THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WlDUY CIMCUUTED WUKLY NiWSFAf U IN UNION COUNTY ID YEAR—No. 31 Ente. *1M Second Claw Ma Po»t Otnen. Wentneld, U. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1953 Published livery Thursday jhell Named Assistant 1600 Prizes Co To Y Sports Awards Finders of Prize School Contract! 5tary Of The Army. Banquet Set For Easter Eggs Tomorrow Night lePost Let By Boar§j| Planning Covered 150 Champions Appointment 10 Weeks; Over Will Be Recognized In 15 Minutes For Achievement Five Named The Lions Club of Westfield was host Saturday to approximately The seventh annual YMCA For Teaching f Mitchell, 819 Kimball 2,000 kids when the gun shot was sports awards banquet will be held een appointed Assist- fired and the 20th annual Easter tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m. at I of the Army byPreg- Effg Hunt was started by a tidal the Y. Recognition will be given Positions Here D. Eisenhower sub- wave of youngsters who In the to approximately 150 members for •tion by the Sen- matter of seconds had swarmed championship performance in over Contract* tor the t*r MW 4 nnounc«d Tuesday. over Mindowaskin Park looking for 26 different program activities. mentary schools in town, oa«; '"", Wee pretident of the cherished prim. Among the championa to be St, Mark's avenue (north •!*•: Inc., New York de- The committee purchased 1400 crowned are members of the boys' town) and the other on f>« received the offer plastic eggs and the prizes went department varsity, the junior and vard (south side), were i in recent talks with senior high school basketball cham- Tuesday night by the WMMM an additional 200 more which the : tWilson, .Secretary of N . .1 pions, the members ot the Lead- Board of Education. ^ Si|i Lions Club members held in theii «f •»• rmmri ciowl whick lurawl ami ftr Ike mul 1 Robert T. B. Stevens ers Club, winner of the men's de- pockets and gave away to tear- Etttar Eft Hut (prararad by ttt Lio»i CUb i» (kaw*. K«r« by All awarda which wwV-tfr^ifcfs nfleld, Secretary of stained youngsters who had failed JMMI f*lkt aid »MU alibi Milling abatit Ik* brudcotini partment "tournament-time" ae lowest bidders are ai foltowtt in their search, As usual some chil- pUtforra. tivitles, the junior swimming General construction, both icb«»li has announced it dren received more prizes than teams, the YMCA swimming cham- to Stephen Palmlsa.no S*M, B«y- JAMES P. MITCHELL I "weeks before he they should but the hunt it highly pions 1000 point contest winners, onne, f 211,675 for the north itt« Jte up his new poit competitive and the committee is Jones Named 'Outstanding Citizen' and many other outstanding com school and ¥263,642 fee til* OM ntment is confirmed, still trying to work out a means of petitorj. The program will in- on the south aide. i ' sSvi he many duties he State School Aid obtaining a more equitable distri- clude a roatt turkey banquet, Structural ateel, contract! for bution. group singing, sports presenta- JOHN O. BIGELOW . both schools awarded to UUyttt* before being re- Of State by Advertising Club 1 As one member explained the tions, entertainment, fellowship, Iron Works, Inc., Ivcmj City, tut>i his present position, : plans to spend time Authority to Speak situation, "we had some control Thomas Roy Jones of 660 Tie- an added feature that will take bid, 169,500. •:.^'\::: :mK each week before over the number of prizes a child mont avenue, president of Day. the form of motion pictures show- Superior Judge Is Heating and »entil»tlnt, w«- aae from the New could win when we numbered the strom, Inc., Elizabeth, has been ing the diving career of West- tracts for both schooii awswUd to Junior 1 hard boiled eggs by a simple proc- named the "outstanding cititen of field's own Bobby Clotworthy. The George Stewart, Newark, 178,119. ess of a wax crayon which defied films will begin when Bobby first Club's Speaker I will be sorry to leave Sponsoring Lecture New Jersey for 1952" by the Ad- Plumbing, north side tehool, t« the dye. Then if a winner came up vertising Club of New Jersey. The started his climb to the top of the William Zabransky Jr. Inc., Lift* is looking forward for his priie slip with an uncon- diving ladder and carry through Ferry, »20,927. ,,• ^^$P?i "The Army Team," (St« picturt an pa(< 4) announcement was made by Hugh Churchmen to Hold scionable large number of prize C. Thuertt, president of the New and' include the 1962 Olympic Plumbing, south tide leiwal. H said it will be like Leonard E. Best, member of th' eggs we had some means of depriv- garnet that were held in Helsinki, ' when they r«- Summit Board of Education an Jersey Power and Light Co. of Annual Meeting Albert F, Ruehl Co.; " ing him of some of them, particu- Dover. Mr, Thuerk wan chairman Finland. William Clotworthy will 121,228. •-•; on, as they lived recently resigned chairman of thi be' present to narrate the high- larly duplicates. Now that the of the Advertising Club's award Hon, John Ogden Bigelow, judge Electrical work, l»tfl years during World New Jersey State School Aid Com lights of the filming. Short shots prizes are already in the plastic committee, the Superior Court of New Wollenberg Electric Co., P«tt m* Mitchell served with mission, will be the speaker at of the Japanese and the Russian eggs we have no control over how "Mr, Jonos has been one of the Jersey, will be the speaker of the $42,078. : .. "•••V',,v^JffS Somcrvel in a meeting of the Roosevelt Junio: athletes will also be seen. many an alert child can gather," most g«neroua contributors of evening on "Past Presidents' Board President George W. in charge of labor Hjfh School PTA Thursday, Apri Fpr tho first time in years there time and advice New Jersey civic The 9ports awards banquet is Night," when the Presbyterian Bauer expl»!ned the total ol ill 16, af 8:15 p.m. in the school aud were no breakthroughs prior to organizations have ever had," Mr. held every year at this time to Men's Club holds its annual meet- the contracts, $607,564, ia withta, m the government is torium. His topic will bo "Thi the gun shot, This was probably Thuerk said. "He typifies the pro- recognize formally the Y program ing Wednesday, April 22, Dinner the money voted by the town. ricncc for Mr, Mit- Recommended State School Sup due to a larger participation of gressive-minded industrial execu- championa. Invited to attend the will be served at 7 o'clock in the The resignation of four i i his career in this port Program for New Jersey". tive who realties that America'! affair arc the champions and their Assembly hall of the parish house, era and a part time clerk hen he was lent by In Govornor Alfred E. Driscoll (Please turn to page 2) business leaders must also be families, all other YMCA mem Judge Bigelow has been on the accepted, The te»ch«n, «re Ml#» Telephone and Teie- seventh annual message to th America's civic leaders." bers and families, and any other bench of the Appellate Division of Emma Jean Hamilton, i ufit Mr, Somervel 1953 state legislature he state. Mr. Jones is the retiring presi- interested parties. Reservations the New Jersey Superior Court teacher; Min Helm PA Administrator this about education: dent of the New Jersey State must be made in advance. Fish since 1948, following 18 years as teacher in the Senior Hlfhl He served with a ''In 1962, near the end of th Local Dealers Will Safety Council, a director and past dinners are available for those state vice chancellor. His early Mr.. AdetaMeP """'"'" men in an ad- legislative session, you receive president of the New Jersey State who desire them, Frank Ketcham, career in law was aa » practicing in the Lincoltt I, making recomuten- the concluding section of an im Chamber of Commerce, chairman Chairman of the physical depart- attorney, Essex County prosecutor Josephine ng labor relations portant report from our State Exhibit Antiques THOMAS ftor JONES School Aid Commission recom of the Planning and Development ment committee, expressed the and counsel for the Public Utility School mwdinB in increwte of from 51 Council of the New Jersey Depart- thought that the 1952-63 banquet CommissioCii n off N JerteyJ , Hooked Rugs To , <W>f. <t*. 'po.«»jf*itio». rid Eco- will bo the greatest in the history A prominent layman in the erience Included a million to 40 million dollars ii state aid for public education. nomic Development, a |lmtee of Players to Give 'c^^'mitff.iai^Ciga.iCtnlt' rtri ctor of emergency Highlight Display th* Union Junior College, a trus- the anticipated attendanTe will far low;' Jiitf) jetidettd -dIitl8i«I#Be«l f County from 1931 wish to express my personal appre ciation to the commission for the tee of the Elisabeth General Hpa surmount any of the previous YMVervica as a memb*r of the Board er»;%»ii»ttfi|t3««ai«« . t thin position to re- Local dealers scheduled to ex- pital, trustee of the Young Men's Comic Fantasy CA sports recognition programs. of Foreign Missions «lnce 1949, asii«t««t ,in th. d«nUl ellnie oti in the training time and energy it devoted to its hibit in the Sixth Annual Antiques work and to thank it for the con.
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