University of Birmingham In vitro antimicrobial combination testing of and evolution of resistance to the first-in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin combined with six therapeutically relevant antimicrobials for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Foerster, Sunniva; Drusano, George; Golparian, Daniel; Neely, Michael; Piddock, Laura; Alirol, Emilie; Unemo, Magnus DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkz376 License: Other (please specify with Rights Statement) Document Version Peer reviewed version Citation for published version (Harvard): Foerster, S, Drusano, G, Golparian, D, Neely, M, Piddock, L, Alirol, E & Unemo, M 2019, 'In vitro antimicrobial combination testing of and evolution of resistance to the first-in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin combined with six therapeutically relevant antimicrobials for Neisseria gonorrhoeae' Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 74, no. 12, pp. 3521–3529. https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkz376 Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal Publisher Rights Statement: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy following peer review. The version of record Sunniva Foerster, George Drusano, Daniel Golparian, Michael Neely, Laura J V Piddock, Emilie Alirol, Magnus Unemo, In vitro antimicrobial combination testing of and evolution of resistance to the first-in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin combined with six therapeutically relevant antimicrobials for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 74, Issue 12, December 2019, Pages 3521–3529, https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkz376 is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/74/12/3521/5561459 General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. 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Sep. 2021 1 In vitro antimicrobial combination testing and evolution of resistance to the first- 2 in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin combined with six therapeutically 3 relevant antimicrobials for Neisseria gonorrhoeae 4 5 Sunniva FOERSTER1,*, George DRUSANO2, Daniel GOLPARIAN1, Michael 6 NEELY3, Laura JV PIDDOCK4, Emilie ALIROL4 and Magnus UNEMO1** 7 8 1WHO Collaborating Centre for Gonorrhoea and other STIs, Swedish Reference 9 Laboratory for STIs, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro, 10 Sweden; 2Institute for Therapeutic Innovation, Department of Medicine, College of 11 Medicine, University of Florida, Orlando, USA; 3Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, 12 Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Southern 13 California, USA; 4Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP), 14 Geneva, Switzerland 15 16 *Current address. Sahlistrasse 17, 3012 Bern, Switzerland 17 **Corresponding author. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Microbiology, 18 Örebro University Hospital, SE-701 85 Örebro, Sweden. Tel: +46-19-6022038; Fax: 19 +46-19-127416; E-mail: [email protected] 20 Running title: Zoliflodacin in combination with six therapeutic antimicrobials 21 22 23 24 25 Word count: Text: 3644 words, Abstract: 248 words 26 Objectives: Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae to all gonorrhoea therapeutic 27 antimicrobials has emerged. Novel therapeutic antimicrobials are imperative and the 28 first-in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin appears promising. Zoliflodacin could 29 be introduced in dual antimicrobial therapies to prevent the emergence and/or spread of 30 resistance. We investigated the in vitro activity and selection of resistance to 31 zoliflodacin alone and in combination with six gonorrhoea therapeutic antimicrobials 32 against N. gonorrhoeae. 33 Methods: The international gonococcal reference strains WHO F (wild-type), and 34 WHO O, WHO V, and WHO X (strains with different AMR profiles) were examined. 35 Zoliflodacin was evaluated alone or combined with ceftriaxone, cefixime, 36 spectinomycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, cethromycin, and sitafloxacin in checkerboard 37 assays, time-kill curve analysis, and selection of resistance studies. 38 Results: Zoliflodacin alone or in combination with all six antimicrobials showed a rapid 39 growth inhibition against all examined strains. The time-kill curve analysis indicated 40 that tetracycline or cethromycin combined with zoliflodacin can significantly decrease 41 the zoliflodacin kill rate in vitro. The frequency of selected zoliflodacin resistance 42 mutations was low when evaluated as a single agent and further reduced for all 43 antimicrobial combinations. All resistant mutants contained the GyrB mutations 44 D429N, K450T or K450N, resulting in zoliflodacin MICs of 0.5-4 mg/L. 45 Conclusions: Zoliflodacin, alone or in combination with STI therapeutic antimicrobials, 46 rapidly kills gonococci with infrequent resistance emergence. Zoliflodacin remains 47 promising for gonorrhoea oral monotherapy and as part of dual antimicrobial therapy 48 with low resistance emergence potential. A phase III trial evaluating efficacy and safety 49 of zoliflodacin for uncomplicated gonorrhoea treatment is planned in 2019. 50 51 Introduction 52 Compromised treatment of gonorrhoea due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in 53 Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a global public health concern.1-4 AMR to all previously or 54 currently used therapeutic drugs has developed in N. gonorrhoeae; this facilitates the 55 transmission of gonorrhoea and the emergence of severe sequelae.2,3 In vitro resistance 56 to ceftriaxone, the last option for empiric first-line monotherapy, has been documented 57 in many countries.2-20 Sporadic failures to cure pharyngeal gonorrhoea with ceftriaxone 58 have also been verified in many countries.5,12,13,17,19,21 Dual antimicrobial therapy 59 (mainly ceftriaxone plus azithromycin) was introduced for empirical first-line 60 gonorrhoea therapy in many countries worldwide.22-27 However, in 2016 the first global 61 failure of treating pharyngeal gonorrhoea with the recommended dual therapy was 62 reported in England.28 International spread of ceftriaxone-resistant gonococcal strains 63 has also been documented in recent years.14-18 Finally, it is a grave concern that the first 64 global gonococcal strain with combined ceftriaxone resistance and high-level 65 azithromycin resistance was reported in 2018 in England19 and Australia.20 To forestall 66 gonorrhoea becoming exceedingly-difficult-to-treat or even untreatable with any 67 feasible first-line antimicrobial regimen, novel, ideally oral, antimicrobials with new 68 mechanism(s) of action for treatment of gonorrhoea are essential. 69 The first-in-class spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin targets the GyrB subunit of the 70 DNA gyrase, and has no cross-resistance to any previously developed antimicrobial.29 71 Zoliflodacin was shown to have potent in vitro activity against geographically, 72 temporally, and genetically diverse wild-type, MDR and XDR N. gonorrhoeae strains.30 73 Follow-up investigations of contemporary, consecutive and/or selected clinical isolates 74 in Europe, USA, and China further verified the potent activity and lack of resistance to 75 zoliflodacin.31-33 A phase II randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) evaluating single 76 oral doses of zoliflodacin (2 g or 3 g) for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhoea 77 was recently completed.34 The cure rates for urogenital gonorrhoea were 98% (48/49) 78 and 100% (47/47), respectively. The cure rates for the low number of rectal infections 79 were 100% (5/5) and 100% (7/7), and for pharyngeal infections, 50% (4/8) and 82% 80 (9/11), respectively. Zoliflodacin was well-tolerated with transient gastrointestinal upset 81 being the most commonly reported adverse effect.34 Consequently, zoliflodacin appears 82 promising for the future treatment of gonorrhoea and a phase III RCT is planned in 83 2019. Once introduced, zoliflodacin could be used in dual antimicrobial regimens, to 84 mitigate potential emergence and/or spread of resistance. 85 We firstly investigated the in vitro activity of zoliflodacin alone and in combination 86 with six therapeutic antimicrobials (novel, currently, or previously used) against N. 87 gonorrhoeae using checkerboard assays. Second, time-kill curve analysis and the in 88 vitro selection
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