Vol. XXI, No. 12 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] December 12, 1918 Nearly Eighty Per Cent of S. A. T. C. Intend to Remain Regular Academic Work to be Resumed December 30 Corporal A. L. Eggers '19 Wins D. S. C. for Heroism in Action Three Wounded, One Missing, Ten Dead in Service ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Buying Qivilan Clothing ? CASCADILLA The Farmers' Loan THOUSANDS of Cornell men will be re- turning to crVil life in the next few The Leading Preparatory School for and Trust Company months. CORNELL THE UNIVERSITY and Ithaca will be of 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York great interest to you just now. On the edge of the University Campus Branch 475 Fifth Ave. WHY NOT have your new civilian cloth- Good living. Athletics. ing made here? Our prices are below Certificate Privilege. f 16 Pall Mall East, S. W. 1 LONDON [ 26 Old Broad Street, E.G. 2 metropolitan prices for the same qual- Exceptional for College Entrance Work ity. PARIS 41 Boulevard Haussman Save enough on your outfit to pay for A. M. Drummond, M.A., Principal Ithaca, N. Y. LETTERS OF CEΈDIT A Trip to Ithaca FOREIGN EXCHANGES Kohm £& Brunne Trustees CABLE TRANSFERS 280 E. State St. Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker Charles D. Bostwick Sheldon Court H. J. Bool Co. Under same direction A fireproof, modern, private dor- Cascadilla Tutoring School mitory for men students of Cornell 130 E. State St. Succeeding the widely known University. Catalogue sent on request Furniture Manufacturers Sturgis School A. E. CONGDON, MGR. ITHACA, N.Y. Complete Housefurnishers Special Summer Courses Furniture, Rugs, Draper- Corner Oak and Summit Avenues The Mercersburg Academy ies, Window Shades, Bell 899 255 Ithaca Wall Paper Prepares for all colleges TUTORING IN ANY SUBJECT and universities: Aims ESTIMATES FEEE at thorough scholarship, broad attainments and Christian manliness ADDRESS WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. Do You Use President Press Clippings? MERCERSBTJRG, PA. It will more than pay you to secure our extensive service cover- ing all subjects, trade and personal, " ITHACA" and get the benefit of the best and most systematic reading of all ENGRAVING Co. papers and periodicals, here and abroad, at minimum cost. Convenient and Comfortable Libraηy Building, 123 N.Tio£a Street Our service is taken by progres- Headquarters for Alumni sive business men, publishers, au- Official Blue Book Hotel thors, collectors, etc., and is the card index for securing what you Comfortable Rooms EXPERTS need, as every article of interest With Running Water $1 to $1.50 •With Bath $2 to $2.50 DIRECT SELLING is at your command. DESIGNING Write for terms or send your Table d'Hote Meals ILLUSTRATING order for 100 clippings at $5, or Breakfast 50c Luncheon 60c BOOK-PLATES &- 1,000 clippings at $35. Special Dinner 75c Sunday Dinner $1 CHRISTMAS CARDS rates quoted in large orders. Under New Management HJ.VAN VALKENBURG Manager The Manhattan The Clinton House Press Clipping Bureau Ithaca 320-322 Fifth Avenue New York Gity ITHACA TRUST COMPANY Arthur Cassot, Proprietor ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS Established in 1888 Pres., Mynderse VanCleef Vice-Pres., E. L. Williams Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. Treman Sec. and Treas., W. H. Storms CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXI, No. 12 Ithaca, N. Y., December 12, 1918 Price 12 Cents USTERING-OUT of the Stu- American delegates. The most impor- hoped, accordinly, that an adequate me- dents7 Armjr Training Corps goes tant topic of discussion was "The 'Ef- morial building may be dedicated in M011 apace. Physical examination fect of the War on Education.'' The 1921, the one hundredth anniversary of of the men, begun in the vocational sec- discussion was opened by one of the the incorporation of Ithaca as a village. tion on December 4, continues rapidly British delegates, who was followed by Incidentally, this permanent memorial is throughout the corps; and a few mem- President Schurman. but the crown of the effort Ithaca will bers, having permanent discharge from DAVID F. HOY, registrar of the Uni- make in welcoming her soldiers home. the Army, are leaving every day. The versity, has been elected, for 1919, cap- Some immediate mark of appreciation completion of this task is set for De- tain of the Protective Police, which is and ample provision for securing posi- cember 21. company eight of the Ithaca Fire De- tions will be in the hands of a repre- partment. sentative committee now being formed MOST OF THE SOLDIEES in the academic by Mayor Davis from the official and PROFESSOR LAURENCE PUMPELLY, who section, however, will either remain at fraternal orders of the city. the University or, taking a vacation now, has been in France several months in the will return at the beginning of the sec- service of the Bed Cross, has been ap- GIORGIO DE GRASSI, of the University ond term, December 30. From figures pointed secretary and interpreter to the Library staff, has been doing Y. M. C. A. obtained by the commanding officers, it commission which is to visit nearly all work in France since last winter. lα. August he received a commission in the appears that the number thus proposing the belligerent countries, ascertaining to continue as students is about three- U. S. Army, and has since been doing their present needs and providing as- fourths of the total enrolment: 931 out liaison work with an American contin- sistance for the civilian population. The of 1,196 in the S. A. T. C., and 261 out gent. Before leaving Paris, Lieut, de commission starts this week for Italy, of 361 in the Naval unit. These 1,192 Grassi gave a, farewell dinner to some of going thence to Serbia and possibly to men alone, if all carry out their present his Cornell friends, among whom were Bulgaria, to Greece and Palestine, later plans, will make, next term, a registra- Theodore Stanton '74 and Professors to Switzerland, Belgium, and England, tion equaling almost a third of the total Shepherd Stevens and Laurence Pum- and, if circumstances permit, to Russia. registration last year. There is as yet, pelly, '02-04 Grad. Throughout the itinerary Dr. Pumpelly of course, no indication of the distri- will have charge of transportation, pass- THE INLET PLANT of the Thomas- bution of these men among the colleges. ports, hotel accommodations, payments, Morse Aircraft Corporation is closed. IN THE MATTER OF ACADEMIC WORK and etc., for a party of six, in addition to The equipment necessary for work dur- credit the colleges are taking measures his duties as secretary. Despite the hard ing the winter has been moved to the for carrying into effect the general plans work which the position entails, Dr. newer plant on' South Hill; and there and provisions announced by the Univer- Pumpelly looks forward to an enjoy- the company, with the men who were not sity authorities last week. Thus in Arts able and useful trip. His earlier visits discharged when production was reduced and Sciences students who remain through, to France and his experience there dur- after the signing of the armistice, will out the present term will get credit in ing the war, as well as his wide knowl- continue work on airplanes for the Gov- residence and credit in hours for courses edge of modern languages, render him ernment until the remaining' contracts actually passed. In the professional col- abundantly qualified. The head of the are filled. leges students will have credit who have commission is Homer Folks, formerly CHARLES A. BREWER, city chamberlain passed courses in the curriculum pre- New York State commissioner of chari- during the last five years, has been ap- scribed for the technical degree and ties. pointed auditor in the office of the Uni- other courses permissible as electives. A NEW CITY' HALL has been proposed versity Comptroller. And in all colleges courses will be so as a memorial to Ithaca's soldiers in the arranged-that students who have earned THE SAGE CHAPEL PREACHER for next great war. The proposal, made in some credit this term may go ahead and that Sunday is the Rev. Tertius Van Dyke, detail, at a recent meeting of the Ro- those who have not earned credit may of the Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, tary Club, by City Clerk William Ogden begin. ? New York. There will be special pro- Kerr 77, has met with pretty general grams of Christmas music. THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNI- approval. Plans for a new civic build- VERSITIES held its annual meeting last ing were drawn some years ago, but THE RETAIL MERCHANTS of Ithaca, by Wednesday and Thursday, December 3 were held in abeyance because of more agreement through a central committee, and 4, at Harvard University. Cornell pressing demands on the city funds: will give ten per cent of their cash was represented by President Schurman Now7 Mr. Kerr's complete analysis of sales on Saturday, December 14, to the and Dean Creightoii of the Graduate the finances shows that the project, in- Tompkins County War Chest. By wide- School. The members of the British volving an estimated expenditure of advertising of their offer, the trades- Educational Mission now visiting this $300,000, is entirely feasible. Prompt men hope to attract numerous buyers, country were present, and at both fore- and energetic action seems assured. especially those doing their Christmas noon and afternoon sessions on Wednes . Pride in the city and the services of her shopping, who in this way may make day they spoke alternately with the sons should stimulate endeavor. It is their money do a double duty. 134 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS personal jurisdiction one hundred and ing from wounds received some time be- ARMY AND NAVY five civilian inspectors and six enlisted fore, but that he had recovered sufficient- -——— 1 men.
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