H7548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 13, 2000 (Mr. INSLEE addressed the House. 2,000 years of age and over 350 feet in that they could earn a living utilizing their His remarks will appear hereafter in height, annually attract over one million adults household skills cooking and cleaning for min- the Extensions of Remarks.) and children from around the world who stare ers who couldn't. California was born a land of f in amazement at the enormity of the world's golden opportunities and to this day she con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tallest trees. Redwood National Park, home to tinues to call to those willing to take a risk in previous order of the House, the gen- over 110,000 acres, was established in 1968 order to improve their own lives. tleman from New Jersey (Mr. and expanded ten years later to protect the Many came to California for only a visit, but slow maturing redwoods. stayed a lifetime. The specious skies, majestic PASCRELL) is recognized for 5 minutes. Fort Bragg, California is the setting for the (Mr. PASCRELL addressed the mountains, and rushing rivers of Northern Annual World's Largest Salmon BBQ, which is House. His remarks will appear here- California stirred their souls, while her fertile held on the July 4th weekend. This year com- after in the Extensions of Remarks.) valleys, gentle climate, and endless opportuni- memorated the 29th anniversary of the event ties captured their imagination. Yes, gold fever f that benefits the local Salmon Restoration As- may have lured early settlers here, but even The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a sociation (SRA). Its goal is to replenish the though the stores of that precious metal have previous order of the House, the gen- once great numbers of salmon in the Northern mostly given out, people still flock to California tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) California waters. Members of the SRA are today. is recognized for 5 minutes. joined by volunteers from across the region As a third generation Northern Californian, I (Mr. PALLONE addressed the House. and help serve 5,000 pounds of salmon, 5,000 am very proud of the beauty and resources of His remarks will appear hereafter in ears of corn, 1,000 pounds of salad and 850 my native land. I am proud to celebrate the the Extensions of Remarks.) loaves of French bread. 150 years that this jewel has been an impor- f The First Congressional District is also tant part of our great nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a home to Solano County's Travis Air Force Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today rep- previous order of the House, the gentle- Base, which currently houses the largest airlift resenting California's Third Congressional Dis- organization in the Air Force. Travis, estab- trict in celebrating the Sesquicentennial of the woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is rec- ognized for 5 minutes. lished in 1942, is assigned to the 60th Air Mo- great state of California's admittance to the (Ms. KAPTUR addressed the House. bility Wing, consisting of the 60th Operations, Union. California's Third District is one of the truly Her remarks will appear hereafter in Logistics, Support, and Medical Groups. For diverse regions of the country. The district the Extensions of Remarks.) 50 years, Travis has presented the Travis Air Expo, attracting more than 200,000 guests stretches from Sacramento's urban, south- f each year, who watch this two-day event fea- western suburbs to the spacious northern CALIFORNIA'S SESQUICENTENNIAL turing multiple performances by some of the country of Tehama, serving as a bridge be- world's top military, civilian and vintage aerial tween the flat agricultural lands of the upper The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a demonstrators. The Travis Air Expo has estab- Sacramento River Valley and the state's north- previous order of the House, the gen- lished itself as the premier military air show in ern, timber-rich highlands. From East to West, tleman from California (Mr. FARR) is Northern California. the District lies between the majestic Sierra recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Speaker, these are just a few of the im- and Coastal Range. Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, on be- portant events held in the First Congressional The roots of the Third District can be traced half of the California delegation, I submit the District that reflect the strength, character and parallel to those of the state. On January 24th, following statements relating to California's integrity of our residents who represent the di- 1848, James Marshall reached into the icy wa- 150th anniversary of Statehood. versity of the entire state. It is appropriate at ters of the American River near Sacramento Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, this time, Mr. Speaker, that we recognize and and found the first gold nugget. People from I rise today to celebrate California's 150th An- celebrate the birth of the great state of Cali- around the globe came to California in search niversary. This is a momentous occasion as fornia. of their dreams. By August of 1849, the City we recognize the most populace and one of Mr. HERGER. Mr. Speaker, 150 years ago of Sacramento was born and nearly a year the most diverse states in the Union. With 52 this past Saturday the state of California en- later, in September of 1850, the State of Cali- Congressional Districts, each brings its own tered into the Union. I rise today to commemo- fornia was made into the 31st State. culture, tradition, attitude and history to the rate this anniversary, and to celebrate the re- The Northern portion of the district is home state. sources and treasures of the 2nd congres- to some of this country's most beautiful sites, California's First Congressional District con- sional district. including both the Lassen National Park and tains the finest wines, greatest fishing, and Historically, the great state of California is the Mendocino National Forest. The pictur- richest forests in our nation. From chardonnay most often associated with the Gold Rush. esque Sutter Buttes are considered the small- to cabernet, the vineyards within the First Dis- Northern California was the main destination est mountain range in North America. trict produce outstanding varietal wines. The of those in search of quick wealth. The banks Today, the District is one of the leading pro- 400 wineries use cutting-edge science with of the Feather River yielded great riches to ducers of agricultural crops, including an traditional techniques to provide wines of those who were in the right place at the right abundant production of rice, tomatoes, peach- every type and vintage, for beginning tasters time, but the precious metal that caused a es, pears, almonds, pistachios and avocados. to advanced collectors. rush to the West was not the only treasure The Third District is also the home of the Uni- The Napa Valley Wine Auction, held each that California possessed. versity of California at Davis, one of the lead- June, has become the largest and most suc- Young settlers whose dreams had not mate- ing research universities in the country. cessful charity wine auction in the world since rialized in the gold fields soon turned to the But most of all, what makes the Third Dis- its beginning in 1981. Hundreds of wine enthu- fertile Central Valley and envisioned golden trict special are the people who reside in it. siasts and auction-goers from across the na- acres of grain. Today those acres are covered The tight-knit communities in counties like tion, as well as a growing number of inter- with fruit trees, rice fields, and almond and Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sacramento, Solano, national guests, travel to participate in a gala walnut orchards, as the valley continues to Sutter, Tehama and Yolo instill a strong sense weekend of tastings, dining, art shows, and yield its agricultural treasure, making California of family values that will carry on through fu- auctions. As the auction has grown, along with the leading agricultural economy in the world. ture generations. the wines it showcases, it has raised millions Others looked at the golden promise in the I am extremely proud to reside in and rep- of dollars for local health care. Sponsored by vast forests. Their labor provided the lumber resent the Third Congressional District of Cali- the Napa Valley Vintners Association, the auc- for the growing towns and cities of Northern fornia. It is with honor that I rise today to rec- tion has donated over $16 million to local California. A tremendous renewable resource ognize the 150th anniversary of this Great charities, raising a record-breaking $9.5 million to the American people, our forests provide State and our wonderful district. this year alone. materials for homes and businesses, as well Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to North of the grapevines of Napa, Sonoma, as endless recreational opportunities and habi- recognize California's State Capitol, the great Mendocino, Solano and Lake Counties, lie the tat for unique plant and animal species. city of Sacramento, in celebration of the 150th magnificent Redwoods, which make their Some entrepreneurs recognized that there anniversary of California's admission to the home in Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino were other ways to gather gold than simply Union. counties. In the midst of large fishing and tim- panning in a streambed. They opened dry Located in the heart of Northern California, ber industries, these giant trees, some over goods stores, banks and hotels. Women found the River City of Sacramento boasts a rich September 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7549 blending of art and culture offering the com- gressional District.
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