![M M M . ^ " the Niagara Mis Route." Men I for $500, M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER IT, 1891.-TEN PAGES- NO. 51 VOL. XVI. LOCAL .4IV» GEIVEHIAL Ilnlidav presenls in endluss variety a lileclion of ollicers nt Custer Council Ten per oont, olf on plusli sncquoa nnd Browne's Book Storu. * A, this evening, jaekola at M,-Gregor's, * The Leslie Ue|itthliciiii has eeeii enlar/jeil Heporl of Kariners' iliinic in another col Iiiniteiizn is gelling its hold upon many Burn, Deo, M, tn Mr, antl Mrs, Ben, Pol­ toeitflil iniffeiL uiiin. Gooil slinwin/f. Read il. of our lowtispoopio. lok of Wheatfield, a son, .1. 0. Shepanl has nioveil lo HidKoway, Philip Nieo haa the oonlract for grniiing Cull and seo tho bost natnred and bosl A Clinrlotio woman gave birth to three Lenawei) eoitnly. the lot around the ptimpinif station, looking clerks at Ford's Bazaar, littlo girls last Tuesday, One hns since died, ' GROCERY. The linest assnrlnieiit ol haiulkerchiefs Pay up, pay up, Wu iniist have money Mrs, Geo, Williams has sliiniped linen EVERYTmNGfortlie Holiday Trade and silk tiiulllors lo he IoiiihI at M. Gre(,'ot's.* huforu Jan, Isl, M. P. RowE & Co. * L'oo.ls for sale Doilies n specialty, *l|i J, E, Ferguson sells various porliniis of the A. .r. Walker ustiitn tn-dny nl ndtnittis The Ltirgcst Assoftnicnt or liooks This week we abniil issue I'l puces. Chapiti ctui't buy Gold Dust, hnl can sell A bn'ituar stock has been opened in the Irator's siilc^ Nn.\-l week il will hn 12 pn>;es nnil a Xmns No, 1 flour at fiOc a sack. Clinii building. west Blore of the Paddock block on Ma|)l at the Lowest Prices, Wo have the Most Coinpleto fjine of edition. street, The nuw depot at Eileit is up iiiid eiiidos- Dr. J. A. Thomson has runted iho lirick nd. It is ifoiii).' to he a thing of heatity A. •!. lioiiiiell snid a tliruu.year old Green- lionsu on Oak slreel, of Mrs. N. McRuherl. Bitrtiliain it Co,, of Lansing, dry goods Weljsler's Unabridged Olclionary for 89c. and lo lllo Eileiiiles a joy forever. haelcs (fehlini; lo S, .S. Vaughn ol •liicksoii, dealers, change tileir ad. in lliis issue. Wo refer our roadf.r.s lo the council pro- lust Satiiriiay for $100. Rend it, Silns E, Bnriiesaiid Miss.lesBie A.PIiipps, We liuve surpri.scd the people on cenilings lor aetioti on the uloelrio lighting both of Lanaing, were united in tnarriiigo Oroceries and K. Culver has an iiiinieiisu stoi.'k ol" jew. qiioatioti. We have 200 alliiiiiis iu stock, and ciin tin's book aiKJ Iiave sold many. A by Juslice Fert'iiHon last Motuliiy. oil)', walehes, ulooks, ute., ami ru chi'ap. *H lileasu you both in slyle niid pricu, ut big lot just fcccivcd. A. G. liall has a siieeial sain on Smyriui llrnwiie's Book Store, * Gent's underwear al cost, as I will not A. E. Williams cninuieiieuil selinol al rugs front now uiilil .Xnias. Read his ad. carry it in the fnltiru. This is it great op- Our Stamped Linens are going - Provisions North Aurelilis Inst iMotiilay. lie drives ihiB week. Loiii,'year Brcs., Maple street druggists porliitiity lor hiirifaitis. M. GtiEuoit. * from his lioiiiu in Alaietlon. liavn a holiday attiionuceinent in this isstii; fnst. More just received. Ten per eenl, oil my entire slock of dress Tlipy oO'er grual bargains iu gifts for these J. N. Smith bus a change nf ad. litis III the City, and at Clill'oril Meaeli ol l,iinsiii|{, was in ihe gnnds. M. GuEuoit. * occasions. woulc. His theme is sowing tnacliitips, bnt oily last Kriilay anil phiyi'il th" unriist nt Handiccrchiefs, just what you The new fiirtiiice 'ur the liiiii school has lie has not gone nut of the tnorchaul tailnr- the operii house in ihu eveninir. The Homo Insurnnco Company of Now want, arrived. It was drawn up hy .Ins. IJuriis iiig liusincaa^ York, sottloti the recent loss ol Harry Last Thursiliiy M. A. Heinuni ptiruliasei lust Tuesday, weiKhititt 12.'200 lbs. Hodges at Edutt, last TuuHiliiy, Ho was Wm. Norllirti|i, charged with an assault J3e sure to see m mm. of K. T. HnyHluii of Vevuy, the Inrnesl liui! our Plush Cases By iiitiltial aifruemeiit the dry good paid S822 2ij upon Geo. Dunham, was tried liefuru a uf the season. The hui; ilresseil M'i, and Albums, stores of Mason will close, until further jury iii.fufltice I'arkliiirst's court Inst .Mon Fair warning I All accoittils not soltletl The World, pnlillsheil hy W, G, llopkitis tioliee, al (it.'ifl, coninieneini; Duo, 2i), day and arqnilled. before .(aniinry 1st will ho placed in llie ol lite late .Suiuklirideu Tiiitnjrs, hns heeii VVc have good looking and good TRY OUR TEAS! "Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde," the fourth hands of a collector. E, P, RoWE it Co, Tlie Eden .Sunday school and its frienils latitieheil Iroin I'erry, .Sliiawassue euitniy. natured clerks to wait on you, eiilorlaiiitiient In .Manauer Culver's cotirso will enjoy the delights of a Cliristinns tree In the circuit court at Liitisiiig lasl Mon Don't furyet that thu plnuo lo huy Cltrist- al Rayner opera house Monday evening. They cordially invite evHrybnily for miles day tnortiing Judge Person grniilcd Eslell ]3c sure to come and .'••ce u.s. They aro the Best in tlae City iiias prusotils, is al iirowiie's hook store, around to uso their tree for the niediiitn ol We tiitisl have inniipy. Please call nnd C. K'ueno a ilivorce fi'oin Edward F. Keeno lirst door aotilli ol iiostnllicn, Masnn. * tnakitig their Xinas L'ifis, settle, Marle & LEyvis. upon the ground of desertion. FORD &. KIRBY. Jtospeotliilly, J. A. May, rnruierly editor of the News, 'en percent, oil on hiilies' and children's Rev, W. J. Mayhiie will deliver the fourth The regular nineting nf tho W. C. T. U has heen re elected one nf tlin directors of tiiiderwear in scarlet, natural wool and nf a fieriefl of Bertmins on the "Parablu of will hn held at the hiitini of Mrs. Dr. Rout thu First Stalu nuil Savintis Hank, liowell. while, M, OiiKtiiiR, * W. M. PRATT, the Prodigal Son" in llieM. B. oliurcli iiu.xl on Friday at lliree o'clock. Wo would Tho Htnnku stuck of the Plifoiti.\ mills aiinday evenittg. gladly welcome nuw niettihers as well as John Dtvyer, disorderly second nlTetise, took the tliiid tumhl.' Inst Tliursilay. It tho old ones. WIIH sotitotu.'od to 05 days in the Delruil Daniel Knapp, aged iihoiit 75 years, XR looks somi. the worse for so tiitiuh IVtskiness liouae nf correction, Lewis Riclinrds, same, IlusliicHR Directnrv. 'jifliiuer ol Williatuslon, died at his lioini, Settle tip. All notes iltiil accoiiiits due waa givnu 00 days in the hiiiuu iiisliutliou The Y. .M. C K. will hold ils semi aiiiunil in lhat village of apople.vy, after an illiies/ must be piiid belore Jan; 1, 18!)'2. 1 intiiu by Justice Forgtison last Monday, You spend a cent in Footwear be­ physicians. deetinii of ollicers Weilnesday ftvuiiinj,', of only a lew hours. have thu tiioiiny Dec. ;iOlli. L. C Wkrii, Tho Clothier, Last summer tlieru weru 8\K or seven fore you Iiave taken a look at our R. A. J.THOMSON. Physician and Siirj;eon. Of­ Robert Nourse of Wushiugion, D. C viiciitit linsiiiess places anil from 25 tn :iO iice over II. M. Williams' drug store. Mas)n. Three limes the largest stock ol rolies styled "llie greatest drainatio orator ol the Wliilo going to eliiireh Insl Siitiday oven stock and our prices, you'll make DJiMldence, McRolmrt honse. Oak street. hniises not occupied in this city. Now ami hlankuls in ilie city, at L. C, Wehh's, world," will deliver his fritiioits lecture, ing L S, Bates slippeil ai.d fell lienvily lliere is not n vncaiil hnsinesa ))lace iiiii a niiscakc, and tiie more you .spend llle clothier *'> "Dr. ilekyll and .Mr. 11 yde," at llin opera tipnn the sidewalk in front nf his resiiloiic NIvliti'i'IlH luiH^iTiHJ, OIHcn (tVltl I'dHtulUco. hardly an emptv liutisn. Why is it? L. house lU'.vt Mnndity evening, Dec. 21st. the bigger your mistake will be. ,lnliii Ij Siroiip nnd Miss Slellii 0. spraining his lull wrist and itijiiriii!; hia D.OREEN, M.I)., lloairapalhlst.Olttciiln Polar siile. Taken iu cotijuiictiun with his rlieii The case against Isaac Ivane, oharuud Iliiekctl, liolh ol this cily, were mnrriutl at For dolls, iilhnins and toys, go to Ford'i blook. Residence, llrst dour east Prea.ohnrch iiialistii the liiirls have been very painfiil, with carrying cniiopiiled weapons, wai set G. .esliu last Tliursiliiy eveiiiiii.' I.iy Rev..litmus Bazaar. * Wehsier, for Irinl ne.xt Monday, Dee. 2lal, nl niin •WHY? ATTORN F.Y8. The hoard of dirt'clnrs of ilio li'lrst State Tho Michigan ,GondeasBil Milk Co, ol 'clock in the foreiinoii bufore .liisliee Park jcsliu was li(.'lilcd by uleclricily fur the and iSnviiiiis Hank chose its ollieurs I'or llii! Lansiiii.', will soon add $15,000 worth ol itral, Prospcuior Prosaer appears fnr llie St. CILMMINS, Attorney ami Cmieselor at lirst liiiie Inst Thiirsilay eveuini;, ,Sliu feels now inacliiiiery lo ita pliitil, which will ]3ecausc we can give you more for Law. Olllce oviu- lliiward's Orooiny, Mason, unsiiini; yenr lasl Monday ns follows: II people and ,1111100 Q A. aiiiilli for the dft. dniililu its capacity, Goti, R. A, Alger of ns proiiil of ihuiti as thu hoy with his lirsl Ileiiilursoit, presiilctil; 0. W. llaistead ieiifli'. your money, by at least 25 per pair of hoots, vice preflideiit; F.
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