village bulletin June 2013 Issue 134 www.westbergholt.net Help to shape the future of West Bergholt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the village bulletin information PROVIDED BY THE PARISH COUNCIL OF WEST BERGHOLT Chairman Vice-Chairman John Gili-Ross Harry Stone 67 Mumford Road, Vindens, Chapel Lane West Bergholt West Bergholt ! 242 236 ! 241 026 PARISH COUNCILLORS Jenny Church Doran, Hall Road ! 240 792 Murray Harlow 25 Valley Crescent ! 242 007 Andrew Savage 6 Garling Walk ! 242 015 David Short 60 Albany Road ! 241 715 Chris Stevenson 74 Mumford Road ! 241 708 Bob Tyrrell 43 Albany Road ! 240 016 Phil Walby 2 The Hop House ! 240 000 Rachel Young 1 Ormonde Close ! 240 360 PARISH WORKING COMMITTEES Premises and Recreation Phil Walby, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Rachel Young Environment and Highways David Short, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Phil Walby, Rachel Young Planning and Development Chris Stevenson, Andrew Savage, Bob Tyrrell Finance and Personnel Advisory Andrew Savage, John Gili-Ross, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone CLERK TO THE PARISH COUNCIL Val Walsom 17 Armoury Road, CO6 3JN ! 240 149 The Parish Clerk is available for Parish business at any reasonable time, but in particular on Tuesday evenings. ORPEN HALL ADMINISTRATOR Vicky Beckwith-Cole email: [email protected] ! 619 258 The Administrator is available to deal with enquiries at any reasonable time. Bookings should be made at the Hall on Thursdays between 7pm and 8pm. Please use the old side entrance. BOROUGH COUNCILLORS Marcus Harrington Barn End, Cooks Hall Lane ! 241 411 Dennis Willetts [email protected] ! 240 314 ESSEX COUNTY COUNCILLOR Anne Brown email: [email protected] Parish Council monthly meetings are held in the John Lampon Hall on the fourth Wednesday of every month starting at 7.30pm. Prior to the start of the meetings, between 7.15pm and 7.30pm, the public are invited to raise any item for consideration by the Parish Council at its next meeting. The village bulletin is funded by the Parish Council as part of a community service. It is issued quarterly and distributed to every household in the Parish. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Parish Council. 2 Parish Matters Now is the time to The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 24th April and it book your team in the was most encouraging to have more than fifty village residents present. The focus this year was “Celebrating Bulletin Quiz our Village Volunteers” as we all appreciate the village has much to be grateful for and to be proud of. The It will be held on opportunity was also taken to make those present aware of the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Saturday 21st September 2013 village survey which takes the form of a questionnaire at the Orpen Memorial Hall, accompanying this Bulletin. Your views are vitally starting at 7.30pm. important so please spend a few minutes by responding. If your team comes first they will The meeting was also an opportunity to mark the have the honour of holding the retirement of Bernard Colbron from the Parish Council after twelve years of dedicated and loyal service. Bernard Challenge Cup for a year, then trying has been Chair of the committee responsible for the to win it back the following year. Village Halls for most of his time as a Parish Councillor. We have only to reflect on the part played in our village There will be a raffle. life of these halls to appreciate the importance of Some refreshments will be included - Bernard’s contribution to the community. We are very please bring your own liquid grateful. refreshment! In a previous Bulletin the position of editor was advertised. Although not directly linked to the Parish Each table consists of four people to Council, this is a role that Bernard has also filled for make up a team. They can be from many years. It is good to know that Bernard is only your village club or just good friends semi-retiring from village life as having left the Parish as long as one member is a village Council he is prepared to continue as editor, at least for the time being. We look forward to many more resident. informative publications. Fill in the entry form below and return it to Susan Leng at 36 Albany Road by 14th September 2013. The cost for a table of four is only £16 1st West Bergholt so come and enjoy yourselves. Guide We celebrated Thinking Day with All proceeds will be donated to the Braiswick District at St Helena Teenage Cancer Trust. School with the theme of Africa. Our unit leaders showed Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section members how to write their names in hieroglyphics which everyone enjoyed doing. VILLAGE BULLETIN QUIZ ENTRY FORM 2013 We held a fund raising event on Thursday 14th March for Comic Relief. The Guides came dressed up in various Name of Team super hero costumes and put on excellent performances for the parents. They also held a great home baked cake sale and overall we raised £90. Well done everyone!! Name of person applying We are doing our Fire Safety Badge this term including a visit to the Fire Station on 6th June. Address We are going to ask for a donation from the Jack Petchey Foundation to try and help go towards camp this year. We are going away at the end of July for five days at Phone Number Belchamps with our theme being Madagascar Escape 2 Africa! They have a lot of new activities at Belchamps For each team of four people please enclose a including water zorbing and fencing. cheque for £16 made payable to West Bergholt Parish Council. Sandra Gates, Guide Guider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mail. [email protected] Finally we have our annual Awards Night for all players Bergholt Heath and their families, which will be held, as usual, at the Youth Football Club Open Hall, on 8th June.
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