![1959-03-05, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, March 5, 1939 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES j.- ? ‘ilk $5°° DOWN Cleveland Auto SALES-ORAMA WITH A LITTLE CBEDIT—AND A JOB Northeast Cuyahoga Co. And West Lake Co. Residents 1956 MERCURY 1956 CHEVROLET CARS FROM Hardtop, automatic, blue and white. 2-door, 6 cylinder tu-tone. Blue. 15,000 actual mile*. ____ $1095 1 owner __________,__ 9999 There Is Still Time To Come To 1955 WILLYS 1955 PLYMOUTH France - England - Germany - U.S.A 2-tono hardtop, automatic. Belvedere, 2-daor, standard trans. Rod and Black GGQK 2-tone green, radio GfiQK Economy horo.................... heater. Special 9WW9 1954 PACKARD 1955 FORD We Have All These On Display Patrician 4-Door ultramatic. Custom 8, 2-door, Fordomatic. Jot black. Drive SfiQK Blue and white. jfeAQfe '54 Chev., 2-dr. P.O.$495 '53 Ford Hardtop___$595 1 -IMPERIAL And Win '54 Chev., 2-dr.____$595 '56 Ford,2-feno, COME '54 Plym., 2-dr., Fordomatic___ $995 Hydr.________ $595 '55 Ford H's t. 12 h. von $995 See... Compare 2—CHRYSLER 3 NEW 1959 FORDS E. ABJD L. 3—PLYMOUTH Annex Auto Sales : YES ... WE HAVE A $10,000 IN CASH 9412 St. Clair Ave. at Um? Z 1959 4—FORD e CHEVROLET • 5—CHEVROLET AN ALL EXPENSE PAID See the 1959 RENAULT FORD 4-door sedan. Electric wipers, 2 visors, seats 5 people, 4 cylinder • PLYMOUTH water cooled motor, built to American standards. Service and 6—RENAULT TRIP TO HOLLYWOOD parts available D4 7QK ^us —Here For You to everywhere ............................................................... *w9 Tax SEE and COMPARE • PLUS—324 OTHER FABULOUS PRIZES $195 DOWN — APPROXIMATELY $12 WEEKLY No Need To Make 3 Stops, When ONLY ONE STOP 1956 DODGE _j 1956 PLYMOUTH Will Do. AND $33,000 IN PRIZES FROM EDGEWORTH TOBACCO 6 cylinder 2-door. M4E Belvedere 2-door Hardtop. 8—BERKELEY Radio, heater .... $UvU Automatic, IM |1E 1st Prises—4 1959 Ford Thunderbirds 4 th Prizes—16 New Hamilton Electric ------------ radio and heater . G ■ ■ A CAR FOR EVERY PURSE 1953 PLYMOUTH 2nd Prues—8 RCA Color TV Sets Wrist Watches 1954 FORD 6 Cylinder, 4-Door Sedan | 2-Door Sedan, 8 Cylinder 3rd Prizes—8 Wardrobes by Calvert Clothes Sth Prues—1000 Falcon Pipes Radio, Heater. S29fiC Radio Heater‘ A steal at *****’ i Fordomatic $675 NOTHING TO BUY! NO SLOGANS TO WRITE! 1954 DODGE I 1954 FORD P. R. WARD CO 6 Cylinder, 2-Door CA7K Station C71R Tour CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH Dealer Radio, Heater ... 0®■ U Wagon G ■ ■ U REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED 870 E. 152nd St MUIberry 1-7600 Friday and Saturday, March 6th and 7th THE P. R. WARD CO. 870 East 152nd St. MU. 1-5200 Broadcast Over WJMO, 1490 KC, Selling and Servicing Youi Cars for 23 Years Want A Good DEAL? See KENNY BASS From Our Showrooms 11:30 A.M. To 1:30 P.M., Today. Tomorrow, Saturday JOE O’BRIEN’S DRIVE A '59 DODGE NOW! • 500 Free Records Free Picture Packs Of Your Favorite Polka Bands Free Candy Grab Bags for the Kiddies! Coffee and Doughnuts for Everyone! STOP Late SAVE ON OUR MOTOR TUNE-UP Winter • Normalize Engine Test Compression • Test Battery IS THE TIME of Each Cylinder • Check Cable Connections SPECIALS FOR GOOD BUYS • Tighten Cylinder Heads and • Adjust Fan Belt Tension Manifold Bolts IN USED CARS 1955 CHEVROLET You Can Get A Much Better Deal Now Than In The Spring! • Clean Fuel Pump and Check Pressure 2-DOOR SEDAN • Check Coil and Condenser India ivory over crocus yellow. TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF GOOD USED CAR TRADE-INS • Cean and Re-Oil Carburetor JACKSHAW CHEVROLET Full vinyl interior that looks • Test and Adjust Distributor like new. Custom radio and Au- Air Cleaner 1958 CHEVROLET Flo heater. Chrome-like finish! BUY FOB LESS*1 AT • Check Generator Output See this one today! • Cean Carburetor and Re-Set • Test Starter and Motor Operation Impala Hardtop V-8, Turbo­ Glide, 9,000 miles. 00966 $945 Float Level • Make Final Road Test Checks White and red 1954 BUICK GLAVIC MOTORS DODGE SALES 6 SERVICE CENTER OF EUCLID JACKSHAW CHEVROLET SUPER HARDTOP Woodland green over yellow. 536 E. 185th at LAKE SHORE KE. 1-3375 Show-room appearance. Interior OPEN MON., WED. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. 1957 PONTIAC looks and feels new. Power SET OF SPARK PLUGS steering and brakes. Power 4- CDF Fl Four-door sport sedan. V-8. way seats. Dynaflow for added With Every Motor Tune-Up Hydramatic. Q fl EGA | In L 0 Harbor Blue 0>™U driving pleasure. A TRUE LUX­ URY CAR! PAYMENTS OUR PARTS DEPT. OPEN MON. WED.. FBI. UNTIL 9 P.M. auto” SPECIAL JACKSHAW CHEVROLET $895 HIGH? 1954 STUDEBAKER We trade down by giving vov 1955 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE PAINT$ZO50 a clean low-priced cat and oay Dai-Ray Two door sedan. Six Ivory over Madeira maroon. Ex­ cylinder. Standard transmis­ ceptionally clean inside and off voui balance and rid rout JOB Oz Conveniently Located At East 185th St. and Lake Shore Blvd I Vanhoe 1-8400 sion. White out Radio, heater, overdrive. A sell at those high oayments At and red vpOvV true continental look! finance specialists we do who’ EXPERT AUTO BODY REPAIRS $395 others consider impossible We JACKSHAW CHEVROLET also buy outright Low over Free Estimates < Cbeck Nearly Everybody Head enables us to pay more cash, especially Station Wagons your brakes to 1956 CHEVROLET Knows and Thunderbirds. MOTOR TUNE-UP By Special Demand Station Wagon. Two door. Six cylinder. Power • fl 1AE 6 CYL. CARS 8 CYL. CARS JOHNNY'S glide. White and RedO ■ ■ W JOE UNITED 58-95 SU M EASY I AUTOMATIC 13415 St Clair Ave. TERMS I TRANSMISSION JACKSHAW CHEVMLET LUBRICATION FREE LUBRICATION FREE BRAKE GL 1-0033 O'BRIEN WITH TUNE-UP WITH TUNE-UP /RELINE 1954 HUDSON SERVICE CHEVROLET GUARANTEED SO DAYS Hornet Two door Hardtop. AUTOMOBILES FRONT END Hydramatic. Ivory CRQIt 1400 St Clair MU. 1-2000 Frw Road Service and Sun Gold ^UUU 1953 CHEVROLET »2 ton panel, ALIGNMENT $1 Q.95 good serviceable truck, L & C FOR Service On AU Makes Service Station. 21901 Lake Shore Includes Cambei, Castei, Toe-in blvd. JACKSHAW CHEVMLET AUTOMOBILES 1956 FORD custom lined V-8, 2- CHEVROLETS I■ ~J INCLUDED door. Fordomatic radio-heater, 1950 MERCURY 2-door. radio and excellent condition, all white. IV. Nearly Everybody Knows 1953 PLYMOUTH heater, overdrive, make offer; 1-8917. MIV. 6-3097 also Crosley with racing body. 1957 VOLVO. 12,500 miles. $1695; OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER Band Station Wagon. Two door. Trans- HI. 2-3364. 1955 Chevrolet, 210 series, 4-door Adjust. 14200 Lake Shore Blvd. 1953 FORD convertible, radio, white sedan, automatic transmission, $6.50 GIBSON SOHIO SERVICE BUILDING JOE O'BRIEN walls; excellent condition; make windshield washers, back-up $195 offer. RE. 1-8379. lights, heater, radio, good condi­ 1953 CHEVROLET. 4-door BefAir tion. $795. Call CH. 7-6035 after 4:30 p. m. JACKSHAW CHEVROLET sedan, best offer. Call Mr. Bar- clay. MA. 1-3019._____________ 1953 DeSOTA. 4-door, Firedome, 14115 St. Clair Ave. MU. 1-7700 1953 PLYMOUTH. 4-door, radio, food shape, reasonable. IV. heater, excellent tires, depend- -9821. _able transportation. WH. 3-4799. 1953 LINCOLN, 4-door, power, im- For Printing — GL. 1-4383 1949 PLYMOUTH, good tires. $75; maculate in and out. private FRONT-END reliable transportation. AN. 1-0421 owner, will sacrifice for $445. IV. evenings. Saturdays, Sundays. 1-1024.________________________ 1950 FORD. $100. Call after 4 p. m. 1954 PLYMOUTH 2-door, no rust, RE. 1-7368._____________________ dents or scratches, just a clean 1950 FORD club coupe. 6 cylinder, car with new tires, A-l mechani­ radio, heater, $75; or 1952 Mercury, cally. RE. 1-7746.______________ BRAKE RELINE SPECIAL ALIGNMENT Mercomatic. radio, heater, 4-door, MOVING and selling my 1952 Olds­ • Reline Brakes $300, RE. 2-7890.________________ mobile super "88” 2 door, low • Check Wheel Cylinders We Serve TO 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-door V-8. com­ mileage, good condition, $275. My W 00-33 plete power, extras, good condi- 1951 Plymouth 2-door. 47.000 • Repack Front Wheel £ 543 East 185th IV. 1-9090 * MOST tion; reasonable. WH. 4-2337. miles, fully equipped, $250. 15 ft Bearings Special X.<-------- 1955 CADILLAC hardtop coupe, hy­ Chris Craft, 60 h.p. inboard, bes • Bleed Hydraulic System ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A dramatic, radio, heater, all power, offer over $400. RE. 1-6844. • Clean and Inspect Brake Drums CARS low mileage, immaculate: private. 1955 CHEVROLET. Bel Air. hard­ • Adjust Foot and Hand Brakes i will accept clean trade. IV. 1-7565. top, automatic shift, every extra COMPLETE MOTOR PICK-UP truck, 1950 International good condition, $1085. IV. 1-4252 1950 to 1958 Plymouth* Only YOU Jackshaw L-110, new engine and transmis- KNOW sion; reasonable. Call IV. 1-6133. Lower Halt of Car Beg, $53.00 only Tune-Up Service BILL 1951 BUICK 4-door; reasonable. KE. FOR SALE - BICYCLES GIBSON'S CHEVROLET 1-6728._________________________ 1952 PLYMOUTH station wagon, Lai os inspect your generator ataxias. YOUR SOHIO DEALER 543 East 185th St new motor, good tires, radio, BOYS' and girls’ bikes, all sizes, Ignition distributor spark plugs. timing heater, body needs work; $175. self pedaled fire engine. MU. REPAINTED 3367 IV. 1-9090 Owner, WH. 3-4795._____________ 1-0272. Ralph. 15229 Saranac, side wiring, carburetor, fuel pump battery and 14200 Laho Shore Blvd. IV. 1-5286 door, 2nd floor, apt. 4. lights should be carefully checked 1950 FORD, fair condition; reason­ ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL PASSENGER CAR After We Sell. able. AN. 1-0517._____________ ASK FOR TOM HANUS We Serve/ 1957 FORD hardtop, immaculate Best Buys On AUTOMOBILES care given by 1 owner; $1725.
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