( THE WASHINGTON TIMES. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2: 1913. It -- -- &? ... Wl&C.ffr;.-J-' -" Plan Heavyweight Battle Independence Day---Bombard- ter Wells Gets First . Qffeptmt . w- -. the1 Sleep Year Eve - - By Golcfcer. f BOMBARDIER ELLS He Is Only Trying to Break Even on Lost New ' I ---- --- ; . - v IS : OFFERED ITCH -- 'i stw we rJevsjl ' 'Your: 'eee,? hamgt '&&& ) fM fflPilW fifff? WTHfajlfl . Plan for Big Battle at Ver- non on Fourth of July. COLOR LINE DRAWN BY COWBOY ATHLETE Referee Eyton Saves Palzer From Almost Certain Knock- out. EOS ANGELES, Cat, Jan. i-B- om- OO i - - bardicr Wells, the English champion UP HbUR. ROOM ) ASfCb I? V?T T'RorA STARVING TO C5 I "A HCTQCtr heavyweight, has been ottered a match ."irtth Luther McCarthy, victor o-- Al Palzer. Promoter Tom McCarey to-d- cabled an otter to Wells for a bat-- tie on the Fourth ot July, and expects a , reply within a day or so. If the .match is made. It will be staged at ; the Vernon- - arena," where Palzer went dotva to defeat yesterday in the eight- eenth round, when Referee Charlie Eyton stopped the slaughter. a "There is no chance of Luther going up against either Sun Longford or Joe ,Jcannette. We have drawn the color line for months," said 'Manager Billy McCamey, the ntw champion's gulds and instructor, today. Colored boxers may as well quit challenging, for I ehall nav no attention to them. "Bombardier Wells will be gien first J .uaui; iu iiiy umu 10 cieur up any uun that England, has a world's champion. ?hen the winner of the WIllard-Da- tSJut will be met. By that time I may .. - 4 be willing to have Palzer climb into ' a ring again with Mac. He certainly desenes another bout, if only because THREE PLAYERS TO ATHLETIC PROGRAM of his gamtnees in the face of certain TIERNAN BANISHED SCOUTS ASSIST TO GEHfNJ&L defeat." Tribute to Palzer. McCarthy paid a handsome tribute to falser today when he said: I never FIGHT FOR POSITION ATTRACTS CROWD AT gamer my IN BUT ONE GAME STRENGTHEN CLUBS i met a man in life Ho took wm'SHB X a great deal more punishment than 1'lynn did, but he kept coming at me once. and-sAr- 'all the time. He didn't flinch He ON E SOX CLUB "Silent Mike" Is Now in New York and Owns a Cafe. HOUSE Agents Unearth Greatest Players "of Game e of can have another crack at me when I YJ.Ci.0PEN liiBtfrHiluiEET have finished with the rest of the IT bunch." Ranked With Greatest Baseball Play- t . - Value to Little Teams in Small Leagues in , "McCarthy was better than I expect- ed." said Palzer today, through his ers of the Age. Financial Way. bandages. But I want another chance Weaver, and John- Swimming, Basketball, and S Low, --Ellcr .jfiKftGaUagk; and I' think I deserve It I was beaten Berger, ,I .fairly and squarely, thougli, and I'm not Volleyball Feature New m 'squealing. " son to Scrap for Shortstop Silent Mike Tlernan Is well remem- In addition to being a terrific hitter. NEW YORK. Jan. 2L Baseball scouts successful, perhaps, as Arthur Irwin, ' vompeie junior The victor has a slight cut under hla 180,060 bered by many a pitcher of the 808 and most dangerous In a pinch, Tlernan was are comparatively 'new institution who made in one year for bis right eye, the only mark of his experi- With Cal. Year Celebration. a employer,. Frank FarreU. by "discov- Championships. ence of yesterday. Palzer, who left the Job 90s. as well as by right fielders of the In the national game, and without ering" caught his last fly. he ault with the as- promisers who were disposed of ring covered with blood, has two badly same period, and by thousands of fans satisfaction that he led the league out- - doubt they have been of great to such big advantage, but the veteraas puffed eyes, a cut on one ear and sev- whose Idol he was. qeraers tnat year with the splendid per- sistance in strengthening big league can be relied on to pick outaao player - George towa wfil have eral bruises on his face, showing the CHICAGO, There will.be In players' centage of .586. With swimming matches and basket- teams rn bringing into the lime- who does not have big- league class or three atUetes left-han- d III. Jan. It is recorded the ball and ta chnmsloashhw deadly effect of McCarthy's i games the" noma tke Jaater - at is ban-if-h- eight years .800. featuring semomace or a scramble next spring, among three good book Silent Mike was ed For Tlernan hit over ball New Year light star players, who otherwise it. HTtBe- jabs and jolts. However, he was not that. His years were 1895 1836,. celebration Y. M. C. It la twroet injured, and will be. all right as soon as athletes to determine 'which one will be from the game but once In his .best and when of the A., might never have been heard ot only " he batted .354 and .351, respectively. ; estimated today 3,500 people took ToMateea: tsda--r the MBfu the cuts heal. J the regular shortstop of the White Sax. long career, and then he was the goat game lis to- that in their immediate neighborhood. Jack Klelnow. the favorite old: catch- Lsv leaves tor Tlernan thinks the faster in the holiday program at the associa- dty, ,wsre ae w jota. .Be er, eap-ta- te This was the most Impressive bit of Ewlng rasping day when he played. picks was due to scout Ty Cobb Yankees, Hffl-toppe- Victory Is Easy. the brilliant' Buck the than He during "open It a that er ot the who la now Hvisg starlet the we on the Mathewson as the greatest of pitchers tion the house." This Georgia, Gal-lag&- er. McCarthy's defeat of Palzer the gossip heard baseball beat umpire, who believed Mike was guilty. was unearthed down in, and in the city, would make a model scout trackr team, and Johnny tor Uoday. and "Buck"Ewlng as the most won- crowd Is thought to break all records ptayer Is only one of the .AB. white heavyweight championship was man- Tlernan was just .such a batter as derful players. that grand for some club. Jack was always a 'the distance raaBen. three Jlmmp caiianan, tne soutn sine Thompson Dan Brouthers. of of former years at" the annual celebra- many who owe their present reputa- young players are catered la the games aad are ex- surprisingly easy. Prom the start he ager, announced officially that Joe Ber- Sam and Tlernan made the longest hit recorded close observer ot and pected to a prises. ger signed contract. Joe is an He was one of the select few credited his time, and for years afterward. tion. tions to the argus-eye- d sleuths, who has developed several star pitchers. He load lew appeared the better ring general, elud- had a in In the swimming events the honors knows player when he sees, one. Low" .holds. the Cornell teterscboiastte ing asDlrant to the lob that was filled by with driving the ball over the right It Is a question 'vhether it has ever easily went to Bamroan. Brunner, Han- roamed the country from one end to a and high jump marav topping, his opponent's wild rushes In the Buck Weaver most of last season. Wea - been beaten. He did In a pinch, off ihat is half the battle. Jack has been the bar atabr opening rounds and planting telling field fence at Exposition Park, Phila- it son, Rutherford, and Ansley, who won the other in search of talent that In close touch with baseball, too. right feet. He is alas charaptaa high jumper er Is after the place again, and the third the delivery of one of the greatest first places In their specialties. The big "league States. wKh a? marfcr blows where they counted most. Palzer ccmpetltor Is Ernie Johnson, who tilled delphia. ever faced "Kid" promised to becomo up to date. lei of that a batter Bachelors, composed ot Cutts. Miller, old-ti- five laches, aad UtHheMer was wholly unable to reach the big In position for a while year. Thinking of Tlernan. the fan's mind Sltchers timber. There are several other play- feeOlevea. cowboy, despite Mc- at the last Knight and Ellason, took the relay residing con- of the Sonth Atlantic section- - his longer reach. ambi- company The discovery, Cobb, In fact, ers now here who deserve weU-ksew- They are all joung men and reverts to that great of which race from the Married Men. of work: Is too n to need Carthy's footwork was so good he rs Mike Tells Story sideration when the scout questtosL filer's that tious. One of the thinks Captain Anson. Roger Connor, John M. An exhibition twenty-five-yar-d swim was the incentive that caused other is repeating. He is the greatest lndtridnal kept Palzer missing and losing his bal- 12, 1890, being Jaken up by managers." They - - ance. Johnson the best lnflelder of the trio, Ward. Hanq O'Day. .Tim Keefe, Kid "On May Amos Rusle was was given by Zlrpei, Ellason, Karrlck, clubs than the Detroit roganlzatlon right way. track- star ever- at the HMlte. ' HftlB Berger the best hitter and Weaver the Charley working for us and 'Kid' Nichols for Smith. Bennett, and Sheets, and an to send out "agents" in the hope can do the work the in the dashes, the hnrtUes, ,aad From the tenth round to eight- all-rou- Nichols, Buck Ewlng, and entered the man.
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