July 23, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7947 either choice if we do nothing to ad- shook my hand or patted me on the back, down to a wonderful meal. It was not dress the problem of long-term debt. and told me, ‘‘We’re proud that your son until the next day when Shirley real- Regardless of the global threats we fought for us and sacrificed for us.’’ ized Brian had emptied out the freezer, face, we will be forced to field a small- Maybe it is not so surprising if you and there was nothing left in the house er and less capable force. The money know the dedication Brian put into ev- to cook. will not be there. erything he did from a very early age. Brian graduated from Greenwood When most Americans think about Jack Wright, Brian’s Sunday school High School in 2003, and after serving threats to our security, they come up teacher, remembers when Brian was a as commander of his school’s Junior with a standard list. But few people in- young middle school student who ROTC Program, he enlisted in the clude our growing national debt. They would participate in the two-hand Army. He was assigned to Company D, should—because it is real and it is seri- touch football games that were played 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, ous. after Bible study services on Wednes- 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, Based on current trends, it is quite day nights. stationed in Vicenza, Italy. possible to imagine some future Chair- ‘‘Brian was never the biggest or fast- Brian’s family remembers how Brian man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff walk- est,’’ Jack says, ‘‘But no one put more loved what he was doing and took pride ing into the Oval Office one day and in- effort into the game and no one en- in his work. His mother Shirley was forming the Commander in Chief that joyed playing any better than Brian.’’ proud of her son’s humanitarian work he has no choice: he can either protect That enthusiasm carried over when in uniform. In Afghanistan he distrib- the sealanes in the Persian Gulf or he Brian joined the football team at uted seeds to the Afghan farmers and can protect the sealanes in the Sea of Drakes Creek Middle School. Brian helped provide security for the engi- Japan, but he cannot do both. On that also liked basketball and baseball and neers to build roads and rebuild the day the United States of America will could often find a pickup game with country. no longer be the guarantor of the inter- the neighborhood kids many nights Madam President, we must keep national trading system, sea lines of after school. Brian’s family and friends in our communication, the security of our al- In high school, Brian joined the Jun- thoughts as I recount his story for the lies, or even our own independence. ior ROTC Program, and just like in Senate today. We are thinking of his All of this should matter to Members those football games, he put his all mother and father, Shirley and Toney of the Senate. Americans trust our Na- into becoming the best. He succeeded Gorham; his sister Brandie Dixon, and tion’s intelligence and uniformed per- by being in the first group to complete her husband Lawrence; his brother sonnel to protect them from distant his ROTC Program’s Leadership Acad- Henry; his maternal grandparents, threats. But it is incumbent upon the emy. Roger and Esther Bunch; his paternal men and women of this body—those of That achievement was symbolized, grandmother, Neil Tabor; his aunt, Re- us who control the purse strings—to on Brian’s dress uniform, by a silver gina Peterson; and many other beloved make sure the Nation’s resources are band around his right shoulder. Jack family members and friends. managed in a way that enables these Wright remembers Brian would proudly Madam President, Brian had a 1976 forces to do their work. The men and wear his ROTC uniform to services at Chevy pickup that was passed down women of the Senate must look beyond Woodburn Baptist Church for many through the family. He called it Old the narrow demands of a single polit- years. Blue. He would often have a hard time ical term in office or the next election Brian still found time for fun, of starting it and had to wake up his sis- to the long-term security of our Nation course. He loved to fish, explore the ter to start it for him on some days. and, indeed, the world. No one else can caves near his house, and float down When Brian was in the hospital in protect the American people from the the creek in his friend’s boat. One time Texas, he told his father that he want- diminishment of power and capability Brian and some of his friends were rac- ed the two of them to work on restor- that come with our dangerous and ing go-carts and decided to hold a con- ing Old Blue together. Brian did not ever-increasing national debt. test to see who could drive through a get to finish that task. But Toney has f huge mud puddle and come out the the pickup in his garage now, and he muddiest. promises to fulfill his son’s wish. HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES This is one contest Brian’s parents Our country must also fulfill a prom- PRIVATE FIRST CLASS BRIAN L. GORHAM are probably glad he did not win. An- ise to PFC Brian L. Gorham and for- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, other boy was so muddy that when his ever honor his service. It is the least with sadness I rise today to speak mom came to pick him up, she made we can do after his tremendous sac- about a fallen warrior from my home him ride home in the trunk rather than rifice. State of Kentucky. On December 31, on the seat. Madam President, I yield the floor. 2007, PFC Brian L. Gorham succumbed Brian was close to his sister Brandie f and his brother Henry. When they were to injuries sustained earlier that RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME month when an explosive device struck kids, Brandie made Brian play dolls his vehicle while on patrol in Afghani- with her, although the easy-going The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- stan. Brian did not seem to mind. Henry was pore. Under the previous order, the Private First Class Gorham hailed his big brother’s little shadow. The two leadership time is reserved. from Woodburn, KY. He was 21 years would watch wrestling together and f old and was able to spend the last days act out the wrestling moves. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- of his life not halfway around the world Henry remembers during one of his TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 but back in America—in a hospital in football games at school, both his par- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Fort Sam Houston, TX, to be precise— ents were unable to attend. Henry was pore. Under the previous order, the surrounded by his loving family. not doing so well until he heard his big For his bravery in uniform, Private brother Brian cheering him on from Senate will resume consideration of S. First Class Gorham received several the sidelines. That gave him the extra 1390, which the clerk will report. The bill clerk read as follows: medals, awards, and decorations, in- confidence he needed. cluding the Army Good Conduct Medal, Brian’s mother Shirley also remem- A bill (S. 1390) to authorize appropriations bers a time when she and Toney went for fiscal year 2010 for military activities of the Purple Heart, and the Bronze Star the Department of Defense, for military con- Medal. away for the weekend, and Brian called struction, and for defense activities of the At Brian’s funeral service in Frank- her to say he was cooking dinner for Department of Energy, to prescribe military lin, KY, hundreds of people came to some friends and not to worry, they personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and offer their sympathies to his family were sharing the cost. He said he would for other purposes. and friends. Brian’s father, Toney Gor- have food ready for them, too, when Pending: ham, said: they got back. Kyl amendment No. 1760, to pursue United It’s hard to believe that so many people, a So Shirley and Toney came home to States objectives in bilateral arms control lot of them I don’t know, walked up to me, find Brian had barbecued, and they sat with the Russian Federation. VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:46 Sep 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\S23JY9.REC S23JY9 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S7948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 23, 2009 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ities. I would point out that we waited the unanimous consent proposal last pore. The Senator from Michigan. for a couple hours yesterday for the night could be offered by him. If that is Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, we are same Senator yesterday afternoon to not agreeable to the Republican side, now back on the bill, as the clerk has be able to come to the floor to address then I obviously am not going to make indicated, and as the Acting President another amendment. At the same time, the suggestion. But it would not delay pro tempore has indicated.
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