08.12.2009 1 CONTENTS Fifteenth Series, Vol. VI, Third Session, 2009/1931 (Saka) No. 13, Tuesday, December 8, 2009/ Agrahayana 17, 1931 (Saka) S U B J E C T S P A G E S ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS *Starred Question Nos. 261 to 263 and 270 2-38 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 264 to 269 and 271 to 280 39-104 Unstarred Question Nos. 2895 to 3124 105-643 * The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member 08.12.2009 2 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 644-661 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 662 COMMITTEE ON WELFARE OF SCHEDULED 662 CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES Statements STANDING COMMITTEE ON CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS 663 1st to 3rd Reports CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE 664-676 Situation arising out of Government’s decision to disinvest shares in Public Sector Enterprises and steps taken in this regard Shri Basu Deb Acharia 664-675 Shri Pranab Mukherjee 664-676 DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS – 677 (GENERAL), 2009-10 DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS – 677 (JHARKHAND), 2009-10 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 684-695 (i) Need to set up a Polytechnic College in Hoshiarpur Parliamentary Constituency, Punjab. Shrimati Santosh Chowdhary 684 (ii) Need for implementation of Mega Power Projects in Orissa. Shri Amarnath Pradhan 685 (iii) Need to set up an Avian Research Centre in Thattekkadu, Kerala. Shri P.T. Thomas 685-A 08.12.2009 3 (iv) Need to include Piparhawa (Kapilvastu), a place of piligrim in district Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh, in the World Heritage list. Shri Jagdambika Pal 685-A (v) Need for financial assistance to ‘Rajiv Aarogyasri’ a Community Health Insurance Scheme implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh . Shri Rayapati Sambasiva Rao 686 (vi) Need to upgrade Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Mahendragiri in district Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu as a separate unit with its Headquarters at Mahendgragiri. Shri S.S. Ramasubbu 687 (vii) Need to set up a railway stationfor stoppage of trains either at Neema or Gopalpur onVaranasi-Lucknow railway line in Partapgarh Parliamentary Constituency, Uttar Pradesh. Rajkumari Ratna Singh 688 (viii) Need to follow up the proposed tripartite talks among Government of India, Government of West Bengal and representatives of Gorkha Jana-Mukti Morcha vigorously for grant of statehood to Gorkhaland. Shri Jaswant Singh 688 (ix) Need to set up a new fertilizer unit in place of closed factory of Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. Yogi Aditya Nath 689 08.12.2009 4 (x) Need to release adequate funds under calamity Relief Fund/NationalCalamity Contingency Fund to undertake relief measures in drought affected areas of Rajasthan and provide insurance benefit to the drought affected farmers from National Agriculture Insurance Corporation. Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal 690 (xi) Need to provide multipurpose Unique Identification Number after updation of National Register of citizens based on 1951 Census/1952 Electors’ List. Shri Radha Mohan Singh 691 (xii) Need to open a Kendriya Vidyalaya in Sambhalpur Parliamentary Constituency, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Shafiqur Rahman Barq 691 (xiii) Need to provide adequate quantity of fertilizers to farmers in Bihar. Shri Vishwa Mohan Kumar 692 (xv) Need to introduce Micro Irrigation Techniques in Tamil Nadu instead of major irrigtion schemes. Shri R. Thamaraiselvan 693 (xv) Need to establish a separate High Court in Tripura. Shri Khagen Das 694 (xvi) Need to release the amount of insurance compensation to the Potato growers in West Bengal. Shri Prabodh Panda 695 08.12.2009 5 DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 697-703 Report of the Liberhan Ayodhya Commission of Inquiry and Memorandum of Action Taken by the Government on the Report Shri Basu Deb Acharia 697-703 Shri Pinaki Misra 711-714 Shri Anant Gangaram Geete 716-724 Shrimati Sushma Swaraj 727-743 Shri Nama Nageswara Rao 744-745 Dr. Rattan Singh Ajnala 746-748 Shri Beni Prasad Verma 749-756 Shri Ramashankar Rajbhar 769-770 Shri J.M. Aaron Rashid 771-774 Shri Vijay Bahuguna 775-781 Shri Radha Mohan Singh 782-784 Shri P. Karunakaran 785-787 Dr. Tarun Mandal 788-789 Shri Narhari Mahato 790 Shri Prem Das 791 Shri Mohammed E.T. Basheer 792-793 Dr. Nirmal Khatri 794-798 Shri Thol Thirumaavalavan 799-800 Shri Badruddin Ajmal 801-804 Dr. Mirza Mehboob Beg 805 Shri M.I. Shanavas 806-816 Shri P. Chidambaram 818-838 STATEMENT BY MINISTER 704-705 Sequencing of the First Human Genome in India Shri Prithviraj Chavan 704-705 08.12.2009 6 ANNEXURE – I Member-wise Index to Starred Questions 839 Member-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 840-844 ANNEXURE – II Ministry-wise Index to Starred Questions 845 Ministry-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 846 08.12.2009 7 OFFICERS OF LOK SABHA THE SPEAKER Shrimati Meira Kumar THE DEPUTY SPEAKER Shri Karia Munda PANEL OF CHAIRMEN Shri Basu Deb Acharia Shri P.C. Chacko Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan Shri Inder Singh Namdhari Shri Franciso Cosme Sardinha Shri Arjun Charan Sethi Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh Dr. M. Thambidurai Shri Beni Prasad Verma Dr. Girija Vyas SECRETARY GENERAL Shri P.D.T. Achary 08.12.2009 8 LOK SABHA DEBATES __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ LOK SABHA ---------- Tuesday, December 8, 2009/ Agrahayana 17, 1931 (Saka) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock [MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair] 08.12.2009 9 (Q. 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I have already replied that there are only three to four districts, which the State Government has reported, where there is a drought like situation and in the rest of the districts in the Vidarbha region there was no drought. That is the information which has been communicated to us by the State Government. But the particular belt which the hon. Member has referred to is comparatively less irrigated. Perennial irrigation facilities in that part, as compared to other parts of the State, are less. It is an area which is essentially rain fed. Now, because of the impact of climate change and many such other issues there is uncertainty in monsoon and that does affect the crop.
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