The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 29, 2019 Use Green Guide marks to place cover photo over this text box. Size of Cover Photo should be 7.33” H x 7.5” W. St. Mary Immaculate Parish 15629 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL 60544-2695 Parish Office: 815-436-2651 School Office: 815-436-3953 Religious Ed. Office: 815-436-4501 Confirmation Office: 815-436-2861 www.smip.org .com/StMaryImmaculate @SMIPlainfield @SMIPlainfield What’s Inside Mass Intentions The Word from Fr. Pat...................................... 3 Monday— September 30, 2019 7:30 a.m. Denny & Lois Alcamo—(Helen Farcus) La Palabra de Padre Pat ................................ 3-4 Słowo od Ojca Pat ............................................. 4 Tuesday— October 1, 2019 7:30 a.m. Bernie Lepacek—(K of C Good Shepherd Council) Capital Campaign Survey ............................ 5-6 Adoracion Patolot—(Patolot Family) Crash Course in Catholicism .......................... 7 Wednesday — October 2, 2019 Our Family in Faith ..................................... 8-15 7:30 a.m. Jim Mander—(John & Lu DeLauriea) Recurring Meetings Prayer Cross Thursday— October 3, 2019 In Memoriam 7:30 a.m. Lorrie Blazina—(SMI Seniors Group) Newly Baptized New Parishioners Teofista & Maryrose Munsayac—(Munsayac Family) Parking Lot Renovations Friday— October 4, 2019 CCW Meeting Paint & Pray—FIAT 7:30 a.m. Seminarian Pancake Breakfast 8:45 a.m. (School Mass) Charles Kramer—(Wife Catherine & Family) Formed.org Pick of the Week Blessing of the Animals Saturday— October 5, 2019 First Saturday Devotion 7:30 a.m. Ramon Loyola—(Family) Healing Prayer Service 4:00 p.m. Mary Singleton—(Tom & Margaret O’Connell) 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil 5:30 p.m. (Spanish) Maria Refugio & Jose Guadalupe Perez—(Rosario Anaya) Rosary Rally near Planned Parenthood Trivia Night Sunday— October 6, 2019 Interfaith Food Pantry Needs 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish Blood Pressure Screening 9:00 a.m. Francis Matusik—(Family) Flu Shot Clinic at SMI SMI Trunk or Treat 9:00 a.m. (Polish - Cana) Rose Rozancowe Queen of Hearts Raffle 10:45 a.m. Jania Kalakowski—(Kowalczyk Family) Make a Difference Day 12:15 p.m. Education & Formation .................................. 16 12:15 p.m. (Spanish—Cana) Religious Education 6:00 p.m. Thomas & Michelle Van Sickle—(Family) Parking Lot Construction—Effects on RE Confirmation Corner 2nd Grade Celebrates Patriot Day Liturgy & Worship ..................................... 17-18 Vocations Prayer Calendar Offerings Intercessions for Life Word of Life Liturgical Ministers Schedules Weekly Offering September 22 $28,032 Diversity & Unity ...................................... 18-19 Polska Wspólnota Eventos del Ministerio Hispano 2019 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Weekly Calendar ............................................. 20 Contact Information ....................................... 21 Parish Goal $221,300 Amount Pledged $203,118 Amount Paid $165,977 Balance: $37,141 Donors: 859 Please continue to fulfill your pledges! “We are called to be witnesses and Readings for the Week messengers of God's mercy, to Sunday Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 offer the world Monday Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 light where there Tuesday Zec 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-7; Lk 9:51-56 is darkness, hope where Wednesday Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6, 10-11; Mt 18:1-5, 10 despair reigns, salvation Thursday Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12 where sin abounds.” Friday Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Lk 10:13-16 -Pope Francis @Pontifex Saturday Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 Page 2 One Family in Faith Making Christ Known September 29, 2019 The Word from Fr. Pat / La Palabra del Padre Pat / Słowo od Ojca Pat Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today, I wanted to give an update on the wonderful seminarians we have here at our parish. I encourage you to continue to keep them in your prayers, because we certainly need their gifts in the Church! Christian Sinclair has begun his third year at Saint John Vianney College Seminary in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is looking forward to studying for a semester in Rome in the spring. Deacon Ramon Sida has begun his fourth and last year of formation in theology at Mundelein Seminary. He will continue his ministry here as a deacon up until his ordination to the priesthood in May. Chris Aust, who was our intern last spring, has discerned out of formation. He feels called to life outside of the priesthood, although his love for the Church will certainly have him ministering in some capacity. Please pray for his continued discernment. Tom Logue, who was with us for his Teaching Parish assignment last year and lived with us this summer, begins his second year of theology at Mundelein. He will be our parish intern this coming spring. Frank Pusateri is new to our parish. He is beginning his first year at Mundelein this year and will be here at Saint Mary’s for his Teaching Parish assignment, mostly on weekends. I asked Frank to introduce himself and here is what he wrote: I look forward to ministering to, but more importantly, learning from everyone at St. Mary Immaculate Parish! I first began thinking of priesthood when I was seven years old and preparing to receive my First Eucharist. One of my friends saw that I wore my scapular outside my clothes and assumed that I would become a priest. She even asked me to heal her friend’s hurt finger. As silly as that sounds, the thought of priesthood remained with me from that moment. As I grew in my Faith, I loved to immerse myself in the lives of the saints, like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and developed a desire to become a great saint myself. I noticed that many of the saints were consecrated religious, and so I unconsciously developed a kind of aversion to diocesan priesthood because I thought they didn’t become saints. During a silent retreat in college, I told God during a Holy Hour that I was open to whatever He was calling me to. Within a minute, I felt a voice say, “What about diocesan priesthood?” I was so angry that I walked out of the Chapel. I tried to pretend that hadn’t happened. Later, after teaching Totus Tuus with several other diocesan seminarians, any aversion I had to diocesan priesthood vanished and a month later, I was applying for seminary! Yours in Christ and His Blessed Mother, Father Pat Mulcahy, Pastor Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: Hoy, quiero darles una actualización sobre los maravillosos seminaristas que tenemos aquí en nuestra parroquia. ¡Les animo a que sigan manteniéndolos en sus oraciones, porque ciertamente necesitamos sus dones en la Iglesia! Christian Sinclair ha comenzado su tercer año en el Seminario de Saint John Vianney College en Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota. Espera estudiar un semestre en Roma durante la próxima primavera. El diácono Ramón Sida ha comenzado su cuarto y último año de formación en teología en el Seminario Mundelein. Continuará su ministerio aquí como diácono hasta su ordenación al sacerdocio en mayo. Chris Aust, quien fue nuestro interno la primavera pasada, ha discernido fuera de la formación. Se siente llamado a la vida fuera del sacerdocio, aunque su amor por la Iglesia ciertamente lo hará participar en algún ministerio. Por favor ore por su continuo discernimiento. Tom Logue, quien estuvo con nosotros el pasado año escolar practicando para su clase de Enseñanzas de Parroquia y vivió con nosotros este verano, comienza su segundo año de teología en Mundelein. Él será nuestro interno parroquial esta próxima primavera. Frank Pusateri es nuevo en nuestra parroquia. Él está comenzando su primer año en Mundelein y estará aquí en Santa September 29, 2019 One Family in Faith Making Christ Known Page 3 The Word from Fr. Pat / La Palabra del Padre Pat / Słowo od Ojca Pat María para sus prácticas en la clase de Enseñanzas de Parroquia, principalmente los fines de semana. Le pedí a Frank que se presentara y esto es lo que escribió: Espero poder ministrar, pero lo más importante, ¡aprender de todos en la Parroquia de Santa María Inmaculada! Comencé a pensar en el sacerdocio cuando tenía siete años y me preparaba para recibir mi Primera Eucaristía. Uno de mis amigos vio que llevaba mi escapulario fuera de mi ropa y asumió que me convertiría en sacerdote. Incluso me pidió que curara el dedo herido de su amiga. Tan tonto como suena, la idea del sacerdocio permaneció conmigo desde ese momento. A medida que crecía en mi fe, me encantaba sumergirme en la vida de los santos, como San Francisco de Asís, Santa Teresa de Calcuta y Santa Teresa de Lisieux, y desarrollé un deseo de convertirme en un gran santo. Noté que muchos de los santos eran religiosos consagrados, así que inconscientemente desarrollé una especie de aversión al sacerdocio diocesano porque pensé que no se convertían en santos. Durante un retiro silencioso en la universidad, le dije a Dios durante una Hora Santa que estaba abierto a lo que sea que me llamara. En un minuto, sentí una voz que decía: "¿Qué tal sacerdote diocesano?" Estaba tan enojado que salí de la Capilla. Traté de fingir que no había sucedido. Más tarde, después de enseñar en Totus Tuus con varios otros seminaristas diocesanos, cualquier aversión que tuve al sacerdocio diocesano desapareció y un mes después, ¡estaba haciendo trámites para entrar al seminario! Suyo en Cristo y su Santísima Madre, Padre Pat Mulcahy, Pastor Drodzy Bracia i Siostry w Chrystusie, Dzisiaj chciałem przekazać informacje na temat wspaniałych seminarzystów, których mamy tutaj w naszej parafii.
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