y ■ t ‘ ^ ' r rmncssDJCT, f E ncuxir \ Average Dally CIrealatlon The Weather FsesM t a( O. a WentiMr Ben Far Om Moatk Jaawwy, lf4S 7,956 SUgbtly colder in Interior Mra. Qmthla K a n ^ of 44 Wells Meobtr «f tlw Andit nights dtmhrtshlng winda. nrtreet has returned home from the Important Notice Plan Camjpaign Willing Worker Ckiest Speaker A W tT o w n WEEK-END VALUES AT BiD«M M OteMtotians Waterbury hospital sdiere Me un- Manchester— A City of Village Charm Iderweat an operation. yfmr Ration Book Nsb 1' At Synagogue CUDMtorl For Red Cross Mr. and Mrs. Ocorge C M irier, if for any reason, you have uatU 9 (CtawalM Advnrtiataig aa Pmga 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1943 (TW EL^ PAGES) Pt o u i of 129 Oakland street who were not yet procmed your War Ra­ FOSTER’S MARKET married In Holyoke, Mass., on tion Book No. 1, you may apply House to House Can­ Rev. E. Dent Lackey to September 10, will set .up hous^ at the Liocal Ration Board, Lin­ 84 OAKLAND STREET TEL. 7886 keeping later this month at 248 vass Organization Is Speak Tomorrow Eve­ Dgoald ■. Winti of coln School, Friday or Monday, MiwMiyr WUmtiarton. Pern street Mrs. Palmer was the ning at the Temple. U. S. Marines Return from Guadalcanal 9:80 a. m. to S:1B p. m. Launched Last Night. w n Tod beta# Friitay «»d former Miss Esther Raganeastf^of Stock and Qaantitlcs Limited. New Ijondon. Mr. Palmer la em­ Baldwin Discloses Russians Menacing ; dqrfor M now bMo ployed at the East Hartford Air­ The residential committee for Rev, E. Dent Lackey, director —r*— — — — — t V0B& craft jdant the Red Cross Drive to start of the Division of Public Inform­ March 1 met at the Red Cross ation, wlU be tile guest speaker Wf Expect a Decent Selection ! MM. a s . i S i o f 11 Proctor rooms In the Hale and House block Aviation Cadet Elmer J. Duffy To Hold Class during the Friday night services, Plaiis to Combine IlMia g n p n Mrthdny p ^ y yw|- has left Chloo Flying school, and lost night Mrs. Wlnthrop A. Reid 4 te d a y aftacnoon from S:80 to aix had the rooms opened for the on Feb. 12, at Temple Beth Sho- — of Meat Vital Donets Basin; has arrived at Stockton for fur­ ZrlM r dBoghterBemly wbowsa ther training. He had an oppor­ meeting, and an additional room lom. ’The services will be dedi­ j m n old. Nino UtUo flrlo, In Nutrition was in use to make room for dis­ sad {dsymstes, s^ tunity for a visit of several hours cated to * the commemoration of 'flom e Made Sausage Meat Defense Agencies nmtm with Second Lieutenant S. J. tributing material. Mrs. Perclval 1 o»»a bad a meiry time with Linc«4n’s birthday and wlU begin Prentice before the latter left for Lloyd Davis a:-.d Mrs. Jay E. Rand T b» docorationa. faraia. led Gross to Give In­ completed sorting and ^ving out at 8 p. m. Rev. Lackey will further training In Florida. The speak on the subject: “God and A FINE SELECTION OP COLD CUTS— Also Flank Kharkov arp** o f the refreahment itema boys used to play ball together, struction How to Select the material for the drive to the won to keepbiy with ^proach- majors. the War.” Everybody Is cor­ FRANKFURTS — BOILED HAM — ROAST BEEF New Or^nization ^o\]ifeat K cp t and have followed each other at Mrs. A. Lawrence Rlker, Jr., an­ dially Invited to attend. t e S t Valantine’s day. Beverly the Sequoia, Chico and Stockton Balanced Foods. Handle Both Protee* g vna raaaemberad with a number nounced the list of majors who .. ’The Temple will obtain the new Break Fierce Resistanctff | air bases M California. •- a t nNtiy fltta. M ". Smith was will head the residential drive. The pews which will be set up In the live Services and Non- In Lockerii And Smash into Deep ' M M tod by her mother, Mrs. The Red Cross wUl sponsor a drive will differ In that. It Is or­ Sanctuary during the next weeli^ Large Cut tjp“Fowi ......................each $1.39 Baltic Region Hint ‘Ihe Business Glrls’ 'group of S t class In nutrition to help the ganized by districts and the cap­ ’They were purchased b y donAt-' Protective D u I i e s ; I jbaioa M Oaaapbin o f Main street Miss Dorothy Uow^^ German Defenses and Mary's Girls’ Friendly Society will housewives meet the change In the tains and team members will be Uons which have been made by Committee to Work j Big Amount A oard party, sponsored by t ^ be In charge of the "Swing Shift” selecfUn of food, which wlU be within walking distance, and can --------- members of the congregation and party Friday from midnight to 2 Van Camp’ s Milk 3 Cans 32 c Ranks of Reserves to 3l%maoe OommlttM of the Buck* available.. The restrictions put on solicit on foot thereby saving Miss Dowd, daughter c t Mr. they will take the place at fold­ o’clock Saturday morning In the Limited to 3 Cans. On Changing _ Setup. 1 Arouses Interest Oongregational <^urch various food; the scarcity of a gasoline. and Mra. Howard ^w d of Man­ ing chairs which have been used Stretch Two Amu parish house. Mrs. Dorothy Brown ^ be held Friday evening at choice of foods; and the quality of The majors are: Mrs. John Che­ chester Green, Is actively engaged until now. The pews will be in­ Millions of Tons Note Is chairman and others on the com­ Around Area; Setmt- aUtat o’clock at the home of Mr. foods will change our manner of ney, Jr., Mrs. Hayden Griswold, in war work In town. She was stalled In a special ceremony dur­ P e a s __Corn — String Beans ^ All Kinds of Dried state Capitol, Hartford, j mittee are Miss Evelyn Burrell, eating. It has long been recognized Warren Keith, Mrs. Harold Kes- treasurer of the Victory Bond ing the Friday night services on Feb. 12.— G o V e r n o r j Hoarded One Ansteer Mid Mra. D. W. Kelsey of Man- Miss I^orothy Johnson, Miss Elisa­ Beans — Some Com — Raisins — Pranes — Cereato — Prava Editorial I.ast Bit o f Likhaya«f^ rtiMtir Road. as a ^ t to be able to "Throw eler, Jacob Miller, Mrs. Joseph drive last fall. Is treasurer of the Feb. 19th. Baldwin announced today, j beth Strong, Mrs. E^th O’Brien something together” and have Pero, Mrs. Clayton Plneo, Robert local Red Cross chapter and sec­ Soaps — Soap Powders — Peaches — Pears — Fralt To Shortage; Figure Warning Post - War after an hour-long conference Stalingrad Railroads Corporal William Haberem, stm and Mrs. Alice Cordner. Miss Eva- dish fit for a connoisseur. H. Smith and Mrs. Charles Sum- retary of the Infantile Paralysis CocktaiL Higher Than in Past. line Pentland will be in charge of But often a connoisseur Judges Many of the majors have drive now In progn^ess. She is a with legislative leaders and Planners Should Keep a t Mr. Mrs. Haberem Allied Nations Moscow, Feb, 12,— (JP)— gamee. Russell Potterton will pro­ only by taste and flavor, neglecting started finding captains, and aaid graduate 'of Manchester High the General Assembly’s Mili­ o f Pumen Place is home on a vide dance music, Alexander Cole The Biggest Stock Their Hands Off. I IMough from Camp CampbeU, the qualities that provide nourish­ the spirit of cooperation Is won­ 8cho<q and at the present time is Juicy Sweet (Iranges ................. .. 2 Dozen 49c tary Affairs committee, that Chicago, Feb. 12— (A>)—Millions Breaking fierce resistance; will show sound pictures and Rob­ ment for the body and that build derful. Mrs. Raymond Bowers employed as teller in the Man­ In Manchester! of tons of meat are hoarded In re­ and smashing into deep, (ger­ V ain, ert Unsworth will give a talk. Re­ for strength. When one remem­ helped advise how new people in plans had been agreed upon Plan Program chester Trust Company.'"- Lai^e Pink G rapefruit...............; • 3 for 29c frigerated country food lockers. Washington, Feb. 12.— (/P) [ man defenses and ranks' o f The Inasmuch Group o f the freshments will be served. The bers that one-third of the men town could be contacted to co­ to combine-the newly created" — Considerable interest has 1 party is for the girls on the sec­ examined for the Army and Navy operate and work on the drive. PURE BRISTLE Seedless Grapefruit .............................^ fo r 2 5 c War ■ Council and tihe State De- John A. Kotal, secretory of nhe reserves, the Red A r m y t o ­ Church o f the Naaarene win hold Jamea T. Blair spoke a few ‘ .4. been aroused in official and Its monthly meeting, tonight at ond shift at the Pioneer Parachute were rejected because they were ALICE OOFBAM felnse Council In one organization. National Retail Meat Dealers As­ Economic Rivalry Fol­ day had stretched two strong company, other war workers and not healthy enough, one realizes words to the gathering telling how Sweet Large Tangerines .................... 2 9 c D o z . alsht tfCloek with ^ Mrs. Mary (Known As Queen Aflce) BRUSHES ’The new organization, he told hta sociation, said today. diplomatic quarters here by arms around the vital Nazi- soldiers of the regiment stationed that the cost of food had less to do Important it is for Manchester to 8PIBITDAL MEDIUM Kotol asserted hoarding In the -V ..............' :: : jr t lowing War Seen Disas­ Savtai 4S8 Main street Fancy Baby.
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