WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2017 Marblehead focuses on best practices Saugus By Gayla Cawley makes a commitment to help the municipali- munities such as Marblehead. ITEM STAFF ty achieve their chosen best practices. Through the partnership, Marblehead has isn’t “We’re very happy to have Marblehead received a $17,000 grant to complete the MARBLEHEAD — Town of cials signed a join the ranks of so many other Massachu- vulnerability assessment for climate change community compact with Lt. Gov. Karyn Poli- setts communities in signing a community adaptation and resilience, Polito said. The to on Tuesday, with a commitment to focus horsing on improving information technology and cli- compact,” said Town Administrator John Mc- Commonwealth is providing a $15,000 grant mate change adaptation and resilience. Ginn. “Today, we’re of cially pledging to pur- so the town can hire a consultant to perform Marblehead became the 288th municipal- sue three best practices.” a cybersecurity assessment and develop a around ity to sign a community compact, out of the McGinn said the practices are to complete strategy document. state’s 351 cities and towns. a cybersecurity assessment to improve per- MassIT’s Of ce of Municipal and School The community compact is a voluntary, formance, digitize the town’s paper records to Technology will provide consulting services with mutual agreement entered into by the Gov. improve ef ciency, and pursue an inventory to of cials for their townwide archiving proj- Charlie Baker-Polito administration and in- of existing resources and assess the town’s ect. McGinn said the process to digitize paper dividual cities and towns. In the compact, vulnerabilities to climate change adaptation. records has already started. a community agrees to implement their se- He said climate change is an issue that’s of award lected best practices and the Commonwealth major concern, particularly with coastal com- MARBLEHEAD, A7 By Bridget Turcotte ITEM STAFF SAUGUS — The Horses and Heroes Foundation IT’S MORE THAN ART honored a member of the Saugus Police Depart- ment who rode in to save Lynn project the day ve years ago. The foundation named mastermind a police horse in honor of Saugus Police Lt. Det. envisions a David Gecoya Tuesday for his role in the police chase renaissance and shootout in 2012. Ge- coya was involved in the By Bridget Turcotte pursuit of a bank robbery ITEM STAFF and carjacking suspect LYNN — You may have from Saugus to Malden. seen him running through Of cers from the Malden the downtown, sleep de- Police Department were prived and overcaffeinat- exchanging gun re with the suspect when Gecoya ed, while catering to the arrived and played a cru- needs of almost two doz- cial role in the detain- en prodigies and elding ment of the suspects and technical problems with bringing others involved aerial lifts. to safety. The vision behind Be- “I’m just a guy who goes yond Walls, Al Wilson, has to work every day and a plan to make the city happened to be at the more vibrant with the on- wrong place at the right going mural festival. But time, that’s all,” said Ge- it goes deeper than cel- coya. ebrating Lynn’s culture Both Gecoya and Mal- with art. den Police Det. Michael Wilson shares a vision Casaletto, who assisted with local of cials to in the chase, received the make the city a destina- Medal of Honor, and Mal- tion where people will den Police Sgt. Richard stay to eat, drink, shop, Correale, Of cer John and spend money. He en- Delaney and Of cer Rob- visions murals, antique ert Selfridge received the signs, and bright lights Medal of Valor. sparking a Lynn renais- Gecoya was awarded the sance. 2013 Trooper George L. “Lynners who have left Hanna Award for bravery, Lynn have heard about the State of Massachu- this festival and come setts’ highest honor for back to the downtown,” bravery, for his role in the said Wilson. “They’ve chase. He is the rst mem- stood in front of these mu- ber of the Saugus Police rals with tears streaming Department to receive the down their faces. They honor. said they never thought The Horses and Heroes this could happen in Foundation chose to hon- Lynn. That’s powerful.” or Gecoya for his bravery. Beyond Walls is a group The 1,400-pound horse, WILSON, A8 formerly known as Short- ie, will be called L.T., but his legal name will be Lt. Det. David Gecoya, said Horses and Heroes Foun- dation president Skyllar Myllvaney. The Revere-based foun- dation honors men and women of law enforce- ment, rst responders, and the armed forces who have died in the line of duty, or have distin- guished themselves with bravery and exemplary service to the job. “I think it’s a great thing that the organization does for police of cers,” said Gecoya. “It’s an honor for them to think of me.” Karen Benson, owner of Indian Rock Stables on Walden Terrace, said she partners with the orga- nization to re-school the ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE SAUGUS, A7 Al Wilson, above, is the driving force behind the Beyond Walls mu- INSIDE ral festival that is un- folding in the streets In Lynn of downtown Lynn. At Meimeteas seeks right, a mural paint- council seat. A3 ed on the building at the corner of Spring In Opinion and Exchange streets Thinking globally by Mexican-born and in Marblehead. A4 New York City-based artist Marka27. In Sports Fenwick’s Buckwell went ITEM PHOTO | JIM WILSON above and beyond. B1 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 LOOK! .......................................A5 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 HIGH 87° VOL. 139, ISSUE 188 LYNN .........................................A3 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 70° OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 FOOD ........................................B8 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2017 OBITUARIES Saugus Farmer’s Market is open for business Kevin J. Robinson, 67 NAHANT — Mr. Kevin J. Robin- Arthur of Venice, Fla., Brian son, 67 years, of Nahant, died Robinson of Nahant, Peter Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 in Sa- Robinson and his wife Carol lem Hospital after a brief illness. of South Hampton, N.H., Julie He was born in Lynn, the Tarmy and her husband Les of son of the late Basil and Eliz- Nahant, John Robinson and abeth (Cadigan) Robinson. his wife Debbie of Danvers. He was raised in Nahant and He also leaves several niec- lived in Nahant all of his life. es and nephews and several He was a 1968 graduate of great-nieces and great-neph- Lynn Classical High School. ews. He is the brother of the He worked for the Bank of late David Robinson. Boston and specialized in Service information: His stocks and bonds. He was funeral will be on Saturday, an accomplished bowler and July 22, 2017 with a memo- bowled in two leagues. He en- rial Mass held in St. Thomas joyed playing pool and was a Aquinas Church, Nahant, at softball umpire. He was active 10 a.m. Burial in Greenlawn in St. Thomas Aquinas Church Cemetery, Nahant. Relatives in Nahant and a member of the and friends are respectfully Knights of Columbus in Nahant. invited. In lieu of owers do- He is survived by his sib- nations may be made to the lings and their spouses, Basil Alzheimer’s Association, 480 Robinson Jr. and his wife Mary Pleasant St., Watertown, MA of South Hampton, Stephen 02472. Arrangements by the Robinson and his wife Lana SOLIMINE Funeral Home, of Ocean Springs, Miss., Mary Lynn. Directions and guest- Wilson and her husband book at www.solimine.com. Above, a custom- er at the Saugus Farmer’s Market grabs a pint of blueberries on Rosemary Tarvis, 70 Tuesday. Paula 1946-2017 Millar of Saugus goes through some DERRY, N.H. — Mrs. Rose- Heather Robichaud and her freshly picked mary (Hannify) Tarvis, age 70, husband Steven of Derry, N.H., corn from Gran- of Derry, N.H., formerly of Sau- and Dawne Oddo and her hus- ny’s Place farm in gus, passed away peacefully band Phil of Londonderry, N.H.; Agawam. at her home on July 13, 2017 ve grandchildren, Giovanni F. surrounded by her family. She Rossi III and his girlfriend Adri- was the wife of the late Rob- anna, Gabriella Barressi, all of ITEM PHOTOS | ert E. Tarvis, with whom she Derry, N.H., Philip Oddo and his SPENSER HASAK shared 47 years of marriage. girlfriend Jade, Kayli Oddo and Born in Lynn on Aug. 1, her boyfriend Nate, and Anthony 1946, she was the daughter Oddo, all of Londonderry, N.H. In of the late Francis Hannify and addition to her children, Rose- Rita (Boisclair) Hannify Shaff- mary leaves a brother, Daniel ner. She was a lifelong resi- Hannify of Naples, Fla.; and her dent of Saugus until moving loving dogs, Jewels, Cash, Chuck- to Derry, N.H., eight years ago. ie, Bucca, Jager and Buzz. Rosemary graduated from Service information: Ser- Saugus High School and was vices and celebration of life a cosmetologist in Saugus for will be held on Thursday, July more than 40 years before re- 20, 2017 at the VFW post Marblehead scholars are honored tiring in 2006. Rosemary was a 2346, Saugus, from 2-6 p.m. Oliver P. Killam Scholarships The late attorney Robert W. Welch Brewster, Simmons College. Back member of the Women’s Auxilia- We ask that any dona- have been awarded annually since along with Muzio worked to lay the row from left, Ashley Stiles, Univer- ry Post 2346 for 58 years tions be made in Rosemary’s 2007 with this year’s scholarships legal groundwork underpinning the sity of Wisconsin; Julia Channing, Rosemary enjoyed and name to the Northshore conferred on Marblehead High scholarships.
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