3rd Bonn Conference on International Development Policy Programme GLOBAL LIFESTYLES – NEW PATHWAYS FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICY 30th and 31st January 2012 at World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), Germany The offi cial conference language is German; the entire conference will be translated simultaneously into English. Conference chair: Melinda Crane, DW-TV Monday, 30th January 2012 12.00 P.M. LUNCH BREAK FROM 9.00 A.M. REGISTRATION AND WELCOME COFFEE 01.00 P.M. PARALLEL FORUMS 1 AND 2 09.40 A.M. OFFICIAL OPENING FORUM 1 „Relevance of consumption habits and lifestyles Angelica Schwall-Düren for development policy“ Minister of Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media of Cheryl D. Hicks, SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050, North Rhine-Westphalia UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) 09.55 A.M. WELCOME ADDRESS Mohan Munasinghe, Chairman, Munasinghe Hall Mayor Jürgen Nimptsch Institute for Development (MIND), Sri Lanka, and City of Bonn Professor of Sustainable Development, University Manchester, United Kingdom 10.00 A.M. KEYNOTE Bernd Nilles, General Secretary, CIDSE - “Rio+20: the role of development policy in the international alliance of Catholic development preparation process” agencies, Belgium Brice Lalonde Imme Scholz, Deputy Director, German Executive Coordinator Rio+20, UNCSD 2012, France ABC Room Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) 10.20 A.M.Plenary KEYNOTE Chair: Christiane Grefe, German weekly “DIE ZEIT” “Food security – also a question of consumption habits and global lifestyles“ FORUM 2 „Political responsibility: Joachim von Braun Strategies for sustainable development policy“ Director, Center for Development Research (ZEF) Alfredo Benjamin Candia Torrico, Chargé d‘affaires at the University of Bonn of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in Germany* Yoke Ling Chee, Programme Director, Third World 10.45 A.M. KEYNOTE AND INTRODUCTION TO FORUM 1 Network (TWN), Malaysia „Effective development policy – the relevance Manfred Konukiewitz, Deputy Director Global and Hall of sustainable consumption and production Hall Sectoral Policies, German Federal Ministry for patterns“ Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Fanny Demassieux Klaus Rudischhauser, Director DEVCO B “Quality Coordinator, UNEP Resource Effi ciency, France and Impact”, European Commission Chair: Conny Czymoch, TV presenter 11.10 A.M. DEBATE AND INTRODUCTION TO FORUM 2 „Economic growth – a successful strategy for a 03.00 P.M. DISCUSSION sustainable global development?“ „The new NRW One-World Strategy – Results and perspectives of implementation“ Brice Lalonde, Executive Coordinator Rio+20, Plenary UNCSD 2012, France Plenary Stephan Opitz, Head of Department, Input: Angelica Schwall-Düren KfW Entwicklungsbank Minister of Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media of Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International, India North Rhine-Westphalia 3rd Bonn Conference on International Development Policy Statements: WS 7 (GERMAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE / DEUTSCHES INSTITUT Hartmut Ihne, President, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University FÜR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK) of Applied Sciences DIE: Udo Schlüter, Managing Director, Eine-Welt-Netz The rise of a new global middle class: implications for sustainable con- NRW (One-World-Net North Rhine-Westphalia) sumption 04.00 P.M. COFFEE BREAK WS 8 (RONDELL FOYER) endeva: 04.15 P.M.- WORKSHOP SESSION Innovating sustainable business solutions with people living in poverty 06.30 P.M. WS 9 (ROOM P 0.86) Particular aspects of the general subject will be discussed in 15 parallel Church Development Service / Global Policy Forum: workshops. The workshops will be carried out on the partners’ self- From Buen Vivir to Gross National Happiness. The debate around alter- responsibility in terms of content. The workshop languages are German native models of well-being and development goals in the run-up to the and English without any translation. The following organisations and Rio+20 conference. institutions will host different workshops: WS 10 (ROOM BC) WS 1 (ROOM P 0.87) Fairtrade International: German-African Business Association: The role of certifi cation schemes in creating sustainabl societies/ Nachhaltiger Auf- und Ausbau der Privatwirtschaft – gelebte Corporate shaping sustainable lifestyles Social Responsibility WS 11 (ROOM F) WS 2 (ROOM G) Germanwatch e.V.: BICC / Misereor: Climate Expedition – Resource Expedition – Food Expedition. „One Man’s Joy is Another Man’s Sorrow?”– Steps towards education for the great transformation Interplay between consumers’ behavior and confl icts around natural resources in developing countries WS 12 (ROOM A) Global Nature Fund / Südwind e.V.: WS 3 (ROOM RHINESIDE LOBBY) Smartphone oder Bloodphone? Mobiltelefone und die sozialen und Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development / GIZ: ökologischen Folgen in Ländern des Südens Deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu „Nachhaltigem Konsum“: Möglichkeiten, Perspektiven, Grenzen WS 13 (ROOM P 0.85) Kindernothilfe: WS 4 (DEUTSCHE WELLE) Umweltschutz ist Kinderrecht Brot für die Welt („Bread for the World“): Landraub für Teller, Tank und Trog. Was können wir tun? WS 14 - CANCELLED Ecosocial Forum / Senat der Wirtschaft / Vineta: WS 5 (DEUTSCHE WELLE) Kooperative Innovationsstrategien in der Green Economy UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP): WS 15 (GERMAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE / DEUTSCHES INSTI- Technical and Social Innovations in Developing Countries: Envisioning TUT FÜR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK) living in a Green Economy Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt: Verschwenden und vernichten? Lebensmittel- und Energiekonsum lokal WS 6 (ROOM D) nachhaltig gestalten The German Commission for UNESCO: Designing Global Lifestyles with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) WS 16 (HAUS DER GESCHICHTE) Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung NRW: Südafrika im 3. Jahrzehnt nach der Apartheid: Entwicklung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und sozialer Spaltung 3rd Bonn Conference on International Development Policy 07.00 P.M. RECEPTION AT DEUTSCHE WELLE, BONN FORUM 4 „Education in the area of development policy for WITH MUSIC BY BATIDA DIFERENTE sustainable lifestyles“ Christel Adick, Chair of Comparative Educational Tuesday, 31st January 2012 Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum Selina Juul, Founder, “Stop Wasting Food”- 9.00 A.M. WELCOME ADDRESS movement, Denmark Ulrich Post Ibimina Kakulu, African Round Table on Sustainable Chairman, VENRO – the association of German Consumption and Production (ARSCP), Nigeria development non-governmental organisations Klaus Seitz, Head of Policy and Campaign Department, “Brot für die Welt” 9.10 A.M. VIDEO IMPRESSIONS OF THE FIRST (“Bread for the World”) Hall CONFERENCE DAY Chair: Achim Schmitz-Forte, WDR 9.20 A.M. DEBATE & INTRODUCTION TO FORUM 3 „The next billion consumers: a challenge for 12.20 P.M. RESULTS OF THE CONFERENCE AND PROSPECTS sustainable responsible business“ Rio+20 and the perspectives of the MDGs Hans W. Meier-Ewert Plenary Hall Dirk Messner Vice President, German-African Business Association Director, German Development Institute / Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Managing Director, Europe, Middle East, and Africa of Plenary BSR – The Business of a Better World, France 12.45 P.M. CONCLUSION AND LUNCH SNACK IN THE FOYER 9.40 A.M. INTRODUCTION TO FORUM 4 „Education in the area of development policy for sustainable lifestyles“ Kartikeya V. Sarabhai *in Spanish language with simultaneous translation into German and Director, Centre for Environmental Education, India English 10.00 A.M. COFFEE BREAK 10.20 A.M. PARALLEL FORUMS 3 AND 4 FORUM 3 „The next billion consumers: a challenge for sustainable responsible business“ Charles Dickinson, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Quality Management & Sustainability at ESPRIT Christina Gradl, Director, endeva – enterprise solutions for development Nicola Oppermann, Manager Corporate and Government Affairs, Kraft Foods Germany Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International, India Chair: Heike Leitschuh, author & moderator Room ABC Room.
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