‘ " il m VOLUME XXVI “AW The County News For Everybody” MOEKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1943 “AH The County News For Everybody” NO. 50 HEREftTHERE Critical Need PRESBYTERIAN Axis is Pusiied The Rev. John A. MAcMurrAy, new pAstor of the Mocksville PresbyteriAn church, hAs Arrived And services will be held Sun­ dAy At the usuAl time of 11 A. m. Of Smaii Grain' And 8 p. m. As Fiftii Year REVIVAL Liberty Pilgrim H 0 1.1,n ess church win hold its AnnuAl fAll revivAl beginning SundAy And *Seen In Davie continuing eAch night At 8 Of War Opens By D, C. RANKIN o’clock for A week. There will As the fifth year of the war was ushered in on Septem­ (Davle Connty Agent) Duke Professor be three services on the second Scouts to Get LOCAL COURT And third SundAys in the month ber 1, Pope Pius called for the end of the war by the end of The feed situation for this Helps Farm Eagle Badges winter is critical. Davle county with dinner on the grounds. this year and a'^ust peace which would give the people of Dr. J . B. Rhine, profesior of Cornelius Boon, Jack Ward farmers who depend on buying TERM SHORT The Rev. R. L. Bowling of FrAnk- the world “peace, bread and work.” psychology at Duke university, and Jack Graham will, be feed should make every effort to llnvllle will conduct the services, At the same time there was tremendous activity on the believes In putting psychology The August mixed term of su­ awarded Eagle badges, one ot grow their own feed. The only Assisted by the pastor ,the Rev. to work Kt manual labor to perior court wAs concluded here the highest honors in Scout­ battlefronts. thing that can offset this sit­ H. R. Helms. help the war effort. He la lAst MondAy After only one dAy. ing, at the meeting ot the The navy announced that an airplane carrier taak uation is to produce a large crop spending his vacation on the Judge 3. WUl Pless, Jr., of local Scout troop, on the night force had landed on Marcus islands, 1,200 miles southeast of small grain. RESIGNS farm of Hannon McMahan lo MArion presided And AvAlon E. of September 10. The awards Davie county farmers are N. T. Foster hAs resigned As of Tokyo. Davie helping to harvest the HAll, district solicitor, prose­ will be presented by Bunn urged to seed All the smAll grain custodiAn of the Mocksville Berlin got its second mammoth raid of the war Tues* sugar cane crop to make mo­ cuted. Hackney, Scout executive ot they possibly cAn this fAll. We schools After yeArs of fAithful day night, the RAF losing 47 bombers. lasses. The docket follows: the Uwharrie district. Bryan Are interested in bushels of service. Mr. Foster decided to Not only have the Russians taken Taganrog, German Lee Flynt, non support, con­ spend his time pAinting, As he Sell is the locAl Scoutmaster. grAin, therefore, every prActice hinge in the south, but the Reds are smashing along a 600* Center Homecoming ■ tinued under former order. hAs been doing this summer. He The AwArds will be mAde At A which will tend to IncreAse our meeting of the locAl mer­ mile front from Taganrog to Smolensk, the most Important yields should be used. Every PAul Angell, AbAndonment, hAs been replAced by John Program Is Given Smoot. chAnts AssociAtion, sponsors kind of grAin is needed, wheAt, cAlled And fAiled to AppeAr, Qerman-held point on the eastern front. The Russians are The homecoming progrAm of of the locAl Scout Troop. oAts, bArley And rye. FArmers are cApiAs. reported retaking 100 towns daily. Center Methodist church which FILES, CABINETS Asked to grow the kind of grAin ClArence Bowles, non support, TAGANROG IS RECAPTURED will be held SundAy is As fol­ The Red Cross needs flies And TIRE ALLOTMENT which they Are best suited to continued under former order. In its sixth milestone of the summer offensive, Rus­ lows: cAbinets And persons hAving any The, September tire And tube hAndle. It will All be needed. O. R. DAlton, reckless driving, they will loAn Are Asked to Al­ Allotment In DAvle Is:, GrAde sia captured Taganrog Monday. This city was the south­ At present it looks like we will 10-10:30 A. m. SundAy school cApiAs. session, WilliAm Anderson, su­ low them to be used by the locAl tires, 91; grAde 3, 77; pAssenger ern hinge, of the German line and means that the German ||hAve All the fertilizer we need. ClArence ChArles, mAnslAugh­ perintendent, in chArge. chApter. Notify Mrs. J. H. tubes, 93; truck tires, 32; truck front lines may possibly be withdrawn a hundred miles.to. Steps Are being tAken to mAke ter, nol pros with leAve. 10:30-11 A. m. MemoriAl serv- Thompson. tubes, 34; new pAssenger cArs, 3 the west. more fArm mAchinery AvAilAble. He voluntArily surrendered his In fiAct, more mAchinery is on ice>with distribution of flowers. ITALIANS WARNED OF INVASION driver’s license And upon Inves­ MARGARET BLACKWOOD TO NEW YORK the mArket now thAn we hAve 11-11:30 A. m. Cemetery Im- Italians have been warned by radio that the United tigAtion by the solicitor wAs Lieut. iMArgAret BlAckwood, The Rev. Henry A. Lewis, for­ bAd for the pAst yeAr. It is be­ provehient to be discussed by All found 'incApAble of driving A cAr. Army nurse, who hAs been in mer pAstor of MAcedoniA And Nations are ready for a new offensive "which may start lieved thAt we will hAve twice As interested in the cemetery. Roy Smith, driving drunk, $60 foreign service in AustrAliA And Houstonville MorAviAn churches, when and where they wish.” Meanwhile the aerial assaults much mAchinery As lAst yeAr. 11:30-12:30 p. m. Sermon, by And costs. New GuineA since JAnuAry, 1942, hAs Accepted the pAstorAte of on Italian commimication and production centers con­ The lAbor situAtion will likely the Rev. R. A. TAylor of Kan­ Oeorge W. Stringer, driving hAs lAnded in SAn FrAncisco. the MidlAnd BeAch And New be worse in 1944 thAn it is now. nApolis, preceded by speciAl mu­ tinues at a heavy pace. drunk, costs to include $400 to She will stop At A government Dorp BeAch churches At StAten With these things in mind it sic. TROUBLES IN OCCUPIED COUNTRIES hospitAl in TexAs to hAve her IslAnd, N. Y. His successor hAs would seem thAt DAvie county R. L. Foster, Hitler is having much trouble in occupied coimtries. 12:30-1 p. m. Dinner on the eyes treAted And will then come not been chosen. fArmers Are In A better position Robert O’NeAl, breAking And tAbles in the grove. home on A furlough. She is A King Boris of Bulgaria died last Saturday, many think as­ to grow more grAin thAn Any entering, pol pros with leAve; in 1-2 p. m. Further sociAl con­ grAnddAughter of Mr. And Mrs. CUTTING SCRAPE sassinated, and his six-year-old son replaces him on the other crop, since it cAn be done nAvy. tAct period. M. J. Holthouser of Mocksville. Asbury StAnley,' who lives neAr with less lAbor. Jim Oill, lArceny, Jury verdict throne. The question now is whether or not Hitler can BAll’s store, is in the county JAil Only A smAll percentAge of our 2-2:30 p. m. Roll cAll of service not guilty. hold this nation in the war. In the last war Bulgaria was STOVE ALLOTMENT following A cutting scrApe In fArmers mAke it A prActice to men And women, with Appro­ O. B. Koontz, driving drunk, the first Balkan nation to open Germany’s back door to the The DAvie stove Allotment for reAr of the DAvie CAfe lAst SAt­ grow bArley. Where good lAnd is priAte insigniAs given to moth­ $75 and costs. Allies. September is: CoAl And wood urdAy night when he slAshed AvAilAble it is hoped thAt A lot ers And wives of service men FeUx Frost, AssAult, $25 And cooking, 12; oil cooking, 4; coAl Ted Hudson, who lives neAr Revolt broke out in Denmark with strikes and the of fArmers will try bArley this And women. WAlter F. Anderson, costs. And wood heAting, 9. County Line. The lAtter is in A Danish sailors scuttled 45 ships of their navy, ten also es­ yeAr. It Is the best substitute chief of police of ChArlotte, will EdwArd LeAgAns, Robert Jones SAlisbury hospitAl And, Although caping. Only four small toi*pedo boats were reported as re­ for corn thAt we hAve. deliver A 15-minute address. And Jessie Anderson, breAking SCHOOL HOURS severely cut. Is expected to re­ EArly seeding of smAll grAin 2:30-3:30 p. m. SpeciAl music And entering, nol pros with maining afloat in Danish ports. The Nazis clamped down The Mocksville school will open cover. is, of course, superior to lAte by visiting choirs, quArtets And leAve; in Army. martial law in the country, arresting King Christian and At 9 And close At 12 o’clock seeding, but smAll grAin cAn be other musiciAns, including the CebrAm Key, driving drunk, Premier Scavneius and members, of his cabinet. ThursdAy And FridAy of this The big ideA in the southwest seeded too eArly. As A generAl locAl choir. $50 And costs. week. Beginning next MondAy Pt^cific seems to be to throw the WASHINGTON CONFERENCE ^rule bArley should be seeded in 3:30-4 p. m. Short tAlks by Lester McCullough, driving will open at 8:30 and close At 1 JAps AwAy And keep the key President Roosevelt has returned to Washington from PeArly October, oAts the middle vArious speAkers.
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