Friday, Aug 17, 2001 Peterson Air Force Base, Colo Vol 45 No 33 News Space doctrine starts from the ground up By Staff Sgt# Jason Tudor Air Force (with other funds distrib- Air Force Print News uted between the Army and Navy) Also, several recommendations MAXWELL AIR FORCE were made by the Congressional BASE, AlaNothing like what he is Space Commission and approved by doing now has ever been done before Secretary of Defense Donald H 2001 Water There is little history to it It is being Rumsfeld, including: Quality developed from the ground up And n The Department of the Air Report everyone is watching Force is assigned responsibility to released That is why Maj Smokey organize, train and equip for prompt - Page 6 Reddoch, a doctrine writer for space and sustained offensive and defensive operations, wants to ensure what he is space operations doing now creates a legacy for the n The Department of the Air GSU Corner 37,200 airmen he serves in Air Force Force is designated as the executive Space Command and for the armed agent for space within the Department services as a whole of Defense, with Department-wide Reddoch, who has been in the responsibility for planning, program- Air Force 14 years, is working on ming and acquisition of space sys- what will become the new Air Force tems Doctrine Document 2-2, Space n The Secretary of the Air Operations, at the Air Force Doctrine Force will realign headquarters and Center here For a little more than a field commands to more effectively year, Reddoch and Maj Scott Cook organize, train, and equip for prompt 2nd Space Warning have shared the burden of uniting the and sustained space operations Air Squadron celebrates ideas and teachings of space operators Force Space Command will be 30 years across the Air Force and throughout assigned responsibility for and pro- - Page 5 the spectrum of services vided the resources to execute space Space is being accepted as a research, development, acquisition critical link, and it brings more atten- and operations Feature tion to what goes on in our doctrine, These recommendations and U S Air Force photo Reddoch said Its extremely diffi- others by the commission set forth a cult to generate doctrine for space number of opportunities for the Air "Space is being accepted as a critical link, and it brings more attention to what goes on in our because of its visibility and the fact Force, said Brig Gen Michael A doctrine," said Maj# Smokey Reddoch, a doctrine that we really have few historical Hamel, space operations and integra- writer for space operations at the Air Force experiences to follow tion director, and deputy chief of staff Doctrine Center at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala# The majors work is watershed for air and space operations "It's extremely difficult to generate doctrine for Eighty-five percent of all military space because of its visibility and the fact that we funding for space assets goes to the See DOCTRINE, Page 3 really have few historical experiences to follow#" Servicemembers attend military night Wing leaders share top 10 at the Pikes Peak or ORI starts Monday: Bust Rodeo ways to ace the inspection - Page 10-11 Team 21s Operational Readiness shine, it can color the inspection in you situation demands a display of urgency, Inspection kicks off Monday The following favor convey that urgency to the inspector A lit- advice on how to ace the ORI comes from 7 Have a professional personal tle hustle is a direct reflection of how we Brig Gen Bob Kehler, 21st Space Wing appearance How we display ourselves, train and evaluate Straight commander, Col Don Alston, 21st SW vice and how we look in our uniform is a direct 3 No-excuse for a repeat write-up commander, and Chief Master Sgt Fred reflection of competence and our profes- There is no acceptable explanation for mak- Talk Schoettler, 21st SW command chief sionalism A good hair cut, a sharp uniform, ing the same mistake Review the last ORI 10 Know the past/fail criteria and a crisp salute say a great deal to an report, IG messages, staff assistance reports Research the inspection requirements in Air inspector Remember, wearing the Air and anything else that will give you more Line Force instruction 90-201 and the AFSPC Force uniform means carrying on a tradi- information on previous and current prob- supplement to 90-201 Know what your tion of excellence lem areas We must go the extra mile every- 556-9154 compliance items are 6 Use the self inspection system day to ensure we meet our capabilities Call the 21st 9 Be professional and honest You The expertise to make or break an inspec- 2 Commanders, allow your troops Space Wing may not always see eye-to eye with an tion already exists within your unit Put that to shine Your troops have worked hard to Straight Talk inspector, but most issues can be resolved expertise to use by giving yourself an hon- prepare for the inspection Show your trust in your favor if you keep your cool Also, est look and confidence in them Talk to them; Line for cur- dont hedge or try to lie your way out of a 5 Perform all actions with maxi- praise them for the hard work they do rent informa- tough situation Remember, integrity first is mum demonstration Avoid simulating a 1 Always keep safety in mind - tion on wing one of our core values task unless told to do so by an inspector Under no circumstances can we jeopardize 8 Have the right attitude There are Our inspection performance should mirror safety in an attempt to impress an inspector events and two views on any inspection: a chance to our day-to-day operations as closely as pos- Safety has to be first on our minds From exercises shine or an opportunity to fail Your view sible How we fight is being evaluated, not using personal protective equipment to fol- plays a big part in how you are perceived If how we simulate lowing safety procedures to work area safe- you approach the inspection as a chance to 4 Display a sense of urgency If a ty there can be no short cuts SPACE OBSERVER 2 Friday, Aug# 17, 2001 From the top MessageMessage fromfrom thethe Action line 21st Space Wing commander Submitting Action Lines 21st Space Wing commander The Action Line (556-7777 or by fax: 556-7848) is your direct The time is now we are ready! success is high, but I believe it is with- The Operational Readiness Inspection in our reach Our history shows, when link to me It provides an avenue starts Monday we work as a team, whether it is across for you to voice concerns over As a wing we have spent the last mission requirements or time zones, we unsolved problems, share good few months focusing on Fighting the expertly achieve our goals ideas or provide some construc- Wing This means we always keep a Thank you for all your hard work tive criticism focus on our operational mission while and effort put in to preparing for this As a reminder, the Action Line also following through with our vari- inspection It has made us a better is not a replacement for using ous host unit responsibilities I think unit Keep up the great work and be your chain of command Action we have all learned a lot and the right safe Lines can help make the Peterson processes are in place for our success Complex and the wing a better I am looking forward to showcas- Brig Gen Bob Kehler Brig# Gen# Bob Kehler place to live and work ing our mission and people The bar of 21st Space Wing commander Missile defense's 'sweet spot' of success An unarmed Minuteman By Jim Garamone Of the 23 items tested in the flight, II Intercontinental American Forces Press Service only one did not work "The system and Ballistic Missile target the elements performed for the most part vehicle blasts away WASHINGTON, Aug 10, 2001 -- as expected," he said "We did have one from Vandenberg Air The test of the ground-based ballistic mis- anomaly, the ground-based radar proto- Force Base, Calif#, July sile defense system July 14 was almost a type, which is a prototype of the X- band 14# Nearly 30 minutes later, it was destroyed complete success, Ballistic Missile radar It is located at Kwajalein missile by a Minuteman II ICBM Defense Organization officials said range prototype interceptor Aug 9 "The last objective that we wanted it fired from the Ronald The exoatmospheric kill vehicle to perform was to switch its track from Reagan Missile Site landed a knockout punch on the re-entry the re-entry vehicle to the kill vehicle and Kwajalein Atoll in the vehicle hitting the "sweet spot" almost report if it could hit, and so conduct as an Republic of the squarely, said Army Maj Gen Willie B objective its ability to perform hit assess- Marshall Islands# The Nance Jr, the program executive officer ment It did not successfully do that And successful test was for the project AFRTS Radio Report: it was a software issue We have deter- conducted in support of "Pentagon Says Latest Missile Defense mined the cause of that problem" the Ground-based Midcourse Defense Test a Success" About a minute before intercept, a Segment by the The intercept occurred about a foot database locked up when the software Ballistic Missile and a half behind the nose of the re-entry wouldn't permit testers to enter and delete Defense Organization in vehicle, Nance said a single-track file in the same cycle Washington and the "The largest piece of debris that we "We've already made the adjustment 30th Space Wing at saw, based on all the radar tracks and data and we're ground-testing that," Nance said Vandenberg# that we had, was about a six-inch size The next test is set for October and BMDO piece of debris in any dimension
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