita income is among plary member of the community and his serv- economies and foster trade with the U.S. the 75 lowest countries. ice to his country will not be forgotten. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:41 Jan 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JA8.015 E18JAPT1 E62 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 18, 2018 RECOGNIZING THE 20TH ANNIVER- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. EARNEST giving so much to enhance the lives of so SARY OF THE DENVER CHINESE ‘‘ERNIE’’ GREEN many for so long. SCHOOL f HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. APPLY ALL DIPLOMATIC PRES- HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF GEORGIA SURE POSSIBLE TO NORTH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO KOREA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 18, 2018 Thursday, January 18, 2018 Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. TED POE today to recognize and commend a respected OF TEXAS Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to athlete, an accomplished businessman, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize the 20th Anniversary of the Denver Georgia native, and a distinguished graduate Thursday, January 18, 2018 Chinese School (DCS). This exemplary cul- of William H. Spencer High School in Colum- tural institution has provided our community bus, Georgia, Mr. Earnest ‘‘Ernie’’ Green. As Mr. POE of Texas.
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